Raiding with Morgan

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Raiding with Morgan Page 36

by Byron A. Dunn



  The 1:15 train from Columbus to Cincinnati was about to start. "Allaboard," shouted the conductor.

  Two gentlemen sauntered into one of the cars, to all appearances the mostunconcerned of individuals. They took different seats, the younger justbehind the older. General Morgan and Calhoun had reached the train insafety; had purchased tickets, and taken their seats without excitingsuspicion. A moment more and they would be on their way South.

  A Federal major came hurrying in and seated himself beside Morgan, and thetwo entered into conversation. On the way out of the city the train had topass close to the penitentiary. The major, pointing to the grim, darkpile, and thinking he might be imparting some information, said: "There iswhere they keep the notorious John Morgan."

  "May he always be kept as safe as he is now," quickly replied the General.

  "Oh! they will keep him safe enough," said the major, complacentlystroking his chin. The major better understood the Delphic answer of theGeneral the next morning.

  All went well until Dayton was reached, where by some accident the trainwas held over an hour. It was an anxious hour to Morgan and Calhoun. Itmeant that the train would be late in Cincinnati, that before they arrivedthere the Federal authorities of the city might be informed of the escape.It would never do for them to ride clear into the city. As the trainslowed up as it entered the suburbs, the General and Calhoun both droppedoff without being noticed.

  Morgan being well acquainted with the city, they quickly made their way toa ferry, and by the time the escape had been discovered at thepenitentiary, Morgan's feet were pressing the soil of Kentucky. Calhoun'sheart thrilled as he once more breathed the air of his native state. Hefelt like a new being, yet he knew that it was hundreds of miles tosafety. They must steal through the states of Kentucky and Tennessee likehunted beasts, for the enemy was everywhere. But friends there were,too--friends as true as steel. And hardly had they set foot in Kentuckybefore they found such a friend, one who took them in, fed them, andprotected them. He gave them horses, and sent them on their way. Slowlythey made their way through the state, travelling all night, sent from thehouse of one friend to that of another. At last they reached theCumberland River near Burkesville, where they had crossed it at thebeginning of their raid. To Calhoun it seemed that years had passed sincethen, so much had happened.

  On entering Tennessee, their dangers thickened. They did not know friendfrom foe. On entering a house they did not know whether they would beprotected or betrayed. The country was swarming with Federal cavalry. Itwas rumored that Morgan was in the country making his way south, and everyofficer was eager to add to his laurels by capturing him. In the mountainsMorgan and Calhoun met a party of forty or fifty Confederates who weremaking their way to the Confederate lines. In the party were a number ofMorgan's old men, who hailed their chief with the wildest delight. Morganassumed command of them. But few of the party were mounted, consequentlytheir progress was slow and their dangers were augmented.

  All went well until the Tennessee River was reached, a few miles belowKingston. The river was high and there was no means of crossing. A ruderaft was constructed, and with the horses swimming, they commencedcrossing. When about half were across a company of Federal cavalryappeared and attacked those who were still on the northern bank. On thefrail raft, Morgan started to push across to their aid.

  "Are you crazy, General," cried Calhoun; "you can do no good, and willonly be killed or captured. See, the men have scattered already, and aretaking to the woods and mountains."

  It was true, and Morgan reluctantly rode away. He had the satisfactionafterwards of learning that most of the men escaped.

  The next day was the last day that Calhoun ever rode with Morgan, butlittle did he realize it at the time. Along in the afternoon they becameaware of the close proximity of a squadron of Federal cavalry. Morgan andthose with him took shelter behind a thick growth of cedars, while Calhounrode ahead to investigate. He discovered no enemy and was coming back whenhe ran squarely into the Federals. The foremost of them were not ten feetfrom Morgan, he still being screened from view by the cedars. Withouthesitation, Calhoun cried, "This way, Major. Hurry up, they have gone thisway," pointing the way he had come.

  The major took Calhoun for a guide, and giving the command, "Forward,"rode rapidly after Calhoun, and Morgan was saved. For half a mile theyrode, when a stream was reached, and it was seen no horseman had crossedit. The major drew rein and turned to Calhoun in fury.

  "You have deceived me, you dog!" he cried.

  "Yes, I am one of Morgan's men," calmly replied Calhoun.

  The anger of the major was terrible. He grew purple in the face. "Yes, andyou have led me away from Morgan," he hissed. "You will pay for this."

  Calhoun still remained calm. "That was not Morgan," he said; "I ought toknow Morgan, I have ridden with him for two years."

  "I know better," roared the Major, thoroughly beside himself; "you are alying scoundrel; I will fix you."

  "What are you going to do?" asked Calhoun, with apparent calmness, but agreat fear coming over him.

  "Hang you, you lying devil, as sure as there is a God in heaven! I wouldnot have had Morgan slip through my fingers for ten thousand dollars. Itwould mean a brigadier generalship for me if I had caught him. String himup, men."

  One of the soldiers coolly took the halter off his horse, fastened itaround Calhoun's neck, threw the other end over the projecting limb of atree, and stood awaiting orders.

  Once more an ignominious death stared Calhoun in the face, and there wasno Captain Huffman near to rescue him. It looked as if nothing could savehim, but his self-possession did not forsake him.

  "Major, before you commit this great outrage--an outrage against all rulesof civilized warfare--let me say one word." Calhoun's voice did not eventremble as he asked this favor.

  "Be quick about it, then, but don't think you can say anything that willsave your cursed neck!"

  "Major, if that was General Morgan, as you say, and I have been one ofMorgan's men, as I have confessed, ought I not to be hanged if I hadbetrayed him into your hands?"

  The fire of anger died out of the major's eyes. He hesitated, and thensaid: "You are right. If that was General Morgan, and you are one of hismen, you should be hanged for betraying him, not for saving him." Then tohis men he said: "Boys, take off that halter; he is too brave and true aman to be hanged."

  Calhoun drew a long breath. He had appealed to the major's sense of honor,and the appeal had not been made in vain.

  The major kept Calhoun for three days, and during that time treated himmore like a brother than a prisoner. Calhoun never forgot his kindness. Atthe end of the three days Calhoun was placed under a strong guard withorders to be taken to Knoxville. He resolved to escape before Knoxvillewas reached, or die in the attempt. Never would he live to be taken Northin irons, as he would be when it became known that he was one of Morgan'sofficers.

  At the end of the first day's journey the prisoners, of whom there wereseveral, were placed in the tower room of a deserted house. Three guardswith loaded muskets stood in the room, another was just outside the door.Calhoun watched his chance, and when the guards inside the room were notlooking, he dashed through the door, closing it after him. The guardoutside raised his musket and fired. So close was he that the fire fromthe muzzle of the gun burned Calhoun's face, yet he was not touched.Another guard but a few feet away saw him running, and fired. The balltore its way through the side of his coat. But he was not yet out ofdanger. He had to pass close to two picket posts, and as he neared them hewas saluted with a shower of balls. But he ran on unharmed. One of thepickets with fixed bayonet took after him. He came so close that Calhouncould hear his heavy breathing. Calhoun ran as he had never run before. Aturn in the road took him out of sight of his pursuers, and he sprang toone side and began to climb the mountain. A squad of cavalry dashed by inp
ursuit; they had missed him. With a thankful heart Calhoun saw themdisappear.

  But darkness came on and he had to feel his way up the mountain on hishands and knees. His progress was so slow that when morning came he hadonly reached the top of the mountain. He could hear the shouts of thesoldiers searching for him. Near him was a growth of high grass. Goinginto this he lay down; and here he remained all day. At one time thesoldiers in search of him came within twenty feet of where he lay.

  It was the longest and dreariest day that Calhoun ever spent. Hungergnawed him, and he was consumed with a fierce thirst. It was midwinter,and the cold crept into his very bones. The warmth of his body thawed thefrozen ground until he sank into it. When night came it froze again, andwhen he tried to rise he found he was frozen fast. It was with difficultythat he released himself without sacrificing his clothing. For the nextseven days he hardly remembers how he existed. Travelling by night andhiding by day, begging a morsel of food here and there, he at last reachedthe Confederate lines near Dalton.


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