Skirmish (The Stork Tower Book 8)

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Skirmish (The Stork Tower Book 8) Page 32

by Tony Corden

  Leah spent twenty minutes flying with Mìng and Mĕi. In the beginning, they flew slowly upwards, but then Mĕi started a game of tag. Mĕi and Mìng were evenly matched in the air and though Leah was outmatched, her confidence and skill continued to improve.

  Leah landed several hundred paces from the dwarves who were camped near the entrance to the winnowing maze. As she approached in her half-elf half-human form, they formed into ranks with Nalbant standing in front of them. Altogether there were twenty-five dwarves.

  Leah stopped several paces from Nalbant while the others with her stopped several paces further back. Leah said, “Yesterday I explained to Nalbant that the torture you subjected the dragons to is deserving of death. I discussed this with those dragons who survived. They agree with me that there has been enough death and pain caused by the enmity between D’durulmuş D’hşet and Acinin Eli. You have a choice. You can join my army in a war against gods like Kötücü and in time regain your honour, or you can ask to be released from the clan and seek your honour elsewhere.

  “If you join me, you will need to pledge your loyalty to me as your Clan Chief. In return, I will work you in the fire of service and battle until the dross of dishonour is gone. Then you will be hammered through training, hardship and more battle until you become worthy of the name ‘dwarf’ once again. Until that day, you will be my tools. I will use you to blunt the attack of my enemies, frustrate the plans of gods such as Kötücül, and protect those who are weak. Know this, if you join me, then your fancy robes and glittering armour will only be worn until all the magic in them has been used up, then they will be discarded. You will remake your armour using materials I give you. They will be reforged to satisfy the demands of war and service rather than pandering to your egos.

  “The words of your pledge are stronger than what I usually ask of those who serve me, but this is because of your actions against the dragons. When you have restored your honour, the past will be forgotten. These are the words of your pledge, ‘I will be faithful to Clan Chief Atherleah. I swear to obey her commands and the commands of those she places over me, except where such obedience would bring dishonour to the clan. You have my word and oath.’ I expect the oath to be imbued with your mana.”

  Nalbant stepped forward, went to one knee and repeated the oath. When he’d finished, Leah said, “Nalbant, I, Atherleah, promise not to waste your service. I will not set before you any task that leads to further dishonour. From this point on, I will treat you with respect. You have my word and oath.”

  Nalbant stared at Leah for a moment as this was more than he had expected. One by one each of the dwarves made their oath. When they were finished, Leah said, “You are now my clan. I name you Kraliçenin Çekiçleri.”

  Leah had chosen the name from information on the dwarves language—it meant ‘The Queen’s Hammers’. Leah then stepped back and used the earth shroud to manipulate the earth in front of her to show a map of the mountain. Pointing to their current location, she said, “Nalbant, we are here. My forces are currently camped down here. Lead the clan down the mountain and be ready to serve tomorrow morning. I expect all to be there.”

  Leah pointed to Yürek and said, “This is the leader of my Imperial Guards on this mountain. If I am not present, then she speaks with my voice.”

  Nalbant studied the three-dimensional map then said, “N: We will be ready, Clan Chief.”

  He then turned and ordered the other dwarves to grab their belongings. Minutes later he set off running down the mountain. Thad said, “T: Leah, That’s over twenty-five leagues. They’ll have to run all night to make it there in time.”

  “Yes, I know. The thing is, they are dwarves, and they need to remember that. Don’t forget I have experience as a dwarf. Despite their constant training, they’ve grown soft. Yürek, when they arrive tomorrow have them set up camp and then test their combat skills. Don’t allow them to cast spells but force them to use their hands and a variety of weapons.”

  After flying back to the camp, Leah spent some time with Thad as he worked with the Shadowfire Elemental. Thad hadn’t used much magic before, and Leah started him with some simple fire spells. Just under an hour later, members of Jack’s crew began appearing at the resurrection stone. They’d discovered an individual gauntlet-dungeon which placed each player in a unique instance designed to test their chosen player build. While it focussed on their strength and agility, it also tested both their offensive and defensive skills. With MOBs on the first section set at a minimum of ten levels higher than the player, and with each section increasing the gap, all of the players had been killed working their way through the third section.

  When Granite arrived, Leah had him join Thad, and she helped him develop skills working with the Darkfire Elemental. Ten minutes later, Val appeared. After she’d shared what happened to her in the dungeon, Leah took her aside. Instead of speaking aloud, Leah extended a braid of psychic mana. She said, “Val, I’m discussing things this way so others don’t hear the conversation. I have several shrouds I’m not likely to use myself. I was wondering if you’d be interested in either a divine magic Silence Shroud or a mundane magic Shadow Shroud.”

  Val went very still for a moment, then formed the words in her mind and said, “V: I’m not sure I could afford either of them.”

  “They aren’t for sale. I’m willing, however, to give you one of them. Everything will get more difficult, and I need my team to be as prepared as possible. Thad and Granite are working on understanding their new elemental companions. I found several summoning spells in what I’ve collected which I’ll give to Shaman, but I think this is what can help you best. Which is most likely to complement or enhance your current skills?”

  “V: Wow! OK, I’m not sure. I suspect the Silence Shroud would work best to complement what I have, while the Shadow shroud will extend and enhance what I’m already reasonably proficient in. I need to do some more research before deciding.”

  “That sounds like a good idea. Let me know when you reach a decision.”

  When Shaman appeared Leah gave him a range of summoning spells she’d collected, then talked with some of the clan’s other mages as she waited for Jack, Brin and Pod to arrive. She spoke with each of them as they arrived, and although she tried not to give anything away, she was reasonably sure they knew what was happening. By the time it came for her to log out she’d made up her mind not only for the artefact but also about who to leave in command of the army. Some things still weren’t clear, so she sent several questions to the administrators where she hadn’t been able to find the answer in the handbooks.

  The Chest of Communication had arrived, and Leah sorted through the various ingredients. After saying goodbye to Thad and the others, she sent a message to Peter asking him to source some additional ingredients, then logged out.


  December 28, 2073


  Arriving back in the Tower, Leah made her way to the Pneumatica portal. Before stepping through, she said, “Three, after I see what’s been happening in Pneumatica I’ll have a real-time break. If Jenny is free, I’ll visit Gates Unchained for a real-hour. After that, I’d like to meet Juke Rangeon if Danika can arrange that. I’m nowhere near ready to do a race, but I’d like to see if it’s at least feasible before I spend more time on it.”

  Arriving in the middle of the massive four-poster bed at Noir House, Leah could sense someone else in the room. The person was standing near a large armoire that was beside the bedroom’s walk-in-robe. The curtains around the bed were still drawn, but even so, Leah was surprised the game mechanics would allow someone to get this close when she had logged out in safety. Taking a shallow breath, Leah pulled a pistol from where she’d hidden it between the mattress and the headboard and also palmed a knife. She carefully eased her way through the curtains on the side opposite the person she could tell was a woman dressed as a lady’s maid. Leah couldn’t sense any weapons on the person and waited until they’d turned b
ack to the armoire then said, “Good morning.”

  With a start, the woman turned to face Leah and said, “Oh, you gave me a fright, your Grace. I’m sorry if I woke you. The Herrington sent through your wardrobe and other belongings. I was instructed to begin unpacking.”

  A quick check with Three confirmed that a maid could be in the room as long as the curtains were drawn around the bed. Satisfied, Leah said, “I apologise for giving you a fright. I’m not used to people being in my bedroom while I sleep. Thank you for helping with my wardrobe. What is your name?”

  “My name is Emily, your Grace.”

  “I’m pleased to meet you, Emily. Have you worked in Noir House for long?”

  “E: I have worked here for eight years. Before being assigned as your personal maid, I worked as a scullery maid, a laundry maid and as a general housemaid, your Grace.”

  “Well, I trust we will work well together. Please lay out one of the full length asymmetrical layered skirts—black. Add a white full-sleeved cotton blouse with a bohemian flair and the black and burgundy leather corset. I shall wear the black bowler. Out of prudence, for I hope my morning shall be filled with tranquillity, please add the thigh holsters which fit under the skirt and the burgundy leather and bronze parasol.”

  A few minutes later, Leah was dressed. After thanking Emily, she left the bedroom and entered the main private area set aside for the Duke or Duchess. Two guards in the livery of House Noir were standing guard at the entrance of the private area. Grim was waiting in a chair near the door. He stood as Leah approached. “G☇: Good morning, your Grace.”

  “Good morning, Grim. This morning I need to talk with Lord Emerson. This discussion will set me on the next step of my journey. I suspect it will eventually lead me to Scardosia. Have you any new information which might add some enlightenment to my considerations?”

  “G☇: My mistress has confirmed that those who attacked you were from the Scardosian branch of assassins’ guild. Another indication is the disappearance of Prince Albert. He is not in the palace. The queen has expressed some concern for his welfare, but my mistress has some evidence that he is not a prisoner and is en route to the Scardosian capital. Once there, she suspects he will declare the princess a Pyranthian collaborator and spy who has the queen under her sway. He will call on those loyal to Aeropile to join with the Scardosian forces to save the queen from foreign influences and set him on the throne.

  “My mistress believes that Scardosia will begin their campaign with an attack against you and your interests. You are highly respected by the people of Aeropile. My mistress propounds that the attack on Lord Emerson’s mansion was not only solely aimed at killing the princess. Even with her dead, it was thought that you would seek justice for her. You were also a target.”

  Leah was silent for a moment as she considered her options. “Please thank your mistress for the information. I will first visit Lord Emerson as his home is on the way to the privateer airfield, and then look to visit my estate at Mount Noir. Before we go, I will write a message to Captain Baker of the Tempest. Please arrange for it to be delivered that she might be prepared for an immediate departure.”

  Grim nodded and left the suite while Leah headed for a nearby room where she could sense a desk and writing implements. Leah had to concentrate on forming the letters, just as she had with the queen. Still, the message was shorter and asked Captain Baker to prepare all ships in her fleet for immediate departure. When she’d finished writing, she communicated with Three. She said, “Three, I’m going to take Amy’s advice and start using the forums for more than just information. Please put up a notice on the Pneumatica bulletin which informs players of opportunities. It should say something like, ‘Commodore Charlotte, Duchess of Mount Noir is leaving from the Aeropile Privateer airfield in two hours. She will be heading for Mount Noir and from there will wage war on Scardosia, both on the ground and on the air. Players without transport who wish to participate will need to join her player group and be at the airfield before we leave. Players who are privateer captains and have their own airships are welcome to join the fleet as long as they are willing to follow the Duchess’ commands. Players with ground vehicles they wish ferried to the battle should be at the airfield within forty-eight virtual hours for transport aboard the Iapetus.’”

  “3: I will place this on several forums. Gèng is helping reword it to match the particular focus of each bulletin board.”

  “Thank you. Gèng, could you have a range of player apparel suitable for those under my command? I’ll need a basic set I can gift the players, and then if you think it will sell I’ll let you place a store on one of the ships for players who want to buy something flashier.”

  “4: Not only can I, but I’ll send a contract to Stephen to set up the boutique on your ships. It’ll be between Paige, you and Pneumatica. Would you mind if I made a private deal with several other outfitters to include weapons and other basic items?”

  “Go right ahead. I’d prefer it if it doesn’t compete too much with the everyday stores already available on the ships.”

  “4: Agreed, I suggest you warn Captain Baker that there will be an influx of players and she should have the Iapetus prepared to take the overflow of passengers. Also, I asked Wisp to help design the various changes to your coat of arms and your colours. She’s kept to the black and blood red theme, and you should have the designs registered before you leave. You don’t have to do it yourself but can authorise someone to do it for you.”

  Leah wrote another message to Captain Baker, then after sealing them with wax she made her way to the front of the embassy. Grim was waiting with a carriage. After giving him the messages, Leah got inside. She sat back concentrating on the sensations washing over her skin, looking for evidence of assassins. Although Leah could sense people following the carriage, no-one approached close enough to make her concerned. By the time she reached Thad’s mansion, she’d also finalised the contract with Paige and answered dozens of questions by players about what was happening.

  Thad was waiting as Leah stepped from the carriage. Leah curtsied and said, “I’m flattered that your Grace should come out to meet me.”

  After bowing, Thad said, “T: Dearest Duchess, it is I who am honoured that you might visit my humble abode.”

  After a quick embrace, Leah explained what she’d arranged. Thad said, “T: I’d like to come with you but I think I’ll gather some forces of my own first. My new estates are to the west of Mount Noir, and I’ll also need to visit them. I suspect many players won’t be able to make your deadline so I’ll add a new thread explaining that I will be joining you. So far neither Queen Alexander nor Caoimhe has said anything about the Prince. However, I suspect they’ll support what you’re doing.”

  “I purposefully am not including them at the moment. I read the notes on the various duchies. As Duchess, I do have the freedom to declare war outside Aeropile without needing the monarch’s support. This will give her and Caoimhe more options and hopefully focus the quest before it becomes even larger.”

  “T: I’m not sure you can contain it too much after your message on the forums. Conflicts like this pull in the treasure seekers, glory hounds and new players. I suspect thousands of players who visit Pneumatica only occasionally are reading your invitation and looking to join the war. Many won’t make the deadline, which means the game will find another way to help them get to the war. In the game, you’re important enough that I suspect hundreds of quests are already being redirected or created to fit in with the conflict. With Sardosia being a human nation, I expect thousands of Sardosian-based players to join up as well. This will get big quickly.”

  Leah and Thad discussed the plans for another ten minutes then Leah said, “I’d best keep moving. Oh, if Gèng sends you my colours and the various devices can you get them registered for me?”

  “No problem at all, I had Wisp design some for me as well. She said that she’s being contacted by other players as well. Everyone wants to use y
our designer.”

  “Thank you, once we’re in the air I’ll log out. I’ll see you in Dunyanin.

  “T: Before you go, I was wondering if you had a spare hour tomorrow for a date?”

  Leah sighed and said, “Sorry, I don’t. Even if I did, I’d be fooling myself if I thought I could enjoy it with everything that’s going on. The death toll in Brisbane from the riots and demonstrations is eighteen, and that doesn’t include the people killed in an attack near where I live. If I had the time, I’d be tempted to go help. It’s only the fact that I think I’m more useful in the multiverse that’s keeping me focussed.”

  Thad said nothing but nodded slowly. Leah gave him a quick embrace and then some longer kisses before heading back to the carriage and heading to the airfield. When she arrived, she was a little surprised at the number of people lining up to enter the airfield. After a quick check by security, her carriage was waved through, and she headed toward the Tempest. When she arrived, she was met by Captain Baker, who said, “B: Welcome, Commodore, all aircraft in the fleet are ready for departure as soon as you give the command. Shuttles are already ferrying vehicles of those wishing to join your command to the Iapetus. Lady Paige has arrived and been given a berth on the Tempest. Some of her employees, along with several other merchants, have already been conveyed to the Iapetus.

  “I have appointed Major Rollins to temporarily fill the position held by Major Daniels. He is a marine I have previously worked with, and I believe he may be even more gifted than Major Daniels. He is aboard the Iapetus taking stock of those who have pledged themselves to you for this endeavour. I’ve asked him to sort the travellers into companies and work with them to develop a workable chain of command. Each captain has arranged a similar procedure for those who have taken up positions upon your airships.”


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