Entwined: (A Dark Romance Kidnap Thriller) (The Dark Necessities Trilogy Book 3)

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Entwined: (A Dark Romance Kidnap Thriller) (The Dark Necessities Trilogy Book 3) Page 9

by Felicity Brandon

  Connor smiled. “Don’t be sorry,” he cooed. “You only got to kiss me because I wanted you, too.”

  She stared at him, that mischievous twinkle back in her eye. “Oh, really?” she replied. “I don’t think that’s true, Master. I think I took you totally by surprise!”

  “Is that right?” he snorted, edging them both back to an upright position. Once he was vertical again, he pulled her body onto his lap, ensuring she straddled him exactly as he desired. He had no idea what kind of car this was, but Connor certainly preferred the space his Mercedes afforded him.

  There was a gasp from Molly, presumably at the way he was able to maneuver her with such ease, and he met her stunned expression with a cocky smile. His pet might have missed him, but evidently, she had forgotten who called the shots in this dynamic.

  “That’s better,” he told her. “I don’t mind you being on top, kitten, but you need to remember who’s in charge.”

  She shrugged out of the long gray coat at his words, and he watched as the heavy material fell past his shins.

  “I haven’t forgotten, Master,” she purred. “How could I?”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Molly could be impulsive. It was a character flaw she was well aware of, but this was taking things to the next level. As she straddled him, Connor smiled up at her, his green eyes sparking at her sudden dominance.

  “My little pet missed me,” he mused aloud, his voice full of unrestrained glee.

  She should be snarky at the comment, resistant to his patronizing tone, but really, what would be the point? Molly had missed him, and as she ground her hips against his crotch, she knew she wanted him. Right now, in the front seat of her rental car.

  “Now, now, kitten,” his voice vibrated over her face. “Did I give you permission to wriggle over me?”

  Molly could tell from his tone that he was joking with her, but something about his words made her tense. She’d spent too long under his control, dreading his every veiled threat to ignore him. Her body was acting according to every lesson he had taught her.

  “I’m sorry,” she panted, catching her lip between her teeth. “I’m not usually like this. I…”

  She hesitated, aware suddenly that it was a lie. She was usually like this, or at least she had been in a past life, before Connor. She’d been dating Shaun for a few months, but before him, Molly had not been averse to a satisfying one-night stand. Of course, Connor could barely be considered that. They’d fucked on plenty of occasions, and he probably knew her better than most of the other people in her life. That thought alone was perturbing. Molly knew that they’d already exchanged multiple bodily fluids. She recalled most of the intense moments with startling ease, but still, for some idiotic reason, the idea that he thought she was promiscuous bothered her.

  Ridiculous, she scoffed, admonishing herself inwardly. What do you care what Connor thinks? This was the guy who abducted you. The guy who caged you, punished you endlessly, and drove you insane. It’s also the guy you’ve fallen for, the small voice in her head reminded her. The guy you can’t write without. The guy you can’t live without.

  “Hey.” Connor’s voice was soothing, jarring her from her thoughts. “It’s okay, kitten. I was only jesting with you. You can wriggle as much as you want. Actually, I quite like it.”

  One of his dark brows arched as he spoke, and the gesture spiked a shoot of arousal in Molly. “You do?”

  “Hell yeah,” he purred as his arms snaked around her waist. “I hate to admit it, but it’s great to see my pet unleashed for a change.”

  Molly smiled down at him. It was great to be free. “Am I allowed to?”

  There was a pause as her eyes darted back to those commanding, green orbs.

  “What, kitten?” Connor’s tone was sardonic, suggesting he knew exactly what she was alluding to. “What do you need?”

  “You,” she replied in a breathy tone. “Am I allowed to pleasure you, Master?”

  Connor’s face broke into a grin. “I would love that,” he declared, “but what about you? My pet needs pleasure, too.”

  “You didn’t always allow it.” Her voice was husky, evidence of her growing desire as she writhed over his hard form.

  “You didn’t always deserve it,” he told her wryly.

  Molly pressed her lips together. She wanted to argue, but she knew it would be counterproductive. She wanted his cock inside her again, and she wanted it now, before her brain had time to catch up; to tell her she was wrong.

  “Do you have a condom?”

  Her voice was tiny as she asked the question, though his eyes lit up immediately.

  He smirked. “Do you think I always carry contraception around with me?”

  “Only when you meet me,” she retorted playfully.

  Connor nodded, reaching inside his jacket pocket to reveal the small silver foil Molly requested. “It seems I came prepared, kitten.”

  Molly smiled, her heart racing away at the prospect. She’d fantasized about this for months. Not just having sex with him again, but doing it like this, with her on top, and this moment gave them the opportunity to go for it. The fact that they were in a car on an English coastal road didn’t even cross her mind as her palms reached for his shirt. She unfastened the buttons frantically, revealing his toned torso to her hungry eyes. Desperate fingers fell upon his flesh, running over the expanse of soft dark hair as Connor sat passive, watching her performance.

  “You’re beautiful,” he murmured, caressing the side of her face as she began work on his belt. “I hadn’t forgotten of course, but somehow my memories had overlooked just how exquisite you are.”

  Molly paused, her breathing labored as his words registered. “I want you.”

  It was all she could say, the truth falling from her lips as though she had no ability to contain it. The hand at her face tightened, directing her focus away from his pants, and back to his face.

  “You’re going to have me,” he assured her softly. “Relax, kitten.”

  Molly smiled, but she couldn’t obey. Relaxation was the furthest thing on her mind at this point.

  “Hop over there and strip for me,” he commanded in a low sensual tone.

  Molly wanted to object, to protest that she was going to be in charge of this one fuck, but she stopped herself. Connor had only just reminded her that wasn’t the case, and honestly, she was glad. Molly wanted to ride him, but she knew that was where it would end. Connor was in control, and he always would be. That’s what made him hard, and that’s what drove her crazy with desire, too.

  Unthinkingly she moved, climbing over the gear shift to the driver’s seat, where she pulled the blue sweater over her head and edged her dark skirt south, over her long boots. Molly was aware of his hard gaze penetrating her, and by the time she was ready, Connor had already freed his cock. She could feel the moisture pooling at the apex of her thighs as her gaze drank in his swollen crown.

  Fuck, she’d missed him. More than was sensible. More than she had a right to have done.

  “Come to me, kitten.”

  There was that soft, tantalizing purr. The one which had haunted her dreams since she’d been rescued. Molly pounced, leaping across the gear shift in a heartbeat, and landing astride Connor’s thighs. She’d already removed her dark lacy bra, and small, silk panties, leaving her only in black stockings and gray boots, and she was more than ready to devour his waiting erection. Edging her body forward, Molly prepared to mount him, but one strong arm halted her pursuit.

  “Are you sure you want this?”

  She raised her chin to find his dark eyes hooded and serious. “Yes,” she panted impatiently. “I’m sure, Master. Of course, I’m sure!”

  A salacious grin spread over his lips as her words registered. “Then I’m all yours, kitten.” His voice was a low, husky growl. “Take me, fuck me. Do what you want.”

  There was a part of Molly’s brain which absorbed the words and knew intrinsically how profound they were. Connor had
just given her permission to do whatever she wanted. That was a first, and the irony was certainly not lost on her, but as was often the case in his presence, it was her lust which led her thinking. She shifted her body over his now sheathed cock, allowing him to hold it in position as she sank down into ecstasy. Molly’s mouth parted as he speared her, the sensation all-consuming as she reached the base of his erection.

  “Oh, fuck,” he murmured, and she was inclined to agree,

  He felt incredible inside of her, and as she squeezed his shaft, Molly had the strangest feeling of completion. This was it. This was what she’d missed, what she needed. This would help the words to flow.

  The sex was frenzied. A dance of desperate hedonism as both their bodies responded to the other in the way they always did, with heat, passion and rapture. Connor’s hands were everywhere. At her chest, squeezing and pinching her eager nipples as she rode him over and over; in her hair, pulling her head back to force her back into a severe arch; and at her ass, maneuvering her body as he saw fit. There was a vague recollection in her mind of how this event was supposed to have been. She was supposed to have been in charge. She was going to take the lead, and yet as his hard length slid into her again, Molly couldn’t think to care. Connor was here, he was willing and as he thrust inside her, she knew he was going to send them both spiraling into uncontrollable pleasure at any moment.

  A guttural cry escaped her throat as she came, her muscles clenching around his perfect fucking cock as he drove her hard into the orgasm. Molly lurched toward his body, falling into his embrace and landing against his chest as Connor continued to chase his own climax. Even then, in those moments before he joined her in heaven, she was replete. Satisfied in a way she had never fully known before, Molly felt warm and dare she say, cherished as Connor peaked within her.

  “Fuck, kitten.” His voice was a throaty pant as it sailed past her ear. “That was amazing. You are amazing!”

  Molly mewled against him, her eyelids heavy all of a sudden as she lay listening to the reassuring rhythm of his heart. There was silence for a moment after that, when only the sound of their combined, ragged breathing filled the small car.

  “You’re wrong, Master,” she breathed at length.

  Connor’s head, which had fallen back against the headrest, shifted forward, his green eyes demonstrating his curiosity at her remark. “Wrong, huh? How’s that, pet?”

  Molly shifted her weight, lifting her body until she sat upright against him again. For the first time since the day they’d met, she didn’t tense at the way his dark brow arched at her assertion. “It’s not me who’s amazing,” she whispered in reply. “It’s us. We make this magic together, Connor.”

  His expression became softer at her explanation, his arms snaking to her hips as her words resonated through him. “I think you might be right, kitten,” he chuckled, “we do seem to be able to weave something special together.”

  Molly smiled, biting her lip because he was right. This might seem wrong. She knew she’d never be able to explain it to Suzy, Hannah or her parents, but she was past caring. How could anything which was this good ever truly be wrong? Sure, it was fucked up, but it was theirs. All theirs, and she knew she didn’t want to lose it.

  “We’d better be getting back.” Connor’s tone was gentle, but it left her in no doubt that it was still a command. “We don’t want to be found like this on the roadside, now do we?”

  He laughed, but the comment made her move. Connor was absolutely right on that point. In her lust-fueled fervor, Molly had completely forgotten they were still on the small coastal road! Anyone could drive past and see her naked, and in her flustered embarrassment, she went to make the leap back to the driver’s seat.

  “Hey, where are you going?”

  That one, strong hand stopped her progress again, and Molly paused to turned back to Connor.

  “I need to get dressed,” she announced, already feeling the hot blush crawling north from her neck. “We might be seen.”

  “That didn’t seem to bother you a moment ago?” he argued playfully. “I’m sure we have another moment to conclude our liaison.”

  She nodded, allowing his arms to pull her back against his lap, but Molly could feel her heart racing. All of a sudden, she felt exposed again. She was the one virtually naked, while he remained clothed – just like always – and although it hadn’t worried her sex-starved mind, the thought now seemed consuming.

  “I just wanted to say thank you,” whispered Connor as his arms drew her back into a straddling position. “I didn’t know what to expect when we made contact, but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t this.”

  Molly smiled at his admission, her gaze stuck on the look of those perfect lips once again. “I wasn’t sure either,” she mumbled as she lifted her eyes to meet his gaze.

  Connor’s hands rose to the back of her head, his fingers slipping into her hair as he pulled her down toward his waiting mouth. The last conscious thought that passed through her mind was about her laptop. She was glad she’d brought it with her, after all, because she had the feeling she’d be using it tonight.

  Chapter Nineteen

  The connection between them was astonishing, and Connor mused on just how special it was as he watched her dress awkwardly in the driver’s seat. Sensing his stare, Molly paused, and to his amusement, her face flushed beautifully.

  “Would you like me to drive us back to my car?” he asked helpfully.

  “I don’t think so, Master,” she mumbled as she pulled the sweater back over her delicious tits. “I’m quite capable.”

  “Oh, I know that,” Connor chuckled in response. “It was just an offer.”

  She paused, flashing those blue eyes at him as she reached for the safety belt. “So, what comes next?”

  Her tone was upbeat, but he could sense the low-level apprehension laced in her voice. Evidently, she was as concerned about the issue as he was.

  “That depends,” he told her, lowering the passenger window to allow some fresh air into the vehicle. Their combined passion had steamed up nearly all the glass in the car. “What would you like? Has this liaison been enough to fuel your fire, kitten? Are you over your writer’s block, or do you still need more?”

  Molly gulped as he laid the conundrum out before her. By now her blush had engulfed most of her face, and for a moment there was only silence as she presumably considered his questions.

  “I thought this would be enough,” she began. “But it’s not, and it was never going to be. I can never get enough of you, Master. Not, ever.”

  Connor’s heart skipped a beat at her admission, and he knew he was smiling as he reached for her left hand. “Do you know what kept me going when I was locked up?” His voice croaked at the memory, and Molly’s eyes filled with a look of concern.

  “Chaining me up, and paddling my ass?” she offered with a sardonic smile.

  Connor laughed at that. “Yes that,” he conceded, “but more than that, kitten. So much more. It was you. The thought of you made it worthwhile, and the fact that I knew this wasn’t done.”

  Molly pulled her lower lip between her teeth again, the act apparently reflexive whenever he looked at her that way. “I’m glad,” she whispered. “I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind, either.”

  He squeezed her hand gently. “I’ve been a complete arsehole to you, pet, and you deserve so much more.”

  “Maybe,” she replied in a breathy tone. “Certainly I’ve missed Connor the man more than Connor the monster.”

  She paused, and for a lengthy moment there was a tangible silence between them. “But, even I’ve come to realize there’s more going on than just my abduction, and being back at home gave me the perspective to know it for sure. I feel it, Master, and if I’m right, I think you do, too.”

  Connor couldn’t help but smile at his little kitten beside him. As normal, she was absolutely spot on. “Yeah, I feel it,” he agreed, throwing her a salacious wink. “I could never get past
you, Molly. I could never push past your hard limits; I could never bear to see you in real pain.”

  “I don’t know about that,” she scoffed as her adorable little mouth pouted at him. “You caused me real pain plenty of times, Master!”

  He chuckled. “Yeah, maybe,” he concurred. “Pain perhaps, but not harm. And I can’t bear to see anyone else inflicting it on you, either. That’s why I called time on my lawyer’s questioning at the trial. You didn’t deserve to go through that.”

  Molly blinked at him thoughtfully. “Yes, I did wonder about that, and I never did get to thank you.”

  “I think I owed you that much,” he told her gently.

  She smiled in response, her attention turning back to the key in the ignition. “I guess we should go.”

  ‘Sure,” he nodded, releasing her hand as she started the engine, and pulled away.

  They drove on for a moment in silence, before the question he’d been expecting all day finally fell from her lips.

  “How did you do it, Master?” she asked, though her eyes never left the road ahead.

  “Do what, kitten?”

  Connor knew very well what, but somehow, he always liked to torment his little pet as much as he could.

  “Escape,” she said, glancing toward his face. “How did you get away from the police?”

  Connor smiled. Much as he’d enjoyed their liaison so far, he was no fool. This was going to be the crux of their meeting. “The same way I found a secure way back to you afterwards,” he told her gently. “The same reason I’m here today and not even vaguely worried about being caught.”

  She inhaled sharply at that, the rise and fall of her chest exaggerated as she steered the bends of the coastal road. “Do I want to know the answer, Master?”

  Smart girl, he mused at her question. Molly clearly sensed that whatever was coming next was pivotal. She was right.

  “I don’t know,” he purred. “That’s the real question though, pet. Do you want to know, because if I tell you the answer, then that’s it? I mean, that’s really it.”


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