Daughter Of Ethos: Crystal City Book 6

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Daughter Of Ethos: Crystal City Book 6 Page 15

by L M Lacee

They left with several others as Peyton looked at Penny. ‘Alright Penny, who is on the desk today?’

  ‘Meg until second-meal, then Nolan until eve-meal, then Paula until 21:00 and Iaan until 24:00. Then Jax until 08:00.’

  ‘Good, and you have made sure they all have time off?’

  ‘Yes Madam, it is scheduled.’

  ‘Okay.’ As they turned to leave, Peyton called a halt. ‘Hold!’

  Everyone froze as she asked. ‘My Iaan, my guard Iaan is on desk duty.’

  Penny said carefully, trying to see where she could have made a mistake. ‘Yes, Madam.’

  Peyton shook her head and said. ‘No, he is to guard me today, correct?’

  Netta said. ‘Yes, he will go out with you this morn.’

  ‘So he is not doing double duty.’

  ‘Madam.’ Penny asked puzzled by what she was saying.

  ‘Penny, I understand you do not realize this, but guarding me is stressful. The guards need down time to decompress, just make sure none of my guards pull double duty. If we do not have enough Warriors to stand guard at the desk, let Marlo know he will sort it out. If not, I am sure when Bendrix’s people are rested they may help, otherwise we will talk to Rose’s family. In fact, do not schedule any Warriors who are on personal guard detail, at least not for the day they are guarding, understood?’

  A subdued Penny replied. ‘Yes Madam.’

  ‘Look people, let’s not pretend this is normal. I am a target every time I step out of this Embassy, my guards are under immense pressure. In fact everyone’s guards are.’

  Penny nodded and said apologetically. ‘I am sorry Madam. It was an oversight on my part.’

  ‘Do not concern yourself, it is just a hitch and not a terrible one at that. Marlo, please find someone else for Penny and when I return, I would like to see the schedule.’ At Penny’s look, she shook her head. ‘Not because I do not trust you, because I know you, you will end up doing it yourself.’ She relented at Penny’s scowl. ‘How about I ask Kerol to check it for me?’

  ‘So it is checking?’

  Peyton used her Madam’s tone when she asked. ‘Really, is this to be an issue?’

  ‘Well not now!’ Penny snarked with attitude which made several of the others smile.

  Peyton pleaded with Kerol. ‘Kerol can you please.’

  Smiling, he placed a gentle hand over his mate’s mouth as he said. ‘It is done Madam.’

  ‘Thank you, so the meeting is finished. Let’s shop.’


  Leaving the Embassy was as straightforward as their arrival had been. They entered the car in the foyer, then traversed with the aid of the Gravatron to the parking level.

  Shopping with Peyton was Netta, Darby, Trina and her guards, Kent and Iaan, Zenerra and Lucerra. Ipeara was piloting and guiding their way through the City. Honor and Midnight were their Prowler unit, the kits had classes at the Embassy.

  Peneria was enlisted to guide all the expectant mothers to a high-rise that catered only for mothers and babies. Trina had politely declined the offers to accompany them, on their foray into the world of baby clothes and maternity wear. She opted to go shopping with Peyton and Darby. Neither one of them had been brave enough to ask Trina why she had not gone with the mothers- to- be. Especially after she gave them the look, which they were both sure she was learning from Kenera.

  The children were with Esther and Carrick and they were starting on their shopping for clothes and shoes and Peyton suspected a toys high-rise would be visited. As much as she wanted to shop with her children, she and Harm believed it would be safer this first time out for them to be separated. They had planned to meet for second-meal at a restaurant Peneria and Ipeara thought would suit.

  Heather, Patty, Dinas and Kate with Fox and Harm as guides decided to investigate the health stores. Even the Menturians allowed to shop with more credits than they had seen in luneras had moved like lightning to leave the Embassy. Bendrix had gone with Jerthem, Hawk and most of the Commanders, Larson and Marlo included to shop for clothes. Peyton had explained she hoped to obtain a dressmaker for the Draygon females. The males had promised to see if they too could find someone to help the Draygon males.

  Entering the shopping high-rises, they were met by what was referred to in polite society as a Valard. They were apparently a shopping complex concierge, their primary function was to direct patrons to specific shops that would cater to their wants and needs. The Valard would also arrange for purchases to be delivered promptly to the client’s residents.

  Ipeara had to explain who they were, and their responsibilities. When they had been accosted by the first male Valard, and Zenerra had almost taken his head. Luckily it only took a quiet word from Hue and Netta for the complexes security to be dissuaded from detaining her.

  The third high-rise they visited was dedicated to shoes, Ipeara told them she guaranteed they would find something for each of them. She was right, there were styles of shoes and boots none of them had ever seen before. Trina fell in love with a pair of shoes made from a gel like substance that cooled her hot feet instantly. The assistant explained they were designed to adjust to the needs of the person wearing them which made them popular with pregnant females from all over the galaxy. Trina, along with everyone else purchased several pairs in several colors. Peyton and Darby fell all over themselves to purchase several pairs of shoes that automatically adjusted their height, depending on what outfit was worn.

  None of them were in a hurry to leave the complex and spent time choosing footwear to purchase while being waited on by bots with wine and food. They all including Trina had a rosy glow when they finally left the high-rise lighter in credits but very satisfied.

  Now as they traveled to the next high-rise, Darby asked Ipeara. ‘Are the Valards always male?’

  Ipeara shook her head. ‘No, establishments as good as those we have been in, employ a male for the security and prestige. Other less expensive complexes will have females.’

  Lucerra asked. ‘So they feel females are less proficient to defend their people?’

  Ipeara agreed. ‘Clientele, and yes. Although economics comes into as well, a Valard like the ones in the high-rises we have been to, receive substantial consideration. The less prosperous the complex, the less they are able to pay a Valard.’

  Darby growled. ‘Idiot caste system.’

  Peyton said nothing as she looked around at the next high-rise they entered, which was dedicated to clothing. Ipeara stayed with the vehicle until it was parked securely.

  When they entered the shopping complex Netta, Darby and Trina bombarded the female Valard with questions about styles and the best shop for their species. Meanwhile, Peyton drifted over to a small corner shop. She was intrigued for no other reason than the window display was dull and uninspiring. The other shops had bright lights showcasing their sparkling displays. These shops were not large like the enormous stores they had seen on higher floors. Crammed on this level had to be over a hundred shops, all vying to sell their wares.

  Peyton squinted her eyes to look at the waist length vest in the window, it was embroidered with tiny stitches that almost made her eyes bleed. She knew Brenda would just adore it. Entering the narrow shop she slipped around display figures hung with colorful dresses and vests. Only to stop when she heard two feminine voices talking. She unashamedly listened as they spoke softly together.

  A very determined voice said. ‘I will not become her scallut, just to sell my designs, neither will I allow you too.’

  Another softer voice asked. ‘So what do we do? We have invested everything in this shop, and we barely make a living as it is. Will it really hurt to give her some of our designs and then maybe she will recommend us to her clients?’

  The first voice answered, and it was in a tone that said they had discussed this many times before. ‘Dearle Ervina, she will not recommend us, she will say they are hers. You have seen how she gobbles up people like us. She will take and take and we will get he
r crumbs, if she even remembers to pay us. No, we will endure, and we will succeed. We have too.’

  ‘Alright Ulyssa, you know best. Although we have one, maybe two wekens left, then rent and utilities are due again.’

  ‘I know Ervina.’

  The discussion seemed to have come to an end, so Peyton called out. ‘Greetings, anyone here?’

  ‘Oh my stars!’

  Peyton shared a smile with Zenerra and Lucerra, who had quietly followed her into the shop. Suddenly two very blue females with dark almond-shaped eyes rushed to where Peyton waited. Breathlessly they both bowed and said ‘Greetings.’

  She smiled as she introduced herself. ‘I am the Star Daughter.’

  They gasped and grabbed each other’s hands. Peyton ignored their reaction as Lucerra and Zenerra noting they were unarmed drifted around the shop, with Midnight and Honor following.

  Netta stomped in saying. ‘Please stop going off on your own like that. It is dangerous and annoying as all hayda.’

  ‘Lucca and Zen were with me.’

  ‘Regardless, do not do it again.’

  Darby arrived with Trina as Peyton tried to appear contrite but failed. ‘I am sorry… just you know, did you see the vest in the window?’

  Darby said. ‘No,’ and they went out to look at it. Peyton turned to the two females and whispered. ‘Ignore them, they always growl at me. So as I was saying, I am the Star Daughter.’

  The female with short light blue hair inclined her head and said. ‘Welcome to our establishment. My name is Ulyssa Bellpone.’ She squeezed the fingers of the female with long red hair standing slightly behind her and said. ‘This is my sister, Ervina.’

  Darby and the others all came back in and she introduced them to the sisters. ‘These are my sisters Specialist Darby and Commander Netta, and Kailee Trina and my pilot Ipeara. The dangerous looking females are my guards, Zenerra and Lucerra. My male guards Iaan and Kent are outside. Our Prowlers or you may know them as Turqualls are Honor and Midnight. I apologize for us barging in, but your clothes are beautiful and I am hoping for sale.’

  Ulyssa smiled. ‘We thank you, they are our own designs and they are most definitely for sale.’

  Peyton smiled in return. ‘Good, I do have a request which is, Zen, come here hon.’

  ‘Yes Star Daughter.’

  ‘Turn around please.’ She did and faced a large walled holo screen. Peyton said to the sisters. ‘See my problem? We need clothes for my Draygons. Oh, that is their species. Maikonia Draygons, if you were wondering.’

  Both females advanced on Zenerra, and Ulyssa asked. ‘How do we address…’

  ‘Oh sorry.’ Peyton smiled. ‘As Warrior Zenerra.’

  Ulyssa said, ‘Thank you Star Daughter. Warrior Zenerra, may we touch you?’

  She nodded with relief that she had asked and did not just grab at her as others had.

  ‘Please do.’

  Instantly she felt hands on her wings as well as saw a measure unit drop from the ceiling, it covered her from head to foot. Everyone else stood transfixed, like Zenerra they had never seen a unit such as this before. Luckily Ipeara, after the first high-rise, had explained many of the different instruments and bots they could encounter in the stores.

  Eventually Netta and the others wandered around the tiny shop looking at garments. Peyton smiled a thank you to Midnight when he nudged a chair toward her, she moved it over and pushed a tired Trina into it. ‘Sit and be good.’

  Trina smiled up at her. ‘Yes Mama.’

  Peyton grinned. ‘Cute.’ She asked the sisters. ‘So you are both Butariean?’

  Ervina answered absently. ‘Yes, we are.’

  Trina asked. ‘You have been here how long?’

  Ulyssa answered. ‘We were brought as slaves, when I was fifteen and Ervina was eleven yentas old. That was twelve yentas ago. Two yentas ago we arrived here.’

  Peyton said. ‘Oh, I am thinking there is a story here.’

  Ulyssa stopped what she was doing and asked Peyton. ‘Star Daughter, may I ask what species you are?’

  ‘We are Terran.’ Darby answered for her. ‘From Earth.’ She was going to elaborate but stopped when the younger sister said.

  ‘I thought so. They do not shop here, we are unable to cater to their needs.’

  Trina snorted before saying. ‘What nonsense, you cater just fine to our needs.’

  No one else commented, deciding Trina had said all there needed to be said on the subject.

  A pleased smile came over Ervina, and she lost a little more of her nervousness. ‘How did you know who we were?’

  Her sister stopped when she asked the question and they both looked expectantly at Peyton.

  ‘My heart-sister’s child is Butariean, her parents were killed just after she was born.’

  Ulyssa sighed. ‘That is good she has a family. We do not leave our home world often, if at all. Usually if you see a Butariean, it will be because they were stolen, or they were searching for something or someone. It does not happen often and once we have left regardless of the reason, we are never allowed back. It is a closed society, low level primer.’

  Lucerra asked. ‘What does that mean?’

  Darby answered. ‘It means low industry and no tech.’

  ‘Is that what Draygann is?’

  Darby nodded. ‘Yes.’

  Zenerra asked. ‘Who assigns the planets their designation?’

  Darby shrugged and looked at Peyton who spread her hands saying. ‘Don’t look at me.’

  ‘Well, I don’t know either.’

  Netta murmured. ‘Something to occupy yourself with tonight.’

  Darby happily agreed. ‘Yep.’

  Trina said softly. ‘So you were captured and brought here?’

  Ervina shook her head. ‘Oh no, we were sold to a pleasure planet, but the Mistress found we could sew so we were tutored by her as seamstresses.’ She said it like it was a normal occurrence, unaware of the effect she was having on Trina and the others.

  Ulyssa took up the tale. ‘Two yentas ago, before she passed to the afterlife. She gave us our freedom along with credits and passage on a ship she owned to the Capital. We worked until we got enough to open our own shop.’

  Trina asked them. ‘Why do you think she did that?’

  ‘I do not know, she was a hard female, there was no softness in her.’ Ervina replied.

  Ulyssa said thoughtfully. ‘I always hoped she realized she had been wrong to do as she did, and that is why she allowed us to leave.’

  Lucerra carefully asked. ‘A hard life for you, were you hurt or abused?’

  Ervina shook her head. ‘No, it was just the usual beatings when we were not good or quick enough with our sewing, and sometimes food was withheld. As slaves we had it better than some and at least we were not put to the circlet.’ Peyton frowned as she tried to comprehend the life these sisters had lived and what the circlet meant.

  Trina whispered. ‘It means they weren’t scallohed out.’

  ‘Oh, thank you.’ Peyton whispered back. Darby asked the sisters. ‘So you like it here?’

  They went back to their measuring, the younger one Ervina, snorted and said without thinking. ‘Hayda no, it is a heartless credit grabbing place… Oh, I am so sorry Ulyssa.’

  ‘For what?’ She touched her sister’s shoulder. ‘Saying the truth, we do not hide any longer. I told you that.’

  Peyton moved around and touched a dress in different shades of blue. ‘This is delightful, would you have something in the shade perrum?’

  Ulyssa smiled. ‘We do.’ She walked over to the wall and touched a pad and a tube slid out. She pulled out a roll of cloth in the exact color.

  Peyton sighed. ‘Oh, it is delightful.’

  Ulyssa told her. ‘I have had it for a yenta, no one has been interested in purchasing it.’

  ‘Will you make me some clothes with it?’

  ‘Of course Star Daughter, anything you want.’ Peyton touched it with reverence. ‘Thank
you.’ Ulyssa placed the cloth back in the tube and Peyton watched as she deposited the tube back inside the wall. Sighing, she murmured. ‘Just beautiful.’


  ‘So ladies, will you design clothes for my Draygons?’

  ‘Of course Star Daughter, it would be a challenge but one we would enjoy.’

  Lucerra said. ‘We have thousands of females and young, desperate for their own clothing identity.’

  ‘Oh… oh, we see.’ Ulyssa said, and they both looked sad.

  Ervina said quietly. ‘You should go to the other levels, they may be able to manufacture in the quantity you are looking for.’

  ‘Wait.’ Netta held her hand up. ‘We are getting a visitor.’ She said into her link. ‘Thank you Kent.’

  Suddenly they heard the strident tones of a female call out as she entered the shop, causing Peyton and the others to frown and draw in sharp breaths.

  ‘Ulyssa, Ervina, where are you scallut’s and who are the males outside, have you finally decided on another way to make credits? I hope you are more successful in selling yourselves than you were in your clothes.’

  Netta murmured. ‘Someone didn’t get the memo the Star Daughter is in the building.’

  Peyton sent her a quick grin as she moved slightly in front of both sisters. The female came to an abrupt halt when she rounded a large display and felt a sword blade at her throat.

  She whimpered. ‘What is the meaning of this, do you know who I am?’

  ‘No, and I do not care.’ Netta said to the well-dressed bejeweled matron. Her white hair was styled and her coverup and nails looked impeccable. She had to be somewhere between fifty and sixty yentas old and just shy of Netta’s height. It appeared as though she had spent time in a sun booth, her tan to Lucerra’s eye did not look natural.

  Peyton asked. ‘Do you know who I am?’

  The woman glared at her. ‘No, should I, scall…’

  ‘Do not finish that word.’ Warned Netta as she pressed her blade to the female’s neck causing a drop of dark black blood to appear.

  Shocked, the female wailed. ‘Eeek, you cut me.’


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