Skirmish (The Stork Tower Book 8)

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Skirmish (The Stork Tower Book 8) Page 15

by Tony Corden

“I expect whoever comes will be Level 400 before too long, so I’d rather people who can work in a team.”

  “J: Agreed, I’ll go talk with Val and Shaman while you talk with Granite and Mist.”

  Leah stepped away and made her way to where Wisp was chatting with Granite and Mist. As she approached, Wisp stepped away and waved Leah forward to take her place. As Leah stepped close, she said, “Sorry to interrupt your conversation, but I wanted to talk with you two for a minute.”

  “G: How can we help?”

  Leah went through the options and explained what she and Jack had talked about. When she’d finished, Mist said, “M: Jack’s probably right. Val’s got more skills, and she’ll fit in well with you. While I’d have liked the experience I’ll be happy enough to tag along.”

  Leah said, “I’m sorry, but I have to be honest, I wasn’t going to ask you.”

  Mist looked shocked, then said, “M: Oh, sorry.”

  “Not that I don’t want to, I do. I’d love to have you with me. It’s just that I have another mission for you. Something more important and I don’t think you’ll be able to stay focussed on both. Will you and Granite log out and meet me at my place before Jack, Val and Shaman come? If you think you can do both, then I will ask you because I know we work well together. Still, you need to hear the other mission first.”

  Mist looked confused, but she agreed, and Leah led them to the large tent set aside for her use. After explaining to Yürek where she was going, she logged out.


  When she arrived in the Tower, she had Three move her to the gazebo. Granite and Mist arrived within moments. Granite was tall and well built, and she could see the resemblance to the gargoyle. Mist was a little shorter and curvier than her elven avatar but otherwise much the same. When they’d sat down, Leah explained the reason for the recent security update and that everyone who entered her world was now subtly checked for code.

  After that, she said, “You’re both fine, but if you haven’t had the update I suggest you do. Mist, when you mentioned your brother I was pretty sure he’d been made a slave because the person who tried to enslave me has two brothers called Andy and Ernst. I couldn’t say anything then because my feed is public and I needed a way to get you here so I could check your code. I’d hoped to talk when we were skiing, but things got too busy, and then there was my kidnapping.

  “I did ask some of my friends to start looking for Jim. Full disclosure, they may have stepped outside the lines, and while they didn’t find out where he’s living in the real world, they did find clues about where he’s playing. The group Andy and Ernst work for sold him to another family, and my friends were able to search the worlds the new family operates in. What they need is someone to find Jim in-game, so they can get a warrant to check his location. I know the authorities probably know where he’s playing and where he’s living. Still, without some actual evidence, they will not invade his privacy. If you, as his sister, approach him and can show he’s not in control of his virtual existence, they will have to issue that warrant.”

  Mist had tears in her eyes, and Granite had leaned over to put his arm around her. “M: Where is he?”

  “What we know at the moment is he plays on a world called ‘Gold Rush’. It’s based on what’s known as the ‘Wild West’ period in the old USA. All I know so far is he started in the town called Denver. As soon as I know more, I’ll let you know. Their daylight time is staggered with Dunyanin so you could do both, but I struggled to give all my focus to each game when someone I knew was caught in a similar situation. Full disclosure, I’m hoping to try something else to find him. If that works, you’ll be free fairly soon to give your attention to Dunyanin, but there are no certainties. What do you want to do?”

  “M: How did you find that out?”

  “Sorry, I can’t answer that as it wasn’t strictly legal. Truth be told, it wasn’t legal in any sense of the word. When you find him I want you to tell me, and I’ll come, and together we can notify the authorities. I suggest you don’t do it yourself as they don’t like admitting people are being enslaved, but I have a friend who can get something done through back channels.”

  “M: Thank you. You’re right that I need to focus on this. I wouldn’t be able to do both.”

  “G: I’m coming too.”

  “Good. I was hoping you’d help Mist.”

  Mist gave Granite a hug then said, “Thank you. I want you to join Leah as well. You can do both.”

  It took a few minutes for Mist to convince Granite, but he finally agreed. Leah sat, looking away while they talked. When that was done, Leah said, “I’ll wait here. Can you ask Jack and the others to come? I’ll send Jack a link.”

  When they disappeared, Leah wandered down to the dais to wait for the others to arrive. She greeted them, then took a moment to focus on the image being displayed on her chest to get some idea of what they looked like. Leah glossed over Jack but spent maybe twenty-seconds checking the other two faces. It was easy enough to connect the man with what she remembered of Shaman the orc. Even though she hadn’t seen what Val looked like she spent some time on the face, mainly because Leah’s impression was that Val was one of the most beautiful women she’d ever seen.

  In the silence, Jack said, “Leah, is everything OK?”

  “Yeah, sorry. I was concentrating on getting an impression of what my guests look like. It takes a while to notice the finer details, and I had to ask my AI to isolate and enlarge the faces. Once I know what someone looks like my mind seems to put all the finer details into what I ‘see’, in inverted commas.”

  “J: I’d almost forgotten you were blind. I watched some of the feed when you fought your way up that chimney, and you were even better than when we did the dungeon.”

  “Thank you. Mostly it’s OK. When I dropped into the void was the only time I almost lost it. I lost all sensations, and it was a bit hard not to freak out.”

  Leah sent a message sub-motively, “Gèng, any indication of the malware?”

  “4: No, although Shaman’s feed has some parasitic code attached. I sent a sample to Tesfaye, but I haven’t heard back yet. From what I can tell, it samples his feed and sends a copy elsewhere. Someone, or something, is watching everything he does. It is a serious breach of your privacy, and I strongly suggest you notify the authorities.”

  “Can you send a message to Shaman explaining what you found but isolate the message, so the code doesn’t sample it?”

  “4: Yes.”

  “Tell him I’ll leave it to him to deal with but need an official message from the authorities to show it has been reported.”

  “4: That’s been sent.”

  Shaman suddenly stopped looking around and stared at Leah. He was still for a moment, then disappeared. Jack and Val glanced around in surprise, but Leah said, “Shaman’s running an errand for me. Val, I invited you here because of that major security update earlier this year. The authorities didn’t give any clear details, but the reason was some serious malware that was embedded in some people’s code. I wanted to check those I play with aren’t infected, and the easiest, least intrusive way is to invite them here. My AI has been updated to recognise when people have the code. You’re both clear. Well, I knew Jack was because he’s been here before.”

  “J: Speaking of AI, how is Gèng, was she damaged when your AI was burnt out?”

  Suddenly Leah could feel Gèng approaching from behind her and said, “Here she is now.”

  As Gèng came close, she said, “4: Hello Jack, thank you for asking. Fortunately, I was archived in Leah’s Pod. Her new chip has an AI, so I’m sort of superfluous these days except Leah needs all the help she can get.”

  “I do. All joking aside though, why don’t we take a seat and let me talk with Val.”

  As they walked to the gazebo, Leah received a message from Virtual Security acknowledging malware had been found in Shaman’s feed, and the source had been found. The initiator of the code had been arrested and w
as awaiting trial. Leah had been listed as one of those whose privacy had been invaded, and she would be contacted when the matter was finalised. Moments later she received a message from Shaman asking if she still wanted to talk. She sent a message and another link.

  As she sat, she said, “Let’s wait for Shaman, he’s on his way.”

  Leah had just finished serving the tea when a second Gèng appeared leading Shaman. As he arrived, the second Gèng disappeared, and the one already in the gazebo said, “4: Leah, you start talking while I serve Shaman.”

  Leah nodded, then said, “As you know, I’m on this Merkize Odyssey. Jack suggested you two would be good additions to my team. The rules allow me to be in a group of eight. Three are permitted to be NPCs, and I have those—my dragon and two of the Imperial guards. Unfortunately, they both died in the valley, and I hadn’t changed my resurrection point, so they’re way back in the Günahkâr homelands. Thad, my boyfriend, is one and Granite has agreed, but Mist has something else she has to do so I need two more.

  “I need a ranger type with some long-range attacks and healing. Everyone else, except my dragon, is pretty weak with magic so a second mage would be helpful. You two fit the bill. I’m a little torn because the sensible thing is to wait and see if we mesh, but I feel I need to keep the momentum up. Are you interested? If so, do you have questions or concerns?”

  The four talked back and forth for ten minutes before Leah nodded and said, “Good, then let’s get moving. We’ve eight hours left and a dungeon to finish.”

  Val and Jack logged out of the Tower, but Shaman said, “Thank you for not discussing what happened. I just want you to know that it had nothing to do with you or Dunyanin. It was something personal.”

  “You’re welcome. We all have things going on in our lives that we keep close, so feel no pressure to share. All I need to know is if it will affect you being in the team?”

  “It won’t. The only time it might is I have to do something when I’m supposed to be in Dunyanin. I don’t think that will happen, because even Virtual Security understands the time constraints of multiplayer gaming.”

  “Good. See you soon.”

  As soon as Shaman logged out, Three transferred Leah to the Dunyanin portal.


  December 27, 2073


  Altogether it had taken an hour to organise the teams, and Leah was still conflicted with her choices. However, she was reasonably confident they were the right ones. As she arrived back in the tent, she could feel that Mĕi was returning. She stepped out and had to tuck her wings in tight and use them to stabilise herself as Mĕi landed almost on top of her. Jack, Shaman and Val had just stepped out of the tent, and all three were blown along the ground as Mĕi came to rest with her feet either side of Leah.

  After giving Mĕi’s leg a hug, Leah introduced her to Jack and his team, then talked with Amy before gathering everybody together. She said, “So, Thad, Granite, Val and Shaman are coming with me to do the dungeon. Yürek and some of the Imperial guards will be coming and keeping guard near the dungeon. The rest of you can attempt the Kemirmek dungeon or join some of the clan who are fighting people as they arrive for the war.”

  Amy said, “A: Can I borrow Mĕi? She and I can have a lot of fun dealing with people as they arrive.”

  Leah looked up at the colossal typhonera and communicated, “Is that OK with you, Mĕi? Will you look after Aunty Amy and help her fight?”

  Mĕi almost pranced as she agreed and lowered her head for Amy. Wisp said, “Can I come?”

  Another head was lowered, then Mĕi spoke with Leah and said, “M☼: I can take more.”

  Leah looked at Yürek and asked, “How many guards will go with them?”

  “Y☼: Melez is there with two guards. Let them take the rest of the hand.”

  Leah turned and looked at Amy and Wisp. She said, “Melez is already there. Yürek suggested you take the rest of your hand. They’ll be here in a second.”

  As soon as they’d left, Leah said, “Thad, Granite, Val, Shaman, I’ll teleport us to the start of the playing area. Yürek and İşaret will be with us.”

  Yürek said, “Y☼: Can you transfer more?”


  “Y☼: Then, I will add three guards, so you have a full hand.”

  Leah could sense the thread of data, and when everyone was ready, she placed them all in the scene she built up on her body then used the spell. All ten arrived on the northern edge of Mt Siddetli, facing the wide mouth of a valley which narrowed as it climbed up the side of the mountain. Nothing could be seen of what was in the valley as it was covered with a thick dark mist. At the top where the mist ended, Leah could feel a faint trail leading east to the entrance she’d found to the Kemirmeks. She said, “Yürek, I imagine we will exit the dungeon where there is a small trail at the top part of the valley.”

  “Y☼: For someone who is blind, you see a long way. Once it is clear you are in the dungeon, we will move around the mountain and meet you there.”

  Leah said, “Thad, Granite, Shaman, Val, is everyone ready?”

  When everyone said they were, Leah said, “OK Val, you’re up.”

  Val nodded and stepped silently into the mist and seemed to disappear. Granite followed, then Leah with Thad and Shaman bringing up the rear. Thad slowed as he entered the mist then stepped closer to Shaman. He said, “T: I don’t know how you’re following the others because I can hardly see anything.”

  Shaman reached into a pocket and after sifting through the contents, handed Thad a vial full of a deep-violet potion. He said, “We’re all from the dark races so we can see in here. I don’t really know what Leah is, but from what she described, I suspect the mist causes her no problem at all.”

  Thad drank the potion and handed it back to Shaman, who said, “What? Did you drink it? Quick try and spit it out, it’s super poisonous. It’s supposed to be dabbed on your eyes.”

  Thad started hacking and trying to gag until he heard Shaman laughing. Shaman said, “You should have seen your face. Man, this is going to be so much fun.”

  From the darkness which was slowly receding for Thad, he could hear Granite laughing. Even with the potion, he could only just make out Val as she led them forward. Unerringly it seemed, Val moved through what looked like dead forest along what would have normally been called a track. The track had sharpened flakes of stone scattered over the surface which protruded out of the earth. Many had only a finger width showing, but some came well past Leah’s knees. Granite had brushed against one, and a sliver of his thick rocklike hide had been sliced away, causing him to bleed. As his blood fell on the trail, it started to boil. Leah cast a quick heal and kept walking.

  After ten minutes of silence where they’d not even felt a breath of wind as they walked, Val came to a stop. She said, “There’s a barrier here. Leah, I suspect you’ll need to go first.”

  “We should make a group. I’ll invite you. Is everyone happy with equal shares of loot and experience, with special items going to those who want or need them?”

  “T: Yes, except I think it’s fairer to make experience proportional on level. The higher up you are, the more you need the points to progress.”

  “True, but I’d rather we were all at the same level even if it’s lower down. With equal shares, you’ll level up sooner, and that’s safer for the team in the long run.”

  They discussed it for a few more minutes then all agreed with Leah’s proposal. Once this was decided, Leah stepped toward the barrier she couldn’t feel, except her hand went cold as ice as she touched it. She felt her hand slowly sink in, and a message arrived on a Braille reader in front of her.

  Player Atherleah,

  You are about to enter a dungeon constructed as part of a quest prepared for the Merkize Odyssey. The rules of the Odyssey permit you a total of seven companions. Once a companion has participated in one of the quests or dungeons they are locked in for the entire Odyssey. These may not be changed except
under extenuating circumstances such as the death of a player in real life or the permanent death of an NPC companion.

  Currently, you have two NPC companions, neither of which is with you at the moment. You are permitted five more companions. With you are four players, Valda_iona_kali, Keith_Stone_2048, Thad_Kickyourbuttson and Shaman_Tane. Do you wish to add these to the list of your designated Odyssey companions?


  Player Atherleah, you have one place remaining on your team for the Merkize Odyssey.

  As Leah read the last message, she sank through the barrier and found herself with another Braille reader in front of her.

  Level 5 Dungeon Achievement: First 1 (10, Painite)

  Atherleah (Level 452), you have entered the dungeon:

  Korku Mahzenleri - A Vault of the Fallen

  You are the first player to access this area. It is one of four dungeons on Mt Siddetli specifically designed for the Merkize Odyssey. Once completed, it will be open to other players.

  The creators allotted to each of the four races a realm within which they may grow and flourish. To the gods, they gave the Pantheon. To the fae, they gave The Vales. The dragons received the Glorious Lands. To the mundane, they gave a land they called Dunya. These combined realms they gave they name Dunyanin, for it is on Dunya that the realms intersect. Through the eons, each of the magic races has used their power to bring change upon Dunya and thus upon all Dunyanin. It was for this purpose the Creators did make the realm and the mundane who live within it. For example, from the simplest building blocks, the fae created the elves, giving them a semblance of fae greatness and a portion of their magics. So too did the gods and the dragons join in creating all you find on this world.

  Now, each race is eternal in nature, but they are not immortal. In the passage of time, each makes their way through Lady Olme’s realm and down the River Tukenis. The gods in their might do not take loss in the journey and are returned with their memory and power intact, save their outward appearance is transformed. The dragons return to the Glorious Lands, their memories stored in their heart stones to help prepare new dragons for the journey to their homeland. The fae lose their sense of self and return to the elements from which they were created. They leave behind their creations, changes in the fabric of Dunya which stand for all time. The purified elements from which the fae were created are reborn as elementals within the Vales, and all the fae rejoice at that rebirth. The mundane remember nothing after their trip along the river, and they are recreated again upon Dunya, an empty vessel ready to be filled and so bring colour to the greater tapestry which is Dunyanin.


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