Unbelievable: Haven Falls (Book 2)

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Unbelievable: Haven Falls (Book 2) Page 1

by Sheridan Anne

  © 2019 Sheridan Anne.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.

  All Rights Reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.

  Cover Design by: Sheridan Anne

  Photograph: Pawel Sierakowski

  Editing and Formatting by: Sheridan Anne

  Proofreading By: Jessie Lynn


  Alright, so maybe I’m not as much of a loser as I had thought.

  That was certainly proven as I took my rightful spot by Noah’s side. It’s exactly where I belong. Now my only challenge is holding on to it. Am I enough for him? or better yet, is he enough for me?

  I’ve gone through hell and back over the past few weeks. Falling for a guy like Noah Cage, the pack leader, isn’t exactly a walk in the park. Noah comes with a fan club; a wild pack of groupies, all of whom want nothing more than to take my place, and they don’t care if they need to draw blood to do it. Monica was proof of that.

  There’s no way I’m giving in that easy. I watched him slip through my fingers once. It won’t be happening again.

  Monica needs to pay for what she did to me and I sure as hell am going to use her as an example for everyone else. Henley Bronx is not a girl you want to mess with.

  From now on, I’m their new queen. They bow to me.

  Only, maybe it’s not them I need to be watching out for. Maybe this time, the threat is coming from somewhere else, somewhere I never thought to look, and it might just have the power to change me.

  WARNING: The Haven Falls Series is a Young Adult / New Adult Romance filled with LOL moments, teenage angst, and of course, all the swoon worthy moments I know you’re all dying for. This series is recommended for mature readers due to cursing and sexual content. If this offends you, then steer clear of this bad boy romance!

  For everyone else, dive in and have fun!



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Author Biography

  Other Books by Sheridan Anne

  Chapter 1

  I slam my foot on the gas of Noah’s white Camaro and grin to myself as Rivers' body is thrown back against the chair of the backseat, his legs flying up before he starts desperately scrambling around for something to hold onto.

  “Shit,” he grunts as Noah latches onto the ‘holy shit’ bar beside me, probably as panicked as Rivers, though he’d never show it.

  All I can do is laugh.

  This is going to be so much fun. I still can’t believe Noah’s letting me do this, but a dare is a dare and the second he claimed I was a pussy, I had no other choice but to go through with it.

  Noah gave me a crash course on how to actually do this, and here we are, about to do the stupidest thing Rivers could have possibly come up with. I knew getting involved in ‘Ultimate Truth or Dare’ with Tully, Noah, and Rivers was just asking for trouble, but who would have ever known this was going to happen?

  The Camaro shoots past the student parking lot and onto the back football field which hasn’t been used in years. I fly past the old burned bleachers and head towards my target - the very center of the football field.

  Dread fills me the closer I get, but I hardly have a chance to think about it. The car is moving too fast and before I know it, Noah is calling out, making sure I don’t miss my shot, “Now!”

  I don’t hesitate.

  I turn the steering wheel hard to the left and scream out as the back of the car spins out in a donut.

  Rivers is thrown across the back seat as I try to remember the importance of keeping my eyes open. I don’t let up on the gas and my knuckles on the steering wheel quickly turn bone white.

  “Fuck me,” Noah booms out as the feel of the car going around in circles starts to make me feel sick. “You’re actually doing it.”

  I scream out again, but this time it’s not filled with fear or panic, it’s downright heart racing, excitement. I glance up in the rear view mirror and take in the grass and mud being ripped up under the tires. “Shit, we’re going to get in so much trouble for this,” I laugh.

  “No, you’re going to get in so much trouble for this,” Rivers corrects me. “You’re the one behind the wheel.”

  “You’re the one who dared me,” I shoot back as I look across at Noah. “How do I make it stop?” I demand over the sound of Rivers’ howling laughter, the deafening music, and the sound of my pulse thumping in my ears.

  “Come off the gas and steer out of it,” Noah instructs, bracing himself against the dash as the wind whips through the window and splays my hair across my face.

  My eyes widen in fear. “What?” I demand. “Won’t it roll?”

  “No,” he laughs. “You’ll be fine.”

  I don’t move a muscle.

  “Just hit the brake,” Rivers calls out.

  “She’ll get stuck in all the mud.”


  “So?” Noah grunts with a scoff. “Who the hell is going to pull it out? Tully?”

  “Too fucking late,” I call over their bickering, finding a pair of balls. “I’m doing it.”

  With that, I come off the gas and turn the wheel the other way. It puts up a little resistance from the divots I’ve made in the grass, but nonetheless, the car steers out of the donut without rolling, giving my racing heart a chance to finally calm down.

  I drive across the football field for a few moments until the car is out of ‘getting stuck’ territory and bring the Camaro to a stop with both my hands resting on the steering wheel. “Holy shit,” I gasp, still trying to calm my heart, “that was insane.”

  Rivers laughs and throws himself back against the chair. “That was fucking awesome. I can’t believe you just did that.”

  Noah turns to me with a wicked grin. “I bet you won’t do it again.”

  I shake my head. “Don’t even think about it. I completed my dare and besides, Tully is up.”

  At the mention of her name, I can’t help but glance back towards the student parking lot where she’s currently running from. She insisted on not being in the car with us in case it all went south, and the boys were quick to agree. I would never have been able to forgive myself if something had happened and she’d been hurt.

  Tully heads our way with a shitload of students right behind her, all laughing, in complete disbelief that I just went through with it. It doesn’t go unnoticed that the students aren’t the only ones coming this way; our principal Mr. Evans is on his way too and he looks less than impressed.

  My hands shake as I release the steering wheel and cut the engine. Noah can put his car back in the lot himself. I think I’ve had just about enough driving for one day.

  “Uh oh,” I hear Noah murmur as I barge my way out of the car.

  The second my feet land on the ground, Tully crashes into me. “That was awesome,” she shrieks as the boys get out and join us.

  I can’t help but look over her shoulder and take in Mr. Evans who’s just about on us. “Quick,” I t
ell with a sly grin. “Truth or Dare?”

  The boys’ eyes whip our way, curious to know where the hell this is going. After all, this game isn’t easy. The dares have been crazy and so far, nobody has been brave enough to choose truth. You don’t want to choose truth only to have someone ask a question that you’re not prepared to answer, and trust me, in this small group there’s a few too many unanswered questions.

  Tully dared Noah to jump from the top of the house into a shallow blow up pool, belly flop style, while Noah dared Rivers to show up naked at a Broken Hill party, stand front and center for everyone to see and perform the ‘Windmill’ for a full minute. I must admit, he did admirably while Tully watched on with a satisfied grin, probably loving the moment more than she should have.

  Then it was my turn with the donuts, and now Tully.

  Her eyes flick between us with panic. “Shit. Ok, um….” Cringe. “Dare.”

  “I dare you to get us out of this, no matter the cost.”

  Her eyes widen again as the boys start laughing, knowing well and truly that I’m asking the impossible right now. “How the hell am I supposed to do that?” she seethes under her breath.

  “Babe,” Rivers grins. “I had to whip my dick around in circles. Do you have any idea how fucking uncomfortable that was? If I can do that, then you can find a way to do this.”


  “You three,” Mr. Evans’ booming voice roars across the field in a tone I wasn’t quite prepared for as the angry vein in his forehead seems to bulge out of his face. “My office. NOW!”

  I grin at Tully as I hand her Noah’s car keys. “Showtime.”

  She cringes, and with that, Noah, Rivers, and I follow Mr. Evans up to his office.

  We’ve been sitting outside Principal Evans’ office for twenty long minutes, and to be honest, I’m starting to panic. I don’t usually get in trouble. I’m not exactly a prude and I’m certainly no stranger to lunchtime detentions, but tearing up the grass with reckless driving due to not being able to deny a dare….that’s a whole different ball game.

  I get fidgety and slide my hands down my thighs, desperately needing something to take my mind off the fact that Tully hasn’t stormed through the door with some ridiculous plan to get us out of this yet.

  Noah’s hand comes down on my leg, stopping my hand from sliding back and forth. “Calm down,” he grins as though he hasn’t got a care in the world. “She’ll come through.”

  “I don’t see how,” I whisper yell. “It was a stupid dare. She might be willing to do some ridiculous things, but she can’t pull off the impossible.”

  Rivers murmurs beside me, keeping his eyes locked on Principal Evans’ office, making sure he can’t overhear our conversation. “Believe me, Tully would go to extraordinary lengths to keep us out of trouble. She’ll save our asses.”


  “No, buts,” Rivers says, having complete faith in her before repeating himself. “She’ll save our asses, and I don’t doubt, it will be done in true Tully style.”

  I look back to Noah who gives me a definite nod, trying to ease my worries. “So, why the hell is she taking so long?”

  “Why do you think?” Noah chuckles, squeezing my hand. “She’s making us sweat.”

  As I grin at Noah, Principal Evans’ door is swung open with such ferocity, I fear it might break off the hinges. We all launch to our feet as his eyes scan over the three of us while walking forward. “Right, you three get your as-”

  The door of the student office is swung open before a sun-kissed, stiletto wearing, green eyed beauty comes strutting in like absolute hot shit. Tully has a black dress to die for, her hair done up, showing off her long neck, and just enough makeup to make her look like every man’s perfect wet dream.

  Rivers mouth instantly drops as Noah’s eyes widen in shock, probably in disbelief that the woman walking before him is his twin sister. “Fuck me,” he murmurs under his breath with a slight shake of his head, letting on just how pissed off he is about this. Noah hates it when she leaves the house and her skirt sits anywhere above her knees, but there’s not much he can do about it. This though, seeing her strutting around, showing off the sexy curves of her body would be killing him. I don’t doubt he’s desperate to grab her and run away before anyone can feast their eyes on her. I can only imagine what Rivers would be thinking.

  Principal Evans’ head whips around at the sound of her heels on the floor to find Tully’s eyes boring into his as she walks towards him with intent and desire pouring out of her.

  Rivers instinctively takes a step towards her and my hand shoots out, catching him before he has a chance to ruin her plan. Though, I have no idea what he thinks he’s going to do about it. He looks torn between bending her over Evans’ desk and throwing clothes at her.

  I laugh to myself as I watch Principal Evans’ reaction to her. His eyes widen, his pupils dilate, he sucks in a breath, and to top it all off, he straightens himself up as though he could possibly have a chance with her.

  Rivers growls low in his throat, making it damn clear how he feels about this.

  I watch in shocked silence as she walks straight up to Principal Evans. She gives him her man-eating smile as her fingers brush across his chest. “Uhhhh,” Evans swallows, clearly wanting her, but terrified of touching her. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  Tully sighs. “I can’t do this anymore,” she all but cries. “I can’t stay away. I’ve tried, but I love you. We can’t be apart.”

  His eyes widen in fear as Noah discreetly pulls out his phone. “What are you talking about?” Principal Evans gasps in horror.

  “You and me,” she clarifies, sliding her hand up his suit jacket. “I’ve been waiting for so long, and I can’t do it anymore. I won’t.” With that, she grabs him around the neck and crushes her lips to his as she presses her body right up against his.

  Jaw, meet floor.

  What. The. Actual. Fuck? I mean, he’s totally a silver fox, but wowza. I never expected her to go this far. I was thinking maybe a rumor of a brawl to distract him or maybe a call to say his car was stolen. Anything but this.

  Principal Evans’ hands shoot up and out, far away from her body in a show of not touching her, but not once does he push her away as she moans into him.

  Rivers silently fumes beside me while Noah happily takes a picture.

  All I can do is gawk.

  Tully finally pulls away from him and sighs dreamily as she looks up into his shocked and horrified eyes. She makes a show of running her thumb across her bottom lip, wiping off what was left of him. “Wow,” she says, leaning in and pressing a kiss to his cheek. “Can’t wait to see what else you can do.”

  With that, she winks and struts back towards the door with one hell of a sway to her hips. As she reaches the door, she looks back over her shoulder before bringing back her man-eating smile. “I won’t tell if you don’t,” she whispers into the shocked room. With one final wink, she throws herself out the door.

  Principal Evans is left looking like he has no fucking idea what the hell just went down, but as he looks back to us to find a fuming Rivers and a pissed off Noah with his arms crossed over his chest and the phone in his hand, it’s clear where this is going.

  Noah turns the phone around, showcasing the picture of the two locking lips and with a sigh, Principal Evans dismisses us. “Not a word about this and we’ll call it even.”

  Noah shakes his head. “You have some serious fucked up priorities,” he tells him, referring to how he didn’t push her away before placing a hand at my lower back and leading me out the door that Tully had just walked through.

  Rivers saunters behind us and I don’t miss the way Noah looks back with his eyes narrowed on Rivers, silently begging him to move on and to not go back there and beat the living shit out of our principal. After all, he should have shut it down from the start, instead, he let her kiss him and not once pulled away.

  As Noah said, he has ‘fucked up

  We break out through the door to find Tully leaning up against the brick wall, silently waiting for us. “You fuckers owe me,” she says, falling in with us as we escape our doom.

  “No way,” Noah insists. “I jumped off a fucking roof. My man titties are still hurting from that shit. You owed me.”

  She shakes her head and groans before holding her hand out to Noah. “Phone.”

  He silently hands it over and I watch as she puts in his pin and searches through his phone until she finds the picture he just took. She deletes it within the blink of an eye before handing it back and storming off.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” Rivers calls after her.

  “Home,” Tully throws over her shoulder. “I need to wash out the taste of his stale cigarettes from my mouth and then I’m getting drunk. So, unless you plan on coming with me and screwing me until I can’t remember my own name, then I suggest you leave me the hell alone.”

  “Shit,” Noah sighs looking down at me. “you should go with her.”

  “Why? You want me to screw her until she can’t remember her name?”

  He rolls his eyes as Rivers looks longingly after her. “Just go and cheer her up,” he tells me.

  “Aye, aye, Captain.”

  With that, I hurry after Tully and reach her just in time for us to both climb up into her Jeep and speed away.

  “You ok?” I ask as we rocket down the street towards her place.

  She breaks into uncontrollable laughter. “Yeah,” she says with a beaming grin. “More than ok. That was so much fun and their faces! Holy shit, did you see that?”

  “Wait….what? I thought you were pissed?”

  “Hardly,” she scoffs. “Trust me, I’ve kissed much worse than that.” She looks across at me with a sly grin. ‘You know, he wasn’t all that bad. Added a bit of tongue, the dirty bastard.”

  I roll my eyes, wishing I could burn the image of Principal Evans’ tongue from my mind. “So, what’s with the whole storming off, needing to wash out your mouth, and get 'drunk' thing?”


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