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Money- Wealth Creation Guide

Page 13

by Phillip Seanego

  Be you. Be true to whom you are; express who you are. Start as small as you can, just create something to show people what you can do. Present a demonstration of what you do. Do not try to just sell yourself on words; show people what you can do. That’s how you will become successful and get investors. Start your fire.


  Money in its purest form is value

  Money in its purest form is value. I want to highlight this fact to make it clear in your mind for you to really get this. As discussed throughout this book, money starts and begins in your mind. Here is the summary of the steps money takes to transform into a balance available in your bankcard or into paper and coins, which we are used to.

  The first form of money exists in your thoughts as an idea; a thought about how you can be useful to yourself and to other people. It is an idea about what you can create using physical material or things; what you can create and use to fulfil human needs and wants. This means anything can be transformed into money through the creativity of your thoughts, and we are all creative; we are all creators with different abilities and talents.

  So, money exists in your mind as an idea of what you can create that is valuable to other people. A thought is energy, and energy can be transformed into different forms. You can do anything with that idea that flows through your mind. Money is transformed from being a thought to a tangible thing, which is a product or service. When people take actions according to their thoughts, when they put hands to thoughts, they transform money, which is the idea in your brain, into a service or product using physical material.

  Then we get to the last stage of money. When that product or service created from your idea is placed for sale, for exchange to take place, a tool of exchange is introduced. Money out of thin air is just an object to enable the trade of values between people. Money exists because of value; without value, money is worthless.

  Creating value

  This is what making MONEY is about; it is about creating value. You don’t need anything else to do this; you just need yourself. You create value, you sell it, you make a living, and you get to live your dreams. We are in the business of creating value and sharing it with the world. Every one of us is born with this. It is within you. You don’t need anything outside of yourself to be able to create value for the world to use.

  It is about being useful to the next person at a price, because if you are useful to the next person for free, it causes lack and poverty. This is what you must be doing; this is what you should be thinking about; how can I be useful to the world? What human needs or wants can I happily answer to? What is it that I have that can be valuable and useful to the next person? It can be anything; it can be perspective, opinion, skills, talents – anything really.

  There is a market for anything; human wants and needs are eternal. Some of the wants and needs today are so amazing that a few years back you would have disagreed that humans would want to purchase such things. They buy anything you put up for sale as long as you can convince them that they need it. You can create anything, and if you are able to convince people they need it, you will get customers, whether it is a true value or false value. I mean that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. I can’t control who sees whether something has value or has no value. I will just deal with creating true value here.

  Business is about creating value, true value; things people need to live a comfortable and easy life, things that makes people’s lives easier and better, things that improve the quality of life. How do you do that? It is by carefully studying human needs and wants, and creatively choosing where you can fit in on the value chain based on your strengths.

  Let’s take an example. A person discovers that there is some singing going on in this world. He is hooked because he likes to sing. He goes on and sings, not in the shower, but to people, and he notices that people like it when he sings. How does he notice that? By the response. He records his singing and packages it and shares it. He exchanges it for a price, for a value, for the values he doesn’t have. The value he has is his voice and the ability to sing and carry the notes. Now he can have food, which is value from the farmers and so on, and now he can have transport in the form of a car, which is a value from people who know how to make cars. This is how creating value helps you have whatever you want from this world from other people, which is that which you value.

  The creation of value is transforming the miracle of thoughts to reality or things. We are creators. Life itself is a miracle; it is amazing, we exist out of nothing. That thing that seems to be nothing to us is exactly what we are. Consciousness is awareness and the best miracle of all is the flow of thoughts in our consciousness. Wow, it is still so clear to me when I take time to appreciate the flow of thoughts in my brain; one thought after the other, stimulated by everything that enters my conscious plane.

  I can feel the miracle right now as I type this. Thoughts are just flowing through me and I express them by writing them down and hoping that I get the chance to share them with the world. Isn’t that beautiful? Now MONEY, VALUE and THOUGHT become one and the same thing. You can use VALUE as a reference to MONEY or THOUGHTS. This is why you must look within your thoughts for money. Money exists in your thoughts. The ideas in your mind can be turned into physical money when you use them to create value.

  This is the ultimate wealth; it is in the creation of value. When you are able to create value for the next person you are that close to achieving your dreams. It is vital that you first aim at creating value. Ignore everything else, and focus on the process of creating something you believe you will be able to sell; something the other person will be able to use.

  Don’t make a mistake of focusing on the end results. Don’t focus on the results you want to see. Dream about the life you want to live, but don’t fall into the trap of dreaming a lot about the rewards to the point where you don’t take actions or you are not prepared to take actions towards those dreams. Sometimes focusing more on the rewards you want to get makes you lose patience, which results in you not even finishing the process of creating value. You give up and start running in circles, looking for the short cut to success. Focusing on the results convinces you to seek short cuts and get to the results you want faster, which results in failure to achieve your dream.

  It is very important that when you are in the process of creating value, you focus all your energy on the creation of value. When it is time to sell your value, focus on selling the value, then you can start thinking about the goodies you want to spend your money on. Be careful not to distract your focus by worrying about the selling when you haven’t created a finished product or service, and thinking a lot about the reward when you haven’t even started creating value. It is very important to channel your focus into the job at hand. In this instance, it is creating something valuable that is useful to the next person.

  Take action. Creating value is about taking actions. It is about doing something about that idea in your mind, about that skill, applying hands to your thoughts, making something tangible, something of value, something that makes it possible for you to meet one human need. So we can talk all our lives, share advice and try to inspire all we want, but what it comes down to is you. It comes down to the fact that you must make that decision in the end. It is you who can make all the words written in this book amount to anything, by taking action. You can read this book from cover to cover, read as many self-improvement or motivational books as you can, but as long as you don’t take action, nothing will happen. Know this and take action towards your dreams.

  Another part of creating value that I would like to mention here is focusing on your strengths. The best person positioned to succeed in what they do is the person who knows and understands himself. Know who you are; know your natural abilities. Everyone has one. Know your weaknesses, as this allows you to work your way around them. This will make creating value an easy task; it will just be a walk in the park for you. So it is important to understand your s
trengths and weaknesses, so that you don’t get discouraged because of your weaknesses. You learn a way to go around them, and you get people to support you by helping you where you lack abilities, to complement your strengths; this will lead you to success.

  The last factor that I want to reiterate here is the issue of believing in yourself and what you produce, and what you do. It is vital when it comes to the creation of value to believe in your strengths, and in your ability to be useful to other people. It just can’t be said enough; you have to believe that you can create value. Once you have, you must believe in the value of what you’ve created to make it possible for you to sell. It is in every marketing manual; believe in your product.

  So, in short, when it comes to the creation of value, you first have to believe in yourself, that you can be useful to the next person, that you are valuable, and that you can create value. Then you have to choose the strength you want to express and share it with the world; focus on it, develop it, educate yourself, and create something through your valuable strength. It can be any strength that will be useful to human beings. You just have to express it, and find a way of making it useful to the next person. This is why you need to be focused and give less attention to other parts of creating wealth. Focus on creating value, and lastly apply your strengths to the creation of value. This is how you create value, which will result in the wealth that you want.

  Creating value is the first step to your wealth. Creating value is creating wealth, and since value is wealth and money is value, the only honest way to get wealth from other people is by creating value, and being useful to other people. You cannot skip this process; it is vital to the creation of wealth. You will have to create value or steal by cheating the economy to get your hands on money.

  Creating value is very interesting. As defined in the validation of printed money, what you are really doing when you are creating value is creating money. What happens is just like when one seed can be multiplied into thousands of seeds. You are multiplying value, which is money. This is how you are multiplying value. The values which are multiplied the most by the process of creating value are time and money. You use your skills, talents and strengths to achieve this.

  Through your skills, talent or strength, you create value that provides you with idle time. It buys you comfort and time to rest by giving you money to live on while you rest and play. This is the magic behind creating value. The more value you create, the more productive you are, and the more time and comfort you get to enjoy. So it is very important that you create value, and be productive in whatever you do. This is what will make you achieve your dreams. Creating value multiplies your time, and since you will have more time to enjoy life’s goodies than you will have to work, your money is also multiplied since money represents value. When value is increased, more money is made and this will result in you being able to afford a better quality of life.

  Money is nothing but a tool people use to exchange values. It is used because it can store a perceived flexible value. If I do someone’s gardening work for them, I get paid by the stored flexible value that my employer received from repairing shoes for someone else. Because the value is flexible I can also use it to pay for any other value from someone else, depending on its perceived worth. On this earth, you must exchange values to live well and achieve your financial goals.

  Turning thoughts into value

  Our thoughts are very valuable as they allow us to exist as physical beings. It is life flowing through us. Everything you see started as a thought, and everything ever made started as a thought. All that surrounds you right now has been created by thoughts, people’s thoughts. It all started as a thought.

  Why do you think your stomach tells your brain when it is hungry? Because it knows that the brain will start thinking about how and where to find food and feed the stomach and body. Your brain is very powerful – think of anything man ever invented or created; it all started as a thought. You also have thoughts. I hope so. Then you are no different to those great inventors; you are no different to anyone else. You can also create things, just by using your thoughts.

  This is how; you think of something; you start thinking of ways of making it into reality by making it tangible or recognisable to other people. You can instantly have a car in your brain, just by thinking about it. It exists in your mind, with all its shapes and colour, as a thought. People wouldn’t buy it as it is only a thought from your brain. They don’t know about it; they are not aware of your thoughts about the car, its specifications and all. They can only recognise it when you express it to them, by telling them, sketching a plan and showing them the car in a sketch, or making it completely into a physically existing car.

  By just telling a person your idea of a car you can start asking for payment. People get paid to share ideas; they get paid a lot of money by just sharing thoughts. The sooner you start expressing those thoughts and charging a fee for them the sooner you start becoming wealthy. It is up to you. If they are not sold on your thoughts only, sketch them, or write them down like I am doing. I am just writing my thoughts down into sketches like a car design on paper. If they don’t buy the sketch or I am not satisfied with the sketch profits, I just put them into practice, into physical existence. Since my ideas are about a way of life, I already live the life I preach, so the sketch you see here on paper exists physically as the life that I live, and some people I know do live.

  Your strengths lie within your personality

  What qualities characterise who you are? This is where your strengths lie. Look at your personality and choose your career based on your personality.

  You must learn that no idea is original; thoughts are expanded on

  Since thoughts are stimulated by something in your conscious plane, it is evident that all thoughts are an expansion of what you see. People beat themselves up trying to come up with the best new idea that nobody has thought about before. You must know how your thoughts are constructed; look out for things you have an interest in and try to expand them towards human importance and human needs, and solving human problems. Make them valuable to people.

  Human needs and values are the same. People like beautiful things, and they easily buy what everyone values. They seek the same things as you. There are important and luxury values. Just expand your thoughts around their values and you will discover that there is a market for everything. Things you might think are valueless turn out to be of value when you expand them to relate to any of the so many human needs and wants.

  Selling value

  It is one of the most important parts of wealth creation. We all sell in one way or the other. To be able to create wealth and the life of your dreams you should place more time and effort towards selling your value. If it is one of your weaknesses, you must look for people who are good at it and hire them to sell your value to other people.

  This is the stage where you have created a product or service. What is needed now is to convince people of the value of your product or service. If you do well, you become wealthy. Many people fail to build their customer base because they are not consistent in what they do. They don’t put enough creative effort into selling their value, and they don’t create their market by doing something different to what is available on the market. To be able to compete, all this is important to how your product or service does in the marketplace.

  Let’s look at consistency. If you are known as a plumber and you maintain a good reputation with your customers, naturally your business will grow. You don’t have to do anything else to your business; it will grow just like a plant grows into a tree. It will maintain its growth as long as you keep the same service standards that make your customers happy. Do not do this today and then do something else different tomorrow. That makes you unreliable with your product or service and prevents growth.

  Also don’t provide a bad service or product. Don’t acquire a bad reputation, as it will harm your business. When it comes to putting in enough creative effort
to the selling of your value, you have to think creatively about your target market. The best way of getting the message across about what you do to your customers or people you trade value with is to keep in contact with them so that they always know that you are available whenever they require your product or service. Be creative in your advertising and marketing activities.

  You must keep to your own strengths. Do not base your product or service on what is out there; trust your thoughts, take them and apply them to your product or service. This is what will make what you do unique. Don’t look at anything else, and don’t think hard. Just apply the ideas that come to your mind on the creation of your product or service and in the marketing thereof.

  Keep this in mind: people buy everything they get when they are convinced of its value. When they think it is valuable, they will buy it. They want your values, and they want to trade with you. You just have to show them the true value of your service or product that you have created.

  I repeat this again here; being passionate about what you do or have created makes doing sales a walk in the park. If you believe in your product or service, selling ideas will just come flowing into your mind. You will easily make your sales because you are also sold on your product or service. You just can’t understand who doesn’t see value in what you’ve created. You think that they must be very dumb to miss this, as you believe so much in the value you’ve produced. So as they say, happy selling. Make that money.


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