Survivor Trilogy Box Set

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Survivor Trilogy Box Set Page 10

by T. M. Smith

  Frank opened his mouth to respond, but all that came out was a low, throaty groan. Taylor chuckled again, leaning on his elbow and tracing Frank’s lips with his fingers, trailing them down his neck and chest, making him shiver. “See the way your body responds to me, Frank? That’s because you belong to me, Frankie. So do whatever you need to do to wrap your brain around that fact because, from this day on, I’m not going anywhere unless you’re going there with me.”

  And there it was. The promise of forever and Frank knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that this was right, that Taylor was right. He belonged to him and had for a long time.

  Chapter Eighteen


  In his dreams, Taylor had woken up beside Frank many times. In reality, it was so much more. The fantasy didn’t carry the warmth of Frank’s skin or the beating of his heart. They fit perfectly together, back to front, Taylor’s arms wrapped around Frank. Inhaling, he could still smell the scent of their mutual orgasms from the previous night in the air. Stripping down the layers between them, he’d left Frank naked and vulnerable, and finally convinced Frank he was sincere. He could have taken Frank last night, made love to him and sealed their bond completely. But Frank didn’t ask for that with words, and he wanted Frank to be the one that decided when he was ready to take that step. After all, he wasn’t kidding when he said they had time.

  Instead, they’d kissed for what seemed like hours—long, slow, steady kisses that eventually grew more intense and primal until they were mauling each other like tigers in the wild. Christ, but the man could kiss. All the kissing and heavy petting led to some serious frottage and Taylor’s hand wrapped around their cocks until they both came in a flurry of hushed whimpers and moans. Frank held on to him, fingers digging into Taylor’s arms as he came, eyes closed, head thrown back with a look of pure bliss on his handsome face. Taylor decided right then and there that he had to make Frank come every goddamn day for the rest of their lives because the look on Frank’s face when he came was fucking priceless.

  Glancing at the clock on the bedside table, he saw it was already half past nine. His parents and Frank’s dad were already up by now. The question was, did they know Taylor had spent the night in Frank’s bed yet? As far as he was concerned, they could spend the entire day, hell, the entire vacation naked and in bed. The three people downstairs most likely wouldn’t agree with him though. Wrapping his arms tighter around the man in them, Taylor kissed a path from the back of Frank’s neck to his shoulder, biting down gently.

  “Mmmmmmm,” Frank hummed. “Feels nice to wake up with you,” Rolling over, Frank smiled at him, leaning in for a quick peck. “Morning.”

  “Good morning to you too.” Taylor pulled Frank close enough that their breaths mingled and closed his eyes, squirming until he got the pillow the way he wanted it. They both jumped at the knock on the door.

  “Are we to expect the two of you for breakfast? Or later in the day for lunch?” Val’s cheerful voice made them both smile.

  “We’ll be down in a few minutes, Val,” Frank answered her before turning to Taylor, speaking softly. “I’m gonna take a quick shower and as much as I’d like you to wash my back, I think we’ll be late for breakfast if we do that.”

  “You’re probably right.” Taylor stole another kiss before climbing out of the bed and pulling his shorts on. “Meet you at the top of the stairs in ten minutes.”

  He could hear his parents talking downstairs, murmurs of a conversation and an occasional giggle. They were eternally in the honeymoon phase, Val and Charlie Stone. Taylor hoped that he and Frank would still pine for each other that way when they’d been together for thirty years. Frank was waiting for him at the top of the stairs when Taylor exited his room a few minutes later, showered and dressed in clean clothes. When Frank looked up from his phone and their eyes met, it was clear, calm water looking back at him. How in the hell had he managed to wait so long to make the man his?

  Taylor kissed him, again, and reached for Frank’s empty hand, twining their fingers together because he just couldn’t keep his hands off the man. Valerie was at the stove flipping something that smelled like heaven when they came into the kitchen. Hearing them, she turned and waved her spatula toward the back porch. “Your dads are on the porch with their coffee and the newspaper if you want to join them. It’s such a beautiful morning I thought we’d eat outside today.”

  Frank headed straight for the coffeepot, filling a mug and taking a sip. Taylor watched him, completely entranced by the man. His face was so expressive, every emotion playing out for anyone paying attention to clearly see. He wondered, albeit briefly, how that worked for Frank when he was on the job. Or perhaps it was just that Taylor was so attuned to him that he saw things no one else did. “Do you need help with anything?” he asked.

  “No, no.” Valerie waved him off. “You two go on outside, I know how you want your omelets; I’ll have them ready in a jiff.”

  Taylor went over and kissed her on the cheek. “I love you, Mom.”

  “Awwww, sweetie.” She leaned into him. “I love you too.”

  When they’d finished breakfast, Taylor helped his mom clean up and get the coolers packed for the day while Frank, Hubert, and his dad went down to the get the boat ready for sailing. Being on the boat and on the water were familiar, but the experience of sailing with Frank by his side as more than just a friend was new and welcome. “Penny for your thoughts.” Frank came up beside him, bumping Taylor playfully with his hip.

  “I’m just enjoying the view.” He and Frank were alone on the deck at the moment, the parents all below deck preparing lunch most likely. Steering with one hand, he reached for Frank, wrapping an arm around him and pulling him close.

  Frank leaned into him and Taylor held on tighter. “So, when I was downstairs just now, our parents were talking about how happy they are with us being together.” Frank looked up at him, eyes squinting in the afternoon sun.

  “I guess my parents took care of the telling your dad part,” Taylor quipped.

  Frank snorted. “Yes, but, me thinks the I’m happy you finally pulled your head out of your ass and went for it comment means my father has likely known for a while.”

  He shifted a few steps back, guiding Frank in front of him and they steered, enjoying the crispness in the air, the smell of the ocean, the sound of the waves beneath them as they sailed across Nantucket Sound. It was so much more than Taylor dreamed of, more than he could have asked for and for the first time in a long time, he felt at peace.

  “I was thinking, maybe we could go into town tonight, have dinner at The Port Hunter, just the two of us,” Frank said going for nonchalance, but Taylor thought there was an undertone of uncertainty. He wondered how long it would take Frank to feel completely comfortable and at ease with their budding relationship.

  “Are you asking me out on a date, Frank Moore?” he teased.

  Frank scoffed. “Maybe.”

  Leaning in, Taylor nipped Frank’s earlobe then whispered, “I’d love to.”

  Chapter Nineteen


  As first dates went, his and Taylor’s was simple but one he’d remember for a very long time. The Port Hunter was a local favorite that served fresh seafood and unique cocktails. They started with oysters, grilled clams, and bluefish cakes that were to die for, sharing the appetizers while drinking something that was yellow, served in a mason jar and tasted like lemonade with fresh mint leaves. For the main course, Taylor ordered tiz chicken and Frank got the hanger steak. They must’ve looked like a couple of teenagers sitting at the end of the bar feeding each other and making googly eyes, but Frank couldn’t bring himself to care. He hadn’t been this happy and carefree in a while and was determined to enjoy it.

  Leaving the restaurant hand in hand, Frank couldn’t stifle the groan when they damn near walked right into Billy Scranton. Thoughts of stringing the little shit up with spare boat ties and tossing him off the back of his dad’s Catalina in the middle of Nant
ucket Sound were very appealing. “Taylor, hey!” He unwittingly shoved Frank aside as he reached for Taylor and pulled him in for a hug that was a little too up close and personal for Frank’s liking. “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming into town? We could have…” Billy’s words trailed off when he finally saw their joined hands.

  Mouth agape, eyes darting from Taylor to Frank, down to their joined hands, and back to Taylor, then back to Frank, Billy was speechless. Well, if Frank had known that all he had to do to shut Billy up was hold Taylor’s hand, he’d have done it years ago. “Wait, are you two, like, together? As in, a couple?” Frank wanted to smack him on the back and congratulate him for stringing two words together that weren’t dripping with innuendo.

  Taylor didn’t hesitate. “Yes, we are.” He smiled—no, beamed at Frank, pulling him close and draping one of his long arms over Frank’s shoulders.

  “Wait, isn’t he, like, old?” Billy scrunched up his nose for dramatic effect.

  Before Frank could voice a response, Taylor beat him to it. “Age is just a number, Billy. Besides, he’s fucking amazing in bed. And goddamn, can he kiss, curls my toes and something else, if you catch my meaning.” Frank had to bite the inside of his cheek to stop from laughing out loud. Taylor steered them around Billy, who was looking a little pale and glassy eyed. “You should try the bluefish cakes; they were quite delicious. But don’t drink and drive!” Taylor called out, not looking back as he led Frank through the parking lot to the CR-V.

  Once they were in the car they both lost it, laughing hysterically. “Oh my God, that was fun.” Taylor cranked the car and pulled out of the parking lot.

  “And long overdue,” Frank agreed. “That guy is like a bad penny; he just keeps turning up.”

  Arriving back at the cottage, Taylor killed the engine, turning to Frank, wearing a lopsided grin, eyes dancing with mischief. “Oh no, what are you up to?”

  “Want to climb in the back seat and make out like teenagers?” Taylor asked.

  Scratching the stubble on his chin, Frank tried to look contemplative. “I don’t know. It’s awful late and us old men need our beauty sleep.”

  “Shut up.” Taylor grabbed him by the shirt and hauled Frank closer, taking his mouth with a demanding kiss. When they finally came up for air, Frank could see the desire in Taylor’s eyes that looked amber under the harsh, fluorescent lights attached to the house, above the garage door.

  Prying Taylor’s mouth from his took some effort. “Let’s take this inside.” Frank climbed out of the car, adjusting the bulge in his shorts.

  The house was dark when they entered, everyone already in bed. It took about sixty seconds for them to make it from the front door to Frank’s room, and Taylor was on him as soon as Frank closed and locked the door. Taylor ran his fingers along the hem of his shirt, pulling it up and over Frank’s head, dropping it on the floor. Shoes were kicked off, pants unbuttoned and discarded, joining the rest of their clothes. Gloriously naked, Taylor moved around him, walking over to the bed and lying on his side, beckoning Frank with a finger. “I’ll tell you what you can do with that finger.”

  “No need, babe, I know exactly what to do with my hands to drive you wild.” Taylor waggled his eyes brows, reaching for Frank and tugging him down on the bed beside him. The first kiss was lazy but potent, telling Frank how Taylor felt without using words. Each kiss that followed was deeper and more intoxicating. No one had ever devoured Frank’s mouth the way Taylor did when they kissed. He loved it.

  Taylor rolled their bodies, pressing Frank into the mattress without breaking the seal of their lips. He had to nudge Taylor with a hand to his chest in order to catch his breath. Looking up at him, Frank was floored by the myriad of emotions he saw in Taylor’s glistening hazel eyes. “I want you, Taylor, every part of you. Make love to me, please.” Frank could hear the desperation in his voice and hoped Taylor hadn’t noticed.

  Answering Frank with his body, Taylor licked and nibbled his way from Frank’s mouth to his chest, stopping and devoting too much time on biting down on Frank’s nipples then sucking on the sensitive buds. The sensation that was equal parts pleasure and pain left him wanting more. Sliding lower on the bed, down the length of Frank’s body, Taylor dipped his tongue into his belly button and he jerked back, laughing. “Tickles.”

  “I love the way your body responds to my touch, Frank.” Taylor’s voice was low and deep, the tone like invisible fingers sliding up his spine, making Frank shiver.

  Lips and tongue left a path of wet heat along his skin and Frank begged for more. “Taylor, please, I need.” What did he need? It was so damn hard to try and think with Taylor’s mouth and hands all over him, driving him crazy, he had to have more, just…more!

  He whimpered when Taylor sat back on his knees, his mouth and hands no longer dominating Frank’s senses. “Tell me what you need, Frankie.”

  The sight of Taylor, on his knees in between Frank’s spread legs, fisting his cock was almost too much to bear. He needed Taylor to touch him again. His skin ached, felt scratchy, pulled taut across his bones without his lover’s hands on him. “You, Taylor, just you.”

  All barriers broken, walls eradicated, the only thing that remained was the raw, base desire radiating off both of them in waves so strong, Frank swore his bed felt like being on the deck of a ship at sea. Taylor’s smile was provocative and alluring. He slowly ran his hand up and down his length a couple of times more before letting the large, erect cock bounce in the air, stretching his body back over Frank. He begged and moaned, wanting Taylor inside him now. Instead, his lover seemed to be in the mood to seduce, rather than ravish.

  “Oh God, Taylor, please,” Frank pleaded. “Yes!” he hollered when Taylor ran his tongue along the underside of his cock from root to tip, paying special attention to the crown, before sucking Frank all the way down his throat. “Oh God, oh fuck, so good.” His body was strung so tight, Frank thought his back might snap when he finally came.

  “Ahhhhhhhhhhh,” Groaning loudly, Frank spread his legs wider to give Taylor complete access to his most private places. “Holy shit, that feels amazing Tay, please don’t stop,” he groused.

  When Taylor let his cock fall from his lips, Frank thought his head might literally explode. “Nooooooo, no, no,” he whined.

  “Say it again.” Taylor growled and Frank looked up. He was taken aback at the ferocity he saw in Taylor’s eyes, pupils completely blown, nostrils flaring, he raked his fingers along the length of Frank’s legs and Frank couldn’t stop his limbs from shaking.

  “Say it, again.” Taylor’s voice was low, deliberately calm, and commanding.

  “I…say…what?” Frank hoped like hell his voice didn’t actually sound like a petulant child, as he thought it did. What the hell was Taylor asking, say what? Oh, it dawned on him then.

  “Tay,” He watched Taylor shudder, obviously liking the shorter name his lover called him.

  “Goddamn Frank, I want you so fucking bad right now, I’m probably going to come before I get my dick all the way inside you.” It was both a promise and a threat, and Frank was more than ready to be fucked by his man. Leaning to one side, Frank jerked the drawer of his bedside table open, reaching for the condoms and lube, tossing them at Taylor as he lay back on the pillow and waited.

  Chapter Twenty


  Once, when he was in high school, another student had called Taylor “Tay Tay,” and he hated it. Frank calling him Tay, well, that was exhilarating. Perhaps it was the level of emotion the man he was about to bury himself balls deep in fed into the name. Desperation, devotion, and sheer, utter need were curled around three little letters and Taylor discovered that there was a link between his ears and his balls when they tingled, happy with the shortened name.

  Taking the condoms and lube Frank offered, he gave himself a few seconds to enjoy the sight before him. Frank’s body was covered with a fine sheen of sweat, pupils dilated, breathing labored and concerning. “Baby…” Tay
lor covered Frank’s body with his slightly larger one, kissing him softly, seductively. All the tension previously tensing his lover’s body seeped away the moment Taylor touched him. Frank was panting, fingers clutching Taylor’s biceps, but he didn’t sound like he might hyperventilate anymore, which was good.

  “There you go, Frankie, wouldn’t be much fun if you passed out before the main event.” The comment was meant to lighten the mood, and if the indignant chortle Frank responded with was any indication, it worked. He kissed him again; kissing was good. Taylor thought he could spend the rest of his life kissing Frank and die a happy man. There was more on the agenda for their evening, and Taylor was definitely ready for act two. Frank held on to him as their tongues continued to mate, fists in Taylor’s hair, his hips involuntarily thrusting up, their cocks sliding together. The friction was delicious but not quite as lovely as the deep, guttural moan Frankie released when Taylor slid one lube-slicked finger inside him.

  Fists tightening in his hair, Taylor winced but refused to ask Frank to lighten up. Instead, he watched the expressions that were playing out on Frank’s face, eyes opening wide when Taylor added a second finger. “Do you have any idea how sexy you look right now Frankie?” Panting, Frank shook his head, another moan falling from his kiss swollen lips when Taylor slipped three fingers inside him. He bent and pressed his lips to Frank’s, hard, nipping and biting and taking what he wanted while he continued to open and stretch him with fingers and lube. Thrusting his hips upward, Taylor felt the moisture leaking from Frank’s rock-hard cock on his hip. It was time. If he waited much longer not only would they both likely go insane, Frank was liable to come just from his fingers, and he wanted Frank to come on his dick.

  He reached for a condom, tearing it open and quickly sliding it down, his balls drawing up a little more. Squirting a generous amount of lube into the palm of his hand, he made sure his latex-covered cock was lathered and moved into position, lining up and slowly pushing in. Frank’s face stiffened as did his body, eyes drifting closed. “No, Frankie, look at me.” Those beautiful baby blues blinked open and Taylor smiled down at him, kissing the tip of Frank’s nose. “I want to see you, baby.”


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