The Dragon's Tattoo: A Dragon Shifter Romance (Bluewater Dragons Book 1)

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The Dragon's Tattoo: A Dragon Shifter Romance (Bluewater Dragons Book 1) Page 20

by Roxie Ray

  “I’m getting better. Processing everything.”

  Dad moved us forward and pulled out a kitchen chair for me. “Sit. Eat. We’re in no hurry for you two to leave. Stay here as long as you’d like.”

  I loved the house they’d bought in Bluewater. It definitely beat the one I rented for Hayden and me. But they were in a better position to buy than I was. I’d had to start all over when I left Damon and got nothing out of the divorce except for Hayden.

  She was all I needed anyway. I didn’t want his money. His money would come with strings attached.

  "Thanks, Daddy," I whispered as Hayden tried to flip a pancake.

  He dropped a kiss on the top of my head before moving over to my mom and daughter, placing the same kisses on the tops of their heads. My heart ached as I found myself wishing I could find someone to love me and Hayden the way my stepdad loved my mother, as well as me and my sister, Bianca.

  Speaking of Bianca, my wild sister burst through the back door, a ball of energy, with her newest boyfriend trailing not far behind. “Hey, everyone,” she chirped. “This is Andre.” Bianca went through boyfriends like she did underwear, so I didn’t bother trying to remember the guy’s name. I just nodded my head at him as Dad held out his hand and gave poor Andre his sternest look. They shook and Andre tried to smile at Dad, but he wavered at the end. Bianca pulled him toward the big breakfast table.

  He sat across from me and gave me that same sweet smile. I felt a bit bad for the kid because I knew he likely wouldn’t last through the weekend. Bianca was flighty that way.

  Hayden walked from the stove with a plate piled high with pancakes. I took them from her. “Grab the syrup, baby.”

  She grinned and scuttled off to get it as Bianca poured juice for her and the kid.

  He wisely stayed quiet while she piled up his plate.

  Mom brought the rest of the breakfast. She’d been cooking every morning and Bianca had come to eat with us each time. I knew she didn’t normally, and appreciated that she was trying to make things seem fine and dandy for Hayden. She was flighty and too energetic, but Bianca was one hell of a good sister. She’d dropped everything for me. I’d never in my life forget that. That sort of deep shit didn’t just go away.

  Hayden sat down and Mom settled on her other side. Bianca started rambling about a concert she was going to go to next weekend, and I sort of tuned her out. I loved her, but man, that girl could talk, and the coffee that Mom had so graciously put in front of me hadn’t come close to working yet.

  “Bri?” Bianca said my name as if she’d said it once or twice already. Whoops. I was lost in my feels again. It seemed to happen a lot lately.

  “Yeah?” I raised my eyebrows and focused on my sister. “Sorry, what did you say?”

  “I asked you if the owner of the bar gave a statement to the police?” She took a bite and watched me as if she was concerned for my sanity.

  Maybe she had reason to be, hell. Most days I did feel like I was losing it, anyway.

  But then my mind caught up to what she’d asked, and I woke up fast. I shot daggers at my sister, any lingering appreciation for her moving to Bluewater with us flying out the window. I hadn’t told Hayden why we were staying with my parents. She was six years old. These kinds of things weren’t supposed to touch my sweet girl. Besides, she’s already been through too much. I cut my gaze at my daughter and Bianca’s eyes went wide.

  “I’m sorry,” she mouthed.

  But the damage was done. “What’s going on?” Hayden asked. She cocked her sassy, too-smart little head at me and fixed me with a glare.

  Damn, my child was smart. “Nothing, baby. Nothing for you to worry about.”

  She narrowed her little eyes. “Mom, what is it?”

  “Nothing, just got into a little drama out with Kaylee the other night. It’s settled now.” I waved my fork at her. “Get back to eating.”

  Everyone stared at their plates like they held the secret of life. Hayden looked at her grandparents, then her Aunt Bianca, then back at me. “Mom, is Dad back?”

  My heart broke into a million pieces. My first instinct was to lie and keep her totally innocent, but being lied to never felt good, no matter the age. “Yes, sweetie. He stopped by and talked to me as I left my girls’ night. But there’s nothing to worry about because he won’t be back in our lives.” I tried to sound as if I wasn’t worried in the least. I was terrified, but I’d do anything in my power to keep it from reaching Hayden.

  Hayden studied me for a moment before she nodded and went back to her breakfast.

  “I’m going to get some fresh air,” I announced a few minutes later. “Bianca? Join me?”

  My sister paled and swallowed her bite. “Sure, yeah.”

  She followed me out onto the back porch. I smiled at Hayden, who was still looking askance at me. That child! Too smart.

  “Loose lips sink ships,” I hissed at my little sister as soon as I closed the door.

  “I’m sorry.” She moaned and yanked me into a hug. “I wasn’t thinking.”

  I relaxed and let her hug make me feel better. When I pulled back, she smiled in her cocky way. “I am very interested in that bartender. He’s freaking hot.”

  I would’ve been blind not to have noticed that. “It doesn’t matter how hot or not hot Jace is.”

  “Oh, so he has a name.” She nodded coolly. “I see.”

  “Of course he has a name.” I tried not to smile at her teasing. “But he helped me out and I appreciate it. And that’s it. He gave a statement to the police and Damon is being handled for violating the restraining order. I just hope he listens and leaves me the hell alone.”

  “I hate that he found us,” she whispered.

  I wanted to give up and cry. “I know. My first instinct is to run again, but I can’t do that to you guys or Hayden. I’d pay a lot of money to find out how he found us, though.”

  She hugged me again. “We’re family. We stick together no matter what. If you need to move again then we’ll move again.”

  They’d all uprooted themselves and followed me to Bluewater as soon as the divorce was final. Making them move again wasn’t an option. “I’ve got to find a way to get through to him,” I said, “before it’s too late.”

  The Dragon’s Fate

  Get Ready for Book 2 in the Bluewater Dragons Series, The Dragon’s Fate.

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  The Dragon’s Tattoo

  Bluewater Dragons: Book 1

  Roxie Ray

  © 2020


  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and events are all fictitious for the reader’s pleasure. Any similarities to real people, places, events, living or dead are all coincidental.

  This book contains sexually explicit content that is intended for ADULTS ONLY (+18).



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