Money- Wealth Creation Guide

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Money- Wealth Creation Guide Page 20

by Phillip Seanego

  If you are still young, and haven’t fall into debt yet, keep it that way. You have a better chance of success. You can direct all your resources towards your growth. People in debt don’t grow; they want to but just can’t, this is why they are unhappy. The number one cause of unhappiness is the inability to grow. This is the place you don’t want to find yourself in.

  We are naturally pulled towards growth. We all want advancement. We were all happy broke when we were kids. The only thing that mattered then was play. We just wanted to play; we didn’t even notice that we were broke. Okay, maybe I am generalising here for children who have to be adults when they are still young because of circumstances. But for me it was like that; only children’s errands and play.

  Life was just perfect. Whether I had money or no money didn’t matter, and I hope this becomes the case for every kid. Even when I know the world is not that much of a perfect place, this is how things should be for kids; they should not have any adult responsibilities when they are kids. Money was nothing to me; it didn’t matter what I had, and I didn’t have any responsibilities that come with adulthood and money.

  But then I grew up, and more and more things started to matter. I started wanting to have some responsibilities. I desired things as my mind became aware of other people’s possessions and lifestyles. I wanted to have my own place so I could do all my business without anyone’s interference. This is just part of adulthood. It is common to most people. You get tired of being a child and have to grow up and take on some responsibility. That’s where money is introduced. You now have to take on some responsibilities; it is just normal life. You see, we are naturally pulled towards growth. It is a natural human life circle. You grow up, and this is the source of happiness, growth.

  Remember how happy you were as a kid, now you got a job, it was great when you first got it but now you feel stuck. It is a dead-end job, with no more growth, and you become unhappy. This is the point I am trying to make; we all want advancement, and we want change so we can do better and better. This is our source of happiness.

  You must take into consideration factors that affect your money when setting your goals. When you consider going for your dreams, you must look at your lifestyle. Does it support your efforts towards success or does it make it harder or impossible to reach your goals? You must first fix your lifestyle. If you are in debt or your lifestyle is full of wasteful spending that eats up your resources, you won’t make it. Remember that your resources, the money you now have access to, play a very vital role in you reaching your goals. You will have to use it towards your dreams. You must invest it towards financial growth.

  When you have the bulk of your money going towards debts, you slow down your progress to the point that there might be no progress in your life, and the more difficult it gets to reach your dreams. This is the biggest cause of people’s failure to reach their goals. The money you have, and that you receive, is very important to your dreams. You must use it carefully and avoid debts as much as you can when you really want success and happiness.

  Remove everything that slows down your progress or stops you from reaching your success. Be aware of what stops you and pull them out to maintain a maximum growth rate. You will enjoy your journey and you will enjoy your life when there is change for the better every now and then.

  Factors to consider before taking the journey towards your dream life

  There are factors that you have to consider when you make a decision to finally follow your dreams. We are all on different levels towards our dreams, and we are all facing different challenges and situations in our lives. This means that every one of us must look at all the circumstances in our lives when considering working towards our dreams.

  You must know where you are to be able to plan successfully where you want to go. Look at all parts of your life and decide what you would like to change. Break down your dreams; your career dream, your family dream, your lifestyle dream, and so on, and then one at a time, start changing things around towards your dream life. Also keep in mind that success is not only about making money; it is about being happy and making money. As they like to define it in the difference between a rich person and a wealthy person, wealth is the goal when you are as happy as your pocket, because it sucks to have a lot of money and still be miserable. You have to be happy with all parts of your life. This is what this book is all about.

  Let’s start with your career. Is your current job what you like doing or do you want to change it? Are you happy with what you do for a living or not? Working is the biggest part of our lives; we have to make a living. It is very important to consider how satisfied you are with what you do for a living. Are you content with the growth prospects in your chosen business field; are you happy with your career? Is this your dream job or not?

  Reviewing your current career status and starting planning your dreams from there is important. It defines where you are and where you want to go with your career. This gives you direction. You know the next step to take and the next task to perform, relating to your livelihood. You must decide what changes you need to make to reach your desired dream about your career, then get to work. Plan the steps to take and take them.

  Also take into consideration the resources you have right now. What you have now is what will take you to the next level of your life, like your time, knowledge and your financial resources. Invest your time wisely towards the career you want. Don’t waste your time. If the job you are in doesn’t afford you time for you to work on your career growth or any other parts of your life you have to consider quitting, to be able to move towards your dreams.

  Take your knowledge. Do you have time to improve your knowledge? Do you have access to education? You must know that it is going to take knowledge to reach the next level of your career. You must have time to enhance your knowledge and acquire new knowledge in any way you can about your career, to be able to succeed in the career you choose, and grow in what you do. Also check if your knowledge is used to the maximum where you are. Have you been given a position that pays you well according to your knowledge level? Don’t waste your knowledge by staying at a job when they don’t even consider your abilities, and where you are not performing your best skills.

  Lastly, your financial resources. As much as you don’t like that job, you have to consider that it will take the income you receive now to get to your dream work or career. Use your resources wisely by putting them towards creating your own value, developing your value though education and knowledge, and becoming more valuable to other people, so that you can be paid more for what you do.

  If you have to quit your job, if it is one of the things that you think holds you back, which it is normally, since you don’t have time to work on your career because you are occupied by the job, you are too tired to work on anything. You have to rest on weekends until Monday to go to the same work you want to move away from. Talking from experience, I know it is hard to try to establish another career for yourself while you are working. There’s just no time to work on your business and this results in failure to advance and move on to your dream career. It also contributes to the lack of focus, which will result in failure at whatever you try to do on the side.

  If these are the conditions, have a plan for an alternative income before you consider leaving everything and going for your dream career. You must first establish what you will do for income to sustain you as you develop your dream career. Have a plan for this. Look at your career status. What are you currently doing for a living? Is it what you want to be doing for a living or not? Then start making plans to change it towards your dream occupation.

  The other factor is debt. Can you risk being listed at the credit bureau to pursue your dreams? This is entirely up to you. Business people declare bankruptcy sometimes to start fresh, and become successful. Most successful people have been through that. It is up to you. It depends on your debt situation. Can it be paid or can you make changes to your job situation and change career
s when you are in debt without losing anything vital to your life by being listed? It is entirely up to you but what I can tell you is this; don’t let debt stop you from pursuing your dreams. Do whatever it takes.

  How would you like your family dream and your social life to be? Are they the way you want them to be? Are you happy with your social life? Then likewise, make changes where you need to make changes towards your dream social life, your dream relationships and your family. This is all up to you. You choose who becomes part of your life and who doesn’t. Who stops you from living your dreams? Who puts you through hell? Move away from these people. This is vital to your success. This is the big part of wealth. You must sort out your social life. It can stop you from living your dreams, and it can hurt you financially. Put your house in order, in line with your dreams.

  Your family life is vital to your success. You must consider where you are and where you want to go with your social life. What other commitments do you have that need to be taken into consideration before you start pursuing your dreams? Are you a family man or woman? Do you have dependents? Look at all of this and fix and change things around to favour your new goal; your goal to go for your dream life. Especially when you have a family, when your decisions affect other people, you have to plan and discuss your goals with them, and consider your goals and how they affect your family.

  And then your lifestyle dreams. Is the lifestyle you are living supporting your goals? Is it the way you want to live your life? If not, likewise. Change it towards what you envision it to be like. You are the boss, so put yourself in line with your dreams. If you feel the lifestyle you are living is holding you back, maybe because it is too expensive for your income, which makes it what stops you from achieving your financial goals, downgrade if that is necessary for your advancement towards your dreams. Don’t live a debt-driven lifestyle when you want true success, because you will fail.

  Your lifestyle plays an important role in you reaching your goals. A healthy lifestyle will help you live to see your dreams come true. All this is very important to the creation of wealth. Why will you create wealth if you will be almost dead when you finally reach your dreams? It is pointless. Plan your life and set your goals, taking all this into consideration so that you become successful in your plans to achieve your goals. Another tip you must take from this is to break down your dreams. As explained, it makes them easy to manage.

  Multiple income sources

  This is true independence. Multiple incomes are the only real financial security; this is what you must aim for when you want great things in your life. With the same career, with the same skill, you can set up different pay points by diversifying your products and services. This affords you true security.

  Timeline and action plan

  There is a difference between dreams and goals. It is important to understand the difference and know which applies where. We all have dreams. What do you want to see happening to your life in the future? Setting goals is what will make our dreams come true. Setting goals is the action plan. Goals have a timeline in which you have to get something done. You can even wind down the goals you set to achieve within a given time to days. Break down your dreams into goals; it will take a combination of goals set and achieved to reach your dreams.

  It is important to know that dreams alone are not enough to help you realise what you dream of. You must have an action plan. Set smaller goals towards that future; take smaller steps towards your dreams every day. It is the success of today that will make you successful in reaching your dreams. So have an action plan; set realistic goals, take small steps, and allow yourself to grow at what you are doing. Don’t try to rush things; realise that every little step you take brings you closer to your dreams, one goal at a time.

  Plan your life

  Know where you are and where you want to be. It is still part of setting goals. You can’t set goals when you don’t know what you want from your life. You must sit down and decide on what you want out of life. There are many people running around confused about what they want out of life. This causes failure and ongoing dissatisfaction because if you don’t know what you want out of life or the kind of life you want, how will you be able to create it? You must know what you want out of life and the life you want to live. Be clear about it, and then plan your life according to your dreams.

  We have lots of poverty caused by unplanned families, with young people taking responsibilities they are not ready for, financially and psychologically. This makes it impossible to reach your goals because you failed to plan your life. You must plan your life right from the start, when you are young; it gives you a better chance to reach your dreams. We have young people who want success, but on the other hand they go around having babies, and they get big maintenance bills. Their irresponsibility costs them their dreams. There are a lot of issues around that, and you must take all that into account. They affect your money and your financial status, and reduce your chances of success.

  You must have a life plan. It is even an enjoyable exercise to cut out pictures of your dream house, or dream car, and so on, to make it more real and clear to your conscious and subconscious mind. You must have a clear picture of what you want out of life, including all the basic aspects of life that you want to see, like a career, what you want to do for a living, relationships or marriage, what kind of relationship you want to have, and will you want to get married or not. All this is part of the dream, and you must include it in your plans to be successful in reaching your dreams. Think about aspects like when you will want to be married if you are not yet married, how many kids you would like or whether you don’t want kids, your dream house, your dream car, where you will want to live, and so forth.

  It is important to know how you would like your life to turn out; even the lifestyle you would like to live. Do you want to travel the world and so on; do you have an idea about what you want out of life? It usually won’t happen exactly how you plan it but it will for sure be very close to what you’ve dreamt of if you do take actions towards your dreams, and if your actions are in line with your plans. Don’t forget that when we talk about dreams we are referring to plans about your life, we are not talking about night-time dreams.

  Making plans for your life is having dreams about your life. It is very important as it keeps you focused and gives you discipline. You know what to do and what not to do to reach your desired goals or see your plan come together and become reality. There won’t be unplanned pregnancies and so on, because this will affect your dreams. Dreams do come true. The problem is that people change plans; people take actions that contrast with their dreams, and then argue that their dreams don’t come true. When you change your plans, you change your dreams, and when you change your plans too often, you don’t achieve any dream. You run in circles. You must stick to your plans about life until they come true. If you don’t, you will just be a dreamer, and you will achieve nothing. To see your dreams come true, don’t change plans about your life along the way. When you have a plan for your life you don’t make mistakes. You know what you want, and you don’t take anything else. You have the map for your life; the directions to take to achieve your dreams.

  Poor family planning

  This is another big factor that affects how much success you are able to have in your life, and it plays a big role in you reaching your dreams or not. You must have a plan and don’t just do things without knowing what the risks are. If you have circumstances caused by poor family planning in your life, it will affect your possibilities of getting the financial success you want through responsibilities that come with having a family.

  You must have a good family plan in line with your financial dreams and career goals. Get married when you know you are ready for the responsibilities it introduces; will the situation support you in reaching your dreams or hold you back? Have children when you know you are ready for them, and when you have all plans in place and the things required so that you can raise them well.

  In this day and age we still have a lot of people who don’t save for their children’s education. You must understand that if you had a hard time creating the life that you have right now, your children will have an even harder time if you don’t start saving for their education today. Plan for their future now. If you don’t get it that the cost of living is getting high, and it will only get higher, things will only get more complex. This is how the world moves forward, and you are left behind. Stop playing catch up; strive to be in the lead, and think ahead to be a leader, most importantly, the leader in your life, otherwise you will be led to a future you might not like.

  It is important that you plan for your family. Have everything in place before having a family or growing it, because this might cause lack for you and your family if you don’t plan. When you make changes to your family life, make sure you can afford what comes with the changes.

  Having a career

  We spend the most active part of our lives at work, so it is very important that this means more than just making a living, because we are not fulfilled when we don’t enjoy what we do. You must have a career. It is the best way of making a living and enjoying your working life. It is about finding your own identity in the world; it is about being somebody in this world, and being useful to other people. Choose to do what you enjoy and have strengths in; this is what you must have in mind when choosing a career or your field of specialty.

  Focus on growth

  There is a saying that you either grow or perish. It is true. Money itself loses value with time, and what is worth 10 cents today will probably cost 50 cents in the next few years, so if you don’t grow your value you will shrink until you became worthless. We must be growth orientated with whatever we do. You must always desire more than you have; you must desire to be a blessing to more people than you already are and the only way you can achieve this is by growing your estate. Don’t put limits to your dreams and try to expand everything you put your hands on. We get satisfaction from expressing more of ourselves through any way or form we can think of. By nature, we live to grow.


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