Of Gods and Monsters

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Of Gods and Monsters Page 18

by Susan Harris

  Donnie saw her flinch at the mention of fate, and she told him about Ash and how the fates had come back to get her. At the end of the tale, Donnie was smiling.

  “Those kids, they got this. Because they were never left alone like I was. Those kids will save the world because they have all of us to help them. She’s doing just fine, Ever. I promise.”

  “When they tell this story, Donnie O’Carroll, in centuries to come, when they speak of the time of gods and monsters, they will speak of the two friends, family chosen not of blood, who risked it all to save the world.”

  Donnie shook his head. “Whatever you say, don’t say that to Ricky. I love the bastard, but he’s going to be hell to live with, especially if he gets a hero complex.”

  Ever laughed, knowing that the vampire was right. She held out her hand to him, which he took. “Then let’s keep that between you and me. Now shall we go track down our mates?”

  Donnie winked, and his smile deepened, creasing his cheeks. “Hell ya. Let’s go. I have lots to tell my mate before the sun sets.”


  * * *

  Ricky still hadn’t woken by the time the sun set for the night, and Melanie was able to open the heavy curtains to gaze outside. Donnie had stopped by to check on Ricky, hugged Melanie so hard that her bones creaked before leaving to see Caitlyn.

  Diane had ordered them all to stay, citing that she loved having the house full as they recovered from the events of the last few days. Melanie had been terrified, watching Ricky struggle with the powers inside him, his skin turning a sickly color that had frozen her to the spot. She began to worry about having to live without him, how his mom would deal with his loss, how the team would feel. And Zach … she couldn’t even think about poor Zach.

  When Erika and Loki had flashed into Ricky’s mom’s kitchen, asking where she could put Ricky, Diane had paled until Melanie stepped forward and said that Ricky was just sleeping, ignoring the tremble in her voice as if saying the words might convince her that Ricky would be okay.

  Killian had been the one to take Ricky from Erika, heading up the stairs and into Ricky’s room. Melanie stepped inside, after Killian, a slight smile on her face as she caught sight of the music and movie posters on the walls. A guitar leaned against the wall.

  Killian had laid Ricky down on the bed with care, then he had turned to Melanie and asked her if she needed anything. When she said no, he had lingered like he wanted to say something, and then he had.

  “He’ll be fine. Ricky always bounces back. He was always better at finding a way. Forging his own path. When Da was at his meanest, Ricky always made sure that he focused on him, never me. He thinks I never saw it.”

  Killian walked over to look out the window before he continued. “I blamed him for leaving me behind. I know he had to leave or one of them would be dead. Da spent so much of his time hating what Ricky had done that he didn’t bother with me. Every time Ricky was on the news, every time the team solved a case, Da would be livid because Ricky was out there proving him wrong.”

  Striding to the door, Killian paused to look at her. “He jumped in with Sadie because he thought he wanted normal. What he never had in this house. Sadie never fit him as much as you do. You pull when he pushes. You don’t give him an inch. I saw the way he looked at you the night he turned up here with Zach. I was jealous, and I lashed out. I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay, Killian. If it helps, I know even if he doesn’t say it that leaving you here with Xavier was the hardest thing to do.”

  Killian glanced at Ricky and smiled. “I understand now. But I’m glad he has you.”

  Melanie had spent the rest of the day pacing the floor, wearing a hole in the carpet even as others stopped by to check on Ricky. Every time someone opened the door, she expected bad news or another megalomaniac god trying to remake the world. Her nerves were shot. In the end, she growled at them all to go away and she would let them know when he was awake.

  Now, after umpteen hours of watching and waiting, Melanie peered out the window again, closing her eyes with tiredness both in her bones and in her soul. She really needed him to wake up soon or she was going to be a wreck.

  “I never had such a beautiful girl in this bedroom. I must still be dreaming.”

  Melanie spun round at that delicious husky tone to see Ricky’s eyes open and looking at her with a dash of mischief that she loved, even if he looked tired. He pushed himself up, leaning against the wall as he scrubbed a hand down his face.

  “How long was I out, babe?” His question was spoken like he had not just woken up after sucking a god’s power and almost dying, like it was the morning after a bender with Donnie and he was nursing a hangover.

  “Just a couple of hours,” Melanie said quietly as she walked over to the bed, sat on the edge with her leg turned toward him.

  Ricky being Ricky, he lay his palm on her thigh with a glint in his eyes “Fancy making my teenage fantasies come to life and make out with me?”

  He wiggled his eyebrows, and Melanie started to laugh before she remembered what had put him in the bed, unconscious, and she punched him in the arm.

  “Hey, what was that for?”

  “You just had to go and play the hero. You could have killed yourself with that idiotic plan of yours!”

  Ricky frowned for a second before he tugged on a strand of her hair. “To be fair, I was totally against the plan to begin with, but Fenrir said it would work, so we had nothing to lose.”

  Melanie felt tears wet her eyes. “I’m getting really tired of almost losing you.”

  “Gods, I love you, Melanie Newton.”


  Ricky glanced at her in surprise. “Pardon me?”

  “Melanie Newton-Moore. I tried just Melanie Moore, but it sounded like a bad DC comic book character. I didn’t like how it sounded, so I went with the double barrel.”

  From the smile that lit up Ricky’s face, her warlock vampire was delighted at the addition to her own name. “I like the sound of that. Sounds sexy as hell.”

  Melanie laughed as she bent down to press her lips quickly to his, felt his hand in her hair as he deepened the kiss with a growl that sent a shudder through her. Ricky bit down gently on her lower lip, tugging playfully as he swept his tongue into her mouth.

  Melanie could see where this was headed, knowing full well her husband had the ability to make her forget where she was until someone managed to creep up on them. She gently placed her palms on his chest and pushed away from him.

  “Your mom could walk in at any second.”

  Ricky groaned and thumped his head back against the wall. “I really want you naked.”

  “Couple of hours won’t change that.” She chuckled, taking his hand in hers. “Tell me what happened.”

  And so Ricky told her, and she listened as he told her about him and Donnie traipsing through the forest to him getting propositioned by a dragon, which had her growling like any mated vampire would.

  “I told her I was happily mated and in love. No need to growl at me.”

  Melanie rolled her eyes, leaning into him as he pulled her into his lap, her head falling to his shoulder. “We had to pass a test, us both. I saw me da, faced him as he told me I was worthless. I guess he still haunted me, in a way, but that paled in comparison to what I had to face next.”

  Ricky shifted, his hand on her thigh as he sighed. “I didn’t realize I was fucking terrified of myself. Of this unknown power in me that means I drink energy. I didn’t want to revert to form, to who I was when I was high. I figured I had replaced the addiction of pills to chasing this new high. I can’t deny it’s a rush, babe, every time I drink.”

  Melanie didn’t say anything, just listened as Ricky continued, knowing he needed to tell her how he was feeling. She would sit and listen to him talk for hours, if it made him feel better, and then she would call him an idiot and tell him that it was not the same and she loved him, like she had always done and always would.
r />   “Lanie, I faced myself, and it was weird, but then he showed me what I could become, this asshole who forced his kid to kill him. That would make me no better than Odin. I couldn’t let that happen.”

  “So what did you do?” she asked against the curve of his neck.

  “I put a gun to my head and pulled the trigger.”

  Melanie jerked upright. “You did what?”

  “Turns out self-sacrifice was the test.”

  “What did Donnie have to do?”

  Ricky kissed her jaw quickly. “Not my story to tell. He needs to talk to his mate.”

  Ricky kissed her jaw again, and Melanie rolled her eyes. “Are you trying to distract me from overthinking about what you just told me?”

  “Maybe.” His answer was said in a teasing tone. “Is it working?”

  Melanie shook her head, her chest feeling like it would burst from happiness as a short tap sounded on the door before it opened to reveal Killian carrying a tray of tea, toast and a bottle of blood.

  “Mam was pacing with the baby and she heard talking, so I brought some food. For both of you.”

  Melanie smiled at Killian, having had a conversation with the warlock during the day, when he had sat with Ricky so she could shower and change. She hoped that the two brothers could form a new relationship now that the weight of Xavier Moore was lifted from their shoulders.

  Ricky sat up straighter when Melanie slipped off his lap, as Killian came in and set the tray down on the side table. Ricky grabbed some toast and bit into it without a word as Melanie thanked Killian for the blood.

  “How are things going with Freya? The last time, she was only scowling a little bit.”

  Killian laughed, a rich sound, as Ricky looked at him, puzzled. “She’s warming to me. I know it.”

  “But … you’re gay?” Ricky made it sound like a question as he set the toast down and stared at his brother.

  Killian rolled his eyes. “No, big brother. You saw me once with a guy, and you assumed I was gay. I like men, and I certainly like beautiful women.”

  Ricky continued to stare at him, and Killian rubbed the back of his neck before he turned. Ricky shot from the bed. “Kill, wait.”

  Killian slowly turned as if he expected a blow of words from Ricky. Instead, Ricky held up his hands in apology. “I’m sorry. I’m an ass. It’s cool, yano. Guys, girls, goddesses. I don’t care. If you’re happy, it’s all good. Thanks for looking after the furball. Maybe, when the dust has settled, we could go for a pint, you and me?”

  “I’d like that. Plus, now that I stepped away from the Phantoms, I was considering signing up for the guards. Spoke to Derek about it already.”

  “I’m not sure the team can handle another Moore with devilish good looks. This’ll be fun.” Ricky teased.

  Killian was still laughing as he left. Ricky turned back to Melanie when a flurry of footsteps alerted him to an incoming visitor. Zach raced through the door and was clambering up his body before Ricky had time to brace himself.


  Ricky squeezed his son tightly until Zach squirmed and said, “Dad, you’re squishing me.”

  Balancing Zach on his hip, he tickled him. “Well, we can’t have that now, can we?”

  Ricky glanced over at her, his eyes filled with love, and she blew him a kiss. Zach’s stomach growled as Ricky poked his tummy, and their little cat laughed.

  “I think we better go see if Grandma has any food to feed you.”

  Zach rested his head on Ricky’s shoulder, and Melanie strode over, pushing the little guy’s glasses up his nose. He frowned at her as Ricky kissed her cheek.

  “That’s gross,” Zach said with a mock growl.

  Both Melanie and Ricky laughed as Melanie ducked her head and kissed Zach, the sound of his cute little purr reminding Melanie that she still hadn’t told Ricky about grown-up Zach.

  Sensing Melanie’s unease, Ricky turned to her with a raised brow.

  “He came back to get her … Ash ... and he was so like you. I don’t know how Derek and Ever dealt with it. I didn’t know what to say, and then they were gone. He looked for you. But he seemed to know where you were. I’m sorry you didn’t get to see him.”

  Ricky hoisted Zach up a little. “Would it have been cool to see him all grown up? Hell ya. But I lost five years with him. Now, now I get to be his da, do it right. I would have liked to see that I didn’t screw him up and know I was going to do okay by him, by Sadie, but I can wait to see it.”

  “You did good. We did good. We will do good … and now even I’m confused.”

  Ricky laughed as Zach tapped him on the chin. “Dad, I’m hungry.”

  “Then let’s go get you some food, little man.”

  Ricky held out his hand, which Melanie took, and they walked downstairs to where Melanie could smell breakfast being cooked. They followed the scents to the kitchen, where it seemed that Diane had roped Derek into some cooking.

  Ricky set Zach down on the chair next to Killian, then walked around to where his mother was frying up enough sausages to feed an army. He leaned down and kissed her cheek. “Need any help?”

  Diane reached over and patted her son on the cheek. “You always cremate the sausages, so you could set the table. Derek is doing a fine job as my sous chef.”

  Ricky chuckled but did what he was told.

  Melanie ruffled Zach’s hair, then glanced up to see Derek watching her. “Where’s Ever and Ash?”

  Derek smiled, and Melanie considered how young he looked when he smiled, when you looked past the wisdom in his eyes and the scarring at his throat. “Ash is sleeping, and Ever is getting some much-needed rest. Caitlyn and Donnie are also resting, but I’d use that term lightly.”

  Melanie must have looked horrified at Derek’s casual innuendo because Diane smacked Derek behind his head as if he were one of her boys, and the werewolf had the good grace to look sheepish.

  Ricky was laughing to himself as he set the table, and Melanie sighed at Derek. “I expected that kind of thing from him but not from you.”

  Derek shrugged as if it was nothing. “I guess Ricky’s had an influence on me.”

  “That might be the sweetest thing you’ve ever said to me, D. Is that your way of asking for a kiss too?”

  Derek growled, throwing a tea towel at Ricky, who ducked to avoid it. Melanie picked it up off the ground, then slapped it against Ricky’s arm at the exact same time as Diane clipped Derek round the ear again.

  “He started it,” they both said in unison, then burst out laughing like the two of them were teenagers.

  Melanie wasn’t sure she had ever felt so normal in all her life.

  Derek brought his plate of bacon over to the table as Ricky set down a slice pan. “I spoke to the commissioner early on the phone. He thinks we need to expand the current gardai force with more supes. Caitlyn agreed for us to use the warehouse, and he wants me to lead it.”

  Ricky inclined his head at Derek as he sat down in his chair. “No better man for the job. Sarge would have been proud.”

  “Every captain needs a lieutenant.”

  Melanie’s eyes widened as Ricky spluttered, “Me? Why me?”

  “I need to keep my partner close, to keep me grounded. Every single member of the team will be within my inner circle, if they want it. We will have a lot to do, though. If you’re up for it?”

  “You got it, D. Anything you need.”

  Derek turned to her then, another smile on his face. “I guess I’ll have to convince you to stick around as well. Just to keep us in line.”

  “Melanie won’t be going anywhere, Uncle Derek,” Zach said. “She’s gonna be my vamp mom.”

  Derek let his eyes slide from her to Zach, then back to Melanie, who remembered what Ash had said to him as she ruffled his hair again. “That’s right, kid. I’m not going anywhere.”

  Zach jumped down from his spot, grabbed some bacon and patted Derek on the leg like he was comforting him. “See, Uncle Derek. Mom’
s not going anywhere.”

  Diane came over with the sausages. “Right now, you lot, dig in.”

  Melanie wasn’t really in the mood for food, even if she had started to make little attempts at picking at solid foods, but Ricky and Derek had no qualms even if Ricky paused to cut Zach’s sausages into little bits. She leaned against the counter, watching until she felt a tap on her shoulder.

  Turning slightly to see Diane holding out a glass of blood, Melanie took the glass from her mother-in-law and offered her thanks. Diane patted Melanie’s cheek and said very softly, “Thank you for loving him. For loving them both.”

  Melanie looked over to where Ricky was buttering some bread for Zach, then he glanced over at her and winked.

  “He makes it easy. They both do. And I’m glad he has you again. He never said, but I know he missed you.”

  Diane didn’t say anything, just took a mug from the counter and sat down at the table, watching as the boys tucked into the food. Melanie stayed where she was, drinking her blood and wondering how she got so lucky.

  For years, she felt like she had been a ghost in her life, living day by day knowing she wanted more, needed more. It took being turned into a vampire to make her finally start living, and Ricky was a massive part of that. She had found her family, her tribe.

  Ricky glanced over at her with that twinkle in his eyes.

  “I love you,” he projected to her in his mind, and she said it right back to him, that smug satisfaction as infuriating as it was charming.

  And she wouldn’t have it any other way.


  * * *

  Caitlyn had just left Derek as she checked on the children when both Donnie and Ever appeared on the landing. She watched Donnie’s expression as he ran his eyes over her, relief flashing in his eyes as he stepped away from Ever and came towards her. She had kept her feet planted on the carpet as her mate cupped her cheek, shuddered and just muttered, “You’re here. You’re still here.”


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