Daughter Of Ethos: Crystal City Book 6

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Daughter Of Ethos: Crystal City Book 6 Page 31

by L M Lacee

  Hawk smiled at his brother. ‘It is, it means wonderful. Terrans use many expressions and not all of them make sense, but one endures and finds humor in them if they can.’

  Netta laughed at the two and hugged first Hawk, then Kardan. Bendrix coming into the room asked. ‘Do we have to go to the mat here?’

  All conversations stopped as the two males faced each other, Netta blinked several times as her mind went blank until Peyton asked. ‘Does he mean my Kardan or Netta, I can never tell?’

  All eyes went to her. Darby sucked in her cheeks as she announced. ‘Hard to say, it was ambiguous at best.’

  Kardan assessed Bendrix and offered. ‘For amusement, definitely.’

  Bendrix smiled and accepted the challenge. ‘Done.’

  Netta moved to Bendrix and slipped under his arm, grinning up at him. But before she could say anything they heard Peyton say in an annoyed tone. ‘Seriously, I would have liked to have seen Netta and Bendrix go at it.’

  Silence met her words and with a frown she looked up from her coffee to see every eye on her. ‘Why do you all look like that?’

  ‘Female.’ Marlo exploded. ‘Think about what you said,’


  ‘No,’ He cut her off, ‘do what I say and think now.’

  ‘Fine, sheesh I was just going to say…’

  ‘Think!’ Thundered Marlo.

  ‘Well alright.’ She pouted and looked up at the ceiling and they could see her thinking over the conversation and the second she realized what she had said. Darby let loose one of her rare laughs as Peyton breathed. ‘Oh my stars.’ Her cheeks caught fire. ‘Oh shut up Darby!’

  There was not one person who could stop the laughter from spilling out and filling the room. Kardan grinned as did Hawk, Gunner looked at them laughter in his eyes and quietly commented. ‘Even for human females, they are extraordinary.’

  Kardan sipped his tea then asked. ‘Are they? I have not met any other Terrans.’

  ‘I feel you will never meet any like the ladies of your family.’

  Hawk agreed. ‘Because they are united in their belief, they are only as important as one another. It is what makes them a family. We have met many Earth females who are not like our females.’

  Kardan smiled. ‘Finding a balance is harder than I had expected.’

  Larson agreed. ‘It is difficult because it shifts constantly, depending on who is added to the circle. Kardan you should talk to Zenerra she will help you. She has an amazing understanding of the rhythm or balance you seek.’

  ‘Who is Zenerra?’ Asked Gunner.

  Avana explained. ‘She is Coraan’s sister and is one of Madam’s select guards.’

  ‘I see.’

  Coraan drawled. ‘Or you can just do what our Melody told me to do.’

  Kardan asked him. ‘Which was what?’

  Coraan spread his hands wide. ‘Listen and roll with it.’

  Gunner grinned, thinking that sounded exactly like Melody.

  Hawk told Kardan. ‘What makes them different is there lack of pretense. They have remained honest and try to be at all times.’

  By this time everyone was listening to their conversation and Helen smiled and shrugged as she smoothly said. ‘There is no reason not to be.’

  Brenda nodded as she explained. ‘Lies hurt, we learned that before we came out here. We had hoped it would be different in this Universe but sad to say it is not. Most of the people who make Maikonia home have experienced betrayal in one form or another. I believe as many of us do there should be no reason to lie.’

  ‘I have found life does not work like that.’ Gunner said sadly, thinking of the wasted years without Patty.

  ‘It does with us.’ The Star Daughter said as her eyes turned back and flames appeared.

  Gunner sat back while Avana gripped his hand, letting him know to take care. Koana babbled ‘Sta... sta.’

  Peyton reached out and Koana flashed into her arms. Avana said warningly to Gunner when she felt his muscles tense. ‘Koana, loves the Star Daughter.’

  Slowly he relaxed as the female, who was now something other, stared at him and he was sure he saw laughter in her flaming eyes. Returning to their conversation, she asked. ‘Why would lies work better than honesty?’

  ‘It is the way of the world, or at least it is for the one we come from.’ Gunner replied bitterly.

  Peyton sadly agreed, as did the other Terrans. ‘I know, and I swear that will change in time. I asked about lies because I wanted you to think about who I am. As the Star Daughter, I always know when lies are spoken. Subterfuge has undermined your world and this Universe. Which is why we are where we are now. No ethics, and needar deficient planets, who have no regard for the people they are supposed to be caring for. Hoarding gifts the Star Child has bestowed on them. Planets being laid to waste and their people abused for the gain of a few. I am here to correct this, with the help of my people and our Armee. We will bring ethos back to this Universe and beyond.’


  The five soldiers from Gunners unit entered just as he asked. ‘Can you change the Universe, even from what little we have observed since arriving here? It seems a huge undertaking especially, if you are having to deal with males like the ones in power here.’

  Peyton smiled as she told him. ‘Of course we can, this is the war we have all been created for.’

  With a kiss to her forehead, Koana was sent back to her mother’s arms. ‘Do you really think you and your unit being sent here from Earth is an accident, fate, or just a coincidence?’

  Respectfully, he said. ‘Well, to be honest, yes we do.’

  She laughed, a sound like wind singing through the leaves of trees, as she allowed the mirth she felt to be seen in her sparkling black eyes. ‘It is not, as all my people know. We are here at the desire of the Star Child. They who created and guide our lives. We are in a war, one we will win battle by battle is that not how it is done?’

  ‘It is Star Daughter.’ Kardan agreed with her.

  ‘Is there an alternative?’ Asked a six foot, broad-chested, brown-haired, blue-eyed male who held an uncanny resemblance to Iaan.

  She inclined her head as she stood and softly answered. ‘Oh yes, Mark Solar, very much so.’

  Then her eyes filled with Stars and she glowed brighter as the tones of the Star Child filled the room.

  Kardan found himself on his knees alongside everyone else, it was a position he was not in favor of. Not since a child had he kneeled to anyone. He was unsure how he felt about doing so in front of his mate.

  Our daughter speaks true, the alternative Mark Solar, is for us to lay waste to this Universe and start over. Creating a new and hopefully ethical one. We have stayed our hand at the pleading of our Daughter. She has immense faith in the beings she calls family and friends. We have faith in her. Rise please and resume your seats.

  Everyone rose to their feet and with the five soldiers found seats. Koana babbled to the Star Child, who reached out a hand to her. It took everything in Gunner not to react to that hand and the Entity behind it.

  Trust is everything in our Daughter’s world. Remember that males from Earth. Betrayal results in death. We would spare her that.

  The hand touched Koana’s forehead and with a sigh she closed her eyes. Sevna your daughter has an emerging talent. Find the one known as Random to guide and instruct her.

  Avana bowed her head. ‘As you will Star Child, do we have time?’

  Before Koana reaches five yentas old, you will find her guide. This spark is another of these impossibilities we spoke of. Speak to thy mother, Sevna.

  ‘I will Star Child.’

  She chose her parents wisely, for such a young one.

  Gunner asked skeptically. ‘She chose us?’

  Yes, after all you have experienced, why does this seem improbable?

  Gunner just shrugged. ‘I cannot say why?’

  Marlo hissed. ‘Then shut it.’

  Gunner ducked his head to h
ide his grin and nodded his agreement to the suggestion.

  The Star Child turned to Kardan. Amahka, it is good to know you are here. Her wellbeing is of the utmost concern for us.

  Kardan bowed his head. ‘I will endeavor to love, protect and keep her healthy.’

  Of that we have no concerns. They seemed to heave a deep sigh before saying. We dislike this crystal world.

  ‘Then why is it here?’ Darby gently asked as Kardan and the others all looked at her with shock. Netta, in answer to the unspoken question she could see in their eyes, offered a soft voiced explanation. ‘They find Darby enjoyable.’

  Ahh! Sister Darby, you are well?

  ‘I am Star Child, although still not pregnant.’

  Uhh! I see, Omperea may be the one to speak to about that.

  ‘Maybe, you are right.’ Darby nodded with a twinkle in her eyes.

  Esther rolled her eyes and whispered. ‘Really, Darby!’

  She murmured. ‘I know... I know, I think Peyton is rubbing off on me.’

  The Star Child asked her. Your mate is well?

  ‘He is exceedingly well.’

  We enjoy him immensely.

  ‘I will relay that to him.’

  Do so, as to your question about the world, it was a whimsy of our sons, and we have not wished to remove it.

  Melody stopped any further questions from Darby by saying sympathetically. ‘We understand, it is all you have left of him.’

  Delightful Sister Melody, it is, as you say, one of his lasting follies. They seemed not to want to elaborate more on their son or the world and turned their attention to the Earth males.

  Males from our Daughter’s birth planet you are the exceptions to your species. No more of your kind will come to join the world of Maikonia. Mate to our Sevna, learn to use the gift we gave you for the protection of our Daughters Ambassadors. The one called Mark Solar has a great destiny in front of him, not however at our Daughter’s side. Warmaster the Earth Warriors would benefit in training with your Draygons. They must teach Warriors to dive.

  Coraan and Hawk along with everyone else looked confused at the Star Child’s prophecy. Seeing this, the Star Child murmured. Sweet sister Netta, may you explain diving from the sky.

  She chuckled to herself, as did Melody. ‘Of course Star Child.’

  Netta said to Coraan and Hawk. ‘We will explain it to you.’

  Coraan nodded. ‘As you say.’

  The Start Child smiled at the rest of the gathered people there and softly said. Know we are pleased with what you have begun in our name and for what our Daughter wishes to happen in the future.

  The Star Child left, leaving a smiling Peyton who sat abruptly. Kardan went to her and placed his hands on her shoulders as Helen brought her a fresh cup of coffee.

  ‘Thank you Helen. Well that was fun, so Warriors are you happy you came?’

  They all bowed. ‘We thank you for the honor Star Daughter to join your world and your Armee.’

  ‘Call me Madam Peyton, like everyone else. You have met our Mystic Malchol?’

  ‘We have.’

  Mark Solar asked. ‘May we introduce ourselves?’

  ‘Please do.’

  And as they had done on many occasions, they stated their names and country of birth.

  ‘Mark Solar, England.’

  ‘Argo King, America.’

  ‘Roman Wright, Germany.’

  ‘Vic Butler, Asia.’

  ‘Nail Perez, Spain.’

  Melody grinned. ‘I state your exact country of birth.’

  ‘It is where we were born.’ Nail Perez told her.

  ‘I mean no disrespect.’

  Mark explained. ‘None taken, we are a little touchy about our country of birth that is all.’

  ‘A small thing, but it is ours.’ Gunner further explained.

  Melody inclined her head. ‘It is your right to not forget and nothing is small if it means that much to you.’

  Peyton asked. ‘Warrior Mark, did I hear you say you are from England?’

  ‘I am Madam.’

  ‘Do you know of the Power family?’

  Mark’s eyes instantly shuttered as he nodded ‘I know of the Powers.’

  Melody asked tightly. ‘Did you work for them?’

  Mark rubbed a hand over his face as he flicked his eyes to Gunner, who nodded slightly. ‘Why is that important?’

  Darby said before Peyton could answer. ‘They are olesho’s.’

  Mark grinned at the vehement reply and Peyton’s. ‘Darby!’

  ‘Oh we all know your opinion but mine has not changed.’

  ‘I see that.’ Peyton smiled at Mark and said. ‘As you can see, we are divided on the family Power.’

  ‘Well for the sake of full disclosure, I will tell you, before joining Gunners unit. I was more Agent than soldier. I only became a soldier when my sister was stolen and sold off world.’

  Peyton was as startled as the other Terrans at his stark answer. ‘I am sorry to hear of her abduction. I hope we can help you find her.’ A bot brought out trays of tea and coffee. ‘Please help yourselves to coffee or tea.’

  Kardan and Darby sat either side of her as Hawk and Marlo with Reeve, who arrived back, stood against the wall. Melody and Netta sat opposite the males as Malchol entered and sat next to Avana.

  ‘So you have found your one?’ He asked her as Koana opened her eyes and held her hands out for him; he took her and settled her against his shoulder. She sighed and closed her eyes again.

  He looked at the males. ‘I have a way with the young.’

  ‘It is called peace.’ Peyton commented. ‘If your little ones won’t sleep, give them to Malchol.’ She nodded and mouthed I do.

  ‘Madam, do not tell everyone that, you know Rose growls.’

  ‘Like I am scared of her.’

  Melody asked. ‘Doesn’t she get your shampoo and conditioner?’

  ‘Tuap, that is so true.’

  Avana said. ‘Brother, this is my one, Gunner Cooper.’

  Malchol nodded to Gunner but did not smile. ‘I heard, are you to change your name?’

  Avana sucked in a breath as she asked. ‘Why?’

  Malchol shrugged. ‘It is a strange sounding name.’

  ‘To you.’ Gunner said. ‘To me not so much.’

  They both looked at Avana, who looked bewildered. Peyton saved her from having to think of something to say by asking Gunner. ‘So are you all ready for the download?’

  ‘We are Madam.’ Gunner agreed as the other males nodded in agreement. A Warrior hurried in with a tray with several injectors lying on it, then he hurried away again before Peyton could thank him. She smiled as she said. ‘Okay Heather, jab them.’

  She waited until the one called Mark had been injected to ask. ‘Can you tell me which planet you think your sister went to?’

  ‘I do not think Madam, I know. We found a crew member of the cargo ship that she was placed on and asked him.’ They were left in no doubt as to how that questioning went.

  ‘I see, and what name did he give you?’

  All except Kardan and Reeve tensed when he stated. ‘It was Ediean. Do you know of it?’

  Her eyes were shadowed as she said. ‘I do.’

  Mark watched her eyes and knew what she was going to tell him next would not be good. Peyton could see him bracing for her next words.

  ‘I am sorry, the planet Ediean was a non-sanctioned pleasure planet. It was raided by the Coalition forces, and sadly some victims were sent to another planet for help. Others were sent back to their home worlds.’ She could see the question in his eyes as he went to speak and shook her head. ‘None were sent back to Earth. I am so very sorry.’

  His head bowed with her words and his voice was hoarse when he told them. ‘I knew it was a long shot, but I hoped.... She was only twenty-two... so young.’

  His friends placed their hands on his arms as Gunner asked. ‘Is there a way we could find out for sure, it is the not knowing that hurt
s the most?’

  Darby said sympathetically. ‘Do not give up yet. I have people talking to people who operate the sanctuary planet. If you give me her name, we will ask them to search for her. We are not allowed to go there to find out for ourselves. So it may take time, but if she is there, they will find her.’

  ‘I thank you Specialist Darby.’ He gave her a small smile. ‘I will keep stoking the flame of hope until I know for sure what happened to her.’

  Darby nodded. ‘You keep that flame alive.’ She looked up at her mate, who smiled at her and said as her eyes softened just for him. ‘I believe miracles happen every day.’

  Peyton told Mark. ‘I should tell you we are putting together Warships to stop these illegal planets and police the sanctioned worlds.’

  Kardan said. ‘Warrior Mark, my brother Wolf will command the first ship for this mission. If you want, you may apply to be part of his crew. I hope we are not too late to save your sister, but if we are unable to find her. I ask you to join in the hunt and eradicate our Universe of people who do not value the lives of females like your sister.’ He waited until Mark lifted his head to look him in the eyes and said. ‘There are too many brothers who have lost a sister, a mother, a daughter. Help us stop this from happening again.’

  He nodded as his eyes hardened. ‘I will, sign me up.’ He turned to Gunner. ‘This is what I was born for, this is my mission.’

  Gunner answered. ‘Yeah, I can see that.’

  Peyton told him. ‘You will see Commander Wolf when he returns, if he does not want you on his team. I will place you on another Warship. We will eventually have four within the next two yentas and plan to have many more in time.’

  ‘I thank you Madam.’

  ‘Do not fear, somehow, someway you will be involved in the war on illegal operations in our Universe.’

  ‘Until then, what do I do?’

  Kardan answered for her. ‘Train, learn about your new Universe and home worlds, use the gifts you were all given.’ He raised his hand. ‘I do not need to know what they are now. There is time for that later. For now your liaison is Commander Marlo.’

  Marlo nodded as they looked at him and said. ‘Warriors rest today, look around, and shop if you need to. We have protocols in place for safety, use them. Introduce yourselves to the Warriors and our people who are here. You are not the only new members to our world so use today and tomorrow for orientation. I and Commander Hawk and Warmaster Coraan will need to interview each of you, and then we will know what and where to start your training. We leave soon for home.’


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