Survivor Trilogy Box Set

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Survivor Trilogy Box Set Page 37

by T. M. Smith

  “I bought them each a watch. Rory’s has a brown leather band and Rand’s is black. I had a triskele and our initials engraved on the underside of the timepiece.” He smiled shyly. “What’d you get for Frank?”

  “Roses and chocolates, and I’m making his favorite meal.” Taylor beamed. His Frankie was a hopeless romantic, and Taylor never missed an opportunity to swoon him. “Oh, while I’m thinking about it, Frank wants to know if you’re planning a housewarming party once all the renovations are completed.”

  When he’d initially purchased the property for his dream dance studio, Shannon had only set up part of the loft apartment since it was just him at the time. With the addition of Rory and Rand, the other half of the space was desperately needed, so they weren’t always on top of each other. They decided to carry over certain features from the original design, hardwood floors and thick wood beams covering the high, vaulted ceilings, as well as leaving the exposed brick walls. The other side of the loft was now a large master bedroom with a special-ordered, extended king-sized bed that sat underneath two windows. Each man had their own dresser, the three of them lined up along one wall next to the bathroom door that had a Jacuzzi tub and separate shower. The other portion of space they’d opened up was split between a walk-in closet large enough for three wardrobes—make that four; Shannon was a clothes whore that also purchased shoes he loved in every color they were sold in—and an office space that Rory and Rand shared. The bedroom on the other side of the space was now a guest room, and the other rooms stayed the same.

  “Actually,” Shannon lifted his bottle of beer in the air, “it’s ready. But I haven’t told my guys yet—it’s part of their V-Day surprise.”

  Taylor lifted his bottle as well, and they toasted. “Way to go, Shan. Just let Frankie and me know the date for the soiree, and we’re there.”


  On the way home from the restaurant, he came up with a fun, romantic idea for how to let Rory and Rand know that the home they shared was done and pulled into the Kroger parking lot. Every year Shannon would drive past the store with the ginormous tent outside full of flowers and candies for inexperienced or ignorant spouses that waited till the last minute to shop, swearing he’d never step foot inside. It was just as bad as he’d imagined—insane, actually. Grown men fighting over flower bouquets and Dove chocolates was so not attractive. Choices were slim, but in the far back corner he stumbled upon an odd assortment of lilies and chose three. White and pink Stargazers, white and purple cappuccino and an exquisite orange and purple bloom; the label told him they were Asiatic lilies. Grabbing some foliage and a large, round vase, he went back to the front of the tent to check out. Christ almighty, he damn near shit his pants when the cashier told him it would be ninety-three dollars, but his babies were worth it.


  Pot roast in the oven keeping warm, chocolate covered strawberries in the fridge along with two bottles of bubbly, Shannon made a path from the front door to their new bedroom with tea light candles. Filling the vase with water in the bathroom, he cut the plastic sleeve to pull out the flowers and greenery and fiddled with them until they were an assortment of color and beauty. Setting the vase on top of the middle dresser, he stood back and glanced around. There were candles spread randomly throughout the room so that the space glowed in the moonlight. Shannon smiled, happy with his display of affection, grabbing the comforter to fold it across the foot of the bed.

  “Damn, now that’s a sight for sore eyes.” Shannon screeched, jumping ten feet in the air.

  “Fucking hell, Rand, do not sneak up on me like that!” he hollered, cheeks reddening. Turning, he saw the two men he loved standing in the doorway of their brand-spanking-new bedroom, their silhouettes stark and contrasting. Rand was tall, broad, and loud while Rory was smaller, lithe, and lean. Their joined hands swayed slightly in the space between them, and the vision hit Shannon hard. Emotions washed over him—he felt pure, unadulterated joy. A sudden rush of adrenaline left him weak in the knees as he stumbled backward, the bed breaking his fall. Both men were across the open space quickly, Rory beside him Rand on his knees in front of him.

  “Hey, you okay? What’s wrong?” Rory touched his forehead. “You’re not warm.”

  Rand’s big hands held his face, eyes filled with concern as his gaze took in every inch of Shannon’s body. “He’s a little pale, Ro. Have you eaten today, Shan?”

  “No, I’m okay. It’s…” Exhaling a shaky breath, Shannon fought to regain his composure. “It’s just, seeing you two standing there holding hands in the doorway.…I think the reality of all this, us three, is kind of intimidating.” Deep down, there was a small piece of his soul forever damaged by his time with Bruce. “Will I ever truly be able to let go of the past, of him and what he did to me?”

  Rand stood, pulling him to his feet as he did, his lips on Shannon’s before he could speak. Rory’s arms wrapped around him and he kissed a path across the back of his neck. They were bookends holding him up, supporting him and loving him. Finally, in the arms of the two men he loved, Shannon realized that it wasn’t his past that defined him or dictated who he should be. This, every moment, every heartbeat, every touch, caress and kiss the three of them shared was a light bright enough to keep the demons of the past locked away. Forever? Probably not, but it was a damn good start.

  Chapter Thirty Five


  Pedal to the floor, Rand flew down I35 with the windows in the Honda rolled down, Shannon singing “Youth” by Troye Sivan at the top of his lungs. His eyes met Rand’s in the rearview mirror and he winked, both of them smiling. Shannon’s feet were on the dashboard as he bounced in his seat, body moving to the beat of the song. Rory had never been the outdoorsy type, so when Frank and Taylor first brought up the idea of camping at Lake Ray Roberts, he’d politely declined. When Rand growled at him and accused him of being antisocial, he drew a line in the sand. No way, no how was he spending the weekend in a tent in the great outdoors. No running water, no Internet or cable, and no AC did not sound like his idea of fun.

  “Please, Ro,” Shannon begged. Batting eyelashes and pouty lips were hard to say no to. “Connie and Claire are coming too. Pretty please, it’ll be fun.”

  Sauntering across the living room, Rand took a seat beside them, waggling his eyebrows. “You know you want to have hot, sweaty, animal sex in the woods under the moonlight.”

  Rory snorted at that visual. “Yeah, right.”

  “Made ya laugh.” Rand kissed him. That he did.

  Following the directions on the GPS, Rand paid the entry fee to the campground they were staying at and followed the winding roads until they saw Taylor and Frank’s truck in the parking area. Shannon shot Taylor a text to let him know they were there before hopping out of the car. “It’s so beautiful out here. The fresh air will do us all some good.”

  Walking around to the back of the car, he waved at Connie when she pulled into the parking spot beside them. Claire climbed over Con, hollering at her brother, squealing with delight when her girlfriend smacked her on the ass. Rory could hear Samson, the golden retriever Frank gave Taylor for Valentine’s day, barking as he shot down the hill with his masters on his tail. Between the seven of them, they were able to carry everything from both vehicles to the campsite in one trip. Looking out over the water, the sun cascading along the wave, Rory had to admit it was beautiful and serene.

  “Hey, Ro, come give me a hand with the tent.” Rand motioned him over. Once their accommodations for the weekend were securely staked to the ground, Rand pulled him behind a tree and mauled his mouth, whispering sweet nothings in his ear. “Jesus, I cannot wait for everyone to go to bed tonight. I’m going to drag you and Shan into the woods and take my time, fucking you both up against a tree.”

  “Why wait?” Shannon wrapped his arms around Rand, his fingers digging into Rory’s hips.

  It was hard to say which one of them shouted the loudest when Connie cleared her throat. “Is there anywhere
on God’s green earth the three of you won’t fuck like bunnies?”

  “Make some noise next time, Gonzales. Give a man a heart attack.” Rand stomped off.

  “Hell’s bells, Con, I think I pissed my pants.” Shannon followed Rand, elbowing the grinning woman as he passed by.

  “Bitch,” Rory growled playfully.

  Throwing an arm over his shoulder, she laughed. “You love me, and you know it.”

  After spending the day fishing, swimming, and tubing on the lake, they cleaned then cooked the fish they’d caught for dinner. Sitting around a small fire, drinking beer and telling stories, Rory’s heart swelled with a river of emotion. Rand sat to his left, lost in conversation with his sister, their fingers laced together. Every few minutes, Rand would look over and smile or wink at him. Shannon was on the other side, one long leg stretched across Rory’s lap, his fingers absentmindedly twirling a strand of his black hair while he and Taylor talked about the wedding. They couldn’t be in the same space and not gravitate toward one another, touch each other in some small way, pulled together like magnets. Just over six months into their relationship and yet, it felt like they’d been a throuple forever. He couldn’t see a future without them in it, and the thought made him smile.

  “Penny for your thoughts.” Shannon circled his ear with a finger, the simple touch making him shiver.

  “Can you believe I’m actually enjoying myself?”

  “Go figure.” Rand snorted, lifting their joined hands, kissing his knuckles.

  As promised, once Frank dragged Taylor to bed and the womenfolk disappeared into their tent, Rand grabbed his backpack and a flashlight. He led Rory and Shannon far enough into the woods that they wouldn’t be heard. But not so far that they’d get lost trying to find their way back, either. Turned out, making love under the stars surrounded by trees and lightning bugs was hands down one of the most insanely intimate moments of his life. Watching Rand lay Shannon on the blanket he pulled from the backpack, their bodies blending and moving together flawlessly as Rand gently made love to him was a vision to behold. An image forever stored in Rory’s mind. It was a stark contrast to the picture he was certain Shannon would cherish of him on his hands and knees, Rand’s larger body covering his, their skin tinged with hues of blue in the moonlight. Rocking together slowly at first, movements more frenzied by the time they reached their climaxes.

  Falling onto the blanket, satiated and depleted, he begged Rand and Shannon to just lie down beside him, not wanting to move. “Come on, Ro, it’s not that far. I’ll carry you as soon as I can feel my legs again.” Rand chuckled, smacking him on the ass. He didn’t have the energy to complain, vision graying around the edges before he passed smooth out.


  It was a fun weekend that went by in a blur, and no one was more surprised than Rory when he expressed interest in camping again, soon. Shannon climbed into the back seat of the Honda and was asleep—out before they were out of the park. Normally, back in Dallas and working around three demanding jobs, he and Rand would take such an opportunity to talk. Instead, they held hands, set the radio on a local classic rock station, and set the volume at a low whisper, simply enjoying being together.

  Pulling up behind the studio, Rand turned and gently shook Shannon. “Babe, we’re home.” Having nothing in the car that could spoil, they decided to unload everything the next morning. A nice, hot shower and an extremely large bed awaited them upstairs. Hands down the best money Rory had ever spent, the three of them actually, was on the bed. The carpenter that cut and installed the wood lining the vaulted ceilings had worked with them to design a piece that held a little bit of each personality. Rand wanted plenty of room to…maneuver. So the frame was built at 120” x 80” and held two queen-sized mattresses and box springs. Shannon wanted a four-poster frame, which was quite easy to accomplish with a master carpenter on the payroll. And Rory wanted a modern, masculine style that blended well with the home and the other furnishings in the room. It had become their favorite room in the loft, and it didn’t hurt that Rand had mounted a sixty-inch flat-screen on the opposite wall. More than once, he’d come home late from work and found one or both of his lovers passed out—Rand with a book on his chest, Shannon curled up beside him, snoring softly.

  “You coming to bed?” He blinked, smiling at Shannon’s reflection in the bathroom mirror. Nodding, Rory finished brushing his teeth, flipping the light off and following Shan. He and Rand noticed that their young lover had stopped making his routine house checks not long after the expansion to the loft was completed. Knowing that Shannon trusted them implicitly made his heart swell with pride.

  Rand leaned against the headboard, book in hand. Seeing him and Shannon, Rand tossed the book onto the bedside table, lifting the blanket for them. “I’m exhausted.” Rand yawned, sliding down until his long body lay flat on the bed.

  “Tell me about it.” Shannon slid in beside Rand, kissing him chastely.

  “Damn, how did I get so lucky? To be able to have both of you.”

  Shannon smiled at him. “Awwww, Ro, we love you too.”

  “Now get your ass in here, and turn out the fucking light…please.” Rand grinned shamelessly.

  Yep, pretty damn lucky. Rory chuckled as he slid under the sheet.


  Rand Summer 2017

  Stepping on the gas, Rand ignored Rory’s curses as he sped along the winding roads from the Moores’ cottage to the store in the closest town. When Frank’s dad, Hubert, dangled the keys to his Mustang in front of Rand’s face, it was an offer that could not be refused. Rory followed him out the door, turning and asking Shannon if he was coming with. “Oh no, no way. You have fun with that.”

  Windows down, wind in his hair, Rand weaved left then right, then back to the left, laughing hysterically when Rory cursed him and his parents flawlessly. “Wow, that’s a filthy mouth you’ve got there, Agent. I might have to tie you down and shove something in that pretty mouth.” Rory slowly looked over, his eyes already glassy with the just the mention of Rand’s dick. “You’re fucking insatiable.”

  Rory waggled his eyebrows. “You complaining, Detective?” Tamping down his libido for the moment, Rand made a mental note to make good on his threat that night when they went to bed.

  They were at the Vineyard for a week-long celebration leading up to Frank and Taylor’s wedding. Dueling bachelor parties, poker, and midnight sailing were all scheduled to take place with a couple of free days allowing anyone attending time to enjoy the beach. Rand, Rory, and Shannon were staying at the Cranston cottage along with Blair and Mannie as the Moore cottage was filled to capacity. Wary when he first heard the news, Rand sighed in relief when Taylor told them that Billy boy and his grandparents were out of the country, lending their home to the wedding party for the week. Cursing, Rory was out of the car before he put it in park, grumbling as he followed the sidewalk around the house to the back porch. All conversation in the house ceased the moment they walked in—all eyes on them. “Fuck off, all of you.” Rory growled, grabbing a glass and filling it with red wine.

  Rand remembered he’d brought a couple of bottles from a winery he, Rory, and Shannon had visited in California but left them on the dresser next door when he’d unpacked. Stealing a quick kiss from Shannon when he walked into the kitchen, he smacked Rory on the ass then excused himself to run next door. Just a few steps into the house, he froze. Junior was sitting on top of the counter, Blair standing between his spread legs, their lips stuck together, the kiss both passionate and erotic. Rand wondered if he could sneak in, dash up the stairs to the bedroom he’d left the wine in, and escape without either man realizing he was there. Eyes fluttering open, Junior saw him and gasped.

  Whirling around, Blair cursed. “Yeah, just friends, my ass.” Rand kicked the back door closed, heading straight for the stairs and wine he would likely need a straw for.

  Wine in hand, he crossed the lawn, finding Shannon and Rory on the back porch. There was a corkscrew a
nd three empty glasses on the table. Rand sat in between his two lovers, twisting the cork from one of the bottles. “So, you’ll never guess what I just walked in on next door.” He poured a healthy amount of red deliciousness for each of them.

  Rory swirled the liquid in his glass, eyeing the porch on the other side of the yard. “Are those two fucking?”

  “As a matter of fact.” He grinned, propping his feet on the table, sipping his wine.

  Shannon reached across his lap and smacked Rory on the arm, holding his hand out. “You owe me fifty bucks, baby.” Rand couldn’t help it; he cracked up.

  After dinner they went for a walk on the beach, just the three of them. Feet in the sand and a gorgeous man holding each hand, Rand realized he was very lucky. He couldn’t have asked for a more perfect night to propose on the beach where he’d sat talking to Taylor, entertaining thoughts of a relationship with Shannon and Rory for the first time. “It’s beautiful tonight, isn’t it? You know…when we get married we should do it here, on the beach at dusk. Wouldn’t it be beautiful…” His arm candy stopped walking, tugging him back, both men staring at him wide-eyed and slack-jawed. “What?”

  “Are you…” Shannon sputtered, looking over at Rory. “Is he…”

  “I think so,” Rory whispered, nodding his head robotically.

  Rand laughed, spreading his arms wide. “Rory Landers, Shannon Dupree, will you marry me?”

  Shannon threw himself into his arms, kissing his face, eyes, neck, and mouth, and chanted, “Yes, yes, yes, yes.” It knocked Rand off balance and the two of them toppled to the ground, both laughing.

  “What happened to getting down on one knee?” Rory asked, hands on his hips.

  “Oh shut it, Ro, and come here.” Shannon grabbed Rory by the hand and jerked him down, the smaller man’s body landing on top of Rand.


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