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Gentleman in the Shadows

Page 11

by Karen Sommers

  Not a single day passed in which Luca and Shayna didn’t see each other. Sometimes, during the peak season for the vineyards, it was only for the briefest amount of time. He would ride to her after his day was done, so he could tell her he loved her and hold her in his arms for a short period before riding off again. Luca stopped using the west woods as a thoroughfare. He came and went through the main gates, as would any other visitor.

  Shayna waited anxiously for Luca’s visit each day. She had fallen so utterly in love with him that he blotted out everything else. A bright sun eclipsing all the smaller stars in her sky. He preyed on her mind at night as she lay in the dark trying to fall asleep, always remembering the feelings aroused in her from his kisses. He was on her mind as she rose each morning and influenced the decisions she made throughout the days.

  The weeks turned to months, and time marched along, heedlessly trampling all in its path. Cooler months came and went, and Luca visited more often.

  The last day of March, Luca called on Shayna unexpectedly. She was outside, admiring the blooming flowers, when she heard the fast approach of a horse. Turning, she saw it was Luca, and he was riding at a breakneck speed. Shayna didn’t know Mario could move so swiftly.

  Luca saw her and waved. She returned the wave. Luca dismounted in a flurry of speed.

  “Luca? Is—“

  Her question was cut off as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her.

  “Oh. From the smile, I guess everything is fine. I wasn’t expecting you, or I would have had Giorgia make us a snack.”

  “No need. It’s finally ready, Shayna. I’ve finished.” Luca’s smile broadened, threatening to shame the sun with its brilliance.

  Shayna stammered, hardly able to believe the day had finally come. “Are you certain? No last minute changes?” A smile pulled at the corners of her mouth, and the skin at the corners of her eyes crinkled before he answered.

  “Yes. Completely. No changes necessary. Our home is finished, and we can plan for our wedding.”

  Shayna squealed and covered her mouth with both hands, her heart bursting with excitement. She leaped into his open arms, and he swung her in a circle, her feet flying out. She squealed again and covered his face with little smacking kisses.

  “Luca, I’m so happy.” She covered his face in kisses again as he set her feet on the ground. “I love you more than birds love the air.”

  “I love you still more.” He kissed her, exploring her mouth with his tongue until they were both moaning.

  Teasing, she tugged at her clothes and straightened her hair. “Luca, really. In front of everyone and in broad daylight. For shame.” Giggling, she leaned in for another round of kissing.

  Her excitement bubbled over, and she pulled him along as she ran into the castle to tell Gianni of the news.

  “Mother! Alexandria!” She trotted down the hallway, still towing Luca along.

  Both women emerged from their rooms with questioning expressions.

  Shayna stopped before them and pulled Luca to her side. “It’s finished! He’s completed the house.”

  Alexandria gasped and she stepped closer and hugged Shayna. “Congratulations, little sister. I was beginning to think he was stalling.” She smiled at Luca. They had developed respect for each other and a certain level of civil warmth, but it would take years before they could be friends.

  Gianni opened her arms and said, “Congratulations, darling.” Shayna ran into the hug. Gianni whispered in her ear, “Keep him close, make him smile, and always love him. Rules to lasting happiness.”

  Shayna kissed her mother’s cheek. “Thank you, Mother. We can plan the wedding now. I want you and Alexandria to help.”

  Chapter 18

  The wedding was set to take place three weeks later. A late April wedding, they had decided, would be perfect. The three women were kept so busy planning everything and overseeing everything, that Shayna hardly got to see Luca more than a few minutes in the evenings.

  The third week of April and the day of the wedding came. Shayna was so excited she trembled from head to toe the entire time Maria and Ziti were helping her get ready for the ceremony.

  With only a few alterations, Shayna wore her mother’s wedding dress. It was a beautiful cream-colored silk dress with a bell-dome, floor length skirt and a fitted bodice, puffed shoulders, and decorated with tiny pearls which had been sewn into great whorls and curved lines in the skirt. The train trailed out several feet behind and was covered with rose petals as she walked down the aisle toward her Luca.

  He was breathtaking in his dark brown, densely embroidered, silk fitted suit, and his pearl studded vest. The dark brown suited him, and made the pearls stand out. Ensuring their outfits were bound by the unifying element of the pearls had been his idea.

  The ceremony and the celebration afterward moved quickly and in a dazed fog for Shayna. In one heartbeat, her life changed; her dream had come true.

  Celebrants danced late into the day. The music played and the wine flowed. All the good wishes had been conveyed to the new couple and the food was nearly gone.

  Luca pulled Shayna to the side and asked, “Do we dance more, or do I take my beautiful bride home now?”

  Shayna’s energy renewed at his words. She had been flagging for the last hour, exhausted more mentally than physically. Luca rested his forehead against hers again, and she lost herself in his eyes. “Take me home, Luca.”

  Smiling broadly, he stood straight, took her hand, and led her to the front of the large ballroom. Yelling, he announced, “Everyone. If you please.” The crowd quieted. “We thank you all for turning out and making this special day more special. Continue with your merriment but it’s time for me to take my wife, Shayna Bianchi, home.”

  The crowd murmured and then cheered as Luca led Shayna to the waiting carriage.

  “Andre, please drive fast as you can.” Luca smiled at Shayna. “You’re the most beautiful woman in the world, Shayna Bianchi.”

  “And you, the most handsome man in the world, Luca.”

  Carrying her across the threshold, Luca pushed the door shut with his foot and Rosalyn mewled in surprise as the door shut in her face.

  “What about Rosalyn?” Shayna said through the kiss.

  “What about her? She’s been fed.” Luca continued to the stairs.

  “Do I not get to look at the masterpiece you’ve created for us?” Shayna pulled back and eyed him closely. The heated expression in his eyes took her back to their first kiss.

  “Look as we go. Tonight, I have other plans. Tomorrow you can look all you like.”

  She got a look at the headboard and posts of the huge bed before he laid her on it and tore off a layer of his clothing. He set to work taking off her clothing with shaking hands and ragged breath. Shayna turned her back to him when she stood, so he could undo the buttons of her gown. He kissed her neck and the tingling sensation spread across her lower belly and into her womanhood.

  Moaning, she pulled his head back to her neck, wanting more of the sensation. He fumbled with her buttons and a lifetime later, her gown hit the floor between them. Her undergarments disappeared while he kissed her neck, shoulders and upper back, flicking his tongue across the tender, most sensitive spots.

  Goose flesh walked over her, tightening her flesh pleasingly. Lucas’ hands found her every curve, caressed and kneaded them, pulled her close to him. He moved away for a few ticks of the clock and then was at her shoulder and neck again.

  She moaned louder and had both her hands stretched over her head and tangling in his hair. His hands left a trail of heat from her hips to her navel as he reached around her waist. Not caring about modesty or morals, Shayna drowned out everything except the sensual ecstasy of Luca’s hands on her bare skin; her knees threatened to buckle.

  Spinning to face him, she became frantic as she kissed his jaw, his neck, ran her hands over his chest, through his hair and pulled his face to hers.

  “Shayna, I want you. I have to have
you.” He pulled her tight, and she could feel him, hot and hard against her belly.

  Shayna was shocked and scared. She had known this moment would happen, but she wasn’t entirely certain about the act itself—what did it entail? Luca wouldn’t hurt her; he would take her through the new experience; she trusted him with her life.

  Nodding, she whispered, “I’m yours.”

  He lifted her onto the bed, blanketing himself gently over her. “I’ve waited for this moment for so many years; I don’t want to hurt you, only pleasure you, Shayna. But you know there might be pain your first time, right?” He paused, searching her eyes with concern.

  Shayna realized what happened next and couldn’t hide her uncertainty. “I’m scared, Luca.”

  “I’ll make you forget it with the pleasure which follows, I swear it, Shayna.”

  And he did. With every kiss, touch, movement, he roused new and wondrous sensations unlike anything Shayna had ever imagined or dreamed. He set her body aflame and coaxed it into movement, offsetting the initial pain of their joining, erasing it from her perception almost instantly. In its place sprang visions of heaven, happiness, and all the gifts of this new adventure, new life, they were setting out on together.

  He soared with her, she heard it in his moans, felt it in every movement of his body. They clung to each other, facing the brilliant unknown with the fearless abandon of two who knew they could never be lost beside each other.

  As the waking dream climaxed into waves of radiant pleasure, she tightened her hold on him. Turning to kiss him as they both began to doze, Shayna smiled in utter contentment. Cocooned in her love’s arms, Shayna knew she moved toward a new future full of love and pleasure with Luca.

  Mumbling in sleep-talk tones, she said, “It may not be perfect all the time, but it’s ours forever, my love.”

  Luca pulled her close and they slept.

  Coming Soon

  Alexandria Ricci knew she stood no chance of finding love. Too many people knew of her history as the illegitimate first child of her mother. No reputable man would have her, so she’s resigned herself to the role of devoted aunt to her sister’s children and struggles each day to cobble together a meaningful existence.

  And yet, all her work crashes down around her the day her brother-in-law introduces her to his cousin, Gabriel. He steals her breath the instant she lays eyes on him and she finds herself unable to think of anything else. For the first time in her life, her heart begs her to hope. Could it be possible? Can she find a way to win the heart of Gabriel Peretti?

  Alexandria has come through a dark time in her life, don’t miss her journey as she learns to

  Love in the Light

  A woman scorned

  After Hugh Quinn, Duke of Bellington, broke her heart, Emma swore she’d never see him again. When desperate circumstances force her back into his arms, she finds her resolve crumbling. How can she steel her heart when his nearness ignites all the passions she thought she’d left behind?

  A grudge he can’t let go of

  Hugh can’t believe his luck when Lady Emma, the woman who stole his heart then humiliated him, comes crawling back to the social scene. This is his chance to get back the prize he lost and make her regret her actions. He soon finds, however, that trying to teach Emma a lesson without losing his heart again is much more difficult than he expected.

  For the latest updates on new releases and special offers from Karen Sommers, visit her website at

  Karen is also always happy to hear from her readers. Email




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