Celebration Bear

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Celebration Bear Page 7

by Scarlett Grove

“You're the one that killed her, aren't you?" the teenager barked.

  With that, the stablehand pulled a pistol out of the back of his pants and pointed at the family.

  "I never would've hurt her. I loved her. But she wouldn't leave Ralph. She had a wandering eye and couldn't stay faithful. If I couldn't have her for myself, no one would have her! So, I did it. I drugged her champagne while we were making out in the bathroom, took her to the tent, shoved those fireworks in her mouth and ears and set them on fire. It served her right. She belonged to me. She told me so."

  Everyone stood there, stunned at the rantings of the crazy man. Thorian could smell the scent of fear rising off them. He’d had enough, so he burst into a bear form and charged at the madman. Jake shot his gun and a bullet flew into the ceiling of the stable. Sally screamed. The horses spooked and reared up on their hind legs, kicking frantically and whinnying for their lives. In all the commotion, Thorian jumped on top of the Jake and held him down while Mr. Talbot tapped on his cellphone.

  “Oh my god, oh my god!” Sally screamed.

  “I knew it was him,” the kid said.

  “Police,” Mr. Talbot said into the phone.

  The police arrived moments later, handcuffing Jake. Thorian's clothes were in shreds on the ground so the cops draped a blanket over his shoulders. He shifted back while Jake was shoved in a police car. Thorian, Sally, and the Talbots went back inside, and watched the police drive off with Jake.

  "I'm sorry I suspected you, Dad," the teenager said. "Things haven't exactly been easy at home.”

  "I understand, son. And I'm sorry that I ever did anything to make you suspect me.”

  The father and son embraced, and it did Thorian’s heart good to see the family reconciling.

  "I've always loved you, Ralph," Sally said desperately.

  The Talbot’s turned to her. The son narrowed his eyes at her, but Mr. Talbot just looked sad.

  "I never knew you had feelings for me, Sally," Mr. Talbot said. “Now is not the time for any of that. I’m grieving for my wife, and have to make up with my son. You’re going to have to give me space."

  "Can I at least still help with the funeral? I never meant her any harm."

  "I could use the help."

  Mr. Talbot lent Thorian some clothes, and he changed in the bathroom before bidding the family farewell and driving away. He was sure glad his family never had drama like that. It made him so grateful for his sweet mate and their new life together.

  Chapter 13

  A week after Jake Martin was thrown in jail for the murder of Vicki Talbot, Thorian picked Cici up from her house with a thermos of hot chocolate and a bundle of warm blankets. He wanted to make sure that everything was just right for the special event. A newly turned shifter’s first shift was a special occasion to be celebrated and honored.

  Cici came trotting out of her house and climbed into the truck with a bright smile on her face, wearing her white parka and a cute pink hat.

  "I'm so excited," she exclaimed, clapping her hands together repeatedly and bouncing up and down on the seats.

  "I'm excited too," he said. “I can't wait to see your bear."

  He drove them through the hills of Fate Valley to a nature preserve where they would be undisturbed. Fresh snow dusted the ground and the sky was starting to turn dark as day turned into evening.

  "Is this going to hurt?" she asked him as he cut the motor.

  "It may hurt a little bit. But only for a second. You shouldn’t ever feel pain again during your shift.”

  “Okay. I’m ready.”

  They climbed out of the truck with the thermos of hot chocolate, the bundle of blankets, and big smiles on their faces. The moon came out as the sky darkened. Thorian turned on his camping lantern as they walked into the winter forest. The branches of the dogwood trees were bare, and their feet crunched over the fallen leaves.

  Holding hands, he felt her warmth against his palm, and he looked at her beautiful face. She wore his grandmother's ring on her finger. Thorian was so grateful to have Cici in his life, his heart nearly burst in his chest. He sent her a message through their bond telling her how beautiful she was and how much he loved her. She looked at him, a grin on her face, so big it melted his heart.

  "This is so exciting," she said, her voice trembling.

  He sat down the lantern and turned to her, gathering her in his arms. He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her.

  "I know that you’re nervous, babe," he said. "I'm right here with you, and I'll guide you every step of the way.”

  "This is all so crazy. I can hear my bear rumbling inside me. Every minute, she's getting louder and stronger. I can't keep her inside anymore. I have to let her out."

  He spread one blanket in a clearing, under the light of the full moon, and set the lantern beside it. He had brought several more blankets to wrap around her shoulders when she shifted. Shifters had were less vulnerable to the elements and healed more quickly, but he wanted to make the experience as easy as possible for his sweet mate.

  Thorian began to peel out of his clothes and Cici followed suit, her teeth chattering as she held herself against the cold.

  He threw a blanket around her shoulders and looked into her eyes, the moon reflecting in her pupils.

  "What do I do?" she asked.

  "Focus on your bear. Focus on the sight of her and the sound of her, deep inside you.”

  Cici let out a long breath as they held hands in the moonlight.

  "What does she look like? What does she sound like?"

  "She's big and brown and ferocious," Cici giggled. "And she wants to come out so badly. She wants to taste life. Smell the scent of the forest, catch some prey and ravage it with her sharp teeth.”

  "Very good," Thorian said. “Now focus on that feeling of hunger that need. Focus on it until you can't contain it anymore. Let it take over you. Let it explode out from inside of you."

  "I don't know if I can. It's so overwhelming."

  "Let it overwhelm you, Cici. The beast within cannot be contained. Let it sweep you up in its feral passion."

  She whimpered, but he held her hands firmly in his, lending her his strength through their telepathic bonds.

  "Oh my God. I can feel it coming," she said.

  She screamed as her body began to shift. She let go of his hand as hers turned into a clawed paw. Her body contorted and grew as she growled from her grizzly mouth for the first time, falling onto her paws on the forest floor. She roared, her mouth bearing her strong, sharp teeth.

  Thorian pumped his fist. "Yes!" he exclaimed, cheering for his love. He clapped and hooted as she grunted and turned to him, licking his face with her rough tongue. He embraced her and kissed her muzzle. "Well done, Cici. Well done.” She nudged him with her nose, and sent him a message to join her through their bond. "Here I come,” he said.

  With a giant roar, he shifted himself. They stood together in the cool, winter forest, their bond of love ping-ponging back and forth between them. She grunted and growled, moving into him to tease him with her strength. He nudged her back and then charged into the woods.

  She growled, running to catch up and try to beat him. As they sprinted at top speed through the trees, he picked up the scent of a deer. It spooked and run through the forest. Cici caught on immediately, and the two of them began to hunt the creature down.

  Their psychic bond allowed them to coordinate their movements as they stalked the creature through the forest. Thorian knew she wanted to hunt and feel what it was like to be the predator that she had become. His sweet little Cici was now the top of the food chain. A beast like him. He'd never been more turned on in his life.

  They cornered the animal in a ravine. Cici charged at it, smashing it with her paw and slapping it to the ground. She stood over the creature and bit its jugular, cutting off its breath as it died. Its blood spilled into her mouth. He could feel her dread and excitement at what they had done.

  The two of them gorged on the an
imal until there was nothing left. They found a cave and spent the night, snuggled together in their furry bear forms. In the morning, they trotted back to the blankets and a thermos of hot chocolate. Cici shifted first, pulling a blanket around her shoulders. She still had blood smudged on her cheek. He wiped it off as he pulled a blanket around his own shoulders.

  "You're quite the hunter.”

  "We make an amazing team,” she said, opening the thermos of cocoa and taking a long sip.

  "Now you are full-fledged shifter. This truly is a day for a celebration.”

  Chapter 14

  The day before Valentine’s Day, Cici stood in front of the mirror in a white lace wedding dress. The bump of her cub had only barely started showing. Melody, Stephanie, Sunshine, and Meredith had all wore rosy pink dresses and held bouquets of white and pink roses.

  "You look so beautiful, Cici," her mother said, helping her with her veil.

  She was so glad that her mother was there for her on her wedding day. Her mother’s support meant more to her than anything. The bridesmaids disappeared out into the hall and her father stepped into the dressing room, offering her his arm.

  "I'm so happy for you, my dear," her mother said a tear sliding from her eye. She gave Cici one last hug before she disappeared out into the chapel.

  "Oh, dad," she said. "I'm so happy I don't know how to contain it."

  "You don't have to contain it, sweetheart. That's the thing about joy. It shouldn't be held inside. It should be expressed and shared, every moment of every day."

  "Oh, dad, you're so wise."

  "That’s what fathers are for," he said, patting her arm as they walked out into the hall.

  Kirk, Harrison, Liam, and Grayson escorted the bridesmaids down the aisle. When the wedding march started, she let out a long sigh and stepped into the chapel with her father. The only thing she saw was Thorian in his tuxedo, standing in front of the minister, looking so handsome. Her knees nearly buckled at the sight of him.

  Her father's strength kept her standing as she gazed at the man she'd come to know so deeply and so well. She could feel him through their bond. He was gazing at her, and sending her so much love and devotion. He thought she was so beautiful in her wedding dress, he could barely stand himself. She giggled and sighed and sent him an impression of what she wanted to do with him later.

  They both chuckled at each other, sharing their special connection that no one else knew. Melody took Cici’s bouquet and her father handed her off to Thorian as she stepped up on the rise in front of the minister. They gazed into each other's eyes, and the world seemed to disappear.

  It was almost as if the ceremony didn't matter. All that mattered was that they were surrounded by the love and the support of all these people. Their friends, their family. They had all gathered together to celebrate this day with Cici and Thorian. Her heart was beating so fast, she didn't know if she could remember when to repeat her vows. But she made it through the ceremony with Thorian holding her hands.

  "You may kiss the bride," the minister finally said.

  Thorian gave her a feral grin and swept her into his arms. In their human form, he was still so much taller than her that her held her curves like she was a tiny thing. Everyone stood and cheered, throwing rose petals over the couple as they kissed.

  They turned and smiling at the guests. Cici was giggling and so filled with excitement and joy she could barely breathe. They walked hand-in-hand down the aisle as the rose petals fluttered overhead. The bridesmaids and groomsmen followed them out into the early spring day.

  At the reception, she danced with her love to their favorite songs. The whole world melted away as they gazed into each other's eyes.

  "I don't know if I can take any more happiness," she whispered.

  "I sure hope you can, because I have so much more to give you.”

  Chapter 15

  Cici sat with her best friends in the remodeled living room of her and Thorian's house. She rubbed her round belly and smiled down at the gift wrapped in blue wrapping paper and ribbon. Stephanie sat to her right and Melody sat to her left. Meredith was in the easy chair and Sunshine was sitting on the loveseat beside Layla Nash, the newest member of their squad.

  "I hope you like it," Stephanie said, clapping her hands together.

  Cici tore the paper off the gift and pulled out a rattle in the shape of a bear. She rattled it and cooed along with all her friends.

  "Oh my God! It's so adorable," she said, looking at the little bear.

  It looked so much like Thorian's grizzly that she could barely contain herself. She rubbed her belly again, knowing that she and Thorian were having a baby boy. They hadn't chosen a name yet, though they had a list of names and at the top was his grandfather's name, Walter. She said his nickname could be Wally, and they both thought that was really cute.

  "Open mine now," Melody said, just as pregnant with Kirk's baby.

  Sunshine was even more pregnant with Harrison's. They would all have their children at about the same time. Layla was only a few months along in her pregnancy since she and Liam had waited until after they’d thrown a big wedding at the Fate Rock Chapel to get pregnant. Everyone had had already celebrated Melody and Sunshine’s showers.

  Everyone had gathered at Thorian and Cici’s remodeled house for the baby shower and a Fourth of July barbecue. The humid heat of the Fate Valley summer was kept at bay by the air conditioning. Cici looked over her shoulder out the window to watch Thorian working on the dock, preparing the celebration for that night.

  "He's working awfully hard out there," Stephanie said, admiring Cici’s husband. Poor Stephanie still hadn't found her mate, but Cici hoped that would change soon.

  "Are you looking at my husband's butt right now?" Cici giggled, tapping Stephanie's knee with the tips of her fingers.

  "Why would I do that? It's not like he is a total hunk or anything."

  All of the women giggled. All of them knew that none of them would ever want someone else’s man. Cici continued opening her baby gifts. She got a whole bunch of clothes from Melody and Kirk. Toys from Sunshine. A wonderful knit blanket from Layla and a crib from Liam. Stephanie gave her a six-month supply of diapers in multiple sizes. It was meant to be a joke, but Cici knew her little bear would go through them one way or another.

  After they were done with the presents, they played a game called “never have I ever” and the winner was poor Stephanie. She had the least life experiences of all the ladies.

  After the game, they went to the dining room with all the new wood floors and a big oak table and sat down for the baby shower cake. Since Cici had gotten pregnant, food just tasted so much better. She ate the delicious confection made by Grayson Baxter, Baker Bear himself, and felt her little bear kicking inside her belly.

  "I think he likes the cake."

  As the sun started to descend in the western sky, the guys arrived with barbecue. Sunshine’s mate Harrison fired up the grill, and Liam started barbecuing pork ribs, hotdogs, hamburgers and steak. Kirk had brought beer from Fate Valley Brewing, and the friends sat around the picnic tables as the hot air cooled in the evening twilight.

  "When are we going to get to see these legendary fireworks?" Kirk teased.

  "I've got them almost set up," Thorian said.

  While they waited, they feasted on Liam’s delicious barbeque and Grayson’s fluffy biscuits. The friends had brought corn, potato salad, chips and fresh salsa from the garden, and a whole slew of other picnic foods. Grayson and his new mate even brought a strawberry shortcake for dessert. Alexander Ellwood, known as Antique Bear in Fate Valley, arrived with another twenty-six packs of beer. Benjamin Darling, known as Candy Bear, came with a big box of salt water taffy.

  The group laughed and talked and everyone who didn't currently have a cub in their belly drank the artisan beer. Cici was so happy that she had so many wonderful friends all around her as she was expecting her first baby with her dear Thorian. She watched him as she ate taffy an
d admired his beautiful form, bending over to arrange the fireworks.

  He had everything wired, lined up, and connected to a sound system so the fireworks would go off to the beat of the music. She had seen his show on New Year's Eve and it had been spectacular. He promised something even better for the Fourth of July. Thorian finished setting up his last fireworks and came running up from the dock, a huge smile on his face. He grabbed a beer from the cooler and trotted over to Cici where she sat on a comfortable lawn chair, a box of taffy in one hand and sparkling cider in the other. He bent down and gave her a big kiss on the cheek.

  "Are you ready?" he asked, standing up to his full height.

  He really was the sweetest, cutest man ever. She pinched herself every day when they woke up together in their big bed in their remodeled bedroom.

  "Oh, I'm ready," she said. "I'm always ready."

  She giggled as he smiled and winked at her and turned back to the rest of the group.

  "Fireworks in five minutes," he said to everyone.

  The party started oohing and awing as he went to his sound system and prepared for the celebration to begin. The ladies with round bellies sat beside Cici in comfortable lawn chairs, rubbing their bellies and smiling as they drank juice and cider and shared the taffy Candy Bear had brought.

  "This is going to be amazing," Sunshine said.

  "Thorian really is talented," Melody said. "His New Year's Eve show was breathtaking."

  "He really is, isn't he?" Cici said with a huge grin on her face.

  As the sun set and darkness descended over Fate Valley, Thorian began the music. He started with Beethoven's Fifth Symphony, a stirring and emotional orchestral rendition. A crescendo of notes boomed through the speakers. The first firework exploded into the sky, each rocket timed perfectly with the melody and the beat of the music. Cici sat stunned and awed, watching her husband's artistry explode across the night sky and reflect in the glassy lake waters. Her heart nearly stopped at the beauty. She watched him moving like a composer as he conducted his show.


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