Necrofairies 2

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Necrofairies 2 Page 12

by Shane Griffin


  Neen threw the aging book at the shelves violently. She wished it was Sliver's head, but he had given up in frustration and skulked off several hours ago. Her outburst was so sharp and unexpected that even Heliodor flinched. The gnomes ordered to help them by Kio all scattered except Vassal.

  "Creating disorder does not help your cause," complained the elderly gnome. He walked over to the book and picked it up with the same care one would use in picking up an infant and then put it back very gently into the exact place on the shelf from where it came.

  "We have been at this all day and all we have found is poetry, plays and romanticised recollections of the battle of Tarva! How can there not be a single factual document about the great wars to be found in an entire library?"

  "The great wars were very destructive. Most of the records of that time were destroyed or lost," explained Vassal.

  "Or they were hidden on purpose. Which is why I wanted to get into the vaults," said Heliodor.

  "I still don't understand why anyone would want to hide them," said Neen.

  "I have my theories, but they are based on claims made by Gravlok."

  "Wait, so this whole wild goose chase is based on the word of the very psycho we are trying to stop?" asked Neen incredulously.

  "At the time he told me about the great wars he had no reason to lie."

  "What the hell would he know about the wars beyond orcish bed time stories anyway?"

  "He knows more than most. He saw what happened with his own eyes...he was there," replied Heliodor seriously. "It's why he wants revenge."

  "Right," said Neen sarcastically. "Now you are telling us this wizard is over two thousand years old! Sliver is right you are a crackpot and this is getting us nowhere. I am done with this!"

  Neen started to leave, but Heliodor stepped in her way. She looked up at him angrily and he looked back at her with an annoying sympathy in his eyes.

  "Is this really the path you wish to take little one? Remember I have seen into your soul with the fire crystal. You know as well as I do that you are as responsible as Sliver for what is happening out there."

  The words hit her hard, but she looked back at him defiantly.

  "If I didn't take the job someone else would have."

  They were Sliver's words, but it was the only thing she could think of to stop herself from crying. At that moment she wanted to be like Sliver more than anything, unfeeling, cold and without guilt. She needed to get away from everyone for a while to rest and think. Everything seemed so hopeless and she just wanted to curl up in a corner and cry herself to sleep. She flew briskly past Heliodor who made no further attempt to stop her.

  She had not gone far when she realised she was being followed. She spun around and drew her pistols only to find Vassal lurking in the shadows.

  "P...Put that away please," he insisted, petrified by the site of her weapons.

  "What do you want?" asked Neen impatiently.

  "I have to know. Is it true that this Gravlok has the elixir of life and is the cause of what is happening?"


  "Then your story is not just an elaborate ruse to get into the vaults?"


  "And you helped him steal the elixir?"

  "Yes...I...we came here to try and fix what we had done. However it appears we are wasting our time. The unfortunate truth is that we are all destined to spend the rest of eternity as tortured souls who will never find peace. Money and power mean nothing anymore. There is only survival left," replied Neen wearily a single tear escaping down her cheek in a rebellious moment of unchecked emotion and fatigue. "Now leave me alone."


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