Money- Wealth Creation Guide

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Money- Wealth Creation Guide Page 8

by Phillip Seanego

  It is a matter of power versus agreement; you must use your integrity to lead you from power struggles to agreement relationships, and you must strive to find common grounds to have successful relationships. Don’t be afraid to raise your ideals; don’t keep them to yourself as they are important for your advancement and for you to achieve your goals in a business environment.

  Do things because you choose to, not because you have to. This is how you retain your power over things; this is what allows you to choose your destiny. If you have to work you will not reach your desired destiny because your work controls you. Your work will lead you wherever, not where you want to go, but when you choose to work, you are able to choose the direction it takes you to.

  Another honesty lesson is on how true the saying is that you teach people how to treat you. Honesty is the best way of approaching relationships and it is also vital to business relationships and your success. There is a limit to tolerance; you can tolerate things to a certain level, but pass that level and you have to be honest with yourself and use your integrity. In other words, you must not be too tolerant, to the extent that you become dishonest with yourself. The same applies to everybody. The problem is that many people seem to be over-tolerant and end up sacrificing their lives, and their dreams, for others. Like in a job employment situation, people stay at the job even when they are not happy, and even when they feel it is unfair. When they get paid unfairly, they keep the job and smile at their boss. This is what I call being dishonest to yourself, which will result in unhappiness and an unfulfilling life.

  It is a case of knowing where to use your integrity. On the other hand to tolerate is to accept a situation which means doing little to change it. You believe in yourself when you stand for what you believe in. You need to follow your truth to find your true path, that’s what honesty can do for you. To have integrity, you need to get yourself a pair of balls, have courage and stand for what you believe in.

  Honesty is the best policy but it is a tool to be used with tact, kindness and delicacy. When you don’t like your job for instance, going to work every day becomes tiring because it takes a lot of energy to protect a lie, the lie being maintaining the relationship you don’t like (a job you don’t like). It’s a lie you have to protect all your life, but the truth will set you free. It is wiser to build your life on truth than to live a lie. You will lose everything you gained through lies; it is all fake, not real success. When you start living the truth today, you let go of all the lies in your life. When you start fresh and build a life of truth, you become successful in everything you do. I choose to conclude this with this fact; integrity or honesty is earned. It is a blessing on its own to live the truth or your true ideals, but it is a process to get to living a life of integrity. You must gain power to express your integrity. It is a process; you don’t just wake up and see the light. In this physical life we just get a little light and we keep seeking more light.

  There is no sight to the end of the truth. This might be the building blocks of eternity. There is no end to the truth; the more truth you live, the more truth you still desire to live. We must all work hard to earn courage, so that we can save who we are – our authentic selves, because if not, we become other people’s puppets and we live by their rules. What is important here is to achieve true independence, because then you can achieve more honesty towards yourself and what you want from your life, which is to achieve your dreams and live your best life.

  Most of the time you can’t just drop everything and follow your true path. It is sometimes necessary that you do what you have to do for now. Even if you have to take orders, you will slowly gain some courage to state your integrity when you start getting yourself out of the mess, which is living the life you don’t like. You must remember that you are in the situation you are in today because of past mistakes which were necessary for you to learn from so that you can move on to a life of more integrity. You must first clean up the mess, and fix the mistakes before you move on to your true path of life; debts and all. You must fix that first to move towards living the way you want to live your life, which has become a dream because of your past wrong decisions.

  Wisdom is knowing the right path to take, while integrity is taking it. You can’t just walk away from the mess; you have to clean it up and it is a process to build your integrity. Show respect in all your relationships. You can’t be honest without being considerate and evaluating the consequences. You must have a balance between idealism and realism.

  Honesty leads to the truth. If you are honest about your desires, dreams, feelings, actions, and who you are, you will live the truth. It will set you free, you will become successful.

  Your conscious viewpoint

  It is very important how you view the world. What you think life is; that’s what makes all the difference. If you think it is precious, enjoyable and beautiful, you will experience that in your life; if you believe it is bad, or horrible, you get to experience that. So check your viewpoint. Life has both bad and good things going on. Our consciousness is selective and by nature, it expands everything we focus on. If you look at the bad, you see more bad, it is expanded on. That is why when you focus on a problem, it seems to bother you more; it becomes expanded on. The same applies when you focus on the good side, you see more good.

  Check your focus; do you see more good or bad in the world? Make changes if necessary. Focus on the good; you will see all the bad fade away, just because of your focus. Your focus is very important as it controls your whole experience of life. Remember that you are consciousness; you experience life through awareness, and focus. What is pain if you can’t feel it? It becomes nothing; it fades away. It is important that you keep a good viewpoint of yourself and the world; you will experience a good life.

  Feeling negative

  Most of the time when you feel negative, when you have no inspiration and you are negative about almost everything in your life, it is because you are tired. I have written in this book that your emotions flow; they move from positivity to negativity and then back to positivity, it is their nature. They are also related to your energy level; feeling positive relates to high energy levels, creativity and feeling inspired, while feeling negative relates to low energy levels, no creativity and feeling uninspired.

  Based on this fact, it is important to take a rest from everything when you are feeling negative, when you are not inspired and your energy is low. When you are tired, when your energy level is down, which is a natural phenomenon, even reading this book will suck for you. It is not the book, it is how you feel. This is why your favourite music track sounds boring and irritating when you are sad. It is advisable not to force yourself to read or do any work, because you will not get the results you hope for. You won’t enjoy the book, you won’t be inspired. The same applies to your work. You won’t be creative, and you won’t do that well in your work when you feel tired, or when you are negative.

  In short, the best thing you can do when tiredness hits, when you feel negative, is to rest. Give yourself time to get away from everything, and stop everything you might be doing. It can be for a day or two or as long as you can afford to get away from your work. This will re-energise your body, and you will start feeling positive. When you start working, you will be inspired, more creative, and the results will show in whatever you do.

  This is how I manage my negativity, and this is how I manage my fatigue, which is the number one cause of negativity. It is natural; you just need to manage it to your advantage and use your energy wisely. When you feel inspired, push yourself hard, do lots of work. It will be easy and your work will be great. Don’t sit around and fantasise when you are inspired. Get up and use that energy profitably; it will get you the results you want, and it will help you achieve your dreams.

  What do you think about yourself?

  What matters most is what you think about yourself. It is all about what you think you can do and you can’t do, who you think you are, and what you think you
can offer the world. You are unique and there is nobody like you. That’s what you have to offer, yourself.

  Be careful how you talk to yourself

  Words are powerful. How we talk to ourselves is very circumstantial, so be sure you are using the word’s correct meaning. Know exactly what the words mean to you before you use them. Choose words that motivate you, and speak positively to yourself. It is how you speak to yourself that makes all the difference, what you tell yourself you are capable of, and what you think of yourself determines the life you live.

  When you give yourself an opinion, make sure you are using the right words which benefit you. We define ourselves every day. Our belief systems are rebuilt and renovated every day by what we tell ourselves through our thoughts, and our beliefs, our values, are redefined every now and then, through our thoughts. The opinions you tell yourself about yourself and the world every day, determine what actions you take, and how you respond to the world’s circumstances. All this is vital to your success.

  It is the same principle they use for affirmation. Affirming that you are a successful person, that you are capable, that you will reach your dreams, that you will find success, all this affects you subconsciously. It builds your confidence, and what you think of yourself becomes your reality. A person who becomes a doctor has to first affirm that to himself that he is a doctor. It helps with commitment. It helps you through your studies, because you believe you ARE before you become. This helps a lot in your success.


  Do you see problems or opportunities?

  Whatever the obstacle that you face in your life, is it an opportunity to learn and grow, or is it things that stop you from achieving your dreams? Your attitude to life also plays an important role in the creation of money; it determines your perspective and your perspective determines the actions you will probably take.

  When you make it a habit in your mind to think of challenges as opportunities to learn and do things differently, you don’t shy away from challenges. I can guarantee you, whatever career you choose to follow, will have its own challenges. There is no career without its challenges and people who are scared by challenges don’t become anything in life because of this; as soon as they are challenged, they quit and take on another career that is different to what they were doing, in the hope that it will be less challenging.

  I can tell you now, everything you are going to do will have its challenges, its tests. If you don’t face them and win over them, you will just keep running away from challenges, and you will achieve nothing from running around. It doesn’t matter how good you are at something, it will have its challenges and if you have developed a fear of challenges, you will start thinking, ‘maybe this is not for me’; ‘maybe I was wrong in my career choice’, only to find out that you are just scared of challenges.

  Your mind’s fear of challenges comes up with tricks to get you out of the activities you find challenging. It tells you a different career will be less challenging. If you see other people’s success in something you start, thinking it is easy, and that it is what you want, the moment you start doing the activities that go with the success, you realise it is not that easy. They make it look easy but the truth is it is not; it has its own challenges.

  You must understand this and never allow yourself to change your mind about a career you initially chose. Don’t give up when you are faced with the challenges it comes with. Stay on the goal; give the challenges your best shot, and never give up based on challenging times in your career path. When the career you want starts having challenges know that success is very close. Face the challenges head on, for it is in the winning of the challenges in our careers that we realise our dreams.

  When some people see problems, others see opportunities. They use their strengths to solve the problems and challenges faced by people and make a lot of money from it. This must be you; you must seek to see the challenges faced by people every day and use your strengths to solve them and get paid for it.

  Any problem is an opportunity for you to find success. The whole creation of value, which is the creation of wealth, is based on solving human problems. Every business is created to solve human problems. This is what successful people look for. They are always looking for problems people face, and challenges that exist because it is when they solve these problems that they make money and become successful.

  Think of any product or service that exists in this world. It solves some problem; it is there to avoid some human problem. The whole creation of value is based on your ability to contribute to solving human challenges, especially when it comes to human basic needs; everything created is solving some problem, some discomfort humans face. This is how people become wealthy, by solving human problems, and human challenges. Food is made to solve a hunger problem. If you don’t see an opportunity in hunger, you won’t be able to make any money from it, but people who see hunger as an opportunity, not a problem, go out and create food, meet the human problem or challenge of hunger, get paid for their food and become wealthy. This is how simple wealth is.

  Human problems or challenges become opportunities when you use them to create wealth for yourself. By solving the challenges people face, people will pay for your services or goods for making their lives easier. This is why you should not run away from challenges. You must seek challenges; you must search for them and try to solve them. When you succeed, you can now advertise your service or product, telling people how it will solve one of their challenges.

  This is the gap they talk about when they say there was a gap in the market. They see a challenge, a problem people face, a weakness in the value chain and then create a product or service that solves that problem. This is how new markets are created and how you start new trends, and this is how you introduce new products into the market. Think about this, and explore it. It might be a problem you face. Solve it for yourself, and then solve it for other people at a price. This is how you make your money, and how you develop an idea of a business which people refer to as a new idea. It is expanded on from a problem, from challenges. Here you have just learned how to start your business, and how to construct a new business idea. You must study human challenges and problems, your challenges and problems, solve them, then charge a price to solve them for other people.

  When you see problems as opportunities, your mind starts thinking about the solution to your problems. That’s what happens when you think positively about your problems or challenges. When you think negatively about your problems, you complain and blame other people for your problems and tribulations. You do nothing about the problem or challenge, but when you think positively, you think of a solution to your challenges; you take actions to solve your problems which results in success. Wealth is a challenge itself. When you want wealth you challenge yourself; you succeed in creating wealth by facing the challenges that come with the creation of it. Wealth exists in human problems and challenges, and a person who solves any human problem or challenge becomes wealthy.

  You can’t change the direction of the wind, but you can adjust your sails to always reach your destination. Any challenge that comes to your life comes with an opportunity attached to it. All you have to do is notice that opportunity and take it, in order to advance to the next level; this is adjusting your sails and using the wind to help you reach your destination.

  Work hard or work smart

  You must strive not to just work hard, but to also work smart. At the end of the day, it is about how much money you make within a short period of time without committing a crime. You must not spend your time working hard at things that are not profitable to you; you must work with a purpose to maximise your profits and growth.

  Your knowledge is the power

  It frees the slave, it widens your consciousness, and it awakens you. You are asleep, but you are gradually being awakened by nature through knowledge. The sad thing is when you are not even aware that you are asleep, and not aware that you need to constantly
learn from nature and life to grow, to awaken. This prevents you from seeking knowledge. When you believe you know everything there is to know about this world, you seek no knowledge; you become ignorant. And you know how angry people get when you waken them up from their sleep, it’s like you are disturbing them. They get angry with you instead of being thankful.

  Never stop learning because every time you learn something you expand your consciousness, or your awareness. To just touch deeply on consciousness and awareness which is one and the same thing to me, they are the real you; you are consciousness, that’s where everything about your being starts, that’s the real you. Think about what you are without consciousness; nothing really. As long as you are not aware, nothing matters, but when you expand your consciousness through knowledge you are in fact growing yourself as a conscious being.

  A lot of people go through life with the consciousness of a needle hole, it is like you are looking through the needle hole and deciding your next step on what you saw, through the needle hole! It is one of the reasons why people lack success; they just live blindly and pray and hope they make the right steps. Seek knowledge; also in making money and creating the future you desire, the key words are research, read, learn and keep learning.

  Nothing to lose

  There is always a wrong belief about trying things out; people have the impression that they have something to lose if they go out and try something. The truth is there is nothing to lose and everything to gain when you take your chances. Think about being on your death bed; will you be happy you tried or happy you did nothing? What will matter most are the things you’ve done, not what you never did.


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