The Venerate Order

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The Venerate Order Page 18

by Troy Dukart

  It came down to the final minute, as the game stayed at 29-24. We needed to score big to win, and they started to play very defensively by just tossing the ball around to kill the clock. The Highlanders’ Forwards stayed back near the goal line and the Guards stayed in front of them; they were daring us to make a throw from long-distance. We knew we had to give it a try. Our Forwards ran down the middle to clear up it up for us and we stayed close behind them. Charity had the ball and Roya was running in front of her. The entire Highlanders team began to converge on us but we had a plan. Charity threw toward the Goal Zone. Roya then flipped over a large Forward and made her way after the ball.

  It began to sink and I fell to my knees and grabbed my face with both of my hands; I thought it was the end, but something amazing happened. There was a strong breeze and when I looked back up at the ball, it had landed in Roya’s hands in the Goal Zone. We won the game with zero seconds left on the clock, 30-29. The crowd went wild. Nobody gave us a chance to win, but our team came through.

  The Highlanders were extremely graceful about the game and we all gave each other hugs and shook hands after the match. We waved to the crowd and the King declared us the winner of the match. We then returned to our locker room.

  “Hell’ova game there mates!” Rousseau cheered to us, “I could barely stay on the edge of my seat!”

  “Damnit there sisters! Ye saved our arses again! Ahahaha,” Captain Cali told Charity and Roya as he hugged them both.

  “That’s my job!” Charity replied.

  “Well, alright ye blokes! We get to watch the next three matches and take on the winner of the Cladion Gladiators an’ Jenion SilverStones game before we win the Violet Division! ARRRRR!!!” Captain Cali screamed.

  We all cheered with excitement. Before we headed back to the locker room, I pulled Captain Cali to the side, “Captain, thanks for letting me play today, that was incredible.”

  Captain Cali took a breath in and out and looked back and said, “Arr, I know ye were able to do it, ye just needed some motivation. Everything I do Strafey has a purpose ye know. Put ye faith in me an ye will be rewarded.”

  “Yes sir. It helps to keep my mind off all this crap going on in the world,” I said as I pointed to my head.

  Captain crossed his arms and looked into my eyes deeply, “Hmm, Rousseau said ye all was special. I am grateful to have ye around Strafey, to look after him. Go shower up.”

  The team cleaned up before returning to watch the games. After I got dressed, I saw Roya talking to somebody in a cloak, with a familiar sheath on their left side. It was Zon! I walked over and joined the conversation. “Zon! You’re alright!” I said as I went to hi-five him, which just shook his head to, “You’re looking very stealthy today!”

  “For good reason. It was wrong to come here,” Zon grunted to us coldly.

  “Zon-Sah, is there a danger nearby?” Roya asked as she touched his arm.

  “There is always going to be danger,” Zon responded, “Where is Rousseau?”

  “I know that he is not here Zon-Sah. We haven’t seen him since the end of the match. Do you wish to have conversation with him?” Roya inquired.

  “Tell him that he has set all of us in danger by bringing us here. I must go, and help my clan prepare to evacuate. Keep the King distracted with these games. I will see you soon,” Zon commanded coldly before he walked away.

  Roya and I went and sat down on the benches near where we kept our swords. “All of us in danger?” I said.

  “Whisper Warriors are, how do you say, investigators Strafe-Sah. I have been around many of them, all very diligent. Maybe he found out what happened,” Roya replied.

  “I wouldn’t be surprised if the Senti were involved,” I said as we walked out with the rest of the team.

  After a while, Rousseau came out and sat with us, but kept to himself for the most part. It wasn’t normal for him. We watched the rest of the games for the day before going to sleep.

  Chapter 26/



  Castle Bell Royal was destroying the competition.

  We had to wait until the afternoon for our match because Castle Bell Royal was playing against Bhaught United. Let me just say, it was an ugly game to watch. Castle Bell Royal crushed them 51-10. The starting Masterback on Bhaught United got a nasty leg break at the beginning of the second quarter, and it all just tumbled downhill for them after that. Castle Bell was the real deal, and I heard they dealt a similar defeat to their previous opponent as well, something like 45-21 in the first round.

  Their play was as spectacular as their uniforms. They were covered in Royal Armor except for their forearms and hands! I asked Charity if that was legal, and she told me that the armor was fake, it was just pads with chrome paint. I laughed and told her that I still didn’t want to be clipped by any of them!

  After the stomp of Bhaught United by Castle Bell Royal, we suited up against Jenion SilverStones in the Violet Division Championship. Jenion was known for having extremely quick Guards and we had to rely on playing good defense and our Forwards to win the game. The game was full of excitement but once the third quarter hit, we stayed in control of the match and ended up winning 28-17. Roya scored twice and Charity managed to pass to three different scorers. The crowd went wild after we won. We were ranked number eight in the tournament and went on to beat the second and sixth seeded teams. The next day, we were to play for the national championship against Castle Bell Royal. Our confidence was at an extremely high level and we felt unstoppable. Captain Cali was sure enjoying our victories, because he had every other Rodin Pirate not playing to bet their money on us, and he was making a small fortune.

  We were treated by the King himself to a grand meal that was delivered to our quarters. At first a few of the players thought the food could’ve been poisoned, but when Brutus smelled it and gave us the okay, everyone except Rousseau dug in. The meal was incredible; freshly picked local berries that glowed in neon colors, roasted meat with mashed potatoes, steamed vegetables, and a local dessert called Swoosh which tasted like cheesecake. It was probably the best meal I had since my journey began.

  I got undressed and laid sideways in my bed. Brutus laid next to me as I pulled out a picture of him, Yessa, Gain, and I back home in New Santa Barbara. It got me so homesick, and even brought a tear to my eye. Something in my heart told me though that it would never be the same as it was before. It was almost like that was in a different lifetime. Roya opened my door and sat next to me and rubbed her fingers up and down my chest. I still had a tear in my eye, “You’re always catching me at the strangest times.”

  “We must always be there for each other Strafe, until this journey is done,” Roya assuaged as she kissed the back of my neck. She leaned over and saw the picture I was looking at and asked about it, “Is that her?”

  “Yup. I have no idea where she is. All I know is the damn Senti are involved. How did they get to Gain!? What is his deal?” I explained to her.

  “We’ll find them. I promise you,” Brutus said as he rubbed his face against mine, “You should get to sleep; we got the championship match tomorrow!”

  “Yeah, I hear ya. We’re gonna kick their asses!” I smiled.

  She moved in to kiss me, but I kept thinking about Yessa and gently pulled away. Guilt from sleeping with her was setting in. “I’m sorry Roya,” I said.

  “No, I understand. It was. . . wrong of me to do this. Please forgive me,” Roya replied.

  She turned around, but I grabbed her hand, “You don’t have to leave.”

  “You afraid of the dark Strafe-Sah? You have Brutus-Sah to protect you,” Roya said.

  “Yeah, but who’s going to protect him?” I joked back.

  She smiled and sat down on the bed. I needed to be near someone, just like she did. Even hugging someone can heal the deepest of wounds.

  She looked into my eyes, “Strafe, when this tournament is over, we must go to my country, Zindaqe. I am fearing for their s

  “But I thought we were going to the World Nations and ask for help,” I asked as I pushed up off my back.

  “Strafe, the thing is, I know that the Senti will attack my country next. We are. . . protecting a Guardian Key,” she admitted.

  “Shit,” I said as I rub my face, “You’re certain of this? How do they know where these damn things are?”

  “Guardian Keys are linked to one another, and only those with Guardian Powers are able to activate and use them. The Senti are moving from country to country in search of them, and I fear that my home is in danger,” Roya explained.

  I stroked her hair and looked into her eyes, “I’ll talk to Rousseau and tell him that’s where we need to go. I was hoping to see how you lived here on Eternia,” I assuaged.

  “Strafe,” Roya said.

  “Yes?” I replied.

  “They have Yessa there too.”

  Chapter 27/

  A merry Moment


  There was a different smell in the air and no, I didn't fart.

  The kind of smell one senses when something grand was about to happen. Today was the King’s Tournament Finale, and we underdog Rodin Pirates were to stick it to those goody-two-shoe bastards, Castle Bell Royal. The moment Tom woke up, he began where he left off partying from last night. The locker room was full of excitement. There was a ton of money and fame to be claimed, and nobody wanted to ravel in it more or less than me. It was mine after all.

  I love me a good party, but heavy thoughts of the Crown echoed in my mind. Every moment he was King was a disgrace to my mum and dad. This cheeky bastard wouldn’t get away with this. Strafe’s wolf Brutus looked up at me as I got out of bed. He was lying with another Whitecloud, “Hubba hubba!”

  “Goof-ball,” Brutus replied as bumped his head into me on his way out.

  I walked outside the room, ran up to Strafe and grabbed him by the shoulders, “STRAFE! You ready for the big day!?!”

  “Hell yeah! But, before that, can I talk to you?” he looked concerned.

  “I see your wolfie is making some good friends! Hehe, ya, I was going to get some breakfast, let’s chat on biscuits and sausage, shall we?” I insisted. He nodded his head and we walked to the breakfast room.

  On the way he told me about what Roya felt and how he needed to go to Zindaqe after the tournament was done; we continued the discussion while eating.

  “This is quite interesting as it is troubling my dear chap,” I said with a mouth-full of biscuit, “Did she say how she knew this?”

  “She said she had a dream about it. I was skeptical at first too, but with the dreams I’ve been having lately I’m not taking anything for granted. I need to ask Captain Cali if we can go there after we win this thing,” he replied.

  “Well,” I said after I swallowed my biscuit and drink, “What about the World’s Nations? I thought we were going to ask for their help?”

  “Listen, I understand the importance of doing that, but I need to save my girlfriend. I’ll go by myself if I have to,” Strafe expressed.

  I looked at him with conviction and raised eyebrow, “How’s that gonna work with Roya?”

  There was a pause and look of confusion on his face, “Hahahaha! JK mate! I’m saying that right, right? You know, I had a dream last night too, and in this dream we were in Zindaqe. I didn’t think much of it, but now since you told me Roya had the same dream, I know we have to go there.”

  “Rousseau, Zon said he wanted to talk to you, last I saw him. He said there was a lot of danger in coming here. What exactly is going on here? What did you see between the Prince and the old King?” Strafe leaned in.

  This was a sore spot for me, and telling them the truth wasn’t something I could commit to, yet. Tom told me this was stupid coming here like this. The moment I was found alive I would be executed on the spot. So, I wiped my mouth with a napkin and reassured him, “Well, being the most handsome and dashing person on the planet gets me a lot of haters my friend! Ha-ha, don’t you think this tournament is rigged? I’ve known that my whole life, and I have proof. Besides seeing the King get murdered, you know. Anyway, I’ll talk to the Captain and we can discuss how we want to proceed after this is done. But for now, let’s go ace these fools!”

  Everyone got dressed and gathered in the ramp leading up to the stadium entrance. Even walking down the hall we could hear the crowd roaring; this event was the most watched in Yuwheria for the entire year.

  Sunshine pierced through the crack between the two metal doors we stood behind and when they opened we rushed through holding up our banners and arms high. Brutus led the way as our mascot. Confetti was falling all around us along with smoke and fireworks in the background. We ran to the middle of the field and greeted the 100,000 attendee crowd in the stands.

  “My number one fans! I love you!” I yelled.

  There was a large video screen that caught Tom’s eye and we all turned toward it after he started jumping up and down, pointing his finger. People from cities across the country were being shown on the screen; they were going out of their minds! We looked up and saw them holding up the Rodin Pirates colors and wearing our uniforms; it really pumped the team up!

  “LET’S DO THIS!!!!! YOU BLOKES CAN’T MESS WITH US!!!!” I screamed before the lights dimmed down and the crowd went silent.

  Only the breeze could be heard as we stood and waited in anticipation. Smoke started to form from the Castle Bell Royal entrance and gold sparkles began to drape the entire stadium. An instrumental version of the National Anthem began to play and then shadowy figures began to appear in the smoke.

  “Over dramatic. Even for dreamy boys,” I muttered.

  At first they looked like monsters because all I could see was glowing red eyes and huge black figures but as they emerged through the smoke I could see the players riding on red and blue colored horses.

  They were completely armored, along with carrying lances and shields. The Captain of their team led them on the field and they raced toward us. He was a close friend, and old lover of mine. We stood in the middle as they rode in a circle around us. I couldn’t help but think that they might’ve found out who I was and we were being arrested but it was only for show.

  The players slowed down, turned and faced us. When they did they held their lances high and as the song ended they slammed them down and pointed them toward us.

  “I think they just took a dump on us,” I whispered to the group.

  “Arg me boy, they only talk big,” Tom boasted to us before he turned to them, “Hey! Ye ready to play or are ye all here to just look like pretty boys!?!”

  The Castle Bell Captain, who wore a decorative helmet with red feathers sprouting out of the middle and the Yuwherian flag bannered across his chest, approached on his horse and snapped,

  “You’ll be lucky to stand, let alone speak, after we descend on this field. We act in the name of the King and God, and we will defend this honor with our lives if we have to.”

  “Hahahaha, It’s just a tourney me boy! No sense killin’ ye self when ye lose!” Tom retorted.

  “Get to your sideline you filthy hoodlums and let’s get this over with,” the Captain of Castle Bell commanded, he gave me a double-look before turning around.

  They got to their sideline and waved their lances in the air; the crowd went wild.

  “I have a feeling that is not good Rousseau,” Roya said to me.

  I touched her on the shoulder and reassured, “Did you see how scared they were!? You’re gonna destroy these guys! And I’ll be right there to cheer you on! GO GET’EM!”

  Our team ran over to our sideline and we waited for the King to give a speech. As he appeared, the crowd stood on their feet and gave him an ovation. He was dressed in my father’s royal garb and the crown he wore was made of white diamonds. It was hard to determine what was shining brighter, the sun or the King himself. As he approached the stage, I could see his drapery touched the floor behind him. His Majesty
was some sight to see, even if there was some puke in my mouth.

  The microphone emerged from the floor he was walking on and rose up to his mouth, he grabbed it with one hand and waved to the crowd. The noise was intense and he had to motion for them to be quiet before anything he said could be audible.

  “My fellow Yuwherians and people from across the world! Welcome to the GRAND FINALE!!! Today is the day you’ve all been waiting for with measured patience! All of the blood, sweat and tears has led to this very moment! The surprising underdogs from the southern shore, the Rodin Pirates, have survived long enough to take on your defending champions for half a decade, CASTLE BELL ROYAL!!!” King Abel Othen the VII shouted.

  As he did, Castel Bell Royal bent down on one knee and saluted the King.

  “Now my dear Yuwherians, let us see a game of the ages! LET US SEE A CHAMPION RISE!!! BRAVE-BALLERS!!! BEGIN THE MATCH!!!” King Othen the VII commanded as he pointed to us.

  Right before a game was always the best part for me because I knew that we controlled our own destiny. The rush it gave me helped lift my spirits and pumped me up for what was to come. I knew we could beat these assholes, and so did the team. I wanted to get on the field, but the exposure was too risky. We were going to win that championship; they didn’t need my help to get there besides being the water boy. Tom stood next to me and held my hand as we walked to the sideline. The players moved to the Brave-Ball stations as the last of the confetti fell to the ground.

  Chapter 28/

  The Final Round


  we stood on the platform and knelt downin front of thousands.

  We all hugged and listened to Charity, “Alright chaps, this is it! We have the chance to bring in a new era to Brave-Ball and make our mark in history! This is for all of us! Don’t take any moment for granted and remember that nobody in their right mind thought we would be here! Let’s make sure they don’t ever second guess us again!”


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