The Venerate Order

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The Venerate Order Page 11

by Troy Dukart

  “It’s you,” I mumbled.

  He turned to me, but his face was darkened by his hood, “I’ve been waiting for you for a long time. Much too long.“

  “Waiting for me? I don’t even know who you are,” I responded.

  “You’re funny!” the boy chuckled, “But I need you to listen to me Strafe. This is very important; I cannot stay here for very long.”

  “Is this a dream or are we in New Santa Barbara?” I looked around for anything to confirm for myself.

  “We are in a dream Strafe, but I am real. I can only see you here for a short time; the bad-man will come soon. Ever since you came into Eternia, I’ve been with you. That sword you carry holds the key to ending this war; it is also a vassal which allows me to communicate with you,” the boy explained.

  “Why are you helping me? Did I die in that battle?” I asked.

  “No, you are not dead. Someone else saved you. I need your help Strafe, the bad-man is too scary for me. The God-Blade has many secrets, and what was unlocked your super strength. It can also help get rid of the bad-man,” the boy said as he pointed to my sword.

  “Who is this bad-man? What’s your name?” I tried to get closer but he backed away.

  “I can’t tell you that, yet. If I tell you too much, he will really hurt me. Stay with your new friends and make your way to the World’s Nation in a country called Crotona. You will be able to get the help you will need to fight the Senti. I will see you soon,” the boy instructed as he waved goodbye.

  Before I could ask another question, the ground started to shake. I looked over my shoulder and saw that the water was rising in the ocean like a tsunami. The tsunami crashed down on the town and came roaring towards me. As soon as the tsunami was about to engulf me, I woke up.

  Chapter 15 /

  The Reason



  where did everyone go?

  I was in a dark and damp cave, at the edge of a waterfall, overlooking a bright hilly valley. My hair was drenched, so I shook it like Strafe’s wolf and rubbed my eyes. “Hello!?! Strafe-Sah!? Brutus-Sah? Zon-Sah? Rousseau-Sah? Are any of you there?” my voice echoed through the cave, but no response was returned.

  We were just about to be destroyed by that cannon, but I am sure He saved us, Guardian. “Thank you my old friend, you are still looking after me,” I whispered while looking to the heavens.

  Why am I here? I closed my eyes to find Strafe and the others; I could see them far off in the valley. A note dropped out of my pocket I would never be without. Whenever I needed strength I would read it. After picking it up carefully, I looked at the note to fill my heart with joy. It was from the love of my life.

  People search the world looking for a love like yours.

  -Forever my heart belongs to you,


  Tears start flowing down my face like this waterfall. It felt like a million years since he passed away. The pain of missing him was still too great. It was one year ago that I watched him die in my arms. “Falco, my love,” I muttered with a tear in my eye.

  “Rooooyaaaa!” the memory of his voice played in my mind, “Get out of here!”


  Falco, a warrior in our tribe back in my native country Zindaqe, was unlike anyone else. Kind, brave and loyal to his friends, he made me feel whole. I met him when I was seventeen and he was eighteen. For five years we were inseparable. We went diving in the oceans, played sports with our friends and grew up together. We fell in love along the way. Unfortunately, because of what I was destined to be, he died to save me a year ago.

  “How dare you hide this from us! You are forbidden to love any man! You are to become a Lady!” my father scolded me.

  “Without Falco, my heart beats not! Daddy, stop them from doing this!” I begged on my hands and knees.

  I was from the Dream Islands, it’s a place near the coast off northern Zindaqe. Very tropic and beautiful, it was a paradise to live in. In my culture we were ruled by a chosen Lady of the Isle. The title often goes to the most beautiful girl after the previous Lady of the Isle dies. Out of the one hundred women who entered, I was voted to be the next leader of my tribe. I didn’t want this, but my father insisted because the family of the Lady of the Isle becomes rich. Unfortunately the new Lady of the Isle must make grand sacrifices set up by our ancestors from thousands of years ago. One of these sacrifices is she must never be with a man. She must take a vow of celibacy.

  “Falco! Wait for me! I need you!” I pleaded as I grabbed his arm.

  “Roya my love, you must forget about me. They will kill us. For both our sakes, I must leave,” Falco gently brushed my arm off.

  “Without you, I AM dead Falco. You can’t stop me, I’m coming with you. I love you,” I told him as I caressed his face.

  Falco hesitated but then held his arms open, and I ran into him.

  “You’re not changing your mind I see. Maybe in Crotona we can find a new life,” Falco said as he kissed me.

  These memories were as beautiful as they were painful. Like a rose garden, one had to be careful when navigating them. By now I was sobbing against the wall. All of this fighting is not what I wanted, only to be with him and live in peace.

  “There they are! Get them before they get on that boat!” one of our Dream Island Warriors told his men.

  “Roya! Run!” Falco yelled we ran toward our getaway boat.

  We were to board a boat heading toward Crotona, a country on the other side of the Metagean Ocean. It was supposed to be a place where people could escape their past. A place that championed equality and justice. It was supposed to be where I had my baby.

  “Don’t you touch her! I’ll kill you!” Falco screamed.

  He was fighting with the Warriors of our tribe. They used to look up to him as their leader but now they were his enemy. I was fighting too but I got wrestled down to the ground. They eventually subdued Falco too.

  “Can’t you see we only want to be free? My brothers, please, let us leave. Roya is with child!” Falco held his dignity while kneeling.

  “Brother Falco, we have been sent by the Chief. He told us to bring her back, at all cost. If you are no longer alive, she will have no reason to leave,” the lead Warrior replied to him.

  “NOOOO!!!” I screamed.

  “Itust,” Falco tried to get one of the warriors attention, but he kept his eyes to the floor, “Itust! LOOK AT ME!!! Promise me you will take care of my child and wife. She will live a life in shame if she returns to the Islands. If you have to kill me to satisfy the Tribe, to say that she got away, then do it. I will not have her go back to that place,” Falco bargained.

  ”Falco! If you die, I die too!” I cried.

  “Is that so Roya-Sah? You chose yourself over your tribe. And what of your family? Your mother? Your father? Your sister? What do I tell them? That you don’t care enough about them to do the right thing?” Itust asked me.

  “Itust, we are born alone but we choose who we die with. You grew up with us, why can’t you see this is what we want!?” I expressed.

  “Enough of this. You must die Falco, for defiling our Tribe’s honor,” the lead Warrior interrupted.

  Just as he was about to slice across Falco’s throat, Itust broke ranks and tackled him. Falco managed to break free in the surprise and fend off the two Warriors who had him pinned down. I was punched me in my stomach and got the wind knocked out of me. I laid on the ground as they rushed forward with their swords drawn.

  As I struggled to catch my breath, Falco and Itust fought for our freedom. Slowly, I got to my feet and went to help in the fight. Running forward I dropkicked one of the Warriors in the back and sent him to the ground. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the Leader coming at me with his sword. It was too late.

  There was a flash out of the corner of my eye and a sharp pain in my stomach. I got impaled, but only an inch. Falco had stepped in front of me.

  “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!” I screamed.

I felt a burning sensation all over my body. Yellow tattoos etched into my skin and a burst of energy shot out from around me. The Leader got knocked away and hit his head on a rock, leaving him unconscious. Itust had taken down the rest of the Warriors

  “Roya,” Falco clutched his wound as I held him, “You must get medical help. You and the child must live.”

  “Falco! We’re going to Crotona! Itust, help me get him on that boat!” I told Itust.

  It was a large boat that was used to ferry people back and forth across the ocean. Itust helped me bring Falco aboard and to look for supplies. Falco was losing lots of blood. His face was so pale. After a few minutes he called out to me.

  “Roya. I want you to be the last thing I see before I die,” Falco told me.

  “Falco, we found some supplies! We can help you!” I assuaged him through my tears.

  “I’ve lost too much blood my love, and I can’t move my legs. There aren’t many bandages, and you need to save the baby,” Falco indicated.

  “I will get her to Crotona my brother,” Itust comforted.

  Falco shook his hand and nodded. He then looked into my eyes and said, “You have the Power of Love. Promise me you will find the others. You have been chosen for something greater than yourself. Don’t worry, I will be waiting for you Roya. You’re everything I’ve ever wanted.”

  ”I promise you my love, I will live my life,” I sobbed as I caressed his face.

  Falco smiled. Then, with one last breath, he passed away.


  Itust and I managed to make it across the ocean to Crotona. We buried him there after we landed. I had to be taken to a hospital to treat my wound which had become infected. After surgery, the doctors gave me the bad news that my womb had been breached. Our child didn’t make it. I also, could never have children again. If it wasn’t for the promise I made to Falco, I would’ve jumped off the balcony of my hospital room.

  Itust stood by my side like the loyal friend he’d always been. Itust grew up with us and was Falco’s best mate. He also investigated more into the Guardian Power I had recently received. He read of a prophecy of the Guardians meeting in Soria. That was where we would go after I healed. Unfortun-ately, some of the authorities had heard we were wanted back in Zindaqe and were coming to get us. Itust had to sneak me out of the hospital. He had enough money on him to buy me a boat ride to Dhenfen’Ce. Just as he got me on the boat, the police arrived and were looking for us.

  “Good luck Lady Roya. I wish I could come with you,” Itust said to me.

  “Itust, you are a true brother,” I replied as I gave him a big hug.

  “I will distract them. Hurry! Find the Guardians!” Itust yelled as he ran toward the police to distract them.

  As the boat drifted away from shore, I watched the police apprehend Itust. They walked him to their car and that was the last time I saw him.

  Ever since then I’d been looking for Strafe-Sah and the others. It was Falco’s dying wish. That is the reason I push forward.

  Chapter 16/



  I was torn on whether I loved or hated this new world.

  Back on Earth, humanity realized that endless war would destroy everything we love. Outlawing war worldwide was a gift to all of the fallen servicemen and women who died trying to achieve that dream. I never had to face death or see so much of it growing up.

  Even in my small experience in combat, it was starting to wear on me. I knew then why people used to say, “Thank you for your service.” It was because what a soldier does never washes away. We take for granted the psychological and physical strain the armed forces go through. It’s something only someone who’s been through can truly understand.

  I grew up in a Christian household, but hadn’t quite found my faith growing up. My Native-American side held mixed feelings of pride and sadness. I was proud to be part of such a proud people, but because my father had left my mother sometimes I’d be angry with that part of me. I didn’t like to think of his blood flowing through mine. I was nothing like him.

  So many people had died, and I didn’t really even know why yet. All I knew was the Senti seemed to be the aggressor and they were after the Guardian Keys. There had to be more to all of this. Maybe the Guardian Keys were a way back to Earth? I had to find Yessa, my family and figure out what was going on with Gain. How could he betray us like that?

  The people said that the outlaw of war was God’s gift to the Earth. I carried the God Blade, a weapon capable of mass destruction. If humans were capable of creating their own peace on Earth, why did I find this sword there? Did He not trust enough to decide our fate? Or was it always meant to be found in times of need?


  Sunlight pouring over mountains woke me. It was bright and it took a few minutes for my eyes to adjust. These dreams I had, they weren’t just figments of my imagination, that boy was real. Who are you Barzakh?

  I took a deep breath. We survived Dhenfen’Ce. Brutus came over and rubbed his check on mine and kissed me.

  “Ahhh! Seems part of you won’t change. You always were affectionate,” I noted as I rubbed his face.

  “We all need to be there for each other Strafe. I am your spirit animal after all,” Brutus cuddled next to me.

  This place we awoke in didn’t look like Soria. There were huge grassy hills and a giant waterfall to east. Rousseau was fast asleep further down in the valley. I looked around and saw Zon standing on top of a hill looking for us when we met eyes. I waved to him, but he didn’t reply. He kept his hand on his sword sheath and made his way over. Roya was nowhere to be seen.

  “So this is what resurrection feels like,” I yawned.

  “You are merely in shell-shock,” Zon insisted.

  “That guy, Barzakh, there was something strange about him. I felt like, I knew him,” I said.

  “If that is how people from your world greet each other, I will never travel there. Whoever that Barzakh was, they are a murderer. No doubt we will see him again. If you are soft with him, he will kill you before you can blink,” Zon replied coldly.

  “There was more to him than you might have seen with your eyes Zon. I could smell something very wrong inside him. Like, there were two beings in the same body,” Brutus added.

  “Two beings? So now we are talking about a demon? That sounds as ridiculous as the thought of us being chosen by a God to hold power,” Zon objected.

  As things were getting awkward, we heard someone chirp in we were all too familiar with, “Don’t mind him Strafe, he’s just a little jet lagged and crabby.” Rousseau rushed over to us.

  “I was hoping you’d stay asleep a little longer,” Zon ribbed playful as he crossed his arms.

  “It ain’t the same without me baby! Aw, damn!” Rousseau sang as he tripped over a rock while petting Brutus.

  “Easy there deadeye. Something teleported us away from that cannon,” I concluded.

  “So, not to get off topic, but can I ride your wolf too?” Rousseau asked on his hands and knees.

  “I don’t know, ask him,” I responded.

  “Can I. . .” Rousseau began but was interrupted.

  “Don’t even think about it,” Brutus told him in a joking manner.

  Trying to get back on a serious note I pointed out, “We must’ve survived the blast and were thrown here. Maybe there is another force at play here we don’t know about.”

  “The Senti must be playing mind tricks on us. Manipulation is the height of demoralization. They probably dumped us off here after the battle,” Zon replied.

  “Think what you want, but your Pride, your Power of Pride is unlike anything I have ever seen. You were untouchable on that Senti ship. Our power had to come from somewhere, especially for me since I’m not even from Eternia. I think it’s why we survived Dhenfen’Ce,” I said to Zon.

  He opened his eyes wide and looked down to see blue tattoos on his arms which he rubbed away. Zon was strong, but stubborn to admit the tr

  “Where is Roya?” Zon said, trying to change the subject.

  “I can feel her; but she’s far away. When I first met her, she let me know I could always find her,” I explained as I closed my eyes.

  I stood up and looked around until I could see a yellow dot in my mind’s eye. She was east of us.

  “There she is!” I pointed.

  “How is that possible?” Rousseau said.

  “Here, I can share it with you too as well! That way we will never get separated,” I suggested.

  Rousseau and Brutus formed a circle with me as we waited for Zon, who remained where he was.

  “C’mon you bugger!” Rousseau waved to him him.

  “I will meet you at the bottom of the ridge,” he said as he made his way down. It seemed like he didn’t want anything to do with location sharing.

  Rousseau and I put an arm on each other’s shoulder and one hand each on Brutus. A red aura formed around me and I pushed it towards the group. It flowed around their bodies before disappearing. Rousseau did the same thing to us, with a green aura that I absorbed. Brutus’ orange aura shot between both of us. We now could find each other anywhere in the world.

  “Don’t get any funny ideas with this now chap! I don’t need anybody walking in when I’m on the ducer!” Rousseau joked.

  “And I don’t need you busting in when I find my girlfriend!” I joked back.

  “We’ll find her for ya mate. You’ll owe me big time when we do though!” Rousseau heckled.

  “Knowing you, you probably have a couple girls waiting for you back home don’t you?” I smiled back.

  Rousseau smirked and looked slightly uncomfortable. He was about to say something when Zon called to us, “We need to get going!”

  “I know where we are,” Rousseau said as he turned back to me, “We are in Yuwheria. My lovely home-sweet-home.”


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