Built to Last

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Built to Last Page 6

by Camellia Tate

  I had to hope it would be enough for Rose.

  Step one would be not keeping her waiting outside in the cold. I hurried down the castle’s many stairs, gearing myself up like I would have done for the race of my life.

  Even prepared, seeing Rose waiting in the lantern-lit courtyard took my breath away. Her skin positively glowed. The light glittered off the jewels sewn onto her bodice like sunshine off the river. The satin sash made her waist seem impossibly small and delicate, like she was just waiting for my arm to wrap around her and hold her close. Her hair fell loose over one shoulder. It was all I could do not to sweep it away and press kisses to her lovely throat.

  Instead, I held my arm out for her. “Good evening, Ms. Eagleton-Bick,” I said, flashing her a grin. I still sounded like myself, like an American who hadn’t known what a duke was until he’d become one. At least I also sounded polished, as if saying the right thing was as important to me as I knew it was to Rose.

  Tonight, I was going to prove to her that I’d taken her words seriously.

  Chapter Twelve


  To say that I was nervous wasn’t even close to describing how I was feeling. There definitely was anxiety, but it was so much more . Even knowing what to expect from the gala, I couldn’t control my nerves. It didn’t help that I worried about Austin. Both in terms of how he’d come across to others but also how the upper layers of British society would come across to him .

  I knew how weird the dukedom and traditions seemed to Austin. I could only assume that the way people spoke and acted at the gala wasn’t going to change that. Still, we had to go. Bernie had assured me that Austin had improved a lot.

  It wasn’t something I could picture but I had to take his word for it.

  Thankfully, on the day, I could get distracted by having my hair and nails done. By the time I put my dress on that evening, I was ready. At least as ready as I’d ever be. The dress was beautiful. It gave me a much-needed confidence boost.

  I waited in the courtyard, with assurances from Mark that Austin was on his way. I wasn’t really sure what I was expecting. Seeing him in a three-piece suit, hair freshly styled and that arrogant swag in his step...

  For a moment, I forgot what I was meant to say. When I did finally speak, what I said was not what I had intended to at all.

  “You look amazing,” I heard myself tell Austin. Then, just as fast, a blush spread all the way down to my chest.

  For just a second, he looked taken aback. Then, I felt his warm hand rest on mine where I’d taken the arm he’d offered. “Thank you,” he said, giving me a genuine smile. “That means a lot, coming from you.”

  He led me to the car, letting the driver open the door. He handed me into the back seat like a proper gentleman would.

  “You look stunning,” he told me, once he’d walked around and settled himself in the seat next to mine. “Have you been to this kind of event before?”

  “Not quite,” I admitted. I wanted to portray myself as knowledgeable and competent, but it’d be a lie to say that I had attended a party of this caliber and as the date of the guest of honor. Which, really, was what Austin was. I hadn’t quite said that to Austin in those terms.

  I fidgeted with the sequins on my dress, nerves spiking again as I thought about where we were going. “I’ve never been to one with as many important people there. Or as a date to someone who’ll be so much in the limelight.”

  Austin raised an eyebrow at that, before taking my hand in his again. His fingers were big and rough, so different from mine.

  “I’m nervous, too,” he said, whispering it like it was a secret. It should have alarmed me. I needed Austin on his best behavior. I had no idea how nerves would make him act.

  Despite that, I felt better. At least we were in this together.

  “ You will dazzle them,” he said. “And I won’t show you up, I promise.”

  That started a laugh from me. Honestly, him upstaging me had been the last thing on my mind. Still, I didn’t pull my hand back. Having his fingers play with mine seemed to have a calming influence on me. I didn’t mention it, but I thought he probably realized, especially if the way he gave my hand a small squeeze was any indication.

  Before too long, we had arrived at the hotel where the event was taking place. It was no hotel like I had ever stayed in and I had stayed in some very fancy places. No, this was... sophisticated yet expensive. Beautiful decor, with golden wallpaper leading through to the ballroom which seemed to go on for ages.

  With my arm still linked through Austin’s, I stopped us so we could be announced. “Your first official introduction,” I whispered to Austin. It was, like this at least, mine, too.

  “His Grace, the Duke of Claxthorpe , Austin Rillington, and Ms. Rose Ealington-Bick,” the announcer called.

  Nerves rose like manic butterflies up from my stomach. Austin seemed perfectly comfortable. He nodded his head to the announcer, and then led me into the room. I, at least, recognized a few of the people there.

  The Earl of Stockport, a friend of the old duke, spotted me and headed towards us with his wife.

  “Rose,” he greeted me warmly. “It’s been far too long. How are you?”

  “M’lord.” I smiled softly, before giving an equally polite smile to Lady Collingwood. “I am very well, thank you. I trust so are you?” I offered politely before turning toward Austin. “Lord Collingwood, it is my pleasure to introduce the Duke of Claxthorpe , Austin Rillington,” I said before returning the introductions.

  “Lord and Lady Collingwood were close friends of the old duke,” I explained to Austin. “And they have recently returned from travels in South Africa.” Which I only knew because Mark had mentioned it. It was information I could now use in hopes that Austin remembered how I had taught him to have conversations.

  “How do you do, Lady Collingwood?” Austin asked, before turning to offer the same courtesy to her husband. “Please,” he added, “call me Austin. I’m not quite used to being a duke.” Everyone politely chuckled. I had to resist the urge to raise my eyebrows in surprise.

  “What took you to South Africa, specifically?” he asked. I felt a rush of mingled relief and pride. Austin really was trying. That much was immediately obvious.

  The conversation after that was a polite yet interested exchange. I didn’t say much, letting the Earl learn more about Austin. To be perfectly honest, I was a little surprised by how well Austin did in the conversation. He listened and laughed in all the right places. He asked questions that were appropriate and not too intrusive.

  I was going to have to give Bernie a pay rise.

  But it wasn’t just Bernie. I could tell that Austin was trying . He was making sure to act exactly right and it... it made my heart skip a beat to think that he was doing this because I had challenged him to prove to me that he could . That in a way, he was doing this for me .

  By the time that conversation was over, a few more people had arrived. Austin handled those conversations well, too. I didn’t get a chance to tell him as much. Not until we finally made it to the dance floor.

  And even there, he surprised me.

  “You’ve been practicing!” I exclaimed as he spun us across the floor.

  He grinned. It was so genuine that it took my breath away. Or maybe it was the way Austin pulled me in tight against his muscular chest. “I told you I would,” he pointed out. I remembered that he had. He had promised to prove to me that he could learn to understand my passions.

  “I didn’t just learn about manners,” he said, his voice lowering as he bent his head towards my ear. I could feel his breath ghost across my skin, raising goosebumps all down my arms. “I had Mark teach me about Claxthorpe, too. That vase I broke? It was a gift from the second Earl of Liverpool, shortly before he became Prime Minister.” His hand squeezed against my waist. “I really am sorry,” he added. “I know nothing I say can ever replace it.”

  Austin sounded... honest. Like he truly meant it. I knew
he would never get things the way I did. But he hadn’t grown up in the castle. The fact that he was trying? That meant a lot to me.

  More than I could express, I realized. At least not in words. “Did you learn it for me?” I asked, my breath catching a little as I asked the question.

  Instead of answering in words, Austin lowered his mouth to mine. He kissed me softly, his tongue sliding across my lower lip. I knew that this was hardly considered proper, but I found it hard to remember why that mattered.

  I pressed my body tighter against Austin’s, my hand clutching at his as we kissed. He whirled me around. I felt as though the whole world was spinning.

  When he pulled back, Austin’s smile was so wide that I was sure his cheeks would hurt if he kept it up for long.

  “I started learning it for you,” he answered. “I wanted to prove I could be the duke that you wanted me to be.” He shrugged one shoulder slightly as we turned together. “I thought a lot about what you said, about respecting the traditions. That’s why I asked Mark to teach me about the history. So that I could learn what it was that you wanted me to respect.”

  He smiled more softly. “Once I got into it, I realized that it wasn’t just about history. It’s about the future, too. If I know what the traditions are, I can add to them. I can put my name in the list of Dukes of Claxthorpe and feel proud of what I’ve done with that privilege.”

  His answer honestly surprised me. I had half expected Austin to just say that yes, he had only learned it for me. But what he said was so much better. It made my heart fill with joy. And hope. Maybe this could... maybe we could work.

  I kissed him again, more softly this time, smiling against his lips. “I want you to feel proud,” I told him honestly. “And I want to be proud of you.” Tonight was definitely a step in the right direction.

  The rest of the night went in a similar way. When Austin met people, he spoke to them like a duke would. There were a few hiccups here and there but I was at his side to smooth those out. He could do this. With every conversation he had, I was more and more convinced of that.

  It helped that we danced more. Having him pull my body against his sent fire shooting through my veins. By the time we finally got back to Claxthorpe, I was desperate to get his clothes off.

  Chapter Thirteen


  From the moment Rose kissed me, all I could think about was getting her home. But I meant what I had said , I wanted to be a duke worthy of the title. So instead of whisking her back to my castle, I listened attentively to every earl and baron, asked questions to show I was interested, and did my best to follow Rose’s cues whenever I felt stuck.

  By the time our car finally pulled up in the courtyard, we both deserved a reward.

  Only Mark had stayed up late enough to see us. I thanked him and asked him to pass Rose’s compliments on to Jenny for her excellent dancing lessons.

  As soon as he left us at the bottom of the stairs, I pulled Rose’s body against mine. Dancing with her all night had been a kind of torment. I’d had her so close but hadn’t been allowed to touch!

  “Come upstairs with me?” I asked, one hand gripping Rose’s hip.

  “Yeah,” she breathed before her mouth met mine again. It was all I could do not to pull her dress up, to seek out her skin and how wonderful it’d feel against my hands. Somehow, we managed to make it to my room. The moment the door clicked closed behind us, I pressed Rose up against it.

  Her leg came up to wrap around me. As I pushed forward, she moaned. It took all my willpower not to rip the dress right off her. Instead, I took a step back, spinning her around and pressing a hot kiss against Rose’s shoulder. My fingers worked against the straps of her dress to untie it.

  As if to make things even more challenging, Rose rocked her ass against me, making me groan.

  I was hardening rapidly, blood rushing south so fast it made my head spin. Somehow, I managed to untie Rose’s dress and find the zipper. I dragged it down to explore more of her creamy skin that had so entranced me. I pressed kisses against her spine. When I flicked the clasp of her bra open one-handed, she gasped. I didn’t give her time to adjust. Sliding my hands under the material, I cupped her breasts. Her nipples hardened against my palms, making me long to put my mouth on them.

  Instead, I nipped at her shoulder. Rose pushed her dress the rest of the way down her body. She stepped out, wearing nothing but nearly-sheer lace panties. I would have gone to my knees for her. I spun her around, pulling her against me so that her breasts pressed hot against my shirt.

  Another soft gasp fell from her lips. I leaned down to catch any other sounds that might follow it, licking my way into her mouth. Her tongue met mine, hot against it. Rose’s hands, in turn, slid between us, working open the belt and buttons of my slacks.

  She pulled back from the kiss, her cheeks red and eyes wide. “I want to taste you,” she told me. Before I could even think, Rose was on her knees in front of me. Her hands pushed the material of my pants and boxers down in one swift sweep, lips wrapping around my cock.

  I groaned, running one hand through her glorious hair. I could hardly believe I was finally allowed to touch her. Her tongue swirled around me. Pleasure seemed to pour across my body, practically knocking me off balance. I had to lean back against the wall, fighting to keep my hips still so I didn’t overwhelm her.

  Rose hardly seemed afraid of being overwhelmed. Her mouth took me in so deep, her cheeks hollowing and her perfect lips dragging against my sensitive skin. “Rose,” I breathed. She looked up at me, those gorgeous eyes meeting mine. I could feel the sparks flying between us.

  My hips bucked, my cock sliding across her tongue. I could easily have finished there and then. But I wasn’t nearly done. I wanted a taste of Rose, too, just as soon as she was satisfied.

  Her mouth felt so good. Rose clearly enjoyed making me moan louder and louder. She also, I realized, enjoyed bringing me close but then slowing down to do it all over again. It was teasing in a way I really hadn’t expected from her.

  With her hands against my hips, Rose held me in place as her tongue edged me closer and closer before finally she pulled back. I whined, instantly wanting her mouth back. I was definitely glad she’d stopped. My cock was throbbing from how much I wanted her, but I also wanted this to be far from over yet.

  I helped her up, an amused grin on my lips at how pleased she looked with herself.

  It was definitely time to turn the tables. I pulled her against me, leading her across the room to my big four-poster bed. I wanted to see her spread out on it, wanted to touch her everywhere. I pushed her down onto the mattress, covering her body with mine.

  I kissed my way down, between her breasts and over the soft curve of her stomach. When I reached her panties, I pressed my mouth against them, letting her feel the heat of my tongue teasing her through the material.

  Finally, I pulled them off, my hands smoothing up Rose’s pale thighs, holding her open for me. I worked my mouth between her legs, lapping and nipping and learning every thing that made her gasp or squirm.

  Delightfully, there seemed to be a lot . She wiggled under me, moaning loudly as my tongue slid against her. Rose was already so wet and hot for me. I wanted to hear her scream. So I didn’t hold back, tongue moving against her harder and faster.

  “Austin!” Rose screamed. Hearing her shout my name in throes of pleasure felt amazing . “Oh, God, yes! Just like that!” she cried. I had to wrap an arm around her leg to hold her still. Rose rocked her hips against my mouth anyway, moaning loudly as she did so.

  It was intoxicating to listen to. And addictive, because I wanted to make her scream in pleasure even louder.

  I crawled my way back up her body, pressing my lips against hers. She slid her tongue into my mouth, tasting herself and giving another moan. With one hand, I teased her nipple, pinching it hard enough to make her gasp.

  With the other, I guided myself between Rose’s legs. I needed to be inside her. I couldn’t wait an
y longer to join our two bodies as closely as possible. I paused only long enough for her hips to buck up to meet me.

  I moaned Rose’s name as I pressed forward to fill her.

  She felt amazing around me, tight and hot. I swallowed the moan that fell from Rose as she adjusted around my size. Her legs came up to wrap around my waist, hands moving over my back. Rose kissed me back hard. When her teeth grazed my lower lip, I groaned, pushing forward.

  “Yes!” she cried out, back arching so she could meet my thrusts. “Austin! Yes! Oh, God, that’s so good.” Her words encouraged me to move faster, to pound into her until everything around us disappeared under the sounds of pleasure.

  My hands gripped her hips, holding her up so I could drive more deeply into her. I wanted our bodies so close that neither of us could tell where one ended and the other began.

  I chanted her name, over and over as I rocked my body into hers. I could feel the pleasure building, threatening to wash every thought from me but Rose’s name. “Come for me,” I begged, grinding my hips forward. I brought one hand between her legs, my fingers pressing where she wanted me most. “Come for me, Rose.”

  She rocked against my fingers as I thrust into her harder. When Rose did come, it was beautiful. My name on her lips and her muscles tightening around me. I felt the way her body trembled, meeting mine with every thrust until we were moving in perfect sync. Her pleasure vibrated through both of us and Rose’s cries increased.

  “Austin!” she screamed, her orgasm rolling through her.

  I wrapped my arms around her, holding her body against mine as I pumped my hips steadily. Once, twice, three times more and I flew over that edge to join her. My heart hammered against my ribs as I emptied myself inside her.

  When the pleasure had ebbed to a comforting warmth through my limbs, I pulled away just enough to curl beside Rose on the bed. I cradled her against me, brushing kisses against the bare skin of her shoulder.


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