Money- Wealth Creation Guide

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Money- Wealth Creation Guide Page 24

by Phillip Seanego

  That is why when we experience something about life, we seek more experiences. It is our soul. It is natural and money enables us to experience more about life, and more about ourselves. We discover ourselves; we experience ourselves. It is written in this book that it is not the outside things that we are experiencing, but our inner selves, through feelings. The outside is just the trigger. Another reason is for nature to live on. Like the bee seeks nectar and pollen from the flower to produce honey, at the same time completing a biological process for the plant to produce more plants, we do the same. We are drawn towards money, and to the process of getting money and the rewards that come with it. We produce value that lets nature live on. It is amazing: we fulfil nature’s mission to maintain life and keep growing through our actions. It is all natural.

  Be courageous and bold, take actions

  Don’t let fear stop you from acting. People who become successful in life make bold moves and are courageous. They are not afraid of failure; they fall and stand back up and take actions again. We see some very financially successful people having to experience bankruptcy, some even twice or thrice, but still become more successful than most of the population. Take your chances, for you never know what could happen.

  You can only do this much in a day

  You will need other people to help you pursue your dreams. It is so fascinating to me how we give up our dreams for other people’s dreams. Every man can only achieve a certain amount of his workload within a day. Past that, they need other people; they can’t do more than that on their own. We are all equal, and are all given the same hours in a day. Some people achieve more than we do because we give up developing our own values to help them make their values, then we wonder why the inequality; why others are rich and we are broke.

  It is in the creation of values. Wealth is ownership and you can only own your own values. If you help create other people’s values and you don’t value yours, you don’t think they are worth developing. You end up making that other person rich while you are poor and depending on him. This doesn’t mean we must not work together at all; it doesn’t mean there must be no collaborations; we can still work together to create value, if we share related values.

  The problem arises when we give up ownership of our values for other people’s value. The partnership works well when it is equal, and when people have shares in the company that are equal and fair to the value they put in. No one must gain more than the other from the deal if the same work value is put in from both partners. The guy who designs and manufactures car lights doesn’t have to work for the guy who builds car engines or bodies; they can work together, but one should not be working for the other.

  This is fair business. This is how it must be and it will only happen when you decide that enough is enough; you can’t work for other people anymore, you will work for yourself. Only you have the power to do that. Then we will all have the same hours in the day. You will not spend any of your hours at someone’s business. Then we can start dreaming about equality. Unlike now, when some people lack the most basic things, others achieve the workload of 1,000 men. Do they pay them fairly and if they do, do the workers use their income to reach their goals? No. This is evident in the inequality that exists in this world.

  Reward yourself

  As much as we hear about how hard work pays, and how we must work hard to achieve anything in life, we must not forget that our minds operate by rewards. Your mind uses rewards as motive to take action. You must reward yourself, and your mind must know the reward so that it can channel your energy to the work you want to do. It is the promises of the future that give us the energy to work towards them, to create the future we desire.

  You must know that your mind wants to be rewarded for the work it puts in. If you do work and there is not any kind of reward, it will be hard for you to do the work again. Your mind will resist you. It will not inspire you to finish the task because there is no point in doing the job. There is no reward so why bother? The work you do without reward will be that much harder to accomplish, and you will not be able to perform it to your best capabilities.

  You must reward yourself for your achievement. No matter how small, they are vital for your future motive. They will give you the energy to perform the task again when your mind trusts that you will reward yourself when the job is done. It is appreciating yourself; it is taking note of the success you have, no matter how small, and rewarding yourself will inspire you to action. When you have a task to perform, have some sort of reward for yourself when the task gets done. At the end of the day treat yourself to something nice, as a reward for a productive day.

  A reward can be anything, from buying yourself some chocolates if you are into that, or some favourite snack, to relaxing in a warm bath with a glass of whatever you drink (juice for the alcoholics), or lazing around and watching your favourite TV programme. See, a reward can be anything. You make the rules. Even taking a nap can be a reward, as this will give a boost to your mind. It is about taking good care of yourself. When you are good to yourself, your body will give you the strength needed to achieve whatever you desire. Rewarding yourself will give your mind the desire to perform the work, so it is very important that you reward yourself every day for all the small successes you achieve. Remember that a successful life is made up of every single day’s small successes.

  You have dreams about your life. The dream is about the life you want to live in the future. The dream is the reward. It is exactly what gives you motive to work on your future. When there is no point to doing something, when there is no reward, you won’t do it. It even comes down to having kids. It is the love they bring to their parents’ lives that makes people want kids. They do anything for their kids for the love they feel because of the kids. They feel deeper love just on seeing them. A reward has many forms. It is the reward that your mind is after, so place rewards on your goals, or on whatever you do. Even small rewards matter. This is all vital to get you into action; to get your mind to work with you and not against you.

  Your mind can work against you when you desire something but you just can’t get yourself to take the actions required to achieve it. Ask everyone; they all want wealth, and they make all kinds of plans to achieve their goals, but when it gets to where it matters most, where they have to take actions to create the wealth they want, they fail to do this. This is when the mind’s and your soul’s desires are not in sync. Remember that your mind controls your body while your soul influences your mind. Your mind influences your body to take actions that your heart desires.

  These are the things that your mind wrestles with when you are undecided about something. This is what happens when your thoughts are in contrast with your actions, so if your mind and soul are not in sync, you will not succeed in achieving what you desire. It is important to influence your mind, through rewards. Through rewarding your body for the actions it takes, you achieve success. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Appreciate your small successes and reward yourself for your successful actions.

  Work with a goal in mind

  You must have a goal before you do anything. You must have an idea about what you are trying to achieve. As unbelievable as it sounds, some people do work without a goal in mind. They just do things because they are humans, and everyone is working so I guess I must be working too. People who do things just for the sake of doing them achieve nothing. They do this, leave it halfway, and go and do something else. They don’t get to finish their work because there is no target here, there is no goal.

  In a day, thousands of thoughts pass through your mind. If you don’t have a goal you will just follow every thought that arises, like a candle in the wind, but when you have a goal, it is a reminder of what you should be doing. When you get lost in thought, your goal reminds you of the work at hand. If you have a goal to finish an assignment that day, and your friends come and suggest that you go out, if you had no goal for that day you would just join them, but because of the goal of the d
ay, you will know your priorities.

  It also shows the importance of having something to do, which is a goal for the day. Plan your days. If it is a day to go out, go out, but when it is a work day, have a goal to work on that day and make sure you achieve it. Success can also be made into a habit. If you become successful at achieving today’s goal, you will get used to succeeding at what you do or set yourself to do. I must repeat this here – you must also remember that success adds up. Today’s success is needed to add up with the following day’s successes to make you a successful future. Every day’s successes add up and move you closer to your dreams and a successful life.

  Write your goals down, and know what actions you need to perform to reach your goals. Reduce your long-term goal to small goals that you can reach on a daily basis, and remind yourself of your goal to stay focused and to make sure that you achieve your goals. Don’t change goals around without achieving them; make sure that you do things you set out to do. Finish everything you start; this is how you find success.

  Intention and motive

  There are several motives that drive people to actions. I’ve said it before that your motive must carry more weight. You must have a strong motive to be able to succeed in whatever you want to do. It is very important that you develop a strong motive for your dreams, so that come rain or sunshine, you will always work towards that goal, no matter the challenges. If your motive is strong, you will not give up easily.

  Here I want to discuss some common kinds of motives from which you need to develop your purpose. The first good motivator when it comes to creating wealth and living the life you dream of is the reward. This is the most common of all. We sometimes mistake it as money, that money is the motive, which is wrong. The reward motive is for the things money can buy; it is that fancy house and car, it is the lifestyle you fantasise about. This is the reward that comes first when we think of why we should work, and why we should take actions to create wealth. It is for the promises that creating value comes with. The motive is that we will get the money required to buy the material things that we want in our lives.

  Pride is one of the motives that is derived from our natural sense of self-worth. We do things to shine. We naturally like to show off. If this is one of your outstanding personality traits, you can use it positively by making it your motivation to create value, for you to have bragging rights, to show people what you are capable of. It is one of the best motivators that will make it possible for you to create value and find success.

  Being somebody in the world is also one of the best motives. At the end of the day success is about being somebody in the world. It is the status that we are after. It works well as a motivator to be successful, as we always do things for recognition. This is the opportunity to take your desire to be noticed and put it to good use. Use it as a motivator to help you achieve your goals and dreams.

  You can also use your family or people close to you as motive for how you want to be a blessing to them and how you want to make them proud of you. One of the things that I personally use more often as a motive for whatever I do it is to make my parents proud of me, and for people who know me to be proud that they know someone like me. It is also a great motivator when it comes to doing great things about your life and it keeps you disciplined.

  When making an impact on other people’s lives, we all influence each other. It is a good feeling to know that you influence other people; that other people look up to you, and that you are some kind of role model to other people. This is also a brilliant motivator. When used right, for the good reasons, which are to drive you to take actions that create value, you succeed in whatever you do.

  If you desire to change the circumstances you are in for you and for your family, negativity here can motivate you to positivity. Poverty can push you to take actions to change your state of living for the better. Your desire to change the life you live for the better is a great motivator. It will motivate you into action. You must also incorporate it as one of your motives. Include it in your list of motives into why you do what you do, why you should work, and why you should take actions towards your future.

  In peer group motivation, when you are competitive like me, you don’t want to be an under-achiever compared to your peers. Every time you see someone your age doing great things, it drives you to want to achieve even better. It drives you to take actions – if he can do it I can do it. It also bring us to the motivation you get from seeing people around you achieving great things, and reading about people who achieve success. This can motivate you to greatness.

  Sharing ideas about success, and reading about it in books like this one will motivate you to action when you believe in the book and take actions, and when you take the advice you get from it and put it into actions. That is the sole motive of any self-improvement book. It is to inspire you into actions. When you are surrounded by motivation, through books, and through the people you hang out with and places you go to, you are motivated to do great things and it is not a one-off thing to do. It is something you have to constantly expose yourself to. Read inspiring books over and over again. You just can’t have enough inspiration. Your mind needs to always be reminded of it; your mind always needs to be inspired into action. You must always seek inspiration and put it into action when you feel inspired.

  Ego is also a big motivator. When you think you are great you will be frustrated when your circumstances don’t reflect your greatness. When people don’t regard you as a great person, or when they fail to notice how great you are at something, you will want to prove yourself. If used in a good way, it can be directed to motivate you to take actions that result in you achieving great things that have a good impact on the community you live in.

  The list of motives is endless – these are just some examples of motives. Even life itself is a motivator, and the challenges it gives us are big motivators that get us to take actions. You must combine all these motives. Have more than one reason why you want success in your life. Write them down. Motives can be anything. Just put down as many reasons as you can as to why you should take actions and create wealth or work towards your dreams. Have all these reasons listed.

  There is also your career goal. Write down what will doing what you do today lead you to in the future. I have a list I call career achievements that pushes me as I am writing this book. I read the list every time I feel down, and when I am in doubt, or when I feel too lazy to write, I refer to the list of my career achievements. It states to me what is at stake here; the things I want to do after completing this book. These things motivate me because they relate to this book. I can’t do them without finishing this book first. It works just like the TO DO list, where I can’t jump to the next thing without finishing the first thing on the list. It works like magic for me.

  Motivation can be anything, even death. I use it sometimes. When everything else fails to make me spring into action, into working and being productive, I think about death. I know that one day I will be no more, and what this life would mean if I didn’t give it my best attempt. If I know that I was given a chance to live and didn’t do my best in life when I had my chance, thinking positively about this makes me get down and work, and makes me get out and live it up, knowing that I am not going to be healthy and active like I am today. Why must I waste my activity sleeping or doing nothing? I will have more time to sleep when I am no more, but now when the sun is out, it is time to live, to take actions, create things, and live life.

  There is just an endless list of things you can use as motivators. Nature itself is a good motivator. There is the need for you to go through a human life circle, have kids, and raise them well. People always want the best for their kids. This has the ability to drive people to do great things and be all they can be in life. As natural as it is, it will drive you into actions.

  For your motive to have weight you must think of every reason you can come up with as to why you should take actions, and why you should create value. Write it d
own and remind yourself every time you feel beaten by challenges or when you feel down about taking actions. Maybe you are doing it for your kids. When you start thinking about them, it becomes easy to put in the hard work, and to stand up and carry on.

  Have a list of all the reasons why you have to work. Why you are reading this book? It is explained in this book how your motive is important in determining the results you will get from reading this book. You must know your motive. Have more than one; have as many motives as you can to add weight to your reasons to take actions. Write them down to remind yourself when you feel down. This is how you learn to inspire yourself. You become your own life coach; you coach yourself to success. This is what will drive you to success.

  You must start with having an intention or motive for your goals. Sometimes to get to where you want to go might mean doing things that are not closely related to what you really want, but because of circumstances you find yourself having to do them first before you get to your ultimate goal. What matters most here is your intention. You might do some work which is not what you really want to be doing but it is a way that will get you towards your dreams. Let’s say you want to start your own business. You can go and look for a job to raise capital to start your business, but what you must do when you get that job is not to forget your intention. Stay fixed on your goal and don’t start taking on debts because the bank tells you that you qualify. Keep your intention in mind, and keep your purpose alive. This is how you will be able to succeed in reaching your dreams. Work with a purpose. Have a plan and follow it.


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