Daughter Of Ethos: Crystal City Book 6

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Daughter Of Ethos: Crystal City Book 6 Page 33

by L M Lacee

  ‘Does the former Ambassador still hold sway at your court?’

  ‘Star Daughter, he has many friends in places of power and prestige.’

  Peyton drummed her fingers on the table before speaking. ‘I have to tell you Ambassador I will need to speak to this male and perhaps demand answeres to questions your Ruler may be unhappy to have made public.’

  Taurene stalled his immediate answer, which was to deny she do so. He thought of the implications and the publicity to his world and his mother. Then he remembered his father’s last words to him before leaving to come here.

  It is time for our world to return to the way of our ancestors, where truth reigned, not greed. This my son, starts with you and your mother. Together you will change our world once more for the better.

  So hoping he was doing as his mother would wish. He took a leap toward becoming a great Ambassador and making sure his world returned to what they once were. ‘I am sure our Ruler would want this person to answer to any crimes he is being accused of. If he is unable to prove his innocence, then he should meet the Star Daughter’s justice. This would go a long way in making it known that our world knew nothing of these tragedies and will never condone this type of behavior.’

  ‘I am pleased to hear that. So you are saying your Ruler will hunt out others who have profited from this illegal mining and the deaths by the Eictosas. If it is proved these people were instrumental in this atrocity.’

  ‘I am saying the present Ruler will not tolerate such wantonness or greed. She is, I believe, a good person who believes her people are worthy and should be protected. And yes, she will hunt with relish the others who agreed to this despicable act.’

  ‘Really, how many children does she have?’

  Amused by the change of topic, he replied easily. ‘Seven, six daughters and one son.’

  ‘Is there a problem with you being related to the Ruler of your world?’

  ‘No, Star Daughter, on our world it is tradition.’

  ‘Your father, is he in politics as well?’

  ‘No, Star Daughter.’ Taurene smiled as he said. ‘He is what you refer to as an artist, he has no time for the tuap of politics.’ His guard nudged him and he hurriedly said. ‘Oh, excuse me, it is a saying we have heard for a lifetime.’

  Peyton laughed, she could not help it; he sounded embarrassed and proud at the same time. ‘I see, could you please explain the word Sargann, I was told it has more than one meaning?’

  Taurene nodded. ‘Of course, Sargann can mean protector, instructor and Assaen. On Kallistro we have several types of guards, only Sargann are taught to be all three.’

  ‘Thank you. Now Ambassador, I would ask that you have your Ruler contact me as soon as possible after the Grand Meeting.’

  ‘As you wish Star Daughter, she will be most relieved to hear from you. We may, if the future holds true, talk about Embassies.’

  ‘I do not see a reason we will not be able to hold talks in the future. I should warn you Ambassador that several of my people have expressed a wish to talk to your scientists and healers. I should also warn you, I have recently discovered I have an avid interest in art.’

  Taurene smiled at her enthusiasm. ‘We can facilitate your scientists and healers, and perhaps after you have talked to our Ruler. You may wish to speak to our father of his art.’

  ‘I thank you on behalf of my people and myself. So if you could convey a message to your Ruler.’

  ‘Most assuredly, I will.’

  Peyton smiled. ‘If she and your people wish it. I will remove the storms from your world, so you can live above ground once more.’ At their gasps of shock, she held her hand up. ‘I stress, this is a world decision. It will only happen if your entire population wish it.’

  ‘I… I don’t know what to say.’ He looked at his sisters, who looked just as shocked as he did. ‘It has never been a possibility before.’

  With those words, he betrayed his inexperience and earned himself the respect of Peyton and her people.

  She said kindly. ‘Well, talk to your mother and father. I am offering this as a gift only.’ Stressing there would be no strings attached to the offer if they accepted. ‘Whether or not your world accepts my offer will have no influence on our future relationship.’

  He nodded jerkily as he said. ‘Thank you Star Daughter.’

  ‘You are welcome Ambassador. If you will give Commander Daimond the name of the former Ambassador, I will need to speak with please.’

  ‘I will do so, Star Daughter.’

  ‘Thank you, Commander Marlo please see Ambassador Kassapi and his Sargann out and give him the codes, so we can stay in contact.’

  Taurene and his sisters stood, and all bowed from the waist. Peyton inclined her head, when they reached the doorway, she asked. ‘Ambassador, no reflection on your Sargann, but are you protected while here?’

  He smiled. ‘Star Daughter, my sisters guard me well.’

  ‘Good.’ She looked at his sisters and told them in no uncertain terms. ‘Remember if you need help to protect your brother, please do not hesitate to reach out to Commander Daimond. We will be ready to assist immediately.’

  ‘We thank you, Star Daughter.’ His eldest sister Idella replied.

  ‘I too thank you, Star Daughter.’ Taurene stated, then with his sisters surrounding him, they followed Marlo from the room.

  After the door closed behind them, Peyton asked Hawk and Netta. ‘Well, what do you think?’

  Netta shrugged. ‘We seem to have made a new friend.’

  Hawk agreed as he told them both. ‘His mother would love for you to remove her problem for her.’

  ‘The Ambassador who killed his mate, yeah I got that.’

  Netta said. ‘You think he killed her?’

  ‘Oh, he did or at least they think he did.’

  Hawk mused. ‘Those sisters of his looked deadly.’

  ‘They did, didn’t they? Definitely worth getting to know.’

  Netta grinned. ‘Oh definitely.’

  Peyton grinned as she casually said. ‘They would give you someone new to play with Netta.’

  With a gleeful smile she said. ‘There is that.’


  The Kassapi family remained silent until they reached their own apartment, where the three sisters collapsed onto any available couch or chair.

  ‘Oh, my stars, I thought we were dead.’ Suena stated as she fanned her face.

  Onera agreed. ‘Tell me about it.’

  Idella looked at her silent brother. ‘You did well, Taurene. You should be proud, your first visit with divinity, and you did not shake.’

  He nodded, then dashed to the cleansing room where he spent the next five mins emptying his stomach.

  Idella stated firmly. ‘He did do well!’

  Onera agreed as she stood and tapped her wrist band, letting her uniform slide back into her arm guard, revealing a cream shirt and black trousers. ‘He made her laugh that has to be good.’

  Suena stood as she also removed her uniform to reveal a similar outfit to her sisters. ‘She said we can talk about Embassies and asked if he was protected. I think that means she likes him.’

  Idella finally struggled up as her uniform vanished. ‘She offered to clear our world of storms.’

  Both sisters stopped as Onera whispered. ‘I thought I dreamed that.’

  Suena wide-eyed agreed. ‘Me too.’

  Idella looked at her sisters as tears entered their eyes. ‘It was no dream, she said it loud and clear, I have it recorded.’

  ‘Oh, thank the stars. I am not sure anyone at home would believe us.’

  Idella laughed, her usually reserved nature taking a vacation as she did a small dance to the amusement of her sisters and Taurene who stood in the doorway. As the eldest and most seasoned of his Sargann, he asked her. ‘Do you not find it strange that we were not searched or your weapons removed, and why did they not know we were recording the meeting?’

  Idella turn
ed to him and was pleased to see he looked pale but not so terrified now. ‘Oh brother, she is the Star Daughter she knew, all those commanders knew.’

  Suena shrugged as she came to stand next to Idella. ‘Brother, they just didn’t care, as good as we are against normal opponents, against them we had no chance.’

  Onera stated. ‘Taurene, if they had cared, we would have been stripped and talking to the Star Daughter naked.’

  Taurene nodded once, then turned and ran to his cleansing room again.

  Idella said. ‘I will call mother and father. I think he will need more time. Suena make him tea, Onera get him a change of clothes.’

  ‘Yes Idella.’


  Later that day, Kardan took the boys with their uncles for their fittings and to do some shopping for gifts for the females of their family.

  Before leaving, Miko issued them all with their new ident bands, and as she handed the boys theirs she said. ‘This has all your information on it, if you get lost from your Papas.’ The males all softly growled. ‘Not that you will.’ She hurriedly assured them. ‘It also has some credits for you, so if you see something you wish to purchase, you can.’

  Impressed the boys looked at the blue bands and felt very grown up. Rayvan asked. ‘All our own?’

  ‘Yes, as long as you are with an adult.’


  Draykin’s eyes were shining as he showed Reeve. ‘Papa, do you see, me has credits?’

  ‘I do son.’ Reeve answered.

  They left after thanking Miko, and as they entered the car. Draykin asked his father. ‘Papa, what is credits?’

  The innocence of the question caused everyone to smile. Draykin and Rayvan were still none the wiser, but their fathers and uncles were happy and they were going on a male shopping trip. They felt safe, loved and happy.

  At the same time the girls, Hope and the twins Enara and Enuru were also going shopping. When they received their bands, they knew exactly what they were. Before they had left the Embassy the three girls had spent the credits three times over, to the amusement of Heather, Amelia and Dana.

  They had an appointment at the dressmakers first, then Heather assured the girls they could go wherever they wished to spend their credits. The three little girls bubbled with happiness, even the Warriors who accompanied them caught some of their excitement. Security had been doubled around the girls, but it did not distract from the excitement they were feeling.


  ‘Jax, why am I in my office?’

  Jean and Darby need to speak with you.

  ‘Is this about Kolin?’

  No, Jean and Darby are here.

  He was right as she turned from her dispenser Darby and Jean walked in.

  ‘Why am I here?’

  Darby shrugged. ‘Don’t look at me. I never called this meeting.’

  Jean said. ‘I did.’

  Peyton thought she looked excited and apprehensive all at once. Gentling her voice, she asked. ‘Would you like something to drink?’

  Darby nodded. ‘I would.’

  Jean shook her head no.

  ‘Please take a seat.’ Offered Peyton as she went behind her desk. Jean sat in one of the two visitor’s chairs and wished she’d taken the drink, now she did not know what to do with her hands. Darby sipped her tea as they both watched Jean, finally unable to stand their scrutiny anymore. She stood and paced. Neither Peyton nor Darby said anything, just looked at each other, then again at Jean.

  ‘Okay, so here is the deal!’ Jean twisted around and stared at both females. ‘It has come to my attention that I need to expand my horizons.’

  Peyton and Darby said together. ‘Huh!’

  Frowning, Jean slapped her hands on her hips and growled. ‘I said…’

  ‘We know what you said. We just don’t understand what you said.’ Darby told her.

  ‘Oh… oh, okay! So what I mean is, I need to ahh… well… I… umm I need…’

  Nina cut her off as she entered and took the empty seat next to Darby. ‘She needs to leave the safety of her home and go out into the big Universe and use what the Star Child blessed her with. She is wasted here.’

  Jean shrugged and mumbled. ‘I wouldn’t say wasted.’

  Darby said. ‘I would!’

  Jean’s eyes rounded at the admission from Darby. ‘Oh, okay then.’

  Peyton looked over her cup at Nina. ‘How the hayda are you involved in this?’

  ‘Jean is my friend and people talk to me.’

  ‘Are you saying they don’t talk to me?’

  Nina laughed. ‘No, what I am saying is people like to talk to me, and one of those people is worried about Jean. So when I heard you were having a meeting. I thought I could help.’

  ‘Aww that is so nice.’

  Darby asked. ‘One question, how did you find out about this meeting, we just found out?’

  Nina grinned as she accepted a cup of tea from Jean. ‘Thank you. I cannot reveal my sources.’

  ‘Or won’t.’ Darby muttered.

  Nodding, Nina agreed. ‘Or won’t.’

  Peyton asked Jean. ‘So is Amelia right, do you want to leave home?’

  ‘Yes and no.’

  ‘Scared?’ Asked Darby.


  ‘I understand, but Nina is not wrong, you are designed for bigger things than being my second as much as you are invaluable to me.’

  Jean nodded as she said. ‘But Kinn could just as easily step into my shoes.’

  They could all see Darby struggling to be diplomatic but in the end she said bluntly. ‘Yes, he is as good as you.’

  ‘It’s okay Darby, I know he is and knowing I am not leaving you stuck has made the decision for me easier.’

  Peyton asked. ‘What is it you want to do, Jean?’

  ‘See, that is just the thing, I am not sure, I know I want to explore the Universe and teach. But I also want to fix the broken, help worlds with their tech or help them advance and reach for the stars… I guess.’ She shrugged self- consciously and ran her hand through her hair. ‘I sort of have been thinking about this for a while.’

  Peyton asked Darby. ‘So what do you think?’

  ‘I think its great idea, and if anyone can lead a team to help the Universe its Jean.’

  ‘Team!’ Said a startled Jean.

  Darby snorted at her surprise. ‘As if the data collectors and tech specialists won’t be at my door asking to be released so they can go with you,’

  ‘Oh, I never thought of that.’

  Peyton said. ‘So, it looks as though you are going to get your wish.’

  Jean paled as she nodded. ‘Ahh, that’s a good thing.’

  Nina stood and hugged her. ‘It is my friend, it is, you will see.’

  Smiling, Peyton said. ‘Okay Jean, can you leave it with us and we will talk to command and come up with a plan?’

  Smiling in relief, Jean nodded. ‘Yes, and thanks for listening to me.’

  ‘You are family and family is important. Just know when we send you out there,’ Peyton waved her hand toward the windows, ‘you will not go alone.’

  ‘Oh, okay.’ Relieved all over again, the tension eased from Jean’s shoulders as she said. ‘Thanks, I have to tell you that was a worry.’

  Peyton shook her head. ‘It should not have been!’

  Realizing she had upset her, she rushed to say. ‘You are right, I guess I wasn’t thinking straight.’

  Mollified by her apology, Peyton smiled and waved her and Nina away. ‘Okay, so you and Nina have to leave. We need to talk about you and it’s harder to do when you are here.’

  Both Nina and Jean laughed as they left. Once she was sure they had gone, Peyton asked Darby. ‘You alright with this?’

  ‘No, dayam it, I’m not!’

  ‘But you won’t stand in her way.’

  Darby was the one to pace now. ‘No, but I am going to miss her.’

  ‘Yeah me too!’ Peyton said and at
Darby’s look she said hurriedly. ‘Obviously not as much as you, but still…’

  ‘Yeah, yeah, I need a drink.’

  ‘Drinking alcohol will not solve your problems.’ Peyton said piously.

  ‘Oh shut the hayda up.’ Darby snarled as she slammed from the office.

  Peyton leaned back in her chair and smiled. ‘I think we handled that well.

  You showed the right amount of surprise and sorrow.

  ‘Thank you Jax, Nina was a good touch.’

  Klune’s idea.

  ‘Love that male.’


  As soon as Darby exited Peyton’s office, she was ambushed by Melody, Karen and Nina.


  ‘We are going shopping and you are coming with us. Melody told her as she dragged her to the lift.’

  ‘What about…’

  ‘Nothing, come on Darby, we need to do this. I have lists to fill.’ Karen said as she shoved her none to gently into the lift.

  Nina said. ‘As do I.’

  ‘Okay, okay, no need to push. I never said I wasn’t going.’

  ‘Good, because we already have clearance Jorge is leading our security.’

  ‘Cool, just let me change first.’

  Melody growled. ‘Don’t take all day.’

  Darby arched her eyebrows at the tone but only said. ‘Meet you in the foyer in ten.’


  Ten mins later she arrived in the foyer she was pleased to learn Peneria and Ipeara were acting as their guides. No Prowlers were going with them today as they had voted to stay at the Embassy and partake of the new recreation level designed by Fanharr.

  Excited, the six females talked and laughed as Jorge showed them into the vehicle. Smiling, he nodded to their driver to let him know they were ready. He only hoped he was.

  The first high-rises they visited were the ones Darby had missed when she had been with Peyton. Then they shopped from the lists Brenda had given them for the females from home.

  Several blissful hours later, they had completed the lists and purchased almost every item on their own personal lists. Returning to the vehicle, they decided what they needed was rest and to eat a late second-meal.


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