Kyralia 01 - [Black Magician 03] - The High Lord

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Kyralia 01 - [Black Magician 03] - The High Lord Page 51

by Trudi Canavan

  “I have…bad news,” he panted. “One of…Sachakans…found passages.”

  “Where?” Akkarin asked.

  “Not far.”

  “Take us there.”

  The messenger hesitated, then nodded. He started back down the passage, his lamp throwing distorted shadows onto the walls.

  —We’ll try the same deception, Akkarin told Sonea. This time, Heal yourself when the Ichani cuts you. Once he begins drawing strength, you will not be able to use your powers.

  —Oh, I won’t be making that mistake again, she replied. Not now that I know what it feels like.

  The guide continued through passages, stopping briefly now and then to question helpers posted by the exits. They encountered people fleeing, then a dark-skinned figure appeared. Faren.

  “You’re here,” he panted. “Good. She’s coming this way.”

  So it’s the woman, Sonea thought. Avala.

  “How far?”

  Faren nodded back the way he had come. “Fifty paces, perhaps. Turn left at the intersection.”

  He stepped out of the way as Akkarin started down the passage. Sonea took the lamp from the guide and followed, her heart beating faster at every step. They reached the intersection, stopped, and Akkarin peered into the left-hand passage. He stepped out, and Sonea hurried after him. At the next turn, they stopped again.

  —She’s coming. Wait here. Let her think she found you. I won’t be far away.

  Sonea nodded. She watched him stride away to the intersection and disappear into a side passage. From behind her came the faint sound of footsteps.

  Slowly the footsteps grew louder. A faint light began to reflect around the turn. It brightened rapidly, and Sonea backed away. A globe light appeared. She blocked the brightness with a hand, then gasped in feigned horror.

  The Ichani woman stared at her, then smiled.

  “So it’s you. Kariko will be pleased.”

  Sonea turned to run, but as she did her foot caught the hem of her dress and she fell to her hands and knees. Avala laughed.

  That would have been an impressive bit of acting, if I’d meant it, Sonea thought wryly as she struggled to stand up. She heard footsteps come closer, then a hand caught her arm. It took all her self-control not to blast the woman away.

  The Ichani pulled Sonea around to face her. A hand reached toward Sonea’s head. Grabbing the Ichani’s wrists, Sonea tried to send her mind out into the woman’s body, but encountered a resistance.

  Avala was shielding.

  The barrier lay at the surface of the woman’s skin. Sonea felt a moment’s admiration for Avala’s skill, but it was soon replaced by panic.

  She would not be able to use her Healing powers on the woman.

  —Fight her, Akkarin instructed. Bring her down past the intersection. We must get her between us so she cannot escape.

  Sonea sent out a wave of force. Avala’s eyes widened as she staggered backward. Sonea lifted her skirt, spun around, and ran down the passage.

  A barrier flashed into existence before her. She smashed it down with forcestrike. A few steps later she passed the intersection. Another barrier appeared. She stopped and turned to face the Ichani.

  The woman smiled triumphantly.

  —Kariko. Look what I’ve found.

  Sonea saw an image of herself looking thin and small in the long dress.

  —What a pathetic-looking creature she is!

  —Ah! Akkarin’s apprentice, Kariko replied. Search her mind. If one is here, the other might be close by—but don’t kill her. Bring her to me.

  Sonea shook her head.

  —I’ll decide when and where we meet, Kariko, she sent.

  —I look forward to it, Kariko replied, as does your former mentor. Rothen, isn’t it? I have a blood stone of his. He will watch you die.

  Sonea gasped. Rothen? But Rothen was dead. Why would Kariko bother making a gem of Rothen’s blood?

  —Does this mean Rothen is alive?

  —Probably, if he does have a blood gem, Akkarin’s mental voice whispered through her ring. But he may be lying in order to upset and distract you.

  Avala was drawing closer. As she passed the intersection of passages, Sonea felt a mingled relief and anxiety. The woman was between her and Akkarin now. Once Akkarin stepped out, however, Avala would recognize him.

  —Kariko can’t be completely sure you’re here until he or another Ichani sees you, she told Akkarin. We could trick him into thinking I’m here alone. So if I fight Avala alone…

  —Yes, Akkarin agreed. If you grow weak, I will take over. Just keep out of her reach.

  As the Ichani attacked, Sonea threw up a strong shield then retaliated with powerful strikes of her own. There was no strategy or trickery in Avala’s attack and, as with the fight with Parika, Sonea realized she could use little of her own training to gain an advantage. It was, she decided, a brutal race to see who ran out of strength first.

  The air grew hot in the passage, then the walls began to glow faintly. The woman took one step away, then suddenly everything turned a bright white. Sonea blinked, but she was too dazzled to see anything.

  She’s blinded me!

  Sonea almost laughed aloud as she realized that Avala had used the same trick she had used to escape Regin’s gang years before. Except the novices hadn’t learned enough about Healing to…

  Her sight returned slowly but steadily. She made out two figures in the passage before her. Avala was closest. Behind her was Akkarin. He was attacking the Ichani with relentless savagery. Avala glanced back at Sonea, her expression fearful. Her shield abruptly disappeared, her strength gone, then Akkarin’s last strike threw her against Sonea’s shield. There was a sickening crack, then the woman slumped to the ground.

  Sonea watched, heart still racing, as Akkarin slowly approached the woman. Avala’s eyes opened. Her expression changed from pain and anger to a satisfied smile, then her gaze slid to somewhere beyond the walls and she let out a long, final breath.

  “Is it just me,” Sonea said, “or did she look a little too happy to be dying?”

  Akkarin dropped into a crouch. He ran a finger under the collar of the woman’s jacket. As he continued examining her clothes, Sonea saw that one of Avala’s hands was slowly relaxing. As the fingers uncurled, a small red globe fell onto the floor.

  “A blood gem,” Sonea hissed.

  Akkarin sighed and looked up at Sonea. “Yes. Whose it is, we can only guess, but I think we should assume the worst: Kariko knows I’m here.”

  Rothen blinked in surprise as an image of a woman flashed into his mind. As he recognized her, he felt a fierce joy. She’s alive!

  “Sonea!” Balkan exclaimed. “She’s here!”

  —Ah! Akkarin’s apprentice. Search her mind. If one is here, the other might be close by—but don’t kill her. Bring her to me.

  —I’ll decide when and where we meet, Kariko.

  Sonea’s reply was defiant and fearless. Rothen felt a surge of both fear and pride.

  —I look forward to it, Kariko replied, as does your former mentor. Rothen, isn’t it? I have a blood stone of his. He will watch you die.

  Suddenly Rothen couldn’t breathe. The image had been sent by the Ichani woman. Who must be trying to capture Sonea right now. And if she did…


  He looked at Balkan and Dorrien, and found them staring at him.

  “You made a blood stone?” Balkan asked in a low voice.

  “Kariko did. At Calia…” Rothen forced himself to take a breath. “He read my mind and saw Sonea there, then made the gem.” He shuddered. “Since then, I’ve been seeing and…feeling the deaths of everyone he’s killed.”

  Balkan’s eyes widened slightly, then he grimaced in sympathy.

  “What is a blood stone?” Dorrien asked.

  “It enables the maker to see into another’s mind,” Balkan explained. “Though Kariko actually made it, it is attuned to Rothen because he used Rothen’s blood.”
br />   Dorrien stared at Rothen. “He captured you. Why didn’t you say?”

  “I…” Rothen sighed. “I don’t know.”

  “But what he did to you…can you stop yourself seeing these deaths?”

  “No, I have no control over it.”

  Dorrien’s face was pale. “And if they catch Sonea…”

  “Yes.” Rothen looked at his son. “And this is the secret you couldn’t tell us, isn’t it? She’s here and so is Akkarin.”

  Dorrien opened his mouth, but no words came out. He looked from Rothen to Balkan uncertainly.

  “It will make no difference if you tell us now,” Balkan said. “They know about Sonea. They have probably guessed that Akkarin is with her, just as we have.”

  Dorrien’s shoulders slumped.

  “Yes, they’re here. Five days ago Sonea and Akkarin came through the South Pass. I brought them to the city.”

  Balkan frowned. “Why didn’t you send them back to Sachaka?”

  “I tried. In fact, they were cooperating when an Ichani attacked us. We barely survived. Then the Fort was attacked. After that, I knew everything Akkarin had said was true.”

  “Why didn’t you tell anyone about this?” Rothen asked.

  “Because if the Guild knew Akkarin was here, the Ichani would read it from the minds of their victims. Akkarin knew he and Sonea had a better chance of killing them one by one, but if the Ichani knew he was here they would stay together.”

  Balkan nodded. “He knew we would be defeated. So what did he—”

  A rumble came from the city. Rothen turned and walked toward the Entrance Hall, then glanced back at Balkan.

  “Another one. Closer, too. What do you think is happening?”

  The Warrior shrugged. “I don’t know.”

  A cloud of dust billowed up from somewhere in the Inner Circle.

  “We might see better if we go up onto the roof,” Dorrien suggested.

  Balkan glanced at Dorrien, then started toward the stairs. “Come on, then.”

  The Warrior led them to the third level, then through the passages to a staircase. A short climb later, they reached the door to the roof. Balkan led them out and to the front of the University. A narrow raised walkway enabled them to see over the facade to the houses of the Inner Circle.

  They watched in silence. After a long pause, another boom echoed from the city center and dust billowed up.

  “The whole front of that house has fallen,” Dorrien said, pointing.

  “So they’re destroying houses now,” Rothen said. “Why waste their power?”

  “To draw Akkarin out,” Balkan replied.

  “And if destroying the Inner Circle doesn’t work, they’ll come here,” Dorrien added.

  Balkan nodded. “Then we’d better be ready to leave as soon as they arrive.”

  The journey through the tunnels seemed endless. The farther they travelled, the greater Dannyl’s amazement. He had passed through passages under the slums, years before, when he had been negotiating with the Thieves for Sonea’s release, and had assumed that they extended no farther than the Outer Wall. Now he could see the Thieves had not only dug under the Quarters, but had even tunnelled under the Inner Circle.

  He glanced back at his companions. Tayend looked as cheerful as ever. Farand wore an expression of astonishment. The young magician hadn’t believed it at first, when Dannyl had returned to the house to tell him that Imardin’s underworld had arranged to get them out of the city.

  Their guide stopped before a large door guarded by two enormous men. At a word from the guide, one of the guards rapped on the doors. The sound of heavy bolts sliding out of their housings followed, then the doors silently swung open.

  A short corridor followed, occupied by more guards. It ended at a second pair of doors. These were unbolted and pushed open to reveal a large, crowded room.

  Dannyl gazed around the room, then chuckled. He’d had too many surprises in the last few hours to feel more than a mild amusement now.

  The room was full of magicians. A few were lying on makeshift beds, Healers hovering beside them. Some were helping themselves to platters of food on large tables at the center of the room. Others relaxed in comfortable-looking chairs.

  So who has survived? Dannyl thought. He looked around and noted that, of the Higher Magicians, only Director Jerrik, Lord Peakin, Lady Vinara and Lord Telano were present. He continued searching, but could not see Rothen anywhere.

  Perhaps he didn’t make it back to the city, he thought. The brief mental communication between the Ichani and Sonea had filled Dannyl’s heart with hope. He had found Tayend, and might still find his mentor alive, too.

  Unless Kariko was lying.

  Then as a few of the magicians moved away from the food tables, Dannyl saw the richly dressed man sitting at the end of the room, and found he was still capable of being surprised.

  So this is where the King got to, he thought. Before he could decide what protocol required in this situation, the monarch looked at Dannyl, nodded once, then turned back to his companion. His expression clearly indicated he didn’t want to be interrupted.

  The enormous man he was speaking to looked familiar. Dannyl smiled as he realized where he had seen the large man before. This was Gorin, the Thief Dannyl had negotiated with over Sonea’s release.

  The King talking to Thieves. Dannyl chuckled to himself. Now I’ve seen everything.

  “So,” Tayend said. “Are you going to introduce me?”

  Dannyl glanced at the scholar. “I guess so. I should start with the Higher Magicians.”

  He started toward Lord Peakin. The Alchemist was talking to Davin and Larkin.

  “Ambassador,” Peakin said as he saw Dannyl approaching, “do you have any news?”

  “According to my guide, all but three Ichani are dead,” Dannyl replied. He turned to Tayend. “This is Tayend of Tremmelin, who has been visiting Imar—”

  “Have you seen Sonea? Is Akkarin with her?” Davin asked with barely restrained excitement.

  “No, I haven’t seen her,” Dannyl replied carefully. “So I wouldn’t know if Akkarin is with her.” He glanced at Farand, who gave an almost imperceptible nod. Akkarin had instructed them to keep his presence a secret, and Dannyl wasn’t going to reveal anything until he had to.

  Davin looked disappointed. “Then how is it possible that so many Ichani are dead?”

  “Perhaps it’s just Sonea’s work,” Larkin suggested.

  The other magicians looked skeptical.

  “I know the Thieves killed one on their own,” Tayend said. “The one called Faren told me about it.”

  Peakin shook his head. “Thieves defeating Ichani. Doesn’t that make us look incompetent.”

  “Any other news?” Larkin asked.

  Dannyl glanced around the room. “Is Lord Osen here?”

  The Alchemists shook their heads.

  “Oh.” Dannyl glanced from one magician to another, then sighed. Then they didn’t know about Lorlen. “Then I do have news, but it is not good.”

  The storeroom hummed with voices. A small crowd had formed in the last hour. The two Thieves, Ravi and Sevli, had arrived after the news came that the Ichani woman had entered the passages. Soon after, Senfel had recited a short mental communication between the woman, Kariko and Sonea. They had been waiting in tense silence for more news, when Takan announced that Akkarin and Sonea had killed the woman.

  Everyone had forgotten the servant’s presence, but now that he had reminded them of his link to Akkarin, he was being subjected to a stream of questions he clearly couldn’t answer.

  Gol caught Cery’s eye. He looked sullen and unhappy. Cery knew it was because he had slipped away to visit the Palace alone. He felt a little guilty about that. Gol was supposed to be his protector.

  Thinking back to his encounter with the Ichani, Cery considered what might have happened if Gol had been with him. He could have ordered his second to lure the Ichani away. Would he have been able t
o do so, knowing it would lead to Gol’s death? Would Gol have obeyed, or even suggested it? Cery had found Gol to be nothing but loyal, but was he that loyal?

  Interesting questions, Cery thought, but I’m glad I didn’t have to find out the answers.

  Cery frowned. What would Gol think of Savara if he knew what she’d done? They had parted outside the Palace gates, and he hadn’t seen her since.

  The voices in the room suddenly fell silent. Looking up, Cery saw that Sonea and Akkarin were striding down the room toward them. He stepped forward and grinned.

  “Takan just told us you got the woman.”

  “Yes,” Akkarin replied. “She carried a blood gem, so Kariko probably knows we are here.”

  “And about the passages under the city, too,” Faren added. “We’re not safe down here any longer.”

  “Will the other Ichani enter the passages?” Ravi asked.

  “Probably,” Akkarin replied. “They will try to find and kill us as quickly as possible.”

  Sevli crossed his arms. “They won’t find you. They don’t know the ways, and no one will show them.”

  “All they need to do is capture a guide and read his mind to find their way around,” Akkarin reminded him.

  The Thieves exchanged glances. “Then we got to send the helpers away,” Cery said. He looked at Akkarin. “I’ll guide you from now on.”

  Akkarin nodded in gratitude. “Thank you.”

  Sonea looked at Akkarin. “If they come down here, they might split up to corner us. We could use that to our advantage by circling back and attacking them separately.”

  “No.” Akkarin shook his head. “Kariko will not risk parting from his allies.” He looked at Faren. “What are the Ichani doing now?”

  “Talking,” Faren replied.

  “I bet they are,” Senfel rumbled.

  “Not any more,” a new voice said.

  All turned to regard a messenger hurrying toward them. “They’ve gone back to wrecking buildings.”

  Akkarin frowned. “Are you sure?”

  The man nodded.

  “Do you think they’re trying to get us to come out and stop them?” Sonea asked.


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