Entwined: (A Dark Romance Kidnap Thriller) (The Dark Necessities Trilogy Book 3)

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Entwined: (A Dark Romance Kidnap Thriller) (The Dark Necessities Trilogy Book 3) Page 7

by Felicity Brandon

  “How are you?” he asked. “You look tired.”

  She swallowed, a reflexive gesture that told him his assumption had been right. “Yes,” she admitted quietly. “I haven’t really been able to sleep much, or write. I’m a bit lost actually.”

  Connor could see it pained her to concede the point, but he was ludicrously proud that she’d told him. It meant there was trust, or at least the remnants of it. And given everything, that in itself was astonishing.

  “I’m sorry,” he said, the third time he’d apologized to her in less than ten minutes. “Things didn’t quite end the way I’d planned that day when I drove us from the house.”

  Molly smiled, and her face lit up in the most beautiful way. “I’m guessing you didn’t plan on getting arrested, either, Master?” she quipped lightly.

  He nodded in agreement. “Right,” he concurred. “It was a fun few months, for sure, but I never stopped thinking about you, kitten, and when I saw you in court that day, I couldn’t let them grill you about me. It just wasn’t right.”

  She looked surprised at his words, and Connor supposed he couldn’t blame her. The notion of what was right and wrong had often been lost on him over the years, and Molly was one of the best examples of how corrupt his morality had been.

  Her and Lydia, reminded the irritating little voice in his head.

  “Thank you,” she whispered. “I was dreading it.”

  Molly’s expression shifted, as though a new thought had just occurred to her. “What happened that day, Master?” she asked. “You were carted away and then… you just disappeared?”

  Connor took a deep breath. Of course, he had been expecting this question, and he knew he had to explain himself as best he could without giving away too much about The Syndicate.

  “I escaped,” he told her in a sardonic tone. “Just like you did, kitten, but I wasn’t caught again.”

  She looked at him quizzically, ignoring his wise-crack. “But how?” she demanded softly. “I read you were broken out by a gang of armed men, but really? Who would do that? Who would help you that way?”

  Connor stared at her curious face. His kitten had a lot of questions. “That’s true,” he replied, “but I can’t say too much more about it right now. I will tell you though. When I see you.”

  He added emphasis to the final sentence, watching closely to see what Molly’s response would be. She blinked up at wildly, as though she couldn’t quite believe her ears.

  “And when will that be, Master?” she said with a sigh. “I’m stuck here, and you’re God knows where. We can’t see each other.”

  Connor offered her a small smile. He’d forgotten just how innocent she was. Molly might write the hottest, most sordid stories of all time, but she had no real experience in how life worked beyond her laptop, and she certainly didn’t understand an organization with the power and contacts that The Syndicate had.

  “We can,” he assured her. “If that’s what you want.”

  He paused, once more assessing her responses carefully. Molly’s lips parted reflexively, her eyes widening as his words resonated.

  “But you’d have to come to me,” Connor added. “International travel has been a little tricky since I’ve been on the run from the law.”

  Molly exhaled, the look on her face demonstrating her bewilderment. “I don’t know, Master,” she murmured. “I mean, I want to. I want to so much, but how? I just got back to my life here, and anyway, I don’t have the money for any more travel. The months since you took me haven’t exactly been that profitable.”

  Connor’s belly knotted at her answer, and for the first time in a bloody long time, he felt something akin to real guilt. Not the sensation he’d linked to guilt in Morrison’s office, but the actual, tangible sensation. He had been responsible for that; he had ruined her income supply, and in breaking out of the prison van that day, he’d also left her inadvertently high and dry, without money or support.

  “I already told you, you don’t need to worry about the money,” he informed her. “If it’s what you want, then I’ll take care of all of that. The question is, is it what you want, kitten? Do you want to meet again, to talk at least?”

  She shook her head at him as she laughed gently, but the deed only made his anxiety twist. That was it now, he’d put himself out there, and his kitten could reject him without recourse. She could walk away, disconnect the laptop, and never see him again. Molly had that power now, and there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it.

  “Where are you?” she asked, her eyes searching his face as she spoke.

  Connor grinned at her. So, she was considering it, at least. “Where you left me, kitten,” he teased. “Or, at least, close by.”

  “Still in England?” she clarified.

  “‘Fraid so,” he agreed.

  “That’s quite a way to go for a chat, Master,” she chided playfully as she tucked an unruly strand of hair behind her ear.

  Connor’s cock strained from inside his pants. God, what he wouldn’t give to be able to reach out and touch her. “I’ll give you that,” he said, grinning in response. “But you never know, maybe the change of scenery will help your writing?”

  It was a mean trick to exploit, but Connor just couldn’t help himself. He knew writing was Molly’s Achilles’ heel, and he hoped, if he pressed it harder, she might come around to his way of thinking.

  “Maybe,” she murmured quietly, but she was smiling again. “So, what? I fly all the way back to meet you somewhere?”

  He paused, suppressing the urge to cheer as she asked the question. If Molly was asking, that meant her gorgeous mind would already be thinking around the issue, trying to find ways to make it work. If she was thinking, that meant there was hope.

  “Anywhere you like,” he promised her. “So long as I don’t need my passport to get there.”

  Her tired eyes twinkled at the possibility. For once, Connor was giving her a say—actual power—and he could tell by the look in those eyes, that Molly was thinking about taking it.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The last year had been full of ludicrous decisions. The signing where she’d met Connor had been her first overseas author event, and at the time, it had seemed like a crazy, far-out thing to do, but since then, some of Molly’s other decisions had made that look like small-fry. She’d fallen for the sadist who’d abducted her, consenting to their amazing sex sessions on many occasions, and ultimately lying for him to the police. Molly knew, if someone had told her she’d do those things willingly before she’d met Connor, then she’d have laughed in their face. Yet, all of those things were true.

  And now, she stood on the edge of another ludicrous decision, once more inspired by the man she was head over heels in love with. Connor wanted her to go back to England, to the place where it had all begun, but then what? He said he just wanted to talk, but she knew better, and she knew Connor. Sure, he liked to talk, but there was nearly always something else on his mind. So, why was she packing a case on that bright afternoon? Why did she already have the flight booked and the ticket in her purse? Why? For the same reason she’d done all the rest of that crazy shit. Because her instincts told her it was the right thing to do, because she wanted to, because of Connor.

  It had been five days since he’d first made the suggestion to meet, and while Molly had been more than dubious at first, it hadn’t taken him too many conversations to persuade her it was a good idea. Not really. Because deep down she needed to see him, too, and the thought of never seeing him in the flesh again made her life seem empty and meaningless. In the end, they had resolved to meet somewhere neutral, somewhere of Molly’s choice, and as she thought about the location she’d chosen, she smiled wryly. She’d always wanted to visit Northumberland. It was a part of England she’d obsessed about ever since she’d watched the Harry Potter movies, and Molly had been planning a quick trip up there after the signing in London last year.

  Before he changed everything.

sp; Molly remembered the disgust in Connor’s voice when she’d told him her chosen destination; an isolated beach in the northeast of England, but she hadn’t cared about his unimpressed response. She didn’t have to care now. He was literally thousands of miles away, and even when she saw him again, she knew things would be different than before. Molly wasn’t just his captive now. They’d achieved more than that even before he’d been arrested, and while she wasn’t quite sure how to define whatever was happening between them now, Molly was empowered for the first time since he’d taken her. This was her choice. It was her decision to walk back into his life, and the butterflies in her belly were a testament to how that made her feel.

  Her cell phone buzzed, and she glanced down to find a message from Suzy. Molly’s belly lurched guiltily at the sight of her best friend’s name, her insides reinforcing her culpability. She was about to leave America again, and who knew for how long, and right now she wasn’t in a position to tell either her friends, her assistant, or her family. Okay, that wasn’t true. She could have told them of course, but somehow, Molly didn’t have the words. They would think it mighty strange that she wanted to travel back to the country where her abduction had taken place. A country she had only recently gotten out of, after being stuck there for months while the trial was being planned. Naturally, Molly couldn’t elaborate on the real reason she wanted to go back there. She couldn’t tell them that she’d proactively sought the man who’d captured her, that she’d been speaking to him; flirting with him. And she certainly couldn’t tell any of them that she was in love with him, that she dreamt about him, and that she was counting the hours until she could see him again. Her parents would think she was insane, and they’d be worried about her. Perhaps, they’d be right to worry, too. This choice wasn’t sane. Few of her choices had been, and yet they’d all seemed like the right thing to do at the time.

  Molly picked up her phone, and typed out a quick, bright reply for her friend. She ignored the nagging voice of reason as she hit send, sliding her cell into her pocket and returning to her packing. She left on the nine o’clock flight to London tonight, and from there she would rent a car and make the drive north. The nervous butterflies stretched their wings inside her belly at the prospect of what she was about to do. The thought of traveling alone was intimidating, but it needed to be done. No one could accompany her on this journey. This was something Molly had to do on her own.

  A vibration in her pocket alerted Molly to the fact she had another message, and she grabbed the device unthinkingly, wondering what Suzy had replied. Her heart skipped a beat when it was Connor’s name she saw on the display, and her eyes devoured the message hungrily.

  Ready for your flight, kitten?

  She smiled at his missive, her digits tapping the screen as she replied.

  Almost ready, Master.

  Connor replied immediately. I can’t wait to see you, but make sure you rest before you start driving there. It’s quite a trek, and I don’t want you falling asleep at the wheel.

  That made her giggle. The idea that he cared enough to lecture her about her driving was as hilarious as it was ironic.

  Don’t worry, Master, she replied. I’m going to get a hotel and rest for the day before I start the journey.

  Good, he replied. There’s my smart little kitten. Message me when you land though. I’ll be waiting…

  Molly’s pussy clenched at Connor’s thinly veiled warning.

  I will, Master. I’ll see you soon.

  Hitting send, Molly inhaled. This was happening. She was really going to get on a plane and go and meet Connor. She knew she had thought this before, but as she shoved the final items into her case, Molly decided this really was the most stupid choice she’d made so far. And yet, as she took one last look around her apartment, she couldn’t bring herself to regret it. Molly felt more alive now than she’d been in months, and there was no denying it. Connor gave her black and white life color, and she craved it now, more than ever.

  Chapter Fifteen

  It had been years since he’d stepped foot on this God forsaken sand, and Connor admonished himself mentally for agreeing to the plan as he trudged through the first few feet of it. The beach was as desolate as he recalled, the silver waves lapping relentlessly at the shore as he headed toward the dark ocean. Glancing behind him, his gaze followed the rugged line of cliffs which parted to create the bay. Perhaps in sunnier times it would almost be pretty, but Connor knew better. There were no sunny times here, each day bringing only more waves driven by the power of the wind in the North Sea.

  “What a miserable place to meet,” he muttered under his breath as he pressed on.

  Fuck knows why Molly had chosen it. It can hardly be somewhere she had spent much time, if she’d even ever set foot here before. Perhaps she was trying to send him a message, to convey just how bleak her life had been since Connor had crashed into it. He inhaled deeply at the thought, unsure if he was amused or depressed. Did he want to hold her hand and comfort her, or take her over his knee right now for the insinuation? Connor wasn’t certain.

  What he did know as he braced himself against another gust of wind, was that the nervous energy in his body was peaking. His heart raced out of control and his stomach was knotted as he crossed the sand. This was going to be a number of firsts. The first time he had laid eyes on her since the courtroom, and the first time Molly had ever called the shots. She had chosen this location, plus the time and date of the meeting, but rather than feeling perturbed, Connor realized he was close to being excited.

  It was a risk, and he knew it. Meeting her, and meeting here, was taking a huge chance. Connor didn’t know what was really on Molly’s mind. He snorted as he considered the options. No wonder Saul had been reticent to allow this. Anything could happen. Molly might have called the cops already for all he knew, and yet somehow, he walked on, determined to gamble. Connor sensed instinctively that he had much more to lose than just his short-term liberty if this went awry, but he also knew he’d regret it for the rest of his life if he never got to see Molly again. Never got to speak to her in person, to touch her, to taste her…

  The sound of a car door slamming on the wind caught his attention, and he turned back the way he’d come, eyeing the tiny car park where he’d left the black Mercedes. At the top of the ramp which led down to the beach the figure of a woman was standing, and his heart leapt at the sight. Wrapped in a dark gray coat, it was difficult to see who she was, but Connor knew it was Molly. He just knew it.

  Every fiber of his being wanted to move, to run to her, to chase her if need be, but he didn’t. Forcing his legs to stay still, he watched her descent and the slow progress over the same sand he’d just crossed. It was Molly alright, there was no doubt about it now. Even dressed from head to foot, she looked beautiful, her long limbs elegant in a way he hadn’t appreciated when she’d been kept on all fours. His cock stirred at the memory, but he pushed the thought away.

  Don’t scare her off, he repeated to himself for at least the thirtieth time today. It was like his mantra; new and a little unsettling.

  Connor stood, watching her approach. When she was only a few feet away, he was finally able to take in the whole of her outfit. The soft gray beret she wore matched the coat and boots perfectly, but it couldn’t hide her long hair, which blew out behind her as yet another gust of wind assaulted the beach. She came to a halt about a foot away, those large blue eyes finding his as she wrapped her arms around herself for warmth.

  He fought the urge to do the same and hold her. This wasn’t going to be like the last time, he reminded himself. Molly was here to talk, not touch.

  “Good to see you, kitten.”

  The words were out of his mouth before he could even regulate them, and he knew he was smiling as he spoke. Molly’s lips curled at his words, but he saw her push the gesture away, forcing herself to remain solemn.

  “Hi,” she breathed, and there was a definite pause.

  Connor imagined th
e word she had been thinking in the silence, although he understood why she didn’t use the title now. Calling him Master online was one thing, but this. This was very different.

  “How are you?”

  He hadn’t expected her to make small talk, and he fought the urge to chuckle at the question. “I’m okay,” he answered, tucking his thumbs into the small pockets at his hips. “All the better for seeing you.”

  There was the smile again. Small perhaps, but it was there, responding to his words. That was his pet all over, little in stature, but fucking provocative and powerful nonetheless.

  “It’s good to see you, too,” she conceded, her expressive face demonstrating her conflict on the subject. “I didn’t think I’d ever see you again.”

  Neither did I, he thought, lifting his chin to smile down at her. “This is certainly an unusual reunion,” he agreed. “But I’m not sorry for it. I’m glad you wanted to meet.”

  She sighed, a sound he heard despite the wind whipping around them. “This is so fucked up,” she explained,” but I didn’t know what else to do, I…”

  Her voice trailed off into silence, and she blinked away the tears which were clearly threatening to fall. Connor moved before his brain even registered the action, his stride closing the distance between them in just one pace. Molly’s eyes widened at his sudden proximity, her face lifting to look upon him in some sort of dumb-stuck awe. He couldn’t tell if it was terror or yearning which he saw in her eyes, but it didn’t matter. To hell with the mantra; Molly was upset, and that meant he wanted to protect her. Deep down Connor was certain of one thing. She had never stopped being his, and in his normal messed up way, that meant only he was allowed to cause her pain. If she was upset, he wanted to calm her, and comfort her. He wanted to make it better.

  “Hey,” he said, towering over her small frame. “Hey, it’s okay.”

  Connor wanted to wrap her up in a hard embrace, to hold her close to his body and smell the sweet scent of her hair in his nostrils. He swallowed down that urge, opening his arms out to her in as non-threatening a gesture as he could muster. There was a moment when nothing more happened. Molly cried openly, wiping the tears away with the back of her hand. Her eyes darted from his open arms to the sea, and back to the car she had parked beside his Mercedes. Connor could tell it was quite a predicament for her. Evidently, she wanted to go to him, but she was understandably scared. The last time she had trusted him, she’d wound up gagged and drugged.


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