Wilde for Him (A Wilde Series Novel)

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Wilde for Him (A Wilde Series Novel) Page 14

by Janelle Denison

  And then she felt a rush of cold air on her bare skin as they stepped outside to the front of the hotel, but it wasn’t enough to snap her out of her stupor. It was as if she were drunk, yet she’d only consumed one cocktail a few hours ago. Was she still walking? Or was she standing still and everything around her was moving? She no longer could tell.

  She wanted Ben. She needed Ben. But when she opened her mouth to tell Craig to go and get him, only a soft moan escaped. And somewhere in the back of her fading thoughts she knew that when Ben did find her he was going to give her hell for not staying put.

  Chapter Nine

  As Ben stood off to the side and kept an eye on Christine up at the podium during her presentation, he instinctively knew that something was wrong. She’d explained how nervous she was about public speaking, but she wasn’t acting with typical signs of anxiety. Rather, she seemed increasingly out of sorts and confused, as if she couldn’t think clearly even though she had an outline right in front of her.

  He watched her take another drink of her water, emptying the glass of the clear liquid, and then try and finish her spiel on the silent auction. Her breathing grew labored, and a frown furrowed her brow as she stared out at the crowd with a dazed look on her face. Abruptly, she finished her speech and headed down the platform away from him.

  He called out her name, but she didn’t seem to hear him.

  “Son of a bitch,” Ben bit out furiously and moved fast, but as the thick crowd around him started to separate and head in different directions, men and women inadvertently cut him off in his attempt to get to Christine. It was like swimming upstream through a sea of mud, and it was all he could do not to push and shove his way through the mass of people getting in his way.

  Ben’s gaze never left Christine as a man he realized was Craig ushered her toward the exit. He swore again, and once they disappeared through the double doors and Ben could no longer see them, a swift kick of adrenaline surged through his entire body. As he ran out of the ballroom, he resisted the urge to grab the semi-automatic he’d holstered beneath his jacket, because he knew that would cause a huge scene and chaos, and until he saw an actual threat he had to keep his weapon secured.

  He burst through the main doors of the hotel that led outside, and he immediately caught sight of Craig guiding a wobbling-on-her-high-heels Christine along a path leading around to the far side of the building—where it was dark and very secluded.

  Ben reached Craig before the other man had a chance to realize he was even nearby. He stepped in front of him and Christine, bringing them both to a stop. Craig looked startled by his sudden appearance, while Christine appeared bewildered and confused.

  Instantly, Ben gently grabbed Christine’s arm and pulled her away from Craig. Once he had her safe by his side, the fury that had been building within Ben exploded in a blast of outrage. “Stay the fuck away from her, Crosby!”

  “What the hell, man!” Craig retorted just as angrily. “She was obviously dizzy and sick, and I was just taking her to the courtyard right over there so she could sit down and get some fresh air!” He waved toward an area sectioned off by plants and trees, with benches to sit on.

  Ben clenched his jaw. While Craig’s story was completely plausible and most likely true, Ben wasn’t about to back down from his stance. “Stay away from her,” he said, enunciating each word.

  Craig narrowed his gaze. “I don’t know who the hell you think you are, but I’m getting damn tired of your continual harassment.”

  Before Ben could respond with a scathing remark, Christine fell against his chest, and he caught her around the waist to help keep her upright. She looked up at him, her eyes glassy and a semblance of a smile on her lips.

  “Ben,” she sighed, drawing out his name on a slur of sound.

  It was as though she was drunk, yet Ben knew for a fact that she’d only had one cocktail, and that had been before dinner. The only other explanation for her uncharacteristic behavior was that she’d been drugged somehow. Had someone put something in her food or her soda at their table? And what about the water at the podium? It could have easily been tampered with before she’d arrived to make her speech.

  Ben was beginning to suspect the latter, and he automatically glared at Craig. “What did you do to her?”

  Craig visibly bristled. “I didn’t do a damn thing to her, and I don’t appreciate your accusations!”

  He didn’t give a shit what Craig did or didn’t like. But ultimately, Ben didn’t have proof of anything, let alone that Crosby was responsible for Christine’s current state. Or Leanne, who was easily Ben’s second suspect.

  However, with over two hundred people attending the charity event, there was no way to nail any one person. Not only were there supporters of Nathan Delacroix at the party, but undoubtedly there were others who might hold a grudge against the man for his political views. Someone angry enough to issue threats against Delacroix to drop out of the race for governor, and bold enough to slip something to Christine to let Nathan know just how serious they were about his daughter’s safety.

  The possibility made Ben feel physically ill.

  “Ben!” a deep male voice called out.

  Ben glanced toward the hotel entrance to see Matthew Carlton, the man that he and Christine had met through Scott Wilde just before her speech. The other man was striding toward the three of them, his expression speculative.

  “I noticed that Christine wasn’t doing so well up at the podium,” Matthew said as he came up to them. “Is she okay?”

  She was still leaning heavily against Ben, her face buried in the crook of his neck. “I don’t know,” he admitted.

  Christine shivered against him and burrowed closer, her arms sliding around his waist beneath his jacket. “It’s cold and you’re so warm,” she whispered languidly.

  Matthew pushed his hands into his pants pockets, his concerned gaze still on Christine. “Would you like me to take a look at her and make sure she’s alright?”

  Nothing about this situation felt good, but remembering that Matthew Carlton was some kind of doctor, not to mention a friend of Scott’s, Ben chose to trust the other man. “That would be great. Let’s get her back inside so she can sit down.”

  They started back toward the hotel entrance, and when Craig followed, Ben shot him a dark, insidious look. “I’ll handle this,” he said, leaving no doubt in Crosby mind that he needed to get lost. “And like I said before, stay away from her.”

  Craig gave him a too smug glance. “We’ll see what Christine says about that.”

  Ben’s temper spiked to an all-time high. If he didn’t have his hands full trying to support Christine as they entered the hotel lobby, he would have beat the shit out of the self-righteous bastard right then and there.

  Being a somewhat smart man, Craig didn’t push the issue any farther, and while Ben and Matthew led Christine toward a vacant group of couches and chairs set up in the lobby, Crosby veered toward the ballroom to return to the charity gala.

  After gently maneuvering Christine so that she was sitting in the center of the couch, Ben removed his tuxedo jacket and settled it over Christine’s bare shoulders. He knelt in front of her while Matthew sat to her right on the couch and immediately grabbed her wrist to check her pulse and heart rate. Christine’s head fell forward drowsily, and Ben lifted her chin to try and keep her awake.

  “Open your eyes and look at me, sweetheart,” he cajoled in a low, soothing voice.

  He watched her struggle to lift her lashes, and when she finally managed the feat and saw him, she smiled slow and sweet. “Ben,” she murmured on a wisp of breath. “I’m soooo tired and sleepy.”

  He cupped her face in his hands, “I know you are, honey, but I need you to stay awake, okay?”

  She licked her lips and tried to nod. “Mmmm, hmmm.”

  While Ben proceeded to talk to Christine to keep her alert, Matthew continued his examination. He looked into her eyes and checked her pupils and vision then we
nt on to monitor her breathing. He even pressed his ear to her chest so he could listen to the rhythm of her heart beat. Matthew asked how much she’d had to drink, if she was on any type of medication or had recently taken any kind of drugs.

  The last question Ben couldn’t answer, and when Matthew repeated the inquiry to Christine, she responded with an indignant, but sluggish, “I don’t do drugs!”

  Christine’s spirited reply despite her lethargic condition almost made Ben smile. Instead, he glanced back at Matthew and decided to level with him on the situation.

  “Look, I’ve been hired by Christine’s father as her bodyguard, and I’d really prefer not to have to take her the E.R. and have her exposed to the public for hours there, if it can be helped.”

  Ben could just imagine the field day reporters would have with that kind of story. Undoubtedly, someone in Lambert’s camp would turn it into some kind of drug scandal against Nathan’s daughter, and ultimately smear Delacroix’s great reputation and his campaign.

  “I don’t have any proof, but judging by what happened up at the podium, and Christine’s behavior now, I think someone slipped her something,” Ben said, giving Matthew his gut feeling on what might have transpired. “I’ve never seen her act like this before.”

  Matthew checked her pulse rate again. “From what I see, she does exhibit many of the symptoms of ingesting Rohypnol,” he said, referring to the street drug roofie. “Her motor skills are definitely impaired, and she’s responding as if she’s had a lot more to drink than she did. The good thing is, she only consumed one cocktail hours ago, so that does reduce the effects of the drug.”

  Ben nodded, grateful for that much, at least. “What do I need to do?”

  “Take her home and watch her throughout the night to make sure there isn’t any change in her breathing or any extreme drop in her pulse rate,” Matthew instructed. “Her reaction is something she’s just going to have to sleep off, and most likely she won’t remember any of this in the morning.”

  Anxious to get her out of the hotel and safe at home, Ben stood, fished a ticket stub from his pants pocket and glanced back at Matthew. “Would you mind getting our car from valet while I carry Christine out of here? I don’t think she can walk or stand very well on her own and I don’t want to risk her falling.”

  “Absolutely. I’m glad to help.” Matthew took the stub and headed out of the lobby to the circular drive in front of the hotel to retrieve their vehicle.

  Ten minutes later, Ben had Christine secured in the passenger seat of her Lexus, with the seat reclined so she could sleep on the drive home. He shut the door then turned back to the good doctor, who withdrew a business card from his wallet and handed it to Ben.

  “These are my emergency numbers where I can be reached twenty-four seven,” Matthew said. “Call me if you have any questions or need anything at all.”

  “Thanks, man.” Ben shook Matthew’s hand, thankful to have the back up if he needed it. “I appreciate it.”

  Getting Christine inside the house and carrying her to the guest bedroom where he was staying was easy. Getting her out of her long, elegant dress when she was as limp as a wet noodle was going to be a bit trickier. He laid her down on one side of the double bed, and she woke up long enough to reach for him, her hands sliding along the front of his dress shirt as she tried to unfasten the buttons with clumsy, fumbling fingers.

  Her blue eyes were glassy, her lips oh-so-tempting as she murmured in a seductively drowsy voice, “Come ’ere… I want you.”

  A pained smile touched his lips. “I know you do, sweetheart. You’ve already made that very clear. Numerous times.” Knowing one of the effects of Rohypnol was a lack of inhibition, he grasped her slender wrists and gently pulled her hands away from his shirt. “But first things first. Let’s get you out of this dress.”

  “Yeah,” she sighed as she looked up at him with a soft, come-hither look in her eyes. “Let’s get naked.”

  Her head fell back against the pillow, and in the next instant she was asleep again, which would make his next task of stripping off her dress so much easier. Because of the one shoulder design of her gown, the zipper was located beneath her arm and he pulled the tab all the way down to her hip. Slipping the material off her shoulder, he dragged the dress down her lithe body and off, leaving her scantily clad in a strapless bra, skimpy black lace panties, and a pair of black, sexy designer heels.

  Those were the first to go. Then, keeping his gaze on her face, he unhooked her bra and added it to the gown he’d draped over the chair next to the bed. Thankfully, she remained unconscious, even when he pulled one of his t-shirts over her head, pushed her arms through the sleeves, then yanked the soft cotton material down to her thighs. Once she was sufficiently covered, he put her beneath the blankets then took off his holster and stripped off his own formal attire.

  Wearing just a pair of boxer-briefs, he turned off the lights, slid into bed beside her and pulled her close to his side with his fingers pressing gently against the pulse in her neck so he could monitor the beat of her heart.

  He’d made the decision to bring her to the guest bedroom because it was less personal and intimate than crawling into her too-feminine bed, but as she snuggled up to him and her soft body curled so sweet and trusting against his, he realized that it didn’t matter where the two of them slept tonight. His awareness of her was so acute, so undeniable, that they could have been in an igloo in the North Pole and his body still would have been as hot as a furnace.

  Before that swift kick of lust could settle in his groin and keep him hard for the entire night, he rerouted his thoughts to something less arousing. Like the phone call Ben needed to make to Christine’s father in the morning to let him know what happened.

  That definitely dissolved any last lingering bit of desire. He didn’t relish informing Nathan that someone had tried to drug his daughter at the gala, especially under his watch. He’d been hired specifically to protect Christine, yet someone had still been able to get to her in a way that he’d never anticipated. The results could have been far more tragic if he hadn’t been around, but that notion did little to soothe his conscience.

  Instead, it brought up haunting memories of his fiancée, Kim, and the brutal, unexpected way she, and most of her unit, had been murdered by a roadside bomb in Iraq—and how he’d been unable to keep her safe during a mission that had gone so horribly wrong.

  Now, he lived with the guilt, the remorse, the vivid images of how he’d held her lifeless body in his arms and wished that it had been him that had died, instead of her.

  A familiar lump formed in his throat and he squeezed his eyes shut to block the painful recollections. He’d failed to keep Kim safe, but he wasn’t going to make that same mistake with Christine.

  Christine cuddled closer to the hard, warm body next to hers. Still caught somewhere between sleep and sublime awareness, she grasped at the nebulous images and feelings floating through her mind, embracing the decadent sensations that could only be a wonderfully sensual dream. She breathed in the scent of earthy male, and her flattened palm skimmed over ridges of hot skin sprinkled with a trail of course hair that led to an elastic barrier.

  Undeterred, and wanting to see where this delicious fantasy led, she boldly slipped her hand beneath the waistband. Finding what she sought, she smiled and released a little hum of approval as she wrapped her fingers around an impressive erection. She squeezed the hard shaft then stroked the hot, silky length of flesh in a tight fist—from the thick base all the way up to a broad, swollen head, which seeped with a slick moisture.

  A deep groan rumbled beneath the ear that was pressed against a warm, solid chest, the sound so vivid and real she felt her stomach curl with an answering need. Her breasts swelled, her nipples tightened, and between her thighs she throbbed for release. She turned more fully toward the temptation beckoning to her, aching for a deeper contact, to feel all that pulsing flesh filling her full.

  Instead, strong fingers p
ulled her hand away from the erection she still held in her grasp, and she moaned in protest. This was not how her fantasy was supposed to end.

  “Christine, sweetheart, wake up.”

  The deep, masculine voice and a gentle shake penetrated the fog that seemed to surround her. Forcing her eyes open, she blinked a few times, trying to clear not only her vision, but also the haze clouding her mind. It was as if she was dealing with a hangover, and after that one time in college when she’d woken up ill from a night of drinking too much alcohol at a sorority party, she’d never over-indulged again.

  Feeling confused and disoriented, she lifted her head and glanced down at the man laying half-naked beside her.

  Daylight streamed through the slats in the wooden blinds covering the windows, providing more than enough illumination to see Ben staring at her with dark eyes that were hot with the same desire burning through her. The stubble on his jaw told her that it was most likely morning, yet she had no idea where they were or what had happened.

  “Ben,” she said, her voice raspy and just as bewildered as she felt.

  A lazy smile curved his lips. “Morning,” he murmured. He brushed away stray strands of hair that had fallen against her cheek as his gaze searched her face with concern. “How are you doing?”

  With a frown, she glanced around, recognizing the guest bedroom where Ben had been sleeping for the past week. She was wearing one of his t-shirts, and her hair was falling in a disheveled mess from the where it had been pinned atop her head. She couldn’t remember how she’d gotten there in his bed, and if they’d enjoyed any in between the sheets kind of activity she had no recollection of that, either.

  She supposed there was only one way to find out. “Did we sleep together?”

  “Sleep was all we did in this bed,” he said as he continued to watch her. “Well, actually, you slept and I kept a close eye on you all night long.”

  She sat up and pressed a hand to her cool forehead. “I don’t understand,” she whispered, trying to recall something, anything that led to her waking up beside Ben.


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