Seduced by the Soldier

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Seduced by the Soldier Page 12

by Melia Alexander

  Zandra hadn’t meant to ask the question. Really, she’d figured that if she played her cards right, she’d skate through the next week with Blake and then head for home. Hell, they weren’t even on the same flight, so there’d be no awkward airplane good-byes, but maybe a friendly hug at the airport.

  At least, that had been the plan, only now…

  There was an undercurrent of tension between them, and not the bad kind, either. No, this tension electrified, practically crackled the air around them. Judging by the quiet intensity in Blake’s gaze, he wasn’t immune to it, either.

  “I’m not sure I know,” he said. He blew out an audible breath. “This wasn’t exactly something I’d counted on.”

  “Does anyone ever really plan on this?” She set the bowl on the coffee table and angled herself so she sat facing him. “Sorry, that’s a silly question and completely irrelevant to the conversation.” She glanced his way again, the low voices emanating from the television now barely registering along the fringes of awareness.

  “You’re nervous.”

  She blinked. “Is it that obvious?”

  He nodded. “You clasp your hands together then start fidgeting so your thumbs look like they’re chasing each other round and round.”

  “I do not—” She stared at her clasped hands. “Damn,” she said, pulling them apart.

  He chuckled and reached for her, his touch warm as she edged closer so only inches separated them. “Look, this is a bad idea. You know it, and I know it.”

  “Yeah, it is.” Yet at the same time, not pursuing it was an even worse idea.

  “So how about we play it cool for a bit? No rushing anything, no demands, no…nothing.”

  “Play it cool.” She stared into his eyes then flicked her gaze to his mouth and back. Just one kiss. One delicious, soul deep, panty-melting kiss. She could certainly participate in something like that, then stop. She knew all about boundaries, right? She could take it slow.

  “Okay,” she said, decision made. “I can do that.”

  “Can you?” His voice was a whisper away, and he lowered his head slowly, ever so slowly, then stopped just a few short inches away. How could something be so close and still so far? “Even when I want to kiss you?”

  “Oh, now you’re really testing the limits of my control, aren’t you?”

  “Builds character.”

  “Does it?” She tipped the corners of her mouth upward. “What if the tables were turned? What if I did this?”

  She leaned forward, closing the gap between them and moving off to one side of his face where she hovered just shy of his mouth.

  She was testing him, all right, and she didn’t have long to wait. In half a heartbeat, he turned his mouth to hers, captured it in a kiss so intense, so powerful, yet gentle, too.

  God, he tasted so good. Like wine and promises.

  Blake shifted, pulled her closer to him like he couldn’t get close enough. She returned the intensity of his probing mouth, eagerly opening to him, their tongues in a duel for control.

  He wanted her. There was no way Zandra could deny that. He said it with his kiss, with every stroke of his hands over her back, her shoulders, her hips. He wanted her, and God help her, she felt the same way.

  Could she ever get enough of him? The thought lingered a moment then quickly evaporated as Zandra groaned with each pass of his hands, each caress of his tongue. Her nipples hardened, and the moist spot between her legs wanted more, demanded he do more than just kiss her.

  He stopped and pulled back far enough to gaze in her eyes. “Hey.” His voice was husky, like it cost him some effort just to speak. “Let’s just chill and watch the rest of the movie. What do you say?”

  He said the words, and while she believed him, there was a part of her that was touched. He cared enough to stop, cared enough to let her decide which way things would go tonight.

  Warmth enveloped her, made her feel…special. There was no other word for it. “Watch the rest of the movie,” she echoed. “I don’t understand German. Apparently, neither do you, judging from your interpretation.”

  He grinned. “We can make up our own story.”

  “Will it have a happy ending? Because I like happy endings.”

  “So do I, Zandra.” He caressed her cheek, his fingers warm against her skin. “So do I.”

  God, she wanted to believe him. Did she dare?


  Sunlight slanted through a slit in the window curtains and produced an unfortunate beam of light smack dab in the middle of Blake’s forehead. He blinked his eyes awake as two things registered. First, he was still fully clothed, stretched out on the couch, and second, Zandra was in his arms and sprawled beside him.

  Her head was tucked underneath his shoulder, and she snored so adorably against his chest that it made his breath catch. Her lips parted slightly, bringing all sorts of memories with that tiny movement.

  He’d thoroughly kissed that mouth last night, dueled with her tongue, and tasted and tangled and…craved even more. Even now, his dick stirred. But he knew better than to rush into something, for his own sanity as well as hers.

  She breathed softly, evenly, like she was totally content with the way her life played out. He wanted to shift enough to study her more, to learn the shape of her eyes, her face, her nose, everything about her, but he didn’t dare. Movement meant risking she’d wake, and he didn’t want that yet. Not when she’d had several days of travel and work. It only made sense that her schedule would catch up with her now.

  Besides, she seemed so relaxed, and she trusted him to keep watch while she slept. A pool of pride kicked up. It was his job, and he was more than okay to do it.

  It didn’t take a rocket scientist to see what kind of woman Zandra York was on the inside, too. All anyone had to do was be around her for a short while to feel the way she cared about life, about her work, about the people she came into contact with.

  No doubt about it, she had a very bright future indeed.

  A strange pang smacked him on the chest. Her dreams were her own, that’s for sure. They had nothing to do with him or her family or any other cause besides wanting to help others see the ties that bind humanity together so that they all could become the best possible version of themselves. And she was happy to travel all over the world to do it, too. So where would that leave him? Leave them?

  Zandra mewled softly before she shifted, turning so that she faced Blake fully, both hands on his chest. His throat tightened.

  That sensation last night, that sense of rightness in the moment that he’d felt as they’d sat and watched a movie—those feelings paled in comparison to holding her now, to having her trust him enough to fall asleep.

  She took a deep breath, and he shut his eyes. The last thing he wanted was to be caught staring. Besides, there was a fairly good chance she’d freak when she woke up, so maybe giving her a moment to process wasn’t a half-bad idea.

  At least, that was the plan.

  Zandra’s eyes fluttered open, and she immediately gazed up then smiled. He was still asleep. Good. They’d both needed the rest, given the crazy travel and work schedule they’d kept since arriving in Germany.

  She studied the lines of his face and the strength etched into his jaw. She wanted to touch him, wanted to trace a finger over the light stubble on his chin to the swell of his lips that she knew did crazy-wonderful things to hers.

  She had one hand on his chest, and she felt the thud of his heart through the thin T-shirt he’d worn last night. They’d fallen asleep, still fully clothed, so why did she feel so deliciously naughty? Like she’d committed some act that she wouldn’t have normally done? Although, honestly, it wasn’t like she’d slept with many guys and definitely not fully dressed and on the couch or anything.

  Yeah, getting involved with each other was a bad idea. A very bad idea. They
both knew that. But where was the harm in just letting things be, in letting life play out with no thoughts of where this might lead them?

  She froze as Blake opened his eyes, then he glanced down at her. He seemed confused for a brief moment, but it didn’t take him very long to recover.

  “Hey.” He threw her a shy smile then played his free hand through her hair before lowering to trace the curve of her face. “Good morning.”

  God, he was even more attractive after having just woken up, stubble and all. Awareness tripped through her, made her hyperaware of the way her heart raced, and her brain took all sorts of left turns so that all she could think of was where their tangle of arms and legs would naturally lead.

  “Good morning.” Zandra felt a slow blush creep up her cheeks along with the touch of nervous energy that skittered along her nerve endings, jolting every cell awake and throwing a party. Whatever happened to her suave, sophisticated version 2.0 self? Clearly she’d been abandoned.

  “Sleep well?”

  “Yeah.” She swallowed, her gaze falling on his mouth. “You?”

  “Yeah. The best.”

  He bent his head down toward hers, and damn if it wasn’t like a magnet, drawing her mouth toward his.

  Like their previous kisses, this one was soft, gentle, not enough to get carried away, but with their bodies pressed together, it was more than enough to stir some very sexy thoughts in Zandra’s brain, thoughts that involved little clothing and a nice, wide bed.

  As if he read her mind, Blake pulled back. He chuckled softly.

  She skimmed her hand across his chest, loving the solid feel of him against her fingers.

  “Hi,” he said.


  He gave her a shy smile.

  Wow. Was it possible that he was truly as unsure about any of this as she was?

  “You ready to get the day started?” he asked, caressing her cheek again.

  No. She wanted to lay around instead, maybe move to the bed where they’d both be comfortable.

  But Zandra knew better. She was here on assignment, a reminder she was tired of hearing, even if she was just talking to herself. She needed to rouse herself out of the comfort of Blake’s arms and get on with it. The future waited for no one.

  “Yeah,” she said, regret lacing her tone no matter how hard she tried to stop it. “That’s probably a good idea.”

  Chapter Twenty

  Blake shaded his eyes and stared at the hill with the crumbling remains of an abandoned castle resting on top of it. Today’s shoot shouldn’t take too long. Thank God.

  After this, they had the rest of the afternoon to get back to Cologne and wander through the city before they hit the gallery opening Zandra had wanted to attend. Galleries weren’t his thing, but she’d pointed out that there was a better than fair chance she wasn’t returning, so of course they had to go.

  Yeah, he’d do it. He wouldn’t deny her the opportunity, even if it were possible for him to say “no.” Because for some odd reason, seeing Zandra smile, watching her eyes light up, these were important to him even though he didn’t quite understand why. He sure as hell wasn’t going to think too deeply about it, either.

  “This is one of the area’s hidden treasures,” she informed him as they continued their ascent up the slope toward the castle ruins. “A few tourists visit it every year, but it’s not very popular.”

  “Don’t you worry that featuring these hidden treasures will somehow ruin them? Make them so popular that tourists tromping through the grounds or visiting the chocolate shop or making the trek to watch the annual fashion show would mean that the local towns would sacrifice the very things that made them charming in the first place?”

  She seemed to consider that for a moment. “I’m torn on that point, actually,” she admitted. “On the one hand, these events or places are what make the area special, but on the other hand, the extra attention makes it difficult for local townsfolk to keep up with the tourists. There can be added stress just trying to accommodate the throngs of people, although I’m pretty sure the local businesses appreciate the extra foot traffic.” She paused. “It’s all about growth. Each area has to consider if they can grow with the influx of interest in their event.

  “I do make sure to get permission before I shoot, and then a contract is signed to protect Flights and Sights. Anything after that, I have no control over.”

  That made some sort of sense.

  Once they reached the top, she spread her arms out and walked toward one side of the ruins, the large stones that once protected the inhabitants reduced to rubble in some places, and the interior opened up to the sky. “Wow. Look at this.”

  “Looks like a bunch of rocks to me,” he said.

  She dropped her arms to her sides. “Have you no imagination?”

  Oh, he had one hell of an imagination, all right. These days, they seemed to involve a variation of the things he wanted to do with Zandra, starting with pulling her tank top off and—

  Dumbass. Heading down that road proved fruitless, even if they hadn’t decided what they were going to do with this thing between them. And if he kept it up, there was a good chance he’d end up with nothing but blue balls before they headed back to Seattle.

  Zandra pointed to one side of the castle. “This is where the kitchen probably was. The huge fireplace is a dead giveaway.”

  He watched her face, saw the play of emotions as she quietly moved throughout the large space. “In some ways, you’re reliving what might have happened here, aren’t you?”

  “I suppose. It’s kinda fun to make up how people might’ve lived.” She shrugged. “My creative brain likes to entertain me that way. Oh, look.” She pointed toward what looked like a turret at one end. “I want a picture.”

  Blake followed her. It looked like nothing more than a crumbling pile of rock topped with a sharp spear-like structure. “It’s a wonder that thing’s still standing.”

  “That’s what makes it cool.”

  He had his own definition of cool, but he was just along for the proverbial ride.

  They approached the bottom of the stone stairway, and Zandra lowered the camera. “I can’t get a close enough shot.” She blew out a breath. “Too bad I don’t have my long-range lens. It might’ve worked.”

  Uh-oh. “I’m not liking what you’re thinking,” he said, stepping closer.

  “How do you know what I’m thinking?”

  “You’ve got that look on your face—the same one that you had when you climbed that rock back in Lichtenstein. Remember that? It’s a wonder you didn’t break your neck.”

  “Pffft. You worry too much.”

  “I’m serious, Zandra.” He crossed his arms and stared at her.

  “So am I.” Her forehead crinkled briefly. “The lighting’s perfect this morning. I’ve got to get closer.” She scurried up the first couple of stone steps. “C’mon,” she called over one shoulder. “Loosen up a little, would you? We’re on another leg of our adventure.”

  Adventure. Right. “This doesn’t look very safe.”

  She tentatively placed her foot on the next stone step. “Seems fine to me.”


  She turned. “What?”

  “That doesn’t look very stable. You’ll fall and break your head open. Or worse.”

  “Oh, please.” She gave him The Look before turning away. “That’s what you said last time, and everything turned out okay. Besides, there isn’t a warning sign or anything.”

  “Not that that would stop you,” he said drily.

  “Fine, stay there if you want.”

  Shit. Clearly, they were doing this. Blake sucked in a deep breath. Maybe she was right. Maybe he needed to loosen up and just enjoy the experience. One thing was for sure, he certainly wasn’t going to let her go alone. He placed his foot on the s
tep and tested his weight on it. So far, so good. Then again, he was just inches off the ground.

  By the time he got to the top, Zandra had her camera raised and was snapping photos. He knew better than to distract her, but he still kept watch of where she stepped. “One wrong move and you’re falling,” he warned.

  “Yes, Dad.”

  “I like your dad, so that’s not an insult. The man has a lot of sense that obviously didn’t transfer down to his daughter.” He grinned. “Sticking your tongue out at me isn’t an insult, either. In fact, I can think of a few things you might do with that tongue.”

  “Oh, really?” She lowered her camera, and something shifted, tightened like a cloak wrapped around them against the cool breeze. “And what would that be?”

  A corner of his mouth quirked up. “Use your imagination. I hear it’s quite creative.” Anything he came up with would be deliciously, torturously slow, too. He gave himself a mental shake. He needed to stay focused or he couldn’t help Zandra if things went south. His gut clenched at the thought.


  She skimmed the tips of her fingers over the stone like she was reading it somehow, her forehead creased in concentration.

  There were so many dimensions to Zandra—playful, serious, focused—but the intensity, the purpose that emanated out of her now had to be one of the biggest turn-ons Blake had ever experienced. He knew that whatever she focused on would get her undivided attention, whether it was arranging a platter of penises or shooting photos or video for Instagram.

  She pulled out her phone. “Let’s do an IG story,” she said, as if reading his mind. “I haven’t done one yet today.”

  “Up here?” He looked at the dubious railing that marked the edge of the landing. “Maybe we should do this on the ground.”

  “No,” she said, waving him off with one hand before tapping the screen on her phone. “It’ll be fine.”

  Damn it. She insisted on posting from up here, where the rail was rickety and the slightest pressure would likely send her plummeting to the ground.

  Not on my watch.

  Blake planted himself firmly in front of the rail while she panned the view and commented on the history of the place in a reverent voice. He blew out a breath. It’d be better if they did this from below so she wouldn’t be history with one small step, but it was too late to stop her now.


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