The Greatest Battle

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The Greatest Battle Page 42

by Andrew Nagorski

  military purges criticized by

  intervenes in Stalin Motor Vehicle Plant strike

  at Revolution Day celebration

  on Stalin’s response to German invasion

  on war with Finland

  Mikoyan, Stepan

  Mikushev, General Georgy

  Military History Institute (Moscow)

  Military intelligence service, Soviet(GRU)

  Minkovtsy, massacre of Jews in


  fall of


  Moats, Alice-Leon


  Molotov, Vyacheslav

  evacuation to Kuibyshev of

  lifelong loyalty to Stalin of

  purges supported by

  and response to German invasion

  and Revolution Day celebration

  U.S. diplomats and

  SEE ALSO Molotov-Ribbentrop nonaggression pact

  Molotov-Ribbentrop nonaggression pact

  Baltic states and

  fortifications and

  Poland and

  Stalin’s justification for

  trade commitments of

  Mongolia, Japanese invasion of

  Monte Cassino, battle of

  Mordovia prison camp

  Moscow American diplomats in

  battle monument in

  Beaverbrook-Harriman mission to

  British diplomats in

  bombing raids on

  camouflaging of buildings in

  civilian discontent in

  Eden’s mission to

  evacuations from

  food rationing in

  fortification of

  German diplomats in

  German plans for destruction of

  Hopkins’s visit to

  journalists in

  Lenin’s mausoleum in

  looting in

  martial law declared in


  NKVD raids in

  panic in

  preparations to disrupt German occupation of

  recruitment of troops in

  Revolution Day celebration in

  Stalin’s decision to remain in

  Turkish ambassador in

  Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI)

  Moscow Defense Museum

  Moscow State University

  Mountain Engineering Institute (Leningrad)


  counteroffensive at

  defense line at

  Munich pact

  Mussolini, Benito

  Muzichenko, General Ivan

  Nahler, Lance Corporal Henry

  Napoleon, Emperor of France

  Alexander I and

  capture of Moscow by

  comparisons of Hitler and

  Hitler’s visit to tomb of

  Kutuzov’s victory over

  Naval Postgraduate School (Monterey, California)

  Nazi Party, Hitler’s elimination of rivals in

  Nazi People’s Court

  Nazi-Soviet nonaggression pact, SEE Molotov-Ribbentrop nonaggression pact

  Nevsky, Alexander

  Nevzorov, Boris



  Night of the Long Knives

  NKVD (People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs)

  and air raids

  burning of papers by

  censorship of private correspondence by

  civilians killed by

  in counteroffensive

  evacuation of families of officers of

  and evacuation of Lenin’s body

  interception of German correspondence by

  interrogation records of

  Japanese dispatches intercepted by

  Lubyanka headquarters of

  martial law enforced in Moscow by

  Mikushev and

  “party girls” provided by

  preparations for German occupation of Moscow made by

  purge of

  in Revolution Day parade

  special forces of, SEE OMSBON wartime terror campaign of

  North African campaign

  North Korea


  Nuremberg war crimes tribunals


  Ohlendorf, Otto

  OMSBON (NKVD special forces)

  112th Infantry Division, German

  167th Infantry Division, German

  174th Rifle Division, Soviet

  185th Infantry Regiment, German

  Operation Barbarossa

  early stages of

  Hitler’s disagreements with generals about

  launching of

  map of

  postponement of

  secret order for

  Operation Mars

  Operation Sea Lion

  Operation Typhoon

  launching of

  map of

  Operation Uranus

  OPOLCHENIE, SEE Home guard units Order

  order 227(Not a Step Backward)



  fall of

  Oreshkin, Boris

  Ott, Eugen

  Overy, Richard

  Ozaki, Hotsumi

  Palatov, Andrei

  Panilov, Sergei

  Panzer IV tanks

  Panzer units

  First Panzer Army

  Second Panzer Division

  Fifty-sixth Panzer Corps


  Pasternak, Boris

  Pasternak, Leonid

  Paulus, Field Marshal Friedrich

  Pavlov, General Dmitry

  Pearl Harbor, Japanese attack on

  Penal battalions

  Peter I (the Great), Tsar of Russia

  Petrishchevo, occupation of

  Petrova, Tatyana

  Pisarev, Nikolai

  Podolsk military academies



  German victory in

  government in exile of

  invasion of

  POWs in


  Soviet terror campaign in

  Police battalions, German


  evacuation of Lenin’s body ordered by

  intelligence reports provided to

  purges approved by

  and Stalin’s response to invasion

  Post, Marjorie Merriweather




  PRAVDA (newspaper)

  Prisoners of war, SEE POWs Prokhorova, Valeria

  Proskurov, Ivan

  Ptashnikov (soldier)


  of Communist Party rivals

  executions during


  response of U.S. diplomats to

  Pushkin, Alexander

  Putin, Vladimir

  Radek, Karl

  Raeder, Admiral Erich

  Raubal, Geli

  Red Army

  advance into Germany of

  in Baltic states

  civilians killed by

  in Civil War

  counteroffensive of

  in Finnish campaign

  German attempt to infiltrate

  German execution of political officers of

  Red Army (continued) human wave tactics used by

  intelligence unit of

  interrogation of POWs by

  invasion of Poland by

  Japan and

  journalists and

  at Kiev

  Lend-Lease program and

  losses of

  in Minsk

  morale of

  newspaper of, SEE KRASNAYA ZVEZDA purges of officers of, SEE Purges, military refusal to surrender of

  shortage of weapons and supplies for

  Siberian divisions of

  in Smolensk

  prevention of desertion and surrender of, SEE Terror, Soviet, against Red Army
soldiers prisoners killed by

  undercover work by ex-officers of

  underrated by Germans

  Vlasov captured by

  volunteers for

  at Vyazma


  Red Cross

  Reichenau, Field Marshal Walther von

  Reichstag fire

  Republican Party

  Reshetin, G. V.

  Reynolds, Quentin

  Rhineland, occupation of

  Ribbentrop, Joachim von

  SEE ALSO Molotov-Ribbentrop pact

  Riga, departure of German ships from


  Rokossovsky, Marshal Konstantin


  Romanichev, Nikolai

  Roosevelt, Franklin D.

  aid provided to Stalin by

  diplomatic relations with Stalin established by

  and Stalin’s postwar territorial ambitions

  summit at sea of Churchill and

  Rostovtsev, F.

  Royal Air Force (RAF)

  Rubinin, Yevgeny

  Rugan (factory personnel director)

  Russia, tsarist

  Russian Civil War

  Russian Liberation Movement

  Russian Orthodox Church

  Russo-Polish War

  Rychagov, Pavel


  aircraft facilities at

  counteroffensive at

  fall of

  Rzhevskaya, Elena

  Safonov, Dmitry

  Samoilov (trade school director)

  Sapozhnikova, Olga

  Saprykin, Pavel

  Sbytov, Nikolai

  Schlabrendorff, Fabian von

  Schmidt, Paul

  Schmundt, Rudolf

  Schulenburg, Count Friedrich

  Werner von der

  Schulze-Boysen, Harro

  Scorched earth policy

  Sea Lion, Operation

  Second Shock Army, Soviet

  Semyonova, Galina

  Serov, I. M.

  Service, Robert

  Shaidayev, Magomed-Ganifa

  Shaposhnikov, Marshal Boris

  Shchegoleva, Maria

  Shcherbakov, Aleksandr

  Shchors, Igor

  Shchors, Natalya

  Shevelev, Leonid

  Shirer, William

  Show trials, SEE Purges

  Siberia exile of Stalin to

  troops redeployed from

  Sikorski, General Wladyslaw

  Simon, General Max

  Simonov, Konstantin

  Sixteenth Army, Soviet

  Sixth Army, German

  Skorzeny, Otto

  Slavs, designation as UNTERMENSCHEN of


  SMERTNY MEDALYON (death medallion),

  Smirnov, Lieutenant Nikolai


  battles around

  fall of

  NKVD undercover agents in

  Smolensk Declaration

  Smushkevich, Yakov

  Soblevskaya, Faina

  Solnechnogorsk, retaking of

  Somme, battle of the

  Sorge, Richard

  Sorokin, V.

  Spanish Civil War


  Stalin, Joseph

  in aftermath of war

  attitude of Muscovites toward

  birth of

  during bombing raids

  childhood of

  children of

  counteroffensive of

  dacha of

  death of

  decision to remain in Moscow of

  directive to blow up factories issued by

  elimination of rivals by

  and evacuation of Lenin’s body

  evacuations of officials ordered by

  exile to Siberia of

  Finnish campaign of

  forced collectivization campaign of

  and German preparations for invasion of Russia

  inner circle of

  Japan and

  July 3 speech of

  marriages of

  military purges of

  Molotov’s loyalty to

  and NKVD undercover agents

  nonaggression pact of Hitler and, SEE Molotov-Ribbentrop nonaggression pact

  Order 0428 of

  postwar speech of

  Stalin, Joseph (continued) propaganda about

  punishment of critics of

  response to German invasion of

  retouching of photographs of

  Revolution Day celebration of

  Siberian divisions redeployed by

  similarities between Hitler and

  Vavilov brothers and

  victims of

  Vlasov and

  wartime terror policies of

  Western allies and

  Zhukov and

  Stalin, Svetlana

  Stalin, Vasily

  Stalin, Yakov

  Stalin, Yulia

  Stalingrad, battle for

  Stalin Motor Vehicle Plant, strike at

  “Stalin’s organs,” SEE Katyushas State Defense Committee, Soviet

  State Department, U.S.

  State Pedagogical Institute


  STAVKA (Soviet Supreme High Command)

  Steele, Arch

  Steinhardt, Laurence

  Stepanova, Vera

  Stolfi, R. H. S.

  Strasser, Gregor

  Strasser, Otto

  Studebaker trucks

  Sudoplatov, Pavel

  Sukhno, Andrei

  Supreme Soviet

  Suslin, E. S.

  Suslov, Maxim

  Suvorov, Aleksandr

  Svanidze, Yekatarina



  Tass news service

  Tehran conference

  Teleguyev, Yevgeny

  Terror campaigns, Stalin’s

  German targets of

  in Poland and Baltic states

  against Red Army soldiers

  against Soviet civilians and prisoners

  SEE ALSO Gulag; Purges

  Terror policies, Hitler’s

  against Jews

  against POWs

  against Red Army political officers

  against Soviet civilians


  Thälmann, Ernst

  Thayer, Charles

  Thirty-seventh Army, Soviet

  350th Infantry Regiment, German

  375th Regiment, Soviet

  Timokhin, General Semyon

  Timokhin, Vladimir

  Timoshenko, Marshal Semyon

  Tolstoy, Leo

  Tomahawk fighter aircraft

  Treblinka concentration camp

  Trekhgorka Cotton Mill

  Tresckow, General Henning von

  Trotsky, Leon

  Truman, Harry

  Tsessarsky, Albert

  T-34 tanks

  Tukhachevskaya, Nina

  Tukhachevsky, Marshal Mikhail


  defense of

  Tumarkin, Nina

  Tupikov, General Vasily

  Twentieth Army, Soviet

  Thirty-third Army

  Typhoon, Operation, SEE Operation Typhoon

  Tyumen, evacuation of Lenin’s body to

  Ugryumov, A. L.


  buildup of German forces along border of

  counteroffensive in

  forced collectivization in

  German offensive in

  Germans greeted as liberators in

  occupation of

  Poland and

  request for British troops in

  Soviet soldiers captured in

  terror campaigns in

  Umansky, Konstantin

  Union Pacific Railroad

  United States

  Britain and

  in Cold War

  diplomatic relations b
etween Soviet Union and

  Federal Bureau of Investigation

  and German invasion of Soviet Union

  Japan and

  Soviet Union as ally of

  UNTERMENSCHEN (subhumans)

  Untermeyer, Samuel

  Vasilevsky, General Aleksandr

  Vavilov, Nikolai

  Vavilov, Sergei

  Velikiye Luki

  Versailles Treaty

  Vidensky, Boris

  Vienna Academy of Arts

  Vinitsky, Ilya


  Vlasov, Andrei

  Volkogonov, General Dmitri


  liberation of

  Vorobyov, Vladimir

  Voroshilov, Marshal Kliment

  Voznesensky, Nikolai


  battle for

  counteroffensive at

  prison camp at

  Vyshinsky, Andrei

  Waffen SS

  War Cabinet, British

  War Department, U.S.

  Division of Aid Reports

  WAR AND PEACE (Tolstoy)


  Weimar Republic

  Weizsäcker, Ernst von

  Welles, Sumner

  Wenneker, Paul

  Wernicke, Lieutenant Richard

  Werth, Alexander


  Winant, John

  Winter War

  Wolf’s Lair (Hitler’s military headquarters)

  World War I

  combined losses in major battles of

  Hitler in

  human wave tactics used in

  Mikushev in

  weapons left over from

  Zhukov in

  Yakir, General Jonah

  Yakovlev, Nikolai

  Yak-7 fighter plane

  Yalta conference

  Yamaguchi, Captain Takeda

  Yamaoka, Colonel Michitake

  Yasnaya Polyana (Tolstoy’s estate)

  Yeaton, Major Ivan

  Yefremov, General Mikhail

  Yeltsin, Boris

  Yeremko, Slava


  Zakharova, Lidia

  Zarubina, Zoya

  Zbarsky, Boris

  Zbarsky, Ilya

  Zevelev, Aleksandr

  Zhigarev, General Pavel

  Zhou Enlai

  Zhukov, Marshal Georgy

  appeal to troops issued by

  counteroffensive of

  defense of Moscow entrusted to

  drive on Moscow resisted by

  family life of

  on fortification of Moscow

  Khrushchev and

  Japanese invasion of Mongolia defeated by

  Leningrad defended by

  orders to resist invasion signed by

  in postwar period

  purges criticized by

  in Russian Civil War

  Siberian divisions and

  Stalin informed of invasion by in World War I

  Zhukova, Ella

  Zhukova, Era

  Zhukova, Margarita

  Zhukova, Maria


  Zhuravlev, Mikhail


  Zuikova, Aleksandra

  ZVEZDA (Star) group

  About the Author

  Andrew Nagorski is a senior editor at Newsweek International. An award-winning foreign correspondent, he has served two tours as Moscow bureau chief. He has also reported from Warsaw, Rome, Hong Kong, Washington, Bonn and Berlin. He is the author of Reluctant Farewell: An American Reporter’s Candid Look Inside the Soviet Union and The Birth of Freedom: Shaping Lives and Societies in the New Eastern Europe. His novel Last Stop Vienna was a Washington Post bestseller. He and his wife, Christina, who have four children, live in Pelham Manor, New York.


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