Skirmish (The Stork Tower Book 8)

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Skirmish (The Stork Tower Book 8) Page 18

by Tony Corden

  “4: I suspect they’ll be as diverse as those adopted by humans but of an entirely different nature. I’d like to discuss this after the first meeting.”

  “Me too.”

  Leah then logged out before getting back in the Pod and using the bedroom Gèng had made to lie down for some NREM3 sleep.

  Leah felt much better after her sleep and after stretching, walked out onto the balcony to feel the world they’d created. As she felt the wind blow across her scalp, she wondered what it smelled like. In her mind, she thought she remembered smells and imagined it was fresh and clean. Taking a deep breath, she headed toward the main living area as part of her mind began sorting through and reading messages using a braille reader Three had created near her left hand. One was from Thad, and as she finished reading, she changed direction toward the portal room and headed for the SPIDER.

  “Three, I’m going to visit Pneumatica for a while. Thad’s arrived in Aeropile with Caoimhe, and we need to talk.”


  Leah arrived in her suite of rooms on the Tempest. After making sure all the marks of the time in the Colosseum and on Grah were removed, she dressed in the uniform Paige had prepared. After checking there were guards outside her door she stepped out. Both guards came to attention and took up their positions just behind her as she made her way to the bridge.

  As she stepped onto the bridge, everyone briefly came to attention. As was expected, she first made her way to Captain Baker and said, “Greetings Captain, how goes the Tempest?”

  “B: The Tempest is ready and waiting for your direction, Commodore. She is fully stocked and has a full complement of aeronauts. I would suggest that we have been on the ground for too long.”

  Leah nodded then said, “I am in full agreement, Captain. After meeting with Lord Emerson, I will be in a better place to give you a destination and task. If his information is such that there is no particular mission of urgency, then what might be your preferred destination?”

  After discussing options for several minutes, Leah said, “Captain, I do suspect that Lord Emerson and I will of necessity be bound to Aeropile for the near future that we might complete the mission entrusted to us by her Majesty. I am loathe to let you and your crew languish in inactivity and propose you prepare to leave before the day is out, for a mission against the Scardosian Pirates and, should the opportunity arise, even against those of their regular fleet who transgress by entering what is the lawful dominion of Aeropile. Contact the others of the fleet and have them prepare as well. Either I shall keep a ship or two to give succour to my mission, or I will place them all under your control. Are you prepared to assume such a mission, Captain Baker?”

  “B: It would be my pleasure, Commodore. Know that as we fly, we shall do so under your emblem.”

  “I am indeed honoured. I do apologise, but it has come to my mind to ask if you have suffered any loss through the lack of Major Daniels and his men?”

  “B: Not in numbers Commodore, but we will miss their expertise. I took the liberty of taking on additional personnel to make up their loss.”

  “In so doing, you have shown excellent foresight, Captain. I must be away and would ask if you might send for a carriage that I might travel with some haste to Lord Emerson’s mansion.”

  “B: I am sure one is already waiting, Commodore. Mr Bartle has, of his own initiative, made certain that a carriage is always available for your use.”

  “Then, I shall make use of it. Thank you for your time, Captain.”

  “B: Commodore, you should be aware that agents of Her Majesty have visited several times since your reappearance with missives from the queen. Missives that they insisted could not be left behind but were for your hands alone. I suspect they will hear of your return once you leave the Tempest.”

  “I suspect you are correct, Captain. While I look forward to serving at Her Majesty’s pleasure, I shall seek to remain one step ahead of them until such time as I have something substantive to bring to Her Majesty.”

  With that, Leah turned and left the bridge. As she left the Tempest, a clockwork carriage was drawing up close to where she was disembarking. Two marines from the Tempest stepped forward and checked the inside then stood to either side as Leah approached. Leah thanked them then turned to the driver who had left her seat to ask for directions. Leah said, “Good lady, am I right in assuming this carriage has been provided by my good friend and colleague, Mr Bartle?”

  “It has indeed, Commodore. I am at your disposal.”

  “Then let us first visit the new estate recently purchased near here and then afterwards I shall visit the home of Lord Thad Emerson.”

  “By the new estate do you mean the portal, Commodore?”


  “Then perhaps you might meet Mr Bartle, Commodore Charlotte, for he has spent much of the last day working there with builders and architects.”

  The portal wasn’t far, and the carriage came to a stop on what had been an empty field running beside the railway tracks. It now looked like a significant development with hundreds of workers preparing foundations for an avenue of shops. Dozens of marquees were set up, and players were lined up to purchase a range of goods. As Leah stepped from the carriage, a cry went up as she was recognised, and people turned to watch as she walked towards the portal she could feel at the far edge of the new development.

  She’d only walked halfway when she recognised one of the images on her skin as Billy. He was walking toward her. He said, “F: Well met, Commodore. I am pleased to see you have recovered from your ordeal.”

  “It is good to see you also, Mr Bartle. I see that this enterprise is developing, and at quite a pace.”

  “F: Indeed. There was another portal discovered beneath Aeropile’s Central Transport Hall to this world of Grah. Some have used it and found themselves within a great hall not dissimilar to what is beyond this portal. The other hall is unoccupied at present, though Her Majesty is creating a new Ministry to take charge of transport to other worlds. To date, those who enter have a multitude of destinations to choose from, and these destinations are written above the portals. That hall allows movement in only one direction at this juncture, and some portals are, as of this moment, not functioning.

  “Mr Willeford has encouraged us to bring this enterprise into full function to take account of the unique situation in which we find ourselves. Indeed, if you would turn your gaze upon the railway, you will see that a small platform is already constructed. Within the hour, perhaps several hundred from the aether worlds will make their way from the station and to the portal. Already our coffers overflow with coin as those from the aether world spend handsomely before making their way into Grah.”

  “Good news, Mr Bartle. I trust you are keeping a strict accounting that I might, when I have a moment, make sure all parties receive what is their due.”

  “F: I have employed not one accountant, but two to keep such records, Commodore. To be fully transparent, one keeps records suitably arranged for open scrutiny by those appointed by Her Majesty to ensure she receives that which is her due by right of sovereignty—the other for use by those who have invested much into the enterprise such as yourself. As the major stakeholder, you will, of course, have access to both accounts. Have no fear that some might take coin which is not their due, for I have been clear that while you prefer both a temperate and light-handed oversight, you are not beyond seeking swift justice if this is taken advantage of. Your dealing with Master Westmorten is still fresh in the minds of many, and I assure you there will be no misappropriation of coin.”

  “Thank you. With Mr Willeford and myself as partners, I would strongly suggest that the businesses are not open to the usual practice of being offered protection for a price. I will exact justice personally on those who cause trouble within this precinct.”

  “Does your protection include a prohibition on an honest pocket making a living?”

  “Certainly not! I would hope those in such
a line of work are making a handsome profit. Perhaps you might consider Lady Katherine as a suitable person to oversee such activities?”

  “What a splendid idea. Now, all pleasantries aside, to what do we owe the pleasure of this visit?”

  “I must quickly visit Major Daniels and receive his report, then make haste to visit Lord Emerson.”

  Billy’s face lost all its emotion, and he said, “F: I take it you were successful then?”

  Leah turned and after making sure Three lowered the volume of her voice said, “We achieved success in our quest, but I am still undecided as to whether we were successful in meeting the desires of Her Majesty, or that of the prince. Perhaps their goals were not the same, and while one might be overjoyed at our success, the other may be filled with dismay.”

  “F: I see. What does the agent who joined your company think is most likely?”

  “Alas, he was in league with some within Pyranthia and took steps to hinder our quest. I relieved him of the burden his treachery must have been upon his honour, and so I am even more uncertain. It was clear from his effects, and from the words of those Pyranthians with whom he had consorted, that the stated quest we received from Her Majesty was to remain unfulfilled. Instead, he had orders to have the quest terminated.”

  “F: You killed an agent of the Crown?”

  “Not so. He did, however, fall most clumsily into the path of two bullets which had inadvertently left the muzzle of my firearm at some considerable velocity.”

  “F: How unfortunate, did he trip on his feet perhaps?”

  “No, it is indeed a mystery for he was seated at the time.”

  Billy couldn’t help chuckling, before saying, “F: You have proof of his additional mission then?”

  “We do. Unfortunately such proof does not point the finger at an individual. A name was given by the Pyranthian rebels, but as such would not be admissible in any court of the land.”

  “F: Perhaps they might be persuaded to give more information?”

  “Another good suggestion that cannot bear fruit, for those who made such comments did suffer misadventure at the end of the current Lord Emerson’s and my swords.”

  The rest of their conversation covered trivial matters as they wandered to the portal. Once there, Leah took a deep breath, then stepped through.


  December 27, 2073


  Several marines were standing guard on the other side of the portal, and when they saw her, they came to attention. Within moments Captain Daniels arrived and said, “I: Commodore, it is good to see you without the detritus of battle and fatigue. Are you recovered?”

  “Of those maladies, I am indeed recovered. Is Takobi here?”

  “I: The general is in Taranna overseeing an attack to wrest control of the hanji stored there.”

  “The ‘General’?”

  “I: Indeed. I had not realised his rank when you introduced us, but those who came from Pyranthia to bolster our forces have shared his rank and described his exploits. That he acknowledges you as his superior is a great encouragement to our forces as each of the Pyranthians is at least our equal in the martial skills.”

  “While I may have command, I consider the General more than my equal in the art of war. His skill with the sword is something to which I aspire but doubt I will ever achieve, at least in this world. What of those who use the portals but do not fight under my banner?”

  “I: All so far have been from the aether worlds. All who enter the portal from the Aeropile side are human such as we, yet some are transformed into Pyranthians or ma’nav as they exit into this hall. One traveller described it as a magic from the aether worlds. Purtinfors has opened a portal to one of the resistance strongholds. Most are aware of the resistance, and they are excited at the prospect of meeting the ja’mar. Purtinfors has reached an agreement with the General that those who do not give their allegiance to you will enter Grah through the resistance stronghold. News of this must have reached the Aether worlds for thousands make the journey each hour.”

  “I have not seen these, though I did see perhaps a hundred outside the portal purchasing supplies.”

  “I: Let us step back, that you might observe how excited are those who enter such an inhospitable place. If my timepiece is accurate, then the regular rail service will have just stopped adjacent to your enterprise. Many will stop to purchase items from the merchants, but some rush without due care through the portal.”

  Leah stepped back and wasn’t disappointed as within minutes, people began stepping through the portal. Most, it seemed, knew where they were going and headed directly to the portal to Taranna and from there to the Resistance stronghold. Some just stopped and looked around, only to be approached by a marine and directed either to the portal or to a line of her marines ready to take an oath of allegiance to Charlotte and the bleeding eye. Over eighty had gone through when one noticed Charlotte off to one side talking with the major.

  The woman was still in the clothes of someone new to Pneumatica, but even so, several marines stepped up beside her as she approached Leah. She said, “Are you Atherleah? The Atherleah?”

  “With some embarrassment I would say I am her, though here on Grah, and in the worlds of Pneumatica, I am known as Charlotte. With me is Captain Ian Daniels. Are you headed for the Resistance stronghold?”

  “Yes. This is so cool, I can’t believe I’m actually meeting you.”

  Leah smiled then reached down and unbuckled her sword. She handed it to the woman and said, “Here, take this. I notice you don’t have a weapon yet. If you’re hoping to fight the ja’mar, it’s better to kill silently otherwise they swarm. Do you know how to use it?”

  The woman reached out and took the sword almost reverently. She said, “Thank you so much, wow, wait till my friends hear about this. I don’t know anything about sword fighting. I’ve not played in a world like this before, but what I saw you doing looked so cool.”

  Knowing that many of the worlds paired players with suitable NPCs to help and guide them in the various quests, such as the help she’d received from Billy and Takobi, Leah turned to Ian and said, “Major Daniels, perhaps you might find a marine willing to volunteer to accompany this woman on her journey that she might learn how best to wield the sword and assist her as she can in other areas.”

  “I: As you wish, Commodore.”

  Ian called out, and a tall, heavily-muscled marine ran over. Ian explained the task to her then turned to the player and said, “I: Miss, I do apologise that I have not taken the time to learn your name.”

  “Lucy, I’m Lucy Mills.”

  “I: Well met Miss Lucy Mills. Sergeant Patrice Honour here is one of our best when it comes to wielding the sword. She is willing to accompany you to teach you how best to use the sword and how to navigate the dangers of Grah. She will stay as long as you are continuing to learn. Will you accept her service?”

  Lucy turned to look at Leah, then turned back to Ian and said, “It would be an honour to learn from her.”

  Leah said, “Thank you, Sergeant, for your service. Is there anything you need for this task?”

  “No, thank you, Commodore. I have sufficient supplies.”

  Leah talked a few more minutes with Ian about was happening. After leaving some suggestions for Takobi, she said, “Thank you for your time, Ian. I must depart as I have matters of great import to discuss with Lord Emerson.”


  Holding her breath, she passed once more through the portal and had to step aside as several players rushed forward into the portal. Billy was still waiting, and he escorted her to the waiting carriage, which took her to the mansion she and Kate had robbed.

  As she approached the mansion, she could see that Thad had at least doubled the guards. Once her carriage was inside, she could see more guards spread out through the gardens. Thad and Kate were waiting just inside the doorway. After giving Thad a chaste kiss and giving Kate a hug, they led her
into the sitting room where Caoimhe was waiting. Caoimhe’s hair had begun to grow out, and she was dressed in a black silk, multi-tiered-tail skirt, a deep burgundy and black striped bone corset and a long-sleeved silk shirt.

  She came to her feet as Leah walked in and said, “Commodore Charlotte, it is good to see you. When Lady Emerson said you were arriving today, I was filled with gladness.”

  Leah stepped closer and said, “My name is Charlotte, and I’m so glad to see you as well. I imagine the changes in your life have been almost overwhelming. Why don’t we sit and you tell me about them?”

  Caoimhe nodded and sat back on the meridienne she’d been using. Leah came and sat beside her and said, “Everything must seem so strange after living in Pyranthia for so long.”

  “3: C with a touch of cold ❄ is for Caoimhe.”

  “C❄: It does. Everything is so soft, and people always try to be polite. No one has tried to kill me since I arrived.”

  “Well, I’m glad of the last one though I suspect that will soon change. Have you kept up your skills in sword and hand-to-hand combat?”

  “C❄: No, I would say I’m a bit rusty.”

  “Then, after we talk, I’ll spar with you for a while. I think that, with the uncertainty of what lies ahead, you will find that you may need those skills before we finally enter a period of tranquillity.”

  “C❄: Why do I hear your words but see no movement in your lips or throat?”

  Leah explained what had happened then said, “Please, do not be concerned as it is of no moment. I shall deal with the scoundrels without undue delay.”

  Leah turned to Kate and Thad and said, “What news from the palace?”

  “T: Our arrival was surely noted, and news of your presence in Aeropile has run like fire through the city with the appearance of the portal. Prince Albert is still hampering that development, although Billy has an almost unending supply of information to stop officials from being too obstructionist.”


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