My Twist of Fate

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My Twist of Fate Page 13

by R. A. Krauszer

  Aislyn and Adalyn were lost in their own conversation with each other about baby names. Little did Aislyn know, but they had already chosen her name and were keeping it a surprise. Adalyn made him promise to keep it a secret, which he of course agreed to. He would do anything to make her happy.

  “Let’s sit down and eat, you must be hungry,” she called to the three adults that were her children, even if not by birth. She was very happy to have another daughter in the family. She was extremely excited about them getting married.

  They all sat down in their regular seats and began eating.

  “Is Dad coming over?” Ashton asked, surprised that his mother was here without him.

  “Your father wanted to get some yardwork done. I made his food before I came over,” Mrs. Montgomery explained.

  “Have you set a date for the wedding yet?” Aislyn asked as she took a bite of her food.

  “We haven’t really discussed it,” Adalyn told her.

  “Do you want to be married before the baby gets here or does that not matter to you?” Aislyn asked.

  “It honestly doesn’t matter to me because I know that I am not going anywhere. In my heart, he is already my husband, and I really don’t need a piece of paper to prove it. So whenever he decides, since it will be him that decides that” Adalyn winked at Ashton, and his overbearing attitude.

  “I told you already once, that I would have already married you, but I didn’t want to scare you away,” he told her with a grin.

  “You couldn’t scare her away,” Mrs. Montgomery said.

  “That is where you are wrong. I tried running on more than one occasion. His domineering, controlling, and all-around pig-headedness wouldn’t let me,” Adalyn laughed.

  “What changed?” she asked her curiously.

  Adalyn turned a deep shade of red, not sure she really wanted to answer her mother-in-law. She looked to Ashton, silently asking what she should do. He grinned and shrugged.

  “He kissed me,” she blurted out quickly.

  “You are your father’s child,” Mrs. Montgomery chuckled, smiling at her own memory.

  “Eww, Mom, I don’t want to hear about you and daddy,” Aislyn squealed.

  “You think that your father is a pushover, but when he was younger, he was far from it. One of these days, I will show you some pictures of him,” she told her daughter.

  “So there is hope for me and his controlling nature?” Adalyn smiled at her mother-in-law.

  “Well, to answer that question, I have to ask one of my own. You say he is controlling, but is it in a negative way, or just a protective way?” she asked Adalyn.

  “As irritating as it can be at times, I know it comes from the heart. I know he loves me and wouldn’t ever do anything to hurt me, he has proved that from day one. Honestly, that is part of the reason why I ran from him, he was a nice guy, and I didn’t want to ruin him,” she told her mother-in-law honestly.

  “You make me a better man; you could never ruin me. You are my reason for living the life I do. I told you from that first day that I would never hurt you and I would do anything to make you happy,” he told Adalyn, as he leaned down and kissed her neck, rubbing his hands over her baby bump. The baby instantly started bouncing around, causing Ashton to smile.

  “I would like to take Adalyn baby shopping. So you are either coming with us Ashton or you can call Silas. Me and the girls are going shopping though,” she told her son.

  “Ashton, you should come. You are already here. There is no point in calling Silas and bothering him with something as silly as shopping,” Aislyn said quickly.

  “I am not sure what is going on, Ais, but he is going to have to be the one to go shopping because I have to go to the gym and then to the shop. I don’t want that douchebag there that long by himself,” Ashton said with a scowl. He still didn’t like the new guy, even if he wasn’t truly the new guy anymore, he had proven himself.

  “Fine, then,” Aislyn scowled, stomping her foot.

  Adalyn couldn’t help but laugh at her best friend. She was acting like a toddler that wasn’t getting her way. She would have to have a talk with her later and find out what was going on.

  There was a knock at the door, so Adalyn went to answer it. She was surprised when she opened the door to see the waitress that had dropped the food on her that night.

  “What do you want?” Adalyn asked.

  “Ashton, obviously. I need to talk to him…privately,” she sneered.

  “That isn’t going to happen,” Adalyn told her.

  “Look I don’t even know why you are still hanging around. Ashton and I are together; you, however, were just a curiosity,” she told Adalyn with a smile.

  “See, that is where you are wrong. So take your skank ass away from my front door before I remove you myself,” Adalyn snarled.

  “How dare you call me a skank,” she screamed as she hauled off and smacked Adalyn across the face.

  Adalyn’s head whipped to side, from the force of the slap. It hurt like hell, but it pissed her off even more.

  “I warned you that night at the restaurant. You don’t listen. You are a stupid bitch,” Adalyn snarled at her. Without even thinking about it, she pulled her fist back and punched her right in the face, causing her to stumble back and fall on her ass.

  “What the hell is going on,” Silas roared as he ran up the driveway. He had witnessed the entire incident but couldn’t make it quick enough before Adalyn knocked her on her ass.

  Adalyn took a step closer toward her, but Silas grabbed her around the waist as gently as possible. “Ash get your ass out here,” he yelled.

  Ashton came outside, confused as to why Silas was yelling. He came to a stop when he saw Silas’ arms wrapped around Adalyn and that crazy ass waitress was getting off the ground.

  “What the fuck is going on?” Ashton growled.

  “I came over to talk to you and this bitch hit me,” April told him.

  “You lying skank,” Adalyn tried getting loose, but Silas just chuckled and didn’t release her.

  “Your girl here is correct. April is lying, at least in part. Adalyn didn’t hit her first,” Silas explained.

  Ashton walked closer to April, looking at the bruise that was beginning to form on her jaw already. Turning he looked at a very pissed off Adalyn.

  “Babe, did you do that?” he asked, pointing to her jaw.

  “Yes! I will not apologize either. She hit me first after telling me that the two of you were together and she didn’t even know why I was still around because all I was, was a curiosity to you,” Adalyn told him.

  “You hit my wife?!” Ashton yelled at April, causing her to take a step back.

  “She came in between us and was trying to break us up. Wait, what do you mean wife?” she asked in confusion.

  “Silas take Adalyn to the car, text my mom and sister to let them know you are here. The girls are going baby shopping,” Ashton told him, his eyes never leaving April. He was hoping that she would catch on.

  Ashton stopped Adalyn before she could take more than a couple steps, “I need a kiss before leave,” he grinned. Pulling her by the waist toward him, he kissed her hard. By the time he broke the kiss, they were both breathless. “Now take your cute ass shopping for our baby. Stay safe,” he told her as he swatted her ass as Silas escorted her to the car, where the other two ladies now watched and waited.

  “Where were we?” Ashton snarled as he turned his attention back to April. “Oh that’s right, we were discussing how you put your hands on my wife.”

  “I still stand by what I said, she deserved it because she is trying to break us up,” April sulked.

  “We are not together! We haven’t been for several months. I want nothing to do with you,” Ashton told her.

  “We just had a disagreement, you didn’t mean it,” she told him.

  Ashton couldn’t believe this girl. She was in complete denial. She was batshit crazy if she thought they were getting back together. Hell
would freeze over first, and even then, it wasn’t going to happen.

  “Why are you here?!” Ashton yelled, hoping that his tone would make her see how pissed off he was.

  “I told you, I know you didn’t mean it. I forgive you and I want us to work on things,” she told him sweetly, taking a step closer.

  April touched his arm. He quickly stepped away from her, removing her hand from his arm.

  “Look, April, I want nothing to do with you. I am going to spend the rest of my life with Adalyn, raising our daughter together. We are getting married and there will be nothing between you and I ever again. I am sorry if you can’t understand that, but it’s true. You need to leave now! Do not call me, text me, come by my house, or shop ever again. And if you ever touch my wife again, you will regret it, that I promise you,” he snarled, turning and walking back into the house and locking the door.

  He waited several minutes until April left before leaving himself. He had made sure everything was locked up tight before he left. He also texted Adalyn to let her know he was heading to the gym and then to work for a bit. She texted back instantly, letting him know that she was safe and enjoying herself.

  Adalyn, Silas, Ashton’s mom, and his sister returned from shopping close to dinner time. They had accomplished a lot, but Adalyn was exhausted.

  “I am going to warm up some food, sweet girl. Go lay down and I will bring you some,” Mrs. Montgomery told her.

  Adalyn wasn’t going to argue, she was tired, and not ashamed to admit it. She changed into one of Ashton’s shirts and climbed into bed. She sat there thinking about what had happened with that girl before she left. She flexed her hand; it was only a little sore. She was still surprised she had punched her, but she didn’t regret it.

  Adalyn sat quietly and listened to everyone in the house go about their business. Her mother-in-law was warming food up for everyone. Silas was carrying all the baby furniture into the house, while Aislyn bossed him around. She couldn’t hold in the giggle that bubbled up. She enjoyed watching her best friend fall for someone, even if she refused to admit it to anyone, including herself.

  “Here you go, sweet girl. Eat what you can,” Mrs. Montgomery told her, placing a kiss on the top of her head, before leaving her to eat in the peace of her bedroom. The only company she had was Ronda, who was snoring softly on Ashton’s side of the bed. Adalyn ate a little bit of food, but she found herself to be more tired than she thought. She put her plate on the nightstand next to the bed and curled up next to Ronda and fell asleep quickly.

  Adalyn woke up to the feel of Ashton climbing in bed next to her. He gently pulled her back into his chest and wrapped his arm around her waist, gently rubbing her belly.

  “You are waking her up,” Adalyn giggled at feeling the baby start to bounce around.

  “I missed you tonight. Did you have fun shopping?” he asked as he kissed her shoulder.

  “Yes, it was nice. It was fun to hang out with your mom and sister. It was even more fun to watch your sister bicker with Silas. I don’t know why they can’t just admit that they like each other,” Adalyn told him with a yawn.

  “They are both adults and we can not interfere with their relationship. I also don’t want to think about my baby sister with anyone, even if he is my best friend,” Ashton chuckled.

  “They are so cute though. I think they will be great together once your sister just accepts it,” Adalyn told him.

  “How is your hand?” he asked, running his hand over her baby bump again.

  “My hand is fine. I don’t know what came over me. She just pissed me off so bad and I saw red,” she told him, slightly afraid that he was mad at her.

  “Well, you do not have to worry about her anymore. I told her that we were getting married and I didn’t want to ever see her again, not even in the shop as a customer,” he told her.

  “Have you heard anything about Andrew?” she asked quietly.

  “He is in jail and is going to be there for a very long time. He is being charged with three counts of kidnapping, attempted murder for you, abusing an unborn baby, carrying an unregistered weapon, stalking, the list is longer, but I am too tired to think of everything,” he explained. “You may or may not have to go to court, it depends on the judge.”

  “Well, I am just glad he is finally in jail where he belongs. I am ready to move on from everything involving him. You and your family are the only thing that good that came out of this whole mess. I just want to forget about him,” Adalyn leaned up and kissed him, halting all conversation.


  Adalyn woke the next morning to Ronda kisses. Giggling she climbed out of bed. Stretching felt good, but she felt the ache in her muscles. The ache was well worth it though. She smiled as her thoughts went to the night before and how Ashton loved her.

  Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, she got dressed and went in search of Ashton. She found him sitting at the table talking to Silas.

  “Good morning,” she said as she entered the dining room.

  Ashton stood and made his way to the coffee pot and made her a cup of coffee. He had listened to everything the doctor had said about too much caffeine for the baby. He also knew that there was no way, she was going to give up her coffee. He also knew that she wouldn’t do anything to hurt their daughter. Placing the cup down in front of her, he kissed the top of her head.

  Adalyn sat quietly for a few minutes drinking her coffee. She listened as the guys talked quietly amongst themselves, about what she wasn’t really sure. Their voices were more like background noise.

  Ashton jumped up from his chair when he heard her phone ring.

  “Hello,” he answered. “I am her fiancée, who are you?” he barked into the phone.

  Adalyn watched him silently from where she was sitting, unsure who would call and make him act that way. He was normally easy going unless someone tried to hurt her or someone he cared about.

  “She is sleeping right now, so I will have to take a message and have her call you back,” Ashton was saying as she tuned back into the conversation. She watched as he wrote the message, concern all over his face.

  “Who was that?” she asked as he hung up.

  “That was a very distraught mother….Andrew’s mother to be exact,” he said glumly.

  “What do you mean Andrew’s mother?” she asked in disbelief.

  “She was calling to get an update on wedding plans. According to what she said Andrew and you have been engaged to be married for the last year and the wedding is supposed to take place this weekend. She was wanting to meet with you before the wedding since she is going to be your mother-in-law,” he explained.

  “That isn’t happening. I am not calling her back or going to see her. She needs to know that her son has been lying to her,” Adalyn all but yelled.

  “You don’t have to. She didn’t like the fact that I said I was your fiancée, but I hung up before her language became too colorful,” he said as he hugged her.

  “I will add that information to the case,” Silas said after a few minutes of quiet. “I think the more we add to it, the longer he will serve.

  “Thank you for everything,” she told him.

  “Anytime, sweet pea,” he told her. Silas excused himself so he could go to the station and add the new information to the case.

  Adalyn and Ashton spent the rest of the day lounging around the house and watching movies. She slept on and off throughout the day, which made him happy because she needed it. He watched as she slept, and the baby bounced around. It was such an amazing thing to watch. It was also amazing to him that it wouldn’t be long before their daughter joined them.


  It had been eight weeks since the day that Andrew’s mom called her. During that time, not a day had gone by that she didn’t call at least once. It didn’t matter what Adalyn said to her when it came to Andrew, she didn’t believe her son would do such a horrible thing. It got to the point where she would leave numerous voicemails if Adal
yn didn’t answer, which is why her and Aislyn were shopping today. She needed a new phone and number. The woman couldn’t take a hint, nice or otherwise.

  “Thanks for coming with me today. I didn’t want Ashton to worry about me going out by myself, or worse taking time away from the gym or shop to go with me because he was worried,” Adalyn told Aislyn as they walked toward the cell phone store.

  “You don’t have to thank me. I enjoy spending time with you. And whether Ashton wants to admit it or not, you were mine first,” Aislyn winked.

  “Good luck getting him to admit that” Adalyn giggled.

  “How can I help you today?” asked an employee as they entered the store.

  “Hi. I need a new phone with a new number,” Adalyn explained. She gave him the information for her account so he could it up.

  “Go ahead and browse for a phone you like, and I will be with you in a few minutes,” he told her.

  The girls walked around the store looking at phones. Adalyn decided on the current version of the phone she had previously.

  “I just want to get the updated version of the phone I currently have,” she told him as she stopped in front of the counter.

  “Alright, I will just disconnect that other phone from your account and add this one,” he told her.

  “No! You can’t disconnect that other line yet. It is involved in an investigation so the things on it are evidence,” she explained, hoping he would understand and not ask anything further.

  “Alright then. I will just add another line. Just know that you will still be charged for the other line even if you aren’t using it,” he told her sternly.

  “I am aware of that. I will disconnect that line once the investigation is over,” she explained.

  “You will be charged an early termination fee if it is before the contract obligation is met,” he told her.

  “I am well aware of that as well. Can you just add the new line, so I can have a phone to use?!” she snapped.

  “Is there a problem here?” asked Ashton as he entered the store.


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