“We need to look no further than the late Yogesh Patel. His death has weighed heavily on me since the Day of New Beginnings celebration,” Romanero lied. “While his actions were unforgiveable, it gave me no pleasure to have his life terminated,” the Man of Truth lied again.
“The reason I let him keep talking that day was that I wanted the whole world to see just how sick born-again Christians really were. What he did in Dubai isn’t something a normal person would do, especially after ‘gaining the whole world’, as he himself opined in his little speech.
“The fact that he referenced the two men at the Wailing Wall in Israel as noble men from God, who could be trusted, should tell you all you need to know about his mental stature at that time. Only individuals with serious mental conditions could think such things.
“The Patels were just starting to live the good life. They had so much to look forward to. Then the mental illness started eating away at Yogesh’s brain and soul, and his life quickly spiraled out of control.
“Ajit Laghari is another example of someone who had everything a man could want. From what I’m told, he had a brilliant mind and was a highly productive citizen, until mental illness got the best of him. Even so, his intelligence, unenlightened as it was, was no match for Yogesh Patel and countless others like him. All were easy prey.
“Initially, I had ordered Laghari’s death in prison, as well as everyone else caught in the act of aiding, abetting and harboring Yogesh Patel on his failed escape from capture. I have since reconsidered.
“While it may be too late to help Patel, it’s not too late to help all other detained Christians. Though Ajit Laghari has remained defiant in prison, I nevertheless will give him every opportunity to be rehabilitated, even if he doesn’t deserve it. In fact, he will become the face of the rehabilitation process.
“Intensive psychotherapy treatments have already begun for the many now incarcerated, to include mild brain shock treatments. The goal for this will be to program in new behavior, which might lead to a change of thinking. Many of you have friends and family members suffering from this debilitating disease. How can we possibly treat them if we don’t know where they are?
“It’s with that in mind that I hereby implore you all to consider it your civil duty to lead us to places where they may be hiding, especially those who are pregnant or have recently given birth. The only way they can be helped is with ongoing treatment. And that can’t happen until they’re in our custody.
“While it has yet to be determined how many will be successfully rehabilitated, those who are will be released back to society. To further assist in their re-assimilation, we’ll need to create a sterile environment, so they won’t feel tempted in any way.
“The very last thing we would want, after curing them from the mental illnesses that all but destroyed them from within, would be to expose them to the very same resources. What sense would that make?
“It would be cruel to put them through such rigorous treatment, then give them access again to the very things that caused their toxic condition in the first place. It would be like giving a bottle of whiskey to someone who was finally sober, after a lifetime of alcoholism.”
The camera zoomed in closer. “It’s with that in mind that I hereby declare all Christian works of literature outlawed. This includes the Bible, Christian biographies, poetry and all works of fiction. It also includes all works of art, entertainment, and music—even Christmas music.
“On top of that, websites promoting anything Christian are in the process of being taken offline. Soon, you won’t be able to find a single Bible passage, Christian website, social media page, charity, book, song, movie, work of art, or documentary online.
“Library and university bookshelves have already been cleared of these harmful resources. Bibles are now being removed from hospitals, hotel rooms, jails, prisons and detention centers. Once these things have been removed and destroyed, the world will finally see Jesus as the flawed Man and false Teacher He really was. He is no longer worthy of the title ‘Savior’, unless one places the word ‘false’ before the title.
“No wonder His many followers are so mentally and spiritually deranged, tormented even. Trusting in a false God who never keeps His promises would have that adverse effect on anyone, in time.
“Now that true light has finally come into the world, there is no place in society for the doctrinal hate speech Jesus preached. Under no circumstances will I let our newborns be exposed to it in any way.”
Romanero paused for effect, “In short, Christianity has no future. The only ones who will be welcome in the new utopia I am creating, are those who have been deemed fully rehabilitated by prison doctors, psychiatrists and neurosurgeons. For the sake of our children, the rest aren’t welcome.
“As I take care of removing all things ‘Christian’ electronically, in the real world, I wish to declare that on February second, at the stroke of midnight in each time zone, in every town, city and village on every continent, we will have a global book burning celebration.
“This gives you one month to sort through attics, garages, and storage bins looking for all things Christian that may have been left there by family members now gone. Purging your households of this immoral filth will be the best way to start the new year on the right foot, so to speak. Not only that, burning them publicly will be quite freeing for you!
“To help fill this massive void, everyone participating will be awarded free book and music downloads. Many of the books are new releases, which accurately chronicle my life. Some of the songs included were written for my new birthday. I have heard these songs. They are spiritually uplifting. Even future generations will enjoy them.
“But until then, I cannot overemphasize the importance of removing all Christian works of literature from your homes. Once the book burning festivities have concluded, spot inspections will begin. Anyone caught with Christian paraphernalia in their homes after that will face the consequences. So make sure to search your homes thoroughly.”
What Romanero didn’t say was those found with Christian paraphernalia would be labeled “Christ followers” and would be detained with all other believers. He didn’t need to say it; they already knew.
“Finally, I wish to announce that a new Bible is in the process of being written. It will take time, but once it is finished, it will be taught to all children as a discourse on my life, and on the future of all humanity. In short, it will be my gospel.
“But until that day arrives, much work still needs to be done to make our world a better place.” Romanero smiled glowingly, “A big step to achieving that objective will be taken this upcoming February second, at the book burning festivities.
“With that, I sincerely wish all who are with me a blessed and prosperous new year. May you all stay blessed in my name…”
Now that the Miracle Maker had already replaced the birth of Christ with his new birth date, the book burning festivities would be his final stripping away of all things Christian in the world—except for Christians themselves. But that day was coming…
Unlike the millions of Muslims the Man of Peace had ordered killed after the attacks on the West—who had no true god and therefore posed no lasting threat—Romanero wanted to steal as many belonging to the One True God, as possible, before being put to death.
Hence, the attempt at rehabilitation…
Despite the carnage all around them, those who were with Romanero were greatly comforted by his speech. They cheered the Man of Peace for his willingness to give undeserving followers of Christ Jesus one last chance at a full and productive life.
Spiritually blinded to the Truth, their reprobate hearts and minds were sinking deeper and deeper into the abyss of absurdity, as the days passed.
They didn’t realize their leader was creating a world full of people searching for Truth without ever finding it.
By the time they finally realized Salvador Romanero was merely a messenger of the devil, and a destroyer of
souls, it would be too late…
WITH POWER RESTORED AT ETSM safe house number one, at least temporarily, save for those who were battling the flu who watched Romanero’s speech in their cottages or underground, everyone else gathered in the church sanctuary and cafeteria to watch.
The twelve guards protecting the property watched on their cell phones. They wished they hadn’t.
Romanero’s message was crystal clear to them, and to all Christians in the world, ETSM or not. He wanted everyone belonging to his arch enemy—Christ Jesus—removed from the planet.
Instead of waiting until daybreak, Clayton and Travis decided it would be best for everyone to leave under the cover of darkness. There were no fireworks festivities planned anywhere on the planet this year.
Even so, many celebrated, including the millions of Americans repatriating after spending a half-year in other countries.
Before pushing off, Jim Simonton went to the underground hospital to visit Tom Dunleavey one last time and pray with his friend.
He praised God that Tom had shown slight improvement. But after watching Romanero’s speech, the recovering patient silently wished his heart would have given out on him last week.
Simonton came back to the sanctuary, just as a guard at the front of the property informed that the next delivery truck had arrived to take the next group back to Kennett Square.
Jim looked at Brian and Jacquelyn, “That’s me.”
They shared a tearful embrace. “God be with you both,” Jim said. Seeing Jacquelyn rubbing her belly over her coat, her Michigan pastor said, “I pray for you and the baby always, Jacquelyn.”
Jacquelyn’s lower lip started quivering.
Travis Hartings interrupted, “Thanks for the hospitality. Clayton and I are proud of you both for everything you do. You really were the perfect choice to manage our first ETSM location.”
Brian wanted to reply, but if he opened his mouth, he would start crying. That went double for Jacquelyn.
Purnima Rushi practically threw herself into Meera Singh’s arms. Meera was like the older sister she never had. The young woman from New Delhi, India was the only saved member in her family. “We must pray without ceasing that God will use the one hundred and forty four thousand to rescue our families in India and here in the States.”
Meera said, “After seeing so many Christians being tortured on TV, only those who are sealed by God will have the power to rescue the lost. They won’t listen to us!”
“Purnima said, “God’s will be done, my sister.”
“Amen to that!”
Before leaving, Clayton Holmes led them all in a tearful prayer. For the first time ever, his voice trembled with fear. When he finished, there wasn’t a dry eye on the face of anyone hearing his emotional plea to God for their safety.
When Miss Evelyn left, Tamika dropped to her knees and started weeping. Her sobs echoed all throughout the sanctuary.
Clayton couldn’t even look at them. If he did, the giant of a man would collapse into an oversize bowl of mush.
Everyone knew this time was coming. Even so, now that the moment was upon them, knowing it might be the last time seeing each other, made it more heart-wrenching than expected.
They had to keep reminding themselves that they would spend eternity together on the Good side someday. They were grateful for the eternal assurance they had. Still it hurt. Bad.
AFTER SALVADOR ROMANERO’S IMPASSIONED speech, the search for born-again Christians was greatly escalated. Prisons worldwide were being filled with frightened individuals whose only crime was their belief in Christ Jesus. Many were turned in by “concerned” friends and family members, against their will.
In California, another cluster of Christians were detained by universal peacekeeping forces—close to 200 in all—after their commune was discovered near the foothills of Big Bear Mountain.
After performing a customary search, authorities found a lone Christian Bible stuffed inside a sleeping bag in one of the popup campers scattered about. It was all they needed to search the entire commune.
Everyone living there were ordered outside. Authorities wasted no time ransacking all 20 campers looking for more Bibles to confiscate. The swiftness with which they moved made it appear as if they were searching for anthrax or trying to discharge a bomb before it was detonated.
Their search proved fruitful. Many Bibles were found. Everyone was arrested and taken to a prison in southern California. The property was seized along with everything on it, to include a large amount of cash.
What made their arrests of great interest to those closest to Salvador Romanero was when questioned about the money, all claimed to have received it from fellow Christians connected to a hugely popular website that had since been taken offline, along with all other Christian sites.
That website was www.LSARglobal.org.
As new detainees went through the basic interrogation process of their involuntary “rehabilitation incarceration”, to include being raped, burned with cigarettes and marijuana joints all over their frail, weakened bodies, and enduring constant beatings and receiving brain shock treatments, most were too glazed over to think straight.
Even so, not a single detainee had yet to denounce Jesus. This dumbfounded their torturers. They expected some to tough it out and remain true to their faith. But 100 percent of them? It was unthinkable.
Upon hearing the news, Salvador Romanero burned with fury.
All were sent to the next “rehabilitation” part of the prison. Aside from receiving a steady diet of baton beatings at the hands of their jailers, they were forced to stay awake for 48 hours at a time, without sleep.
Those nodding off were sworn at repeatedly and beaten on the arms and legs with batons, before having LED flashlights shone in their eyes. Those nodding off a second time received another round of beatings followed by cigarette smoke being blown into their eyes until they couldn’t see. Toothpicks were then used to keep their eyes from closing.
Each time they begged for mercy, all they heard in reply was laughter from their captors.
After 48 hours, they were told yet again that they had the power to stop the agony. When they refused to denounce Jesus again, wooden batons were exchanged for electric ones. The batons were turned on and placed inside their mouths and on their bodies. Words couldn’t describe the pain they felt as their bodies were shocked mercilessly.
They begged their torturers to stop, “Sure. Just repeat after me. I denounce Jesus. Salvador Romanero is my lord and savior. Say it!”
Remarkably, even after all that, not a single prisoner denounced their Savior. All were moved on to the next level of the rehabilitation process.
An angry, determined-looking man in his 40’s entered an interrogation room where a 24-year-old Vietnamese woman named Lanh was being held. Her hands were cuffed to the metal table before her. All prisoners being interrogated were forced to strip out of their prison gear.
The objective was to make the vermin feel the nakedness of their spiritual foolishness, hoping it would finally bring them to their senses and get them to see the light.
Those who were successfully rehabilitated would be clothed again, not only physically, but spiritually with the light of Salvador Romanero…
If not, it would keep getting worse for them.
The man took a seat opposite her and gazed into her face, “Who gave you the money, Lanh?”
“I don’t know,” she said, rather lethargically, after receiving sodium thiopental—truth serum. Everyone arrested at her commune were given the crude drug to make them talk. It was also given to anyone in the world linked to the Last Shot at Redemption website in any way.
But even that wasn’t working. The man backhanded her across the face. Lanh shook so much it looked like she was having an epileptic seizure. This was partly due to the drugs, but mostly it was out of fear.
“Tell me!” the burly man barked. “We know you were one of the commune leaders. We als
o know you were involved in the cash transaction with that other group!”
“Yes, I was,” Lanh confessed. “But I’m telling you the truth, we don’t know who gave us the money. All we know is they were connected to the Last Shot at Redemption website. We were never given names or locations. Believe me, we asked.”
The expression on her interrogator’s face caused all Lanh’s strength to leave her. Her eyes pleaded for him to believe her. He was having none of it. “You expect me to believe people you claim you don’t even know, not even by name, suddenly gave you thousands of dollars in an economy where half the world is starving to death, with no strings attached?”
Lanh grimaced, “I know it sounds crazy, but it’s true…”
The man leaned across the table and softly stroked her long black hair. “Part of the rehabilitation process is that you be honest with us…”
The young woman lowered her head and started sobbing. “I’m telling you the truth. That’s all I know. Honest.”
The man stiffened up in his chair. He was free to do whatever he wanted with those in his custody, without the slightest fear of repercussions from higher-ups in the global community.
In fact, no guard or prison employee needed permission to rape, torture, remove various body parts or even kill their subjects. Anyone looking to violate prisoners—male or female—focused solely on newcomers. Once the torture began, who would want to touch them?
Attractive as Lanh was, he wasn’t interested in being physical with her, at least not in a sexual sense. Not now, anyway.
What made him the perfect candidate for the job was that he was convicted three times for sexual and physical assault, prior to the disappearances. Most guards working here had similar criminal records. Some were even convicted murderers. They were happy to finally be able to put their skills to work for the greater good.
While this man had raped his share of prisoners, he was more of a masochist than a sex maniac. You had to be to work at a place like this.
The Sealing Page 30