How badly do you want to be successful? What are you prepared to do to be successful? Are you prepared to leave everything behind? Are you prepared to risk everything you have now for that one thing you want? This is what makes all the difference between successful people and others. People who find success and live their dreams take risks; they know what they want and don’t settle for anything less.
Most of your life is spent at work
When you are in the work that you like but you still find yourself not enjoying what you are doing, you must change things around. You must take it upon yourself to think creatively about how you could make your work enjoyable. It comes down to understanding yourself, to knowing exactly what makes you tick. When you know the activities that make you happy, bring them into your work environment. Integrate everything that is fun to you into your work environment to start enjoying your working space. The more fun you have at your job the more productive you become. Also remember that your workplace is where you spend most of your time, and most of your life. When you enjoy your workplace, you enjoy your life.
This is a big part of who we are. It is the sense of self; it gives us our identity. We know ourselves through ego. However, just like fear, like everything in life, it can be good and bad for you. Ego has some drawbacks that need to be looked at when you are talking about creating wealth for yourself. We naturally like to show off who we are because of ego. It satisfies our ego for people to see how great we are, for recognition, that we are amazing. All this is natural. We are proud creatures and this is a good attribute. It helps you to achieve a lot because it is confidence. It pushes you to do great things because you believe you are great and that you can do great things.
Ego can relate to arrogance when used in a bad way. Just like fear, it can be used in a bad way. It needs to be controlled, and the only person who can control this is you. When you are controlled by your ego you become its slave. You do things you wouldn’t do at a logical level but still do because of your ego. For example, when you buy a car because of status, people must recognise that you are great. You must drive a big car. This can hinder your success because people end up in debt trying to please their egos. You must manage your ego as well as your fear to be able to control them and direct them to help you find success.
When the excitement dies down
Inspiration fades, but keep going. You must also understand that feeling inspired is something that lasts for a moment. It is a feeling. You sometimes feel a burst of it, from too much positivity and feeling all good about your future, and there will be times when you feel down and uninspired. Don’t depend that much on feelings; understand that they are never stable. They are always up and down. For you to reach your goals you must stick to your plan. Always search for inspirational things about what you do. Read inspiring books to keep you inspired. Read them again and again to remind your mind of your first motivation, and what made you do what you are doing in the first place.
Another thing you must do to keep you going even when you feel down, when you are challenged, is to keep the dream alive. Ask for the price of that house or car you want, test drive the car, have pictures on your wall with all your dream possessions. Know that inspiration comes and goes; if it is not here today, it will come back. Just keep working.
You must write down the rewards you are expecting from finishing the project you are working on. What will come with your success? How much does finishing what you’ve started mean to you? Will it make you proud that you’ve done something with your life? Write down the rewards you are expecting, fantasise about the finished product, write down your dreams and your plans when you are feeling inspired. Read them when you feel down; they will help encourage you to go on.
We sometimes fail at achieving our goals and dreams because of impatience. When we want something, we want it now. Because of this, we are likely to not even take a shot at our dreams because they take time to come true. We like to take short cuts. Everything that looks like one will bring us to the life we aspire to in a short space of time is very likely to be taken and acted on rather than taking the long and winding road. These short cuts or our desire for overnight success contribute to us taking wrong decisions about our future. We end up failing because we wanted to get to success that fast.
When you want success in your attempts at a future life of your dreams you must cultivate patience. You must build your success from strength to strength, level to level. Don’t jump steps, this is what causes failure. Make your career choice, start as small as you can, have patience, don’t quit because it takes too long, and keep at it until you see the dream come true. Changing dreams into reality doesn’t happen overnight; it takes some work, time and patience.
Make sure there is progress every day. Do something towards your dreams every day; it will help you with having patience. When you can see that you are moving closer to your dreams every day, when you do at least one thing towards your dreams every day, it keeps you focused. It will provide you with the patience needed for your success.
This is one of the things that you must pay attention to. When you get to making decisions, you need to be sure that your decisions are not driven by impatience. You must not be tempted to take short cuts to success. This is what creates criminals. There are no short cuts to success. There is no overnight success unless you have to cheat, you have to steal, or you have to get value without giving out value. This is the only way you can achieve overnight success. So impatience can lead you to evilness. Impatience will also make you fail because of not doing things the right way. They say that if you do something, do it right or don’t do it at all, which is true in this instance. You can’t do things right when you take short cuts.
You need to cultivate patience. This is what will lead you to success. At the same time, you have to be careful not to confuse patience with procrastination. You must be patient and active at the same time. Only wait for the ball when it is out of your hands. You still have to position yourself well to be able to receive the ball again, which is what I mean by being patient and active. Don’t wait with the ball in your court. This is what we call procrastination. When it is time to take actions, take actions and practise patience when the odds are out of your hands. Act on your dreams with patience.
Understand your emotions
Emotions are unpredictable; don’t depend on them totally without logical reasoning. Understand their nature as described in this book. They move from feeling good to feeling bad, then back to good and so on. Understanding this about your emotions allows you to not make decisions based totally on them. If we all acted on our emotions I don’t know what this world would be like. I think chaos is a good term. Have integrity, act from good reasoning, from life purpose; your purpose about your life.
Wealth path
We all have goals or dreams about our dream job, relationships and lifestyle, and look at the steps we need to follow to be rich in all parts of our life. You must aim at achieving your goals on all three levels. You must not treat them as the same, and you must not think that money will sort out all of your problems so you will just focus on having a lot of money. This will make you fail; you will not achieve your goal of having wealth because you are not specific about what you want. We are not after money here, we are after growth on all three levels and mostly, the happiness that comes with growth and being satisfied by our achievements.
The way that works the best when setting goals is to look at all parts of your life, especially your career, relationships and lifestyle, see which parts you are not happy with then work towards changing them to how you would like them to be. Let’s start with your career. You must have an idea of what you would like to do for a living, what you want to be in your life, and what you want to be to other people.
When your current work has nothing to do with what you would like to be, you have to quit or use the income you get to move towards
what you would like to do for a living. Start with that. Change your career to your dream career, to doing what you enjoy the most, because you will do well at a career that you love.
You can start your career at a lower level than is required by circumstances to start, but at least you will have increased possibilities of reaching your goals. You can be a nurse in the hospital if being a doctor is what you aspire to. As long as you are surrounded by people who do what you aspire to, this will keep you motivated. Don’t do something that is too far from the career you want to pursue.
The closer you are to the career you aspire to, the better your possibilities are of getting into that career. For example, a guy who is interested in being a musician can look for any work at music show venues, at a music studio or at the record store. This gives him an opportunity to stay focused and interested because he always sees the dream. It also gives him the opportunity to meet with people who might help him realise his dream career.
So it is very important that you find a way to keep the dream career alive by doing activities that relate to the career by exposing yourself to the field you want to get into. People must not look at starting big and already on level 50 when they still haven’t done level one. You must know that there are levels to your career. Don’t shy away from starting as small as you can. You must start as small as you can and grow from there. This is how it is likely to happen. There will be no overnight success, and sometimes you might not even get paid for what you do when you start with your career. You can progress gradually to being paid as you become good at what you do, which is your dream career. This is what you want to do and be.
The same applies to your relationships, your social life, and how things stand at the moment. What would you like to improve? Depending on your love life and how you want it to be, you build up your goals to achieving it by following the appropriate steps like dating and having your financial status in order, and then when you see fit, getting married or starting a family. All this needs to be planned. You don’t just jump into things as they might limit your chances of a successful and happy life.
What is your lifestyle like now? How would you like it to be, and what would you like to change about it? You then go towards changing it to what you want it to be. This is simple, given that you know what you want. It becomes easy when you tackle these issues separately, because you realise that you are in control and increase your chances of success.
Quality of life
We all want to live our best lives. We want all the comfort and happiness the world can offer. The quality of life is determined by you. No one else can decide the quality of life you live besides you, mostly because even your meaning of success or the quality of life is unique to yourself. To some people booze and girls equal success and the feeling of ‘this is the life’. Those are the symbols of success and a good quality life for these men.
If you tell these people that they are poor or are lacking in something, they will disagree with you and they are right, it is their measure of success and by their measure of success they are very wealthy and happy. If you tell them that there’s more to life they will not listen, also because they are just not interested in what more life has to offer. Now, to you, what life do you aspire to? What does a good quality life means to you? What is success to you?
Know this, it is the reward you will get for the hard work you are about to put in for your future. It is what you work for; it will be the motive that will drive you to your success. In the creation of money, it is not about the money at the end of the day, it is about the things you get with the money, the things that money can buy. Know them, decide on what it is that you want and go for it; use it as the motive for your activities and projects.
You must always remember that wealth is all about the quality of life. Money is not wealth, it is just a part of wealth but it is not everything when it comes to wealth. Your main focus must be on improving your quality of life, in all parts of your life. You must strive to make every part of your life satisfactory to yourself; that is being wealthy.
Wealth is ownership
You can’t say you are financially independent when you don’t own your financial resources. Every employee can’t say they are independent, as they are dependent on their employer. You must work towards owning your financial resources, that’s when you become in control, that’s when you make decisions. You must own shares, a portfolio of businesses and investments, and do contract work; this is the new wealth path; this is how you become wealthy. Own your income resources; that is true independence. You must work from being employed to be the employer. Employment is just a ladder towards ownership. Climb up, and be the employer. We must all work towards that.
Jobs must be the business entry level for the young guys who are just starting out and learning the ropes. Wealth is ownership. You are not well off when you owe the bank thousands, and the bank owns the house, the car and the plasma TV and you believe you are the owner. If you are in this position the first thing you must do is work towards getting out of that situation.
Be aware of false ownership. Work towards owning your income resources because that is taking ownership of your future. Building your success on debt is like building your house on quicksand with no foundation. If that single income is disturbed in any way, everything falls apart.
You must strive to take ownership of the things you want in your life. Understand that the basis of wealth is ownership, and that you are not wealthy if you don’t own your possessions. It is very important that you first start by taking ownership of your life – this is what will lead you to wealth. Ownership of life means no more room to blame other people for your problems; it means taking responsibility of your life and where you want it to go. Be the driver and call the shots in your life. This is how you become successful.
Wealth creation
Creating value is a process of turning material things into value using our brains. This means you need more than just your brain; you need knowledge. This is very important because a brain without knowledge has limited ideas. You won’t be able to create something valuable, something that will bring you wealth, when you can’t come up with great ideas. This is exactly why knowledge is vital for your success. It is not for you to get hired. Education is not for you to qualify for a certain job; education is for your brain to start thinking on another level, which will give you an advantage in the creation of value that can bring you true wealth. Education is about exploring your interests and discovering your potential.
There is another important point about knowledge. I use knowledge here other than using education because there is a difference. There is no formal knowledge – knowledge is knowledge and unlike the common belief, you don’t need any educational qualification to find wealth. You need knowledge, which is attainable in many ways other than just through an educational institution. Knowledge is vital because it teaches you how to do things, and it is more practical than when you follow the educational system. There is more theory than practice in our education system, which makes seeking practical knowledge on whatever it is that you want to create vital for your success. Don’t only read about things; make them.
This is what I want to point out; since you have to turn thoughts to reality using physical matter, knowledge helps you to know where to find this physical matter. You must also learn how what you want to create was once created before, so that you can improve on what is already there. It also gives you the ability to compete with what you’ve created, given the fact that you know where to source raw material for your creation. Through knowledge you are able to find the cheaper way of creating your value which will result in a cheaper price in the market to give you an advantage over your competitors or more profits because of your low production costs. That’s how simple wealth is; this is how you create value and become wealthy.
We need to change the common belief about education, that you need qualifications to be hired. I promise you this, if you can create v
alue for any company and show them what value you can create for them, they will hire you even if hiring people was not in their plans. Just because you showed them the value you can add to their business, they will give you the business deal.
You can also access education in an informal way. If you can’t afford school, this is no longer an excuse for not progressing in life. You can now educate yourself; you can now learn things. You just have to find out what fascinates you. Learn about it, buy books and read about it by yourself. Do research through the internet and any other way you can. Start creating the value you want to create, because you will now have the knowledge needed. It is that simple. Success doesn’t rely on formal education. If you can have formal education, good for you, but if you can’t, that is not an excuse not to learn and know things.
When it comes to wealth, what matters most is that you are able to apply the knowledge you have, and are able to create value based on what you have learned. That’s why there are so many people with degrees and other qualifications still struggling, because it is not the qualification that makes money, it is the ability to create value that makes money. If you create value, you make money. That’s all you have to do, create value. Employed or unemployed, investment capital or none, anyone can do this. You don’t need a company to do this; you can start working on creating value with what you have today.
Accumulation of wealth
People must understand that wealth is accumulated; it is not something that happens overnight. It takes time and smart working. Just like you plant a tree and irrigate it, take care of it and make sure there are no weeds, you do the same with wealth. You might start very small but as long as you are consistent and nurture your wealth generating plant, it will grow into a giant tree. There is no quick fix when it comes to wealth accumulation, and no short cuts. You must apply yourself to achieve any true success.
Money- Wealth Creation Guide Page 27