Daughter Of Ethos: Crystal City Book 6

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Daughter Of Ethos: Crystal City Book 6 Page 18

by L M Lacee

  They both sighed as Rayvan sadly said. ‘It would have been tremendous.’

  ‘Wow! Clever little warrior boy.’ Trina praised him.

  ‘I know right.’ Peyton agreed.

  The boys threw themselves into Wolf’s arms. ‘It no matter, we love you anyways.’ Draykin assured him, as he stood with the boys in his arms. His face mirrored his joy.

  Hope said softly to Peyton as she hugged her. ‘Mama our Papa is the giant ones brother, isn’t that wonderful, now Uncle Hawk won’t be sad anymore.’

  ‘It is wonderful and I am so very happy they are here too.’

  Draykin said from Wolf’s arms. ‘Auntie Peyton, Rayvan’s Papa is like my Papa.’

  Rayvan said. ‘Yeah.’ His eyes sought Kardan’s who reached over and took him from Wolf.

  Rayvan looked into Kardan’s eyes. ‘Papa, I waited for you.’

  ‘You did?’

  ‘Yep, me and Draykin help to keep Mama safe. Uncle Hawk says it is a full-time job and we are happy you is here. Now we can get some rest.’

  Peyton turned away and hung her head as she laughed, she was not alone. Hawk raised his eyebrows at his brother, who raised one of his own as he dryly said. ‘I see.’

  Rayvan nodded. ‘Yep.’

  ‘Aww, that is so cute.’ Trina sighed as she wiped a tear away, seeing it Peyton said to Patty as she walked in. ‘Greetings Patty, can you check Trina she has had a stressful day?’

  ‘Of course.’

  Jarrod said nothing, just smiled at a frowning Trina who grumbled. ‘Aww Peyton!’

  ‘Do not aww me. Just go with Patty, female who is gestating my nieces or nephews.’

  ‘Oh wow, that has to be the longest so far.’ Darby clapped in appreciation as Peyton smirked.

  Netta said. ‘Dayam, I had credits on you Darby.’

  ‘Me too.’ Stated Patty.

  Peyton pouted. ‘Seriously, none of you have faith in me, which is just sad.’

  Kardan placed Rayvan on his feet as Draykin was released by Wolf. Both brothers stared at Hawk and Reeve who shrugged. Hawk whispered as Reeve agreed with a nod. ‘We will explain it later, we vow.’

  Peyton laughed. ‘You guys. So little ones, I am happy you have all met your father and uncle.’ She said to Kardan and Wolf. ‘I can see you were a big hit, they love you already.’

  Kardan nodded. ‘I am lovable, as you will find out.’

  Reeve said. ‘We Elites are all lovable.’

  Peyton opened her eyes wide as she realized the brothers were serious. She quickly smothered the laugh that tried to escape and said. ‘Okay then.’

  Peyton cuddled Hope as Esther arrived carrying Keylan. Other than looking a little pale and drawn, Esther appeared as she always did, unless you noticed the darting eyes and the trembling hands. When she drew level with Kardan, Keylan threw herself into his arms. He deftly caught her and explained to Peyton.

  ‘Lady Esther has shown me the correct way to hold our daughter.’

  She smiled as she untangled herself from Hope and said. ‘I believe she has missed you.’

  He looked down in the sweet face of his daughter and smiled, causing more than just Peyton’s heart to flip over.

  Esther walked to where Peyton stood, they stared at each other for a few seconds. Then with a small cry she fell into Peyton’s arms.

  With a pained look, Peyton hugged her for a min, before gently leading her to a couch. When she saw a worried Hope watching them, she smiled and said. ‘Now, I am sure Dana and the nannies are not here for me or anyone else, so off you go.’

  Hope asked. ‘Mama is Grammie alright?’

  ‘She will be, but we need to discuss some things and that will be better without little ears listening.’

  ‘Oh Mama.’

  Rayvan asked. ‘Can we swim?’

  ‘Of course, in fact I have a feeling Enara and Enuru as well as your bondmates are waiting at the pool for you.’

  With another round of hugs and shy ones given to their father and new uncle they all went with their nannies. Keylan finally let Kardan go and reluctantly went with Dana.

  Nina entered with Avana minus Koana. At Peyton’s raised eyebrows, she smiled and told her. ‘Koana is with the nannies. Mama and the other ladies have not returned yet.’



  Amelia rushed in, saying. ‘I just heard, Karen and Penny are on their way back now.’ She ran over to Esther and hugged her. ‘Oh Esther, are you alright, were you hurt?’

  ‘No dearle just shaken up.’

  Amelia knew for Esther to admit even that much, she was more than just shaken up. She looked at Peyton and asked. ‘Is that true?’

  ‘I swear she is unhurt, Heather has seen her already. Where is Jorge?’

  Amelia smiled, although the worry did not leave her eyes. ‘Looking at a place with Marlo and Larson for a male’s night out. They do not want somewhere to rough or too upscale.’

  Peyton grinned. ‘I see.’ She looked at Esther and gently asked. ‘Do you think you can tell us what happened now?’

  Esther nodded and looked down at her hands while she bit her bottom lip. Amelia seeing the look, asked. ‘Would it help if I left you with Peyton?’

  Esther sighed and kissed her cheek. ‘Thank you sweet girl, for understanding this old female.’

  ‘Esther, I love you. And I do not see any old female. What I see is someone who needs to tell her story. So if I can make that easier for you, I am happy to do so.’ With that she kissed Esther’s cheek and went to stand with Avana and Netta who hugged her started whispering to her. Esther turned to Peyton and said. ‘I am being silly.’

  Patiently, Peyton told her. ‘Esther, dearle, there is no silly. Someone tried to kidnap you, so take your time and tell us in any way you can.’


  ‘Esther dearle, please, I need to know what happened to protect you and Carrick. Tell me, so I can get to doing that.’

  Esther fought tears and a smile as she nodded jerkily and rushed into speech. ‘Okay… okay, thankfully, the little ones were still in the complex. They had wanted to buy presents for the grandparents, which I thought was sweet. Dana and Carrick were going to take them to a shop we had seen earlier. By then I was feeling a little tired, so Lott and Salmah insisted I return to the car to rest. I will admit I was thankful to do so. My feet are not up to walking the distances in those high- rises. Carrick thought that was a good idea. He said they would return when they finished and we would all go to the toy shops. He had guards with him as well as Dana. I had Lott, Salmah and Steffan, Rickle and Klas to escort me to the vehicle, such nice boys.’

  Peyton knew she was rambling but did not hurry her. Whatever had transpired had shaken her confidence. So if she needed time to tell her story, she like everyone else would wait.

  ‘We had just reached the parking level when we were set upon, they came out of nowhere. I have to admit I was not very brave, I think I even screamed.’

  Peyton hugged her and murmured. ‘I am sure you were very brave and if you did scream you were entitled to.’ There was a murmur of voices as everyone there agreed with her.

  Esther breathed in deeply, then said. ‘Yes well, anyway Salmah and Lott pushed me into the vehicle and Eric our driver locked the doors. I could not get out. Oh Peyton, the fighting and noise, it was horrific. And all I could do was watch as my bondmate and Salmah fought valiantly with my boys, but they were so outnumbered.’ She shook her head and they all waited until she took a few quick breaths to steady herself. ‘There were so many… so many.’ She stopped again and seemed to brace herself for what she had to say next. ‘More soldiers arrived and then more of our Warriors came and joined the fighting.’ Her voice lowered as she said fearfully. ‘It was like a thunderstorm entered the parking level and everything was like slow motion. One min Lott and Salmah were fighting, the next they were both standing next to me in the car, it was amazing. The soldiers and Warriors were still fighting, but it seeme
d slower. Then he arrived, Carrick! Peyton, I tell you, it was like watching a tornado with blades. I do not think his feet touched the ground the entire time. He was all thunder and lightning as he moved through the attackers, leaving them dead or dying. I do not know how he missed the Warriors, but he touched not a one of them. Then he was gone, just like that.’ She snapped her fingers. ‘I know that without him, Lott, Salmah, all my boys could have been killed. Eric moved the car away from the area, so the little ones could not see and when Carrick returned. I could not believe he was the same male that delivered death so surgically he was so calm, laughing and joking with the little ones. Peyton, I don’t think I fully understood what it meant for him to be Urnu. Do you think Carrick understood?’

  ‘Yes Esther, the Star Child never enters a deal without full disclosure. Before offering him the position as Urnu, they would have laid bare Carrick’s past and had him explain every action and decision he made. Just as they would have explained what he would become. Even before taking up the mantel of Urnu, our Carrick was a very special male. Unfortunately, as with all our Warriors he too has a past littered with death.’

  She smiled and said softly. ‘Esther, thank you for protecting yourself and not fighting your guards. I am so pleased you were not hurt. Now I do not want to hear any of that nonsense about being a coward for just hiding in the vehicle. Think of it as keeping your head down while others better equipped than you, do what they do best. Lott and Salmah did the right thing, as did Warrior Eric. Now were any of our people hurt?’

  Esther shook her head. ‘No, before Eric could comm for more reinforcements, Warriors streamed into the parking level, but it was all over by then. I keep playing it over and over in my mind, one min it was peaceful and then all of a sudden chaos.’

  Peyton looked at Hawk as she asked. ‘How is Carrick?’

  ‘He is well, Kate arrived back a few mins before you, she is with him now.’ Hawk’s eyes stayed on Esther as she slumped against Peyton. ‘This is not the first time he has been ambushed, although it is his first time as Urnu. You should know Eric recorded everything from the time Esther entered the parking level.’

  ‘Okay, Darby, you need to speak to him.’

  ‘I will see to it today.’

  She looked at Esther for min, then up at Kardan. ‘How many did you bring with you?’

  His eyes were on Esther as she sat within the circle of Peyton’s arms. ‘One hundred.’

  ‘Are they well?’

  ‘No, Heather and Dinas have them in medical.’ ‘I see. Wolf, you are well now?’

  He also watched the two females and the love and care that was generated between them, and without his permission his needar hungered.

  ‘I am now, I have regained all my memories, apparently when a Chanderoh takes your life over. It takes most of your personality and memories too. Thankfully, when they release you, everything returns. Again thankfully I was in stasis for most of that period of my life and the rest of the time with Kardan.’

  ‘That is good. We have much to discuss.’ She moved slowly and they could see that Esther was asleep. Rage and Fanharr walked in, followed by Lott, Rave and Salmah.

  Lott asked. Madam, my bondmate.

  ‘I have placed her in sleep. Lott, Salmah, I want to thank you for your protection of her today. Like your Pride Leaders, I am proud of your actions and proud of you. You two not only saved Lott’s bondmate but someone who is dearle to us all. So thank you, my chosen, I am proud of each of you. Citri would have been proud of the courage and strength you showed today.’

  Lott rubbed against Peyton, then Esther.

  She is my life.

  As you are hers. Peyton petted both Lott and Salmah in thanks.

  Hawk murmured softly. ‘Amelia and I will take her to her room. She would not go to bed until you arrived back.’

  ‘Thank you Hawk, she is stubborn. Now Lott she will be alright. Sleep for Terrans heals many hurts. Remember, she is our Omperea and has a will of iron. I am positive she will wake her usual strong indomitable self.’

  Thank you Beloved.

  Hawk lifted Esther into his arms and with Amelia Lott, Rave and Salmah, he walked from the lounge to be met by Karen at the door.

  Peyton followed them as they left the room, sadness crowding for room in her heart. ‘I need to see that vid.’

  At several harrumphs, she quickly amended that to. ‘Yes, we all need to see it. But I think we should leave it until tomorrow, when clearer heads prevail or it may not go well for the Capital.’

  No one doubted that statement. Taking their silence as acceptance she breathed a quiet sigh of relief. The day she thought had not been without its moments, but at least her day had not ended as bad as Esther’s and Carrick’s.


  Nina looked around at the gloomy faces and decided she should try to lighten the room a little. Choosing Peyton as her target, she moved closer to her and said. ‘So your mate finally turned up.’

  Netta snorted and Darby choked back a laugh as Nina waited for Peyton’s reply, which was not long in coming.

  Peyton narrowed her eyes at the smirk on her friend’s face and instead of taking the high road and being sweet and demure and sweetly saying, why yes Nina, he did. What she actually said was. ‘So what’s it to you… dirt girl?’

  ‘Say what?’

  ‘You heard.’

  Darby laughed. ‘Dirt Girl!’

  Netta shook her head. ‘So sad.’

  Peyton shrugged. ‘It was the best I could think of on short notice.’

  Avana smiled as she said. ‘So sweet, anyway, congratulations to you both. We hope you have many happy yentas together.’

  Peyton sniffed at the now smirking Avana and said. ‘Thank you.’

  Nina raised her eyebrows and looked Kardan up and down, finally saying. ‘You know your brother’s look like you, except you are just so much more. Which I have to say is something else altogether!’

  ‘Isn’t she mated?’ Netta murmured to Darby.

  ‘Yep, but apparently it doesn’t make her blind.’

  ‘Oh, good point.’

  ‘Is it?’ Reeve asked Darby.

  ‘Ahh! Depends whose asking.’

  ‘That would be me.’

  ‘Then no!’

  Wolf smiled at Kardan’s bemused expression. There was not much that disconcerted his brother, but it seemed the Terran females were going to be able to. And he admitted he found his discomfort amusing.

  Kardan lifted an eyebrow in a silent challenge when he noticed the grins on both his brother’s faces, which they both accepted. Dinas entered and signaled to Kardan that he was with him. Kardan smiled when he saw his two brothers share a look of exasperation. Why, he wondered, did they think anything would change? When had there ever been a time, when any of them would miss a chance to beat on each other?

  Netta grinned and said to Bendrix, who had remained quietly by her side since they had entered the room. ‘Seriously, you males.’

  ‘It is a bonding ritual, they will involve Hawk as well.’

  Netta murmured. ‘I think, I might like our bonding.’

  Bendrix also raised an eyebrow as he said. ‘Challenge accepted.’

  Netta grinned as Nina, oblivious to the interplay between brothers, shook her head and said to Kardan. ‘You have an uphill job, you poor male.’

  Peyton yelped. ‘Hey, so not helping.’

  ‘But so true.’ Darby contributed.

  Nina winked at Kardan and whispered loudly. ‘You can still run, you don’t have the mating bands, no one could prove you were here.’

  Everyone looked at Kardan to see how he would respond to her blatant teasing. He was the Elite of Elites. Males gave him a wide berth and wished they were him. Females wished he was theirs and swooned often in his presence.

  Karen and Hawk returned, and he watched his brother, wondering at his response to Nina’s teasing. Would he recognize their unusual ability to reduce the tension in the room with just a
few words and their innate humor?

  Kardan’s eyes sought Hawk’s and with a wink of his own he showed Hawk he knew and understood what Nina and Peyton had done and why. Something inside of Hawk loosened with that gesture, so unlike the Kardan of old, and he knew his brother understood the love he held for these precious females.

  Kardan inclined his head and smiled at Nina, which shifted him from the imposing Elite, to a male handsome enough to grace any mag or vid.

  Brenda, Helen and Melody stumbled when they were confronted by the sight of a smiling Kardan. Sighs were heard from every female within sight of him, again making him smile. Especially when he heard the almost silent growls from the males. The dark and mysterious timber of his voice added to the quickening of several hearts. ‘I fear lovely Nina, it is far too late.’

  With that statement he held his arms out for them all to see the markings around each wrist. The bands were the normal width, except his showed four colors, black, blue and purple with a strong silver line around the edges.

  Melody asked. ‘Why are they different?’

  He told them as his eyes sought and found Peyton’s. ‘Three colors representing three worlds, Maikonia, Jenersar and Earth, surrounded by Starlight.’

  Nina said. ‘Oh wow!’

  Darby was enthralled. ‘That is amazing, how do they do that?’

  They all looked at Peyton, whose eyes widened as she stared at his wrists. ‘Oh stars.’

  Kardan walked to her and gently lifted her hands, causing her sleeves to fall back and expose for all to see the very same mating bands. Shocked, she nearly screeched, just remembering at the last moment they had an audience. ‘How the hayda did that happen?’

  Heather entering with Harm said. ‘If I have to explain it to you…’

  Netta chipped in with. ‘We can have Kerol and Dinas tell you, they were top in their sex education classes.’

  Peyton waved her hands about, flustered and snarled. ‘No, you horrible females, I meant we have not, you know… we just met.’

  ‘Do you mean done the deed?’ Melody asked with a laugh in her voice.


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