Daughter Of Ethos: Crystal City Book 6

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Daughter Of Ethos: Crystal City Book 6 Page 23

by L M Lacee

  ‘The bodies could not tell them?’ Kardan asked.

  Jax answered for Coraan. Sadly Amahka no. It is possible they were residents or Raiders paid to kidnap someone from the Star Daughter’s people.

  Reeve murmured. ‘Clever, to use lone Raiders and desperate residents. Fill their pockets with credits and you own them. We have seen it often enough.’

  Several heads nodded at his words. Marlo heaved himself up and stated. ‘We will deploy more guards, also we ask that you keep your shopping groups small, no more than six. It will be easier for us to manage the security details if they try again.’

  ‘Is that likely?’ Brenda asked worriedly as Marlo held her hand. He gave it a squeeze as he answered her. ‘Yes. So again it is up to you whether or not you leave the Embassy.’

  They all looked at Peyton as she said. ‘You all know what happened on my shopping experience yesterday. So I will not shop again outside the Embassy, but in saying that we are going to the museums and art galleries tonight and tomorrow night. Bendrix is securing that for us, you are all welcomed to attend, just let Bendrix know. Please do not let these people cower you. We are Maikonians, we do not hide behind walls of crystal. They will not win, I refuse to allow it. So shop and enjoy yourselves. Just remain alert, but as Marlo said, it is an individual decision.’

  Kardan said from where he sat, his expression serious. ‘Peyton is correct, we win because we will protect each other, but what we will not do is cower. So trust in your guards keep yourselves safe by doing as they ask. Protect each other and we will survive to go home.’

  Peyton blew out a breath as she stated. ‘Alright to other happier news, we have new members joining our family. I am sure you all know my mate Kardan and his brother Wolf. We also have new members of baby Koana’s family who are going to make their home with us. Please stand Ulyssa and Ervina Bellpone. Now lucky for us they are designers and have agreed to help design clothes for all our Draygons even the males.’

  Everyone made them welcome as they stood and bowed with warm smiles. Peyton asked. ‘I was told by Rose that you two ladies have designed the suite for shopping.’

  Ulyssa nodded. ‘We have Madam.’

  Rose told her. ‘With Marlo’s help we will have it completed today, the traders will be here tomorrow. Shopping will begin then.’

  Peyton clapped her hands. ‘So happy.’

  Trina asked Rose. ‘What about the, you know, the other thing?’

  Rose smiled. ‘The salon, will be installed this morn, and operational after second-meal. Unta Teelu has organized this.’

  Trina smiled with delight. ‘Okay, that is so cool.’

  Amelia stood. ‘Madam, Amahka, we had appointments today for dress fittings for the girls. Will we still be able to attend?’

  Kardan asked. ‘You have guards?’

  ‘Oh yes, and the Prowlers.’

  Jorge took Amelia’s hand. ‘Dana and a full company of guards will accompany them.’

  With a look at Kardan who nodded, Peyton said. ‘I see no reason they cannot go. Please make sure the girls take their bondmates if possible as another layer of protection.’

  Amelia and Dana agreed, they were very relieved, the dresses were for the joining party. Everyone was having special outfits designed and made while here for the event. Five sisters joining with their mates at one time was nothing to go into lightly. The festival would be a Universal event. Esther and Brenda were ordering special decorations and Helen and Rose’s Unta Teelu were visiting high-rises dedicated to new and exotic foods. Dignitaries from all over the Universe would be invited, it was not every day the Star Daughter celebrated her joining.

  Kardan asked Amelia. ‘What of the boys.’

  She shrugged. ‘We talked about that, they need to go for their fittings too. Carrick was to see to them.’

  Kardan smiled. ‘Maybe, we the males of their family could see to this for Carrick, as Wolf and my Warriors need to shop too.’

  ‘That would be great. I am sure Carrick will be happy the boys are not missing out.’

  Melody asked the happy female. ‘Amelia, how did you get clothes duty?’

  ‘I volunteered, I enjoy it.’ She frowned as she looked at Kardan and asked. ‘I am sorry, what are we to call you Kardan or Amahka?’

  ‘I am always Kardan for family, Amahka in public.’

  ‘Oh, like Peyton.’

  ‘Yes, very much so.’

  ‘Okay, so Kardan, I am sure the boys would enjoy going shopping with you.’

  Rayvan called out as he and Draykin entered with the girls. ‘We would, Papa.’

  Kardan smiled at his son, then asked Rage. ‘Rage may we have Prowlers?’

  I will accompany you with a company of Prowlers.

  ‘We thank you.’

  Peyton clapped her hands as she asked. ‘Alright, is that all?’

  Harm stood. ‘Madam Peyton.’

  ‘Oh Harm, I am sorry. What did you find out?’

  ‘I understand, we discovered it was apparently an old enemy of Rita’s that struck when they learn she was once again at the Capital.’

  ‘Do you believe this?’

  ‘There is no room for doubt, they saw the opportunity and took advantage of it.’

  ‘Do you believe they were alone in this attempt?’

  ‘No, as with Peneria, we are unable to find the person behind the attack.’

  Sighing, she stated. ‘And we know there is one.’

  Harm smiled slightly as he replied in the affirmative. ‘Most definitely.’

  ‘And the disposal?’


  ‘Now about Yanarah.’

  Sedeen stood and gave his report. ‘Madam, as you know several members of our scouting team are here and the others are on their way home. The Elders have abandoned the planet, whether they will return seems to be reliant on whether Kail Jarrod and his family return. Thereby halting your judgment.’

  They all looked over to where Jarrod sat with his family. A muscle in his jaw twitched as he said. ‘No.’

  Sedeen smiled as he said. ‘Which is the answer we spread with the help of several Masters and Senes we met. They are on board Maikonia II, who will stay in orbit until we are sure no one else wants to leave.’

  Cemeru asked Sedeen. ‘How many are left on world?’

  ‘We estimate less than a quarter of the population remain.’

  Peyton said with a crease between her brows ‘Thank you Sedeen, keep me and Lord Cemeru informed please.’ She grimaced as she told Jarrod. ‘We may have to just take them off world, if they refuse to leave.’

  Jarrod with a look at his father, who sighed and gave him a small nod, agreed. ‘We may have to do so, as distasteful as that will be.’ He asked Sedeen. ‘Can that be accomplished?’

  Sedeen nodded. ‘I left Mayton Norr and his unit behind.’

  Matt said. ‘I have sent my Falears there as well.’

  Peyton said. ‘Harm, notify them of what we have discussed and tell Mayton that I will be in touch soon.’

  ‘Yes Madam.’

  She nodded to Netta who said as she stood up ready to leave. ‘Let’s call the meeting done.’

  Peyton called out. ‘Happy shopping everyone.’

  ‘One moment, Madam.’

  ‘Yes, Sarn!’

  ‘The prisoner?’


  ‘The female prisoner from yesterday.’



  ‘Umm… who?’

  ‘The prisoner we have in lock up.’

  ‘I see… well… yes… umm, the prisoner.’

  ‘Yes Madam, the prisoner we have detained.’

  Netta could see that the back and forth between Sarn and Peyton could go on all day if she did not step in. ‘He means Lady Clarice Dumoont.’

  Peyton scratched her head and mumbled. ‘Oh her, yeah!’ Then she stared off at nothing.

  Darby said. ‘For the love of... you’ve forgotten who she is.�

  ‘It has been a busy time for me. Give me a min.’

  ‘She will never remember without help.’ Melody told Kardan.

  ‘Does she do this often?’

  Melody told him happily. ‘Yes, all the time.’

  Peyton scrunched her face up as she tried to remember who they were talking about. She knew there was a female, but for the life of her she could not remember why she had her incarcerated.

  Darby sighed and stated. ‘The female who kicked Iaan.’

  Peyton’s face cleared instantly and then her nose scrunched up like she scented something nasty. ‘Oh yeah, her, alright I will think about what I want to do with her today.’

  Relieved, Sarn answered. ‘As you will, Madam.’

  Hawk stood. ‘Meeting’s done, go and go quickly.’

  ‘Really!’ Peyton retorted

  He looked at her as everyone made a break for it. ‘You were saying.’

  ‘Nothing, absolutely nothing, why would I?’

  ‘I thought as much.’ He kissed her forehead. ‘Excellent speech, still too long.’

  ‘It wasn’t a speech, it was a meeting.’ But she was saying it to his back as he walked quickly from the room. ‘So annoying when he wins like that.’

  Kardan murmured. ‘I am sure it is my heart.’

  ‘Are you laughing at me?’

  ‘Would I do that?’

  ‘You’ve been here two days how have you picked up Terrans sarcasm already? Stop hanging with Netta and the sisters, they are teaching you bad ways.’

  He too kissed her forehead and said. ‘No.’

  Then left, which caused all the young ones to giggle. She growled at them. ‘Really you think that is funny?’

  ‘Yes… yes we do.’ Hope sang as they all scampered away.

  ‘I have created monsters.’ She said aloud, but there was no one left to agree with her.

  ‘A friggin amazing!’



  Penny turned at the call, spying Jean she smiled. ‘Greetings Jean, you are up early, considering there is no meeting this morn.’

  ‘Greetings, I know, but I got in some time on the running track.’ I found out how unfit I was yesterday, walking around those high-rises.

  ‘I know the feeling, my calves ached for most of the night. Thank the stars in-house shopping begins today.’

  ‘Unfortunately, they are not selling parts.’

  Penny started walking along the corridor and said sympathetically. ‘Of course, that explains the exercise this morn.’

  Jean grinned. ‘Funny.’

  ‘So what can I do for you?’

  ‘I was wondering, are there any offices, I can use?’

  Penny nodded. ‘Of course. Actually, if I remember rightly, this floor has several.’ She flicked her finger over her tablet and smiled. ‘In fact…’ She counted the doors as she walked along the corridor until she came to the one she wanted and pushed it open and walked in.

  ‘Here you go. What do you think?’

  Jean stepped in after her and surveyed the luxurious room. ‘What’s not to like, it’s beautiful.’

  Penny agreed as she stared around at the soft bronze and warm gold crystal that made up the walls and floor. ‘Well, enjoy.’

  ‘Thank you.’

  Penny waved before she closed the door softly behind her. Jean looked around at the opulent room, feeling somewhat out of her depth.

  ‘It’s not like any office I’ve had before.’

  She ran her hand over the large white crystal desk and then spun the equally large chair. Before checking out the dispenser and what it offered. ‘Good, someone got the memo about what we like.’

  Then she opened a door into a cleansing room and could not stop the moan of delight from escaping. The room was tiled in soft white crystal with bronze and gold wave patterns throughout. ‘It’s almost as beautiful as the one in my suite.’

  Closing the door firmly on the room and her desire to wallow in its luxury. She shoved her hands firmly into the pockets of her jeans and sauntered over to stare out of the wall of windows overlooking the city.

  Sometimes she had to pinch herself and remember she was here and not on Earth. Even after all this time, she still woke in the middle of the night with fear clogging her chest and tears in her eyes. After a few mins, she murmured to herself. ‘This will not get me anywhere.’

  She turned away from the view and hummed in delight as she sat in the chair which instantly melded itself into the most desirable form for her physique.

  ‘Jax, we need chairs like this at home.’

  Darby has already placed an order for them and the designs.

  ‘Gotta love that female.’

  She tapped the desk and the comp’ woke up with a few key strokes she had a holo screen displayed before her. Jean preferred to work with a holo rather than a tablet. Next she flicked a few more keys on the screen and with a silent apology to Jax blocked him from what she was doing. ‘There, that is better.’

  As she stood to retrieve tea from the dispenser, she brought up the information she had gathered so far on Commander Kolin Matewe.

  Jax slammed up against Jean’s firewall and cursed. Furin hayda, how does she do that?

  It was not the first time she had barred him from what she was working on. He knew there were other people like Darby and Willian or Peyton and perhaps Lord Klune who had the ability to exclude him from their comps. But none could do so with as much ease as Jean.

  Jax knew she was unique and far more adept than she allowed others to see. As he tried to break through her security, he debated with himself, should he just ask her how she did it or keep on trying to breach her code. He admitted pride stopped him from asking and secretly he was impressed with her ability to stone-wall him, as Peyton would say. And if he was honest with himself, he enjoyed the challenge she presented him with. Although today he was worried, before she shut him out he had glimpsed what she was working on. He was worried she could be hurt from the fallout if she was not careful. He needed to talk to someone.

  Excuse me, Klune, may I talk with you?

  Klune looked up from his tablet. He was in his suites office, and could hear Rata and Rita talking softly in the lounge, he supposed they were discussing babies. He smiled as a soft warmth invaded his heart and needar. Soon he would be holding his son or daughter, or perhaps both in his arms. Smiling he apologized to Jax.

  ‘I apologize Jax, my mind was wandering. What can I help you with?’

  No, I am sorry, you are busy.

  ‘My friend, I am never too busy for friends. Tell me what is concerning you. Who has you upset, is it Peyton?’

  No, it is Jean.

  ‘Jean, really!’ Klune was surprised. He folded his hands over his stomach as he leaned back in his chair, prepared to listen to Jax tell him what Jean was up to. Sometimes he thought having Jax was better than any of Darby’s listening devices. ‘Tell me what our clever Jean is doing that has you concerned.’

  Several mins later, Klune was not so relaxed. ‘Dayam it, why did she not come to me.’ He stood as he said. ‘Thank you for telling me Jax, this has the potential to hurt her. I think it is time I stepped in and prevented that from happening.’

  You realize most of what I have told you is conjecture.

  ‘I do and your secret is safe with me.’ Klune grinned, ‘I will tell no one she has successfully banned you from her comp.’

  Jax sounded disgruntled as he stated. I would not say successful, I have not had the time to annihilate her code yet. But when I do, we will see who the better coder is then.

  Klune’s grin morphed into a full smile, as he stated. ‘I would assume it is a foregone conclusion who that is.’

  Jax borrowed one of Marlo’s expressions. Dayam straight!

  Jean had been working for an hour when she sensed someone in the room with her. Removing her eyes from the screen she found Klune sitting opposite her, she blinked several times to focus and
asked. ‘Where did that chair come from?’

  Klune, who had been sitting on the other side of her desk for the last thirty-five mins, as he followed her work on the screen. Murmured absently. ‘From the office next door.’

  ‘They are comfortable.’


  ‘How long have you been here?’

  Klune finally looked away from the screen and smiled. ‘Long enough to see that if you go much further, you will have the Coalition demanding your arrest.’

  Jean tapped her fingers on the desk with one hand and scratched her already messy hair with the other. ‘They would have to trace me first, but I will admit their protections are much better than I thought they would be. I have tried every conceivable code and still I cannot break in.’

  ‘And you have prevented Jax from helping.’

  Jean winced, knowing Jax was the reason Klune was in her office and not just by chance. ‘Yeah, no need to involve him.’

  Klune nodded. ‘You realize you have pricked his pride by being able to lock him out.’

  Jean grinned. ‘Did he tell you about that?’

  ‘He is most unhappy.’

  Jean shook her head, not losing her grin. ‘Not unhappy, challenged.’

  ‘Perhaps that is true. Why did you not come to me?’

  She leaned her chin on her hand and said. ‘The same reason I blocked Jax, blow back.’

  Klune sighed and rubbed his chin. ‘But dearle this what I and my people do. Although I will admit none have your ability with comps.’

  Jean leaned back in her chair and flicked her hand at the screen. ‘This is all I did once. My father many yentas ago taught me, although I have expanded on his teachings since then.’

  ‘And where is he now?’

  Jean felt the old hurt rise and squashed it down as she said quietly. ‘Sadly, he did not survive the Virus.’

  Klune felt her pain and murmured. ‘I am sorry, dearle one. The pain of losing a relative never leaves us.’

  ‘No, it doesn’t.’

  ‘I would have liked to have met him.’

  Jean smiled. ‘He would have liked you, he was extraordinary just like you.’

  ‘Like his daughter.’

  Pleased, she smiled shyly. ‘Thank you.’

  Klune said before he could stop himself. ‘You are wasted here.’


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