Daughter Of Ethos: Crystal City Book 6

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Daughter Of Ethos: Crystal City Book 6 Page 29

by L M Lacee

  He dropped back in his seat. ‘No, Madam, what have I done to annoy you?’

  Peyton arched a brow and her voice tightened. ‘Annoyed… I am not annoyed. I am angry. You kept information that could have culminated in the deaths of General Cooper, his soldiers and Earths possible compromise. What should I not be angry about?’

  Jarrmeru stood quickly his chair stumbling across the floor behind him. Gunner went to grab him but was restrained by a hand on his shoulder. A tall male obviously related to Jarrmeru stood behind his chair. At the touch of his hand Gunner subsided and watched his friend lose himself.

  Planting both fists on the table, Jarrmeru leaned toward Peyton, causing Kardan to tense as Jarrmeru snarled. ‘I did not know you or trust you, and I was told it was my choice. Was that a lie?’

  Peyton stood, placing herself in the same position as the enraged male, only inches separated them. ‘A lie, you dare to insinuate we are liars, when all we have done is to help. You could not even trust your family. In your mistaken ideal that you are the only trustworthy male here, you could have sacrificed many lives.’

  ‘I trust myself, life has taught me to do so.’

  Peyton snarled louder. ‘I am insulted on behalf of all the males here and your bondmate.’

  ‘That is not what I meant!’ Jarrmeru snarled right back, his face turned ugly and his eyes started to mist to white.

  Kardan stood ready by her side as Jarrmeru growled deep in his throat. ‘You distort the truth, Madam.’

  ‘Tell me Master, what is not true?’

  He roared. ‘All of it, everything is not true. You are an Impoef and soon you will be revealed, your death is nigh.’

  Her voice softened along with her expression as she pleaded with him. ‘Jarrmeru you have been altered, allow us to help you.’

  ‘You lie, you think to trick me as you have all these you have fooled here. I am the same as I always have been. I am your demise female.’

  Quickly, before anyone realized what she was going to do, she slammed her hand forcible against his forehead causing his head to jerk back. Then he slumped back into his brother’s arms.

  Peyton smiled sadly. ‘I am sorry, Cemeru.’

  ‘I know dearle, it was needed. He was losing the battle.’

  ‘So he was, he was stronger than they bargained for. Runner it was brave of you to speak as you did.’

  He could not see the shadow. They did not know about me.

  ‘How could they dearle Runner, there is none like you?’

  Runner bowed his head. I am honored you would think so Beloved.

  Reeve walked over and took the tall male from his brother, throwing his limp body over his shoulder. ‘Come my friend’s father, we will take him to medical.’

  ‘Why can he not just say Cemeru?’ Peyton grumbled.

  Cemeru smiled. ‘It is his way.’

  ‘It is called annoying.’ She returned to the smiling male.

  Reeve grunted and gave her head a pat as he passed her. Cemeru said. ‘Runner, my friend, he will need your warmth and understanding as Jarrod cares for him.’

  I will stay with you brother to my bondmate. Although I am unsure if he will still want me.

  Kardan told the Prowler. ‘You are his bondmate, nothing changes that. You are a gift from the Tuarillians, no one can deny you.’

  Thank you, Amahka.

  Gunner stood his face ashen as he asked. ‘What just happened?’

  Melody grimaced as she answered the bewildered male. ‘This is Peyton’s brand of fixing someone.’

  Netta said quietly. ‘Jarrmeru was tampered with, probably when he was in stasis.’

  ‘How did you know?’

  Marlo told him. ‘We wondered why it was so easy to find him. Our Spy Master traced the ship he arrived on after our people were installed here. Lady Rita, one of our operatives, was poisoned. We believe her death was intended to draw us here. So we could find him. Thankfully she did not die.’

  Gunner asked. ‘What was their point?’

  Melody told him matter-of-factually. ‘So we would take him home with us, where he could kill anyone close to her. Then of course she would retaliate and they could kill her and take over our home worlds and kill everyone loyal to her.’

  ‘A long-range plan which you have thwarted. How did you know?’

  ‘It’s been tried before.’ Netta told him.

  Melody grinned as she said. ‘They never counted on the bondmates.’

  ‘Who?’ He asked, confused by the name. Darby slid next to him, taking his arm and steering him toward the table which he had backed away from during the confrontation.

  ‘Stars this is difficult, Peyton is he in or out?’

  ‘In of course, he is Avana’s mate… Oh Stars.’

  She grinned as Netta said. ‘Not your best timing, Peyton.’


  ‘He is what?’ Kenera asked Peyton as she passed Koana to Avana.

  Gunner stared at Avana, a smile spreading over his face and filling his eyes. He looked like all his Christmases had come at once. Clearing his throat, he murmured. ‘So, she was right, you are as beautiful as she said you would be.’

  ‘Who is this she, you speak of?’ Kenera asked pointedly.

  Peyton answered for him. ‘A Sene whose name is Marabele something.’

  Kenera gave her a reproving look and stated. ‘Her name is Marabele Porfitter.’

  Melody asked. ‘Do you know her?’

  ‘I know her parents, who I believe are aboard Maikonia II. This is why we came to see you Melody. She is a Tocho. Dearle, you will need to speak to her.’

  ‘Of course.’ Melody agreed as she watched the couple. She nodded to Avana, who had not moved or spoken. ‘Should we do something about them?’

  Sarcasm dripped from Peyton’s lips as she asked. ‘You are the Tivna, aren’t you?’

  ‘Tone.’ Melody snapped as she dusted her hands together. ‘Fine, but this is meant to be my vacation before my babies arrive. I am egg pregnant after all.’

  Peyton smirked. ‘You mean hatched, say it like it is female. Seriously, what have you actually done since you got here?’

  Melody narrowed her eyes as she said. ‘All my work is accomplished behind the scenes.’

  She walked over to Gunner and took his arm and moved him toward Avana, saying as she did. ‘Gunner Cooper of Earth, this is your mate, Sevna Avana Hananva from Maikonia, and her daughter Koana. The very beautiful lady with them is Avana’s mother, Kenera. The distinguished male you met earlier is her father.’ She drew Avana closer and stated. ‘Avana sweetie, this is your mate, Gunner Cooper.’

  Avana cocked her head to the side as she said. ‘Melody, Senes don’t mate. I have told you this repeatedly. Why you do not want to understand this fact is beyond me?’

  ‘And I have told you over and over, bullshit.’ Peyton answered for Melody, causing Gunner to laugh, which seemed to break the spell he had been under.

  He took Avana’s hand in his and bowed over it in a courtly manner. ‘Regardless of what you have been told or thought, as the Star Daughter says, it is bullshit. I am your mate I have known for luneras, in fact...’ He pulled her closer and whispered. ‘Avana, my love, I have known it since before I was born. You are mine as I am yours, for now and forever.’

  All the females sighed raptly as the males just sighed. Avana smiled a soft, hopeful smile that transformed her features to radiance as she shyly dared. ‘I have a baby, her name is Koana she is…’

  ‘Ours… our little one to love, protect, raise together.’

  ‘Oh right answer.’ Brenda said to Kenera. ‘He’s going to be a good mate for her.’

  When Kenera let herself hope for someone for Avana, she never thought of a male from Earth. And as she looked him over, she worried he would not be able to hold his own against Avana’s brothers, let alone her father. Kenera slid her eyes to Brenda as she replied. ‘We will see. He still has to get by her father and brothers, also since she arrived o
n Maikonia she has many males in her life who consider her their friend,’

  Netta grinned, hearing the same tone of amazement in Kenera’s voice that Avana’s family all used when discussing their friends.

  ‘Kenera he is a General in the Earth’s Armee, believe me when I say he is fearless and will manage all the males in Avana’s life.’

  Kardan murmured. ‘He had better be.’

  Melody added. ‘He is a male of integrity, he will not be easily intimidated and will protect both Avana and Bee-Bee and any other children they have. He has always been a male of his word.’

  Coraan asked her. ‘You know this male well?’

  Melody hunched one shoulder. ‘I do, I trained him on Earth. We are friends. I admired his ability to command.’

  ‘You admire the male, not just his abilities.’ She nodded as she looked up at him. ‘Yes, his ethics. He never says what he does not mean.’

  He looked at the human male and tried to see what his mate did and nodded. ‘I will not judge him yet.’

  With a smile, recognizing for Coraan that was almost a pass for Gunner, she whispered. ‘Thank you my love.’

  Gunner, a broad smile on his face and a gleam in his eye, turned to Peyton with Avana’s hand still in his. ‘I would like to comm my unit again, they will need to know I am not returning for the moment.’

  Avana felt her heart squeeze in her chest as she uncompromisingly stated. ‘I cannot live on Earth.’

  Gunner nodded. ‘I was sure you would not. I will remain here with you.’

  Avana sighed. ‘Oh thank the stars, because I cannot leave the Star Daughter.’

  Gunner raised a brow. ‘Never?’

  Avana shook her head. ‘Never, I am sworn to her.’

  He looked puzzled. ‘I am not sure what that means.’

  Peyton volunteered. ‘When you swear your fealty to the Star Daughter and Star Child, you are bound forever.’

  Darby said. ‘It is like family, no matter what happens you are stuck with them.’

  Which made everyone laugh, Kardan told Gunner. ‘My mate holds the essence of life within her needar. So the essence or power which makes a Sevna or Kail becomes hers. And no, before you ask, not every Sene or Mystic can be sworn to the Star Daughter.’

  Gunner looked at the wall, while he tried to assimilate the information they had just imparted to him. How he wondered did this impact his life and the lives of his children.

  Peyton gently mind-sent to him. Kardan is correct, it means her life or lifespan is tied to mine, as is Jarrod’s.

  He sent back. And all these other family members you have surrounded yourself with. What of them, what of me and our children? When she didn’t immediately answer, he said, please do not hesitate now.

  The same.

  I assume they know?

  I do not know. We have not discussed it.

  So they cannot die?

  She laughed gently. We all die Gunner.

  Puzzled at her simple answer, Gunner asked. What does it all mean?

  I do not know?

  Or you don’t want to know?


  He looked at Peyton and said. ‘I formally ask to become a citizen of your world and admittance into your Armee.’

  ‘And your males?’

  Gunner frowned as he stated. ‘Their choice.’

  Melody noted. ‘Good answer.’

  Peyton saw what Melody knew to be true. He had integrity, and she was a little surprised to see a wide streak of compassion, which probably allowed him to be a good General.

  ‘I welcome you to Maikonia as for the Armee you will be under First Commander Hawk. Darby, he needs a download.’

  ‘On it.’ She tapped on her link as she spoke.

  Peyton asked with a frown. ‘Avana, is he what you want. He is after all Terran.’

  ‘He is mine.’ She announced fiercely and stepped in front of him.

  His arm snaked out and held her to him as he asked. ‘What is happening now?’

  Netta sighed as she said. ‘Unfortunately, our esteemed leader is being her normal annoying self.’

  Peyton stated. ‘I am not being annoying.’

  Even though she knew she was, but truthfully she felt it was justified. Had she not listened to Avana bemoan the fact she was never going to have a mate.

  Melody snarked. ‘Do I need to get Esther?’

  ‘For what?’ That lady asked as she entered without Keylan.

  Netta told her. ‘Avana and Gunner are mates and Peyton is being annoying about it.’

  Before Esther could congratulate the couple. Peyton defended herself. ‘Well, she was convinced she would not get a mate.’ Her voice took on the high sing-song tones of a young girl.

  ‘Senes cannot have a mate, we are to walk alone forever, we are special, and no one wants us.’ Peyton hiding her amusement demanded of the others there. ‘Say it wasn’t so?’

  No one answered her as Avana handed Koana to Gunner and advanced on Peyton, shaking her finger at her as she had seen Lady Brenda do on occasion. ‘I did not, and I would never use an awful voice like that. Take it back.’

  Peyton stood and placed her hands on her hips as she shook her head. ‘No, it was so like that, all the time, whine… whine… whine. We were just too polite to kill you to stop the incessant noise.’

  Gunner stood with a blue baby girl in his arms, unsure what to do. Koana solved his dilemma by wiggling around in his embrace and placing both chubby arms around his neck and clearly saying. ‘Pa… pa.’

  All sound stopped as Avana looked over her shoulder and fell in love, how could she not. He stood there holding her daughter as though he had just found a treasure in his arms. Every female there sighed with delight.

  Kardan said mildly to the females. ‘If you are both finished with this discussion, we have some decisions to make.’

  Avana and Peyton both agreed, their eyes still on Gunner and Koana. ‘Done.’

  Netta muttered to him. ‘Brave, very brave.’

  ‘I am an Elite.’

  Which made Netta and the others close to him grin in appreciation of the statement.

  Avana pulled a chair out and sat opposite Peyton, her eyes on her daughter and mate as she asked Gunner. ‘So you are my one?’

  He came to the table, keeping Koana in his arms. ‘If that means mate, then yes I am, it was foretold to me some time ago.’

  Avana blew out a puff of air and said. ‘You should understand. I will not call anywhere other than Maikonia home.’

  ‘I will not ask you to. I will not leave you Avana, you and Koana are mine now. I go where you go.’ They turned to Peyton and asked. ‘What do we do?’

  ‘First, you get a download, then you will have to decide what you want done with your unit. They come, they go, their decision. Avana sister of my heart, this changes nothing.’

  Surprised, she asked. ‘It does not?’

  Peyton smiled. ‘No, how can it? You are mine. I told you back at the beginning, did I not?’

  ‘I do not remember it that way.’

  ‘Really, how do you remember it?’ Peyton asked with a tone in her voice that would have intimidated anyone who did not know her. Avana shrugged as she looked at Peyton with a narrow-eyed stare ‘Fear, loads of fear.’

  ‘And flames don’t forget the flames.’ Netta murmured.

  ‘And the Star Child.’ Darby said. ‘They were there.’

  Melody added. ‘Rolling grounds and waves of dirt.’

  Brenda nodded in agreement. ‘I remember angry suns, three of them.’

  ‘Don’t forget melting floors. I never will.’ Helen muttered.

  ‘Seriously, I was having a moment here!’ Peyton cried in exasperation and a little shame at the remembered loss of control.

  ‘Yes... Yes... Are you done?’ Esther inquired with a lift of her eyebrows.

  ‘I am now.’

  ‘Welcome to the family, you poor male.’ Helen comforted Gunner as she patted his shoulder.

bsp; Brenda whispered with a wicked look of humor in her eyes, which caused Marlo and Hawk both to laugh. ‘There is time you can still run.’

  Esther sighed. ‘Sadly his goose is cooked.’

  Netta explained the expression to the Warriors as Gunner grinned at them before saying. ‘Ladies, I am truly captured by my love and my daughter, it is I feel, far too late.’

  ‘Yeah, we figured.’ Esther winked at Kenera, who nodded with a twinkle of laughter in her eyes, which only intensified when Gunner said.

  ‘Lady Kenera, if my mate and daughter turn out half as graceful and delightful as you, I will be a lucky male.’

  She too gave his shoulder a pat. ‘You will do.’ She reached for Koana, who screamed loudly. ‘Na-na, Papa.’

  ‘As you will, little one.’ Kenera smiled and told him. ‘I am thinking if you have to leave the Embassy, it may have to wait until she is asleep.’

  He eyed his new daughter and told her sternly. ‘I do not believe in spoiling.’

  She blew a bubble in reply and patted his face as she cooed. ‘Papa’

  They all saw him melt as he sighed in resignation. Melody snorted in disgust, saying.

  ‘Just like putty.’ Every Terran there grinned at the expression.

  With an eyebrow raised in challenge, Gunner asked Melody as Brenda explained the term to the Warriors. ‘Are you saying your mate is any different?’

  ‘Hayda no, he is ridiculous and will be worse when our children are born.’

  ‘Hatched, I keep telling you, say it like it is female.’

  Melody focused her eyes on Peyton and asked. ‘You and I have an appointment with the mat.’

  ‘Ahh…’ Peyton quickly returned her attention to Gunner. ‘You should know she has an Urnu.’

  He asked. ‘Who or what now?’

  ‘Urnu. U.R.N.U.’ Peyton tapped her fingers on the table as she spelled the word out.

  With a sigh, Darby said. ‘And still he has no idea.’

  Peyton ignored her and spelled it again. ‘U.R.N.U, it is pronounced err new.’

  ‘You know, no matter how many times you say it or spell it, he is not going to understand what you are saying.’ Melody told her with a smirk as Netta grinned.

  Peyton frowned as she explained. ‘Well, he may want to know how it is spelled and pronounced.’


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