The Motor Girls on a Tour

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The Motor Girls on a Tour Page 8

by Margaret Penrose



  The fact that Cecilia Thayer could be old or young, as had beenremarked by one of her companions, was not a mere saying. The Thayerswere strangers in Chelton, and Cecilia was now only home from school ona vacation. It was generally understood that the girl was not exactlya daughter of the small household, but perhaps a niece, or somerelative, who made her home with the people. She never invited herfriends to her home, but this was not considered strange, as her meansplainly were not equal to the circumstances of those with whom sheassociated.

  Not that Cecilia sought this class, because she was constantly soughtby them--she was a brilliant, happy young girl, and, as such, was amost desirable adjunct to the Chelton younger set.

  It was, of course, Cora Kimball who "took her up," and that fact wassufficient to vouch for all.

  The girl and Jack were well on the road to Woodbine the morning of thelittle meeting by the garage, when, with a very different expression ofcountenance to that shown to the party by the roadside, Cecilia graspedat the arm of the young man beside her.

  "It's awfully good of you, Jack," she said, "and I suppose I am takingdesperate chances."

  "Good! The idea! It's a privilege," he answered warmly.

  "You suspect, of course."

  "I have suspected," he said with a light laugh.

  "And if the girls find out?"

  "What of it? Is it a disgrace to--"

  "Hush! I haven't qualified yet, and when I do I'm going to spring iton them." She tossed her head back defiantly. "Won't some of themhowl!"

  Jack laughed outright. "You're a brick, Clip," he exclaimed. "You cancount on Cora, too. Does she know?"

  "I haven't told her, but I imagine she has guessed. You are a greatfamily at guessing."

  "Which way?" he inquired, nodding toward a fork in the road.

  "To the left. Isn't it too mean that our old lumber wagon gave way? Inever had more need of it. It's just splendid of you to help me outthis way."

  "And good of you to let me," he replied with a keen glance at thegirl's bright face.

  "Of course I had no idea of going on the girls' trip. I only went infor the arrangements for the fun of the thing. I seem to need an awfullot of fun," she finished with a sigh that ended like a groan.

  "Oh, we all do, more or less," spoke Jack. "Only some of us are moreupright than others in the way we acknowledge it."

  They were turning up to the Salvey cottage. Cecilia pointed it out.

  "You must expect to sign the promise book," she said. "That is acondition of admittance."

  "So Cora told me. Well, I'll sign. Can't tell which name may win theprize."

  "Of course I'll see Wren first. But before we go she will insist uponseeing you. And--don't mind her extravagances about me. You know, shesees so few people that she thinks I am just wonderful."

  "I agree with her. But you can count upon my discretion, if that iswhat you want, Clip."

  "You're 'immense,' Jack!" exclaimed the girl, her smile apologizing forthe vulgarity of the expression. "If I had a brother like you--"

  "Hush! Your brother! Why, Clip!"

  "Here we are," she interrupted; and she prepared to get out as Jackstopped the car. "Suppose you stay outside until I call you?"

  "Oh, if I must. But be sure to call. I've had Cora play that trick,and forget the cue."

  "Oh, she'll have to see you," and with that Cecilia jumped out of thecar, and presently touched the brass knocker of the little cottage.

  Jack was left to his own thoughts. Wasn't she a girl, though? So likeCora in her impulses. Well, a girl has to be impulsive to getahead--she is so ridiculously hampered by conventionalities.

  It seemed a long time before Clip reappeared at the door, and beckonedhim to come in. Then the room he entered smelled strongly ofantiseptics, and the crippled child sat in a chair made sweet and freshwith snowy pillows. Wren had her promise book in her hands. BrieflyCecilia introduced Jack, while the child eyed him keenly, as do thosedeprived of the usual means of making sure of their friends.

  "You know about my promise," she said shyly. "Grandpa's will is lostin an old table, and will you promise to help find it?"

  "Indeed I will," said Jack warmly, taking the pen offered. "I have aweakness for hunting old furniture, and I hope it will be my goodfortune to find the table."

  "How much you are like your sister," said Wren, referring to Cora, "butnot a bit like your cousin."

  This caused both Jack and Cecilia to laugh--she Jack's cousin!

  Mrs. Salvey patted the child's head. "She is so much better lately,"she said, "since she has been friends with Miss Thayer."

  "Her friendship is wonderful," said Jack, handing back the book. "Itdoes me all sorts of good."

  Cecilia was pulling on her gloves. She picked up the small blacksatchel (her hand bag, she called it), and started for the door.

  "That hand bag smells like--"

  "Fresh eggs," she interrupted Jack. "Understand, young man, I had tocome out here to get one dozen of strictly fresh eggs."

  For a moment she looked intently at Jack, as if determined to put himon his honor without further explanation. He took her hand andassisted her into the car. As he did so she felt the assurance thatJack Kimball was her friend.

  Then they started back to Chelton.


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