Maid Sally

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by Harriet A. Cheever



  As the next fall came on, there were clouds and a coming tempest in theair. British soldiers in gay uniforms were seen about the roads, andMistress Kent's dame school did not open as usual.

  The parents of young children did not like to send them out every day,even with a servant to look after them. The blacks were easily alarmedand might not prove faithful.

  The tobacco was cut and stored in sheds, but when it would be shippedwas uncertain. And Sir Percival Grandison was anxious because the _BelleVirgeen_ did not come sailing back on time.

  The Fairy Prince was nearing home at last, and a tall, shy maid in herteens was glad that he was on the way.

  Sally would soon be fourteen, and it was doubtful if another so young amaiden in all Williamsburg, even the well-taught daughters of the richplanters, knew more or as much of that which comes through books, as didthe young maid, Sally Dukeen.

  She had learned as if by magic, and kept learning every day. And bypaying attention to scraps of conversation that floated to her ears, andgetting hold of a newspaper now and then, she knew all about theconflict or struggle that was almost on between what men had fondlycalled "the mother country" and the American colonies.

  And now the Fairy Prince at nineteen was on his way home midst all thetrouble and din. Would he fight? He was under age, but Sally had heardhim speak of such manly things as "duty" and "putting down wrong andholding up the right."

  One thing she felt was certain. No one could keep him out of thetrouble if he felt it his duty to stay and help his country in her hourof need.

  And now there was rejoicing when the _Belle Virgeen_ came slowly up tothe quay after having to pick her way midst unfriendly vessels thatwould gladly have swooped down upon her, taking her cargo and capturingher crew, had they quite dared.

  This time the vessel arrived in the night, so there were only familyfriends to greet and welcome the few passengers she had borne back totheir homes.

  And so many were coming and going, the roads beyond Shady Path were sofull, and every one so excited that Sally, now a tall, blooming maiden,could not race about as when she was younger, nor did she wish to.

  More than one British soldier stationed in the town had looked sharplyinto the depths of her sun-bonnet when Mistress Brace sent her on anerrand to the store.


  One great joy remained to her. She studied French and Latin with ParsonKendall for a teacher. But as he thought it better that her otherstudies should be kept up, she recited but twice a week.

  And so a month had gone by, and she had not caught so much as a glimpseof her Fairy Prince.

  One afternoon, early in November, she was on her way home from theparson's, and had left the road leading to Ingleside, when MammyLeezer's round figure appeared in the road.

  "Laws, honey!" exclaimed the old Mammy, "how you does grow! Why, bressyo' heart, I haven't catched a sight o' you in an age, and here yousmost a woman grown. Makes me tink ob how dat young Mars' Lion have com'dup to be a man all to onct.

  "Oh, but honey!" Mammy's voice sank to a whisper, and she looked aroundas if in fear of being overheard, "dat Mars' Lion, he bound to fight deBritishers toof and nail, but his pappy, Mars' Perc'val, he's for totin'him right back to Inglan, but Mars' Lion, he won't be toted. He say disyere's his own country whar he wor born'd and here he shell stay.

  "Mistis Gab'rell, she cry and try to make him promise to keep quiet, anddat Mis' Ros'mand she act like she own him soul and body. Mars'Perc'val, he say he's sorry he let him come home, but lordy massy! datchile would 'a' comed lett'n' or no lett'n'.

  "But you see, de fac' is, dat boy chuck full o' fight. I tell ole UncleGambo dar must be somesin in dis yere soil dat make de chillern love itand stan' up fo' it and fight fo' it."

  "I'd fight for it, too, if I was a young man," said Maid Sally.

  "_Would_ you, now!" exclaimed Mammy. "Well, I reckon de day is near whenall who wants to fight will have de chance. Now I must go travellin'home. I'm goin' to make a plum jam betty fo' my young mars' supper, andno knowin' how long his ole Mammy can cook fo' him, he so done set onfightin'."

  As Mammy rolled away, Sally said to herself:

  "I wonder why she tells me these things? I never ask her questions."

  Her Fairy answered: "It is because those people are simple and confidingin one way, and in another way are sharper than you think. All the worldlikes sympathy, which is a kindly feeling toward others, and awillingness to listen to what is in their hearts. And Mammy sees thatyou pay attention to what she says, and it pleases her."

  "I must be careful," said Maid Sally.

  "You have need to be," warned her Fairy.

  The days grew more full of excitement. There were whisperings, hotspeeches, and murmurings on every side.

  But in the midst of the boil and trouble Sir Percival Grandison, and afew others, determined to give a ball in the Hall of Burgesses in hopesto break in upon the stormy feelings that were abroad, and perhaps bringabout a more peaceful state of things.

  The seat of government had been in Williamsburg until that fall of1774. Then it was removed to Philadelphia.

  There had been a splendid ball given in May, in honor of the wife anddaughter of the governor, Lord Dunmore. And although the people neitherliked nor respected the haughty, wilful governor, it yet was thought aproper thing to welcome with a gay gathering the ladies who had come tolive at the "Governor's Palace," as his home was called.

  Now the Hall of Burgesses was to see another brilliant affair, whenpeople of rank and fashion would come together for a merry night, andSir Percival secretly trusted that it might tone down the war spirit inhis young son.

  Maid Sally cast about in her mind, wondering if she could possibly get apeep at the splendid scene, for ah, what delight it would be to lookupon it, if only for a moment!

  "It will be a brave sight," said her Fairy, "but it may stir feelings inyour soul it were better should be at rest."

  "No matter for that," said beauty-loving Sally, "I must see it if Ican."

  Yet how could she bring it about? The church beadle, the dread man whowent about, and, staff in hand, kept all younglings quiet in themeeting-house, the town-crier, who went up and down the roads and with agreat bell in hand found a lost child or told unusual news, theconstable and his two assistants, all these would be about the doors ofthe building so that the many coaches could drive up without confusion,and none but invited guests would dare to come too near.

  Children and upper class servants might gaze on at a distance, but nohangers-on would be permitted on that side of the road.

  Up came Sally's will. Her strong, bright will.

  "I mean to find some way to see it," she said, "but not by doinganything of which to be ashamed."

  "Then set your wits to work," said her Fairy, "for wits you will need tobring that about."

  And Maid Sally thought of a plan.


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