The Dirty Texas Rockstar Box Set (Books 1 - 5)

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The Dirty Texas Rockstar Box Set (Books 1 - 5) Page 29

by JA Low

  “Luckily I am eating for two because there is so much food,” Sienna whispers to me as she takes her seat.

  “There is a lot of hungry men here, I guarantee there won’t be any left overs. “Dad refused my request for him to sit at the head of the table saying, “Son this is your Thanksgiving.” So I tap my glass to get everyone’s attention, we say Grace then we all dig in. About an hour later we are all pretty stuffed and Vanessa stands up and clears her throat. “Thought I would start the tradition off first today with what I am thankful for.” Everyone nods.

  “Angel, I know you're thankful for me,” Christian pips up.

  She pegs a bread roll at him. “I am thankful that my best friend has found true love and happiness and is now only down the road instead of a twenty-hour flight away.” She raises her glass of champagne to Sienna and I.

  I stand up next. “I am thankful for the life Sienna is growing inside of her. I am thankful for the love she shows me every day and I am thankful that I found her.” When I sit down, Sienna leans over and gives me a heated kiss. “I am so thankful I found you as well,” she whispers.

  We continue on around the table saying what we are thankful for, and before long, it’s Derrick’s turn. This will be interesting.

  “I am thankful for Finn and Evan’s hot as hell brothers,” Derrick announces with a smile, making everyone laugh and the boys blush.



  “It’s been a busy day today,” Stacey mentions walking out to the front boutique area, as we get ready to close up for the day.

  “That magazine spread Sienna did has done wonders for the boutique. I’m booked solid, well into the New Year,” Derrick says with a smile as he shifts through racks of couture.

  “Enjoy it while it lasts, because there is no way in hell Evan is going to allow me to do another one anytime soon,” I respond as I sip on a bottle of mineral water.

  “Please, that man loves the attention,” Derrick laughs.

  “He’s forgotten that we have signed on for a baby shoot, so I’ll remind him when he is in that new dad bubble and won’t be able to say no.” The plan was devious but they were offering a large sum of money again and being able to donate all that money to charity, to make a difference, is worth it.

  “Give him a blow job and he’ll do whatever you want,” Derrick laughs, giving me a high five.

  “You know me so well, D.” I high five him back.

  “It always worked on me,” a familiar male voice says.

  “Beau!” I identify, looking at him, like a ghost standing before me. No way, there is no possible way he is standing there.

  “What the fuck,” Derrick roars. And, before Beau knows it, he is knocked flat on his ass, with a heavy breathing Derrick standing over him.

  “What the hell, D?” I scurry over to where Beau is sitting, a nice red mark burning on his cheek.

  “He deserves more than a fucking punch in the face, Si, and you know it.” Stacey is holding Derrick back, the adrenaline pumping through him. Even after all this time, Derrick still couldn’t stand him.

  “Are you okay?” Looking at Beau, his blue eyes sparkle, he looks good dressed in a navy suit, looking every inch the expensive lawyer that he was.

  “Yeah, I’m good,” Beau says, slowly getting up off the floor.

  “I guess I didn’t hit you hard enough if you can stand,” Derrick growls.

  “I’ve never accused you of punching like a girl, D. I learnt my lesson last time,” Beau says through gritted teeth. Derrick and Beau got into an almighty fight at my thirtieth birthday in Sydney, after I found Beau with his ex in our boat house.

  “What the hell are you doing here, Beau?” I question, wondering why after all these months he is here in Los Angeles.

  “I was in town for work and I had to give you something.” Beau reaches into his pocket and pulls out a check, handing it to me.

  “What’s this for?” Not registering what it was.

  “Half of my estate.”

  What is he talking about?

  “After finding out about Dad and Diana I lost it, I wasn’t myself. It’s taken me a while to find myself again. I started counseling, talked through everything that has happened to me with my family, my mind is a lot clearer about what I went through and what I put you through when it came to the divorce. I heard about your accident in Paris and that made me think about how I could make things right between us, plus maybe give us both closure.”

  “I’m pretty sure Sienna is well and truly over you,” Derrick hissed.

  “Yeah I know she is, Derrick, she looks happy with Evan from the photos I’ve seen.” Beau gives me a timid smile. “It’s hard to miss your photos, they’re kind of everywhere.”

  “Why are you here, Beau? Last time you came near me you damn well nearly ruined my life.”

  Beau nods, “Yeah I know, like I said I was in a bad place and not really thinking. But I’m here because you deserve so much better than me. I know you’re engaged to a rock star now and don’t really need the money but that check is for what you should have been given when we divorced.”

  Looking down now to the white check, the black lettering coming into focus and there are a lot of zeros on the check. “Beau this is too much,” I say, trying to hand back the check.

  Beau shakes his head, his floppy blond hair bouncing around. “No, Si, you are owed this money. I don’t care what you do with it but it’s what you are entitled to.”

  “And what do you get out of this?” Stacey demands, usually the quiet one in our group who likes to stay in the shadows. Looks like our little mouse has found her lady balls.

  “Nothing Stace, honestly, I’m doing it to put that chapter of my life behind me. I want to move on and find someone that makes me happy, like Evan does for Si.”

  Okay my heart may have thawed a little at his comment.

  “Well then thank you, Beau. I wish you all the best in finding that perfect someone for you. You deserve to be happy and you deserve to make someone happy, like you did me.”

  Beau looks shocked by my confession.

  “What you did at the end was shitty and unforgivable but all those years together they were not all bad.” It was the truth, ten years together is a long time and Beau was a great husband up until the end, but looking back now I don’t think Beau and I would have lasted, we were growing apart slowly, kids probably would have been the undoing for us.

  “Really? After everything that man has done to you,” Evan yells at the entry of the shop.

  My body stiffens, how the hell did he know that Beau was here? My eyes flick to Derrick and the phone that is now in his hand.

  “I told Sienna if you ever came back that I would pummel you but I can see Derrick has already beaten me to it,” Evan sneers.

  I walk over to Evan, trying to pull his attention away from my ex-husband and back to me.

  “Babe, it’s okay. Beau was just saying goodbye, he just wanted to give me a check for half of our estate, so we could both move on.”

  Evan’s blue eyes flick over my shoulder and then back to me. “You don’t need that fucker’s money,” he replies through gritted teeth.

  “I know I don’t but I deserve it.”

  Evan looks at me shocked.

  “Ten years, babe, I worked so damn hard for everything that we owned. Beau didn’t pay for all of it. So I’m going to take this check and I’m going to cash it. And you know what I’m going to do with it?” I look up at him as he raises an eyebrow at my question.

  “No darlin’, I don’t know what you are going to do with this check.”

  I turn to Derrick and say, “I’m going to expand Wyld Jones into a global brand. New York, Paris and eventually back in Sydney.”

  Derrick and Stacey gasp behind me and Evan gives me a dirty smirk, his hands wrap around my waist pulling me to him.

  “Really now?” He smiles, his face moving closer to me.

  “We might even open one in Texas,” I
add, which makes him laugh.

  “All that oil money needs to be spent somewhere,” Evan mentions, his lips hitting the curve of my neck, his teeth sinking into my skin and I let out a breathless moan.

  “I guess he is staking his claim,” Derrick muses to no one.

  Evan hums in agreement.

  “Evan,” I say on a moan, pushing him gently away, realizing where we are.

  Evan lets out a heavy sigh, he turns me around in his arms, his hands resting on my oversized bump.

  “Okay, well I better go,” Beau says awkwardly.

  “Yeah you better,” Derrick adds.

  I shoot him a glare. Life’s too short to worry about this. I am thankful Beau fucked up because I now have Evan.

  “Thank you for seeing me, Sienna, I wish you and Evan all the best for a wonderful life.”

  I wiggle out of Evan’s arms and walk toward Beau and hug him. He is hesitant and I can only guess the looks Evan and Derrick are shooting him behind my back but he eventually softens and hugs me. “I wish you well, Beau.” He nods, then I step back out of his arms, I can see Evan is tense. I mouth “Thank you” to my very understanding fiancé and he eventually relaxes.

  “Good Luck, guys,” Beau says as he walks toward the door.

  Evan sticks out his hand to shake Beau’s. “Good Luck, Beau, and thank you for fucking up, because you just gave me the world when you let her go.”

  I roll my eyes. Derrick and Stacey giggle.

  Beau nods and walks out the door. Funnily enough whatever unresolved issues I had with him deep down inside of me felt like they had lifted. I run into Evan’s arms and kiss the hell out of him because he is the love of my life and I am thankful for him for so fucking much.

  “Um, bitch are you going to explain to us about this world domination shit you have planned,” Derrick asks, making Evan and I laugh.



  We are on our way to Australia to celebrate Christmas, meet Sienna’s family, and, of course, get married. We have filled up the jet with the band and their families, Vanessa, Isla, Charlotte, Derrick, Jake, my parents, Stacey and Camryn, the wedding planner. The rest will be joining us after Christmas. We decided on Sienna’s parents resort for the wedding, it’s set out over two hundred acres of rainforest with views out to the ocean, plus with it being so remote makes it harder for the paparazzi to find us. There are seventy cabins scattered around the resort as well. Only problem is, Sienna and Vanessa’s parents are both vegetarians but she has assured us Texan meat eaters that there will be something for us.

  Sienna’s belly looks like she has swallowed a ball. It’s perfectly round and hard. Every movement Bean makes you can see through her skin. Just like an alien. She’s six months pregnant and it’s been over a year since I first set eyes on her. It’s pretty amazing how both of our lives have changed in a year, for the better of course. I’m about to marry the woman of my dreams and have a baby. I’ve packed up my life as a touring rock star and started my own record label. Shit, I’m growing up!

  We arrive into Ballina, a regional airport on the Australian East Coast, the hot summer sun hitting us in full force as we rush across the molten tarmac. A fleet of limousines are waiting for us after the long fifteen-hour flight from Los Angeles. Sienna tells me it’s about a forty-five-minute drive to her parent’s place from here, we just have to sit back, relax and enjoy the scenery. The boys and I have been to Australia once before to tour and we only ever made it to Sydney and Melbourne. Can’t believe Sienna and I missed each other all those years ago. Apparently she was away with Derrick in Europe for fashion week. This was lucky because I probably would have treated her like a groupie if we had met. I wasn’t ready for a woman like her then. I would have missed out on all this.

  “I can’t believe how hot it is,” Mom grumbles, fanning herself as she sits back against the cool leather of the limousine’s seat.

  “Hope the surf is good,” Jake ponders.

  “Dad goes surfing most mornings he’ll probably take you to the local spot if you want,” Sienna says.

  Jake’s face lights up. “Awesome, I’ve surfed a couple of spots down here when I’ve been on the Gold Coast for the pro tour, but local knowledge is always a winner.”

  “I can’t wait to try out some yoga,” Charlotte pipes in, while playing with her phone.

  “Oh yes, sweetheart that sounds like fun. I’ve always wanted to go to a health retreat, get pampered, try yoga, get myself all bendy.”

  “You’re bendy enough, darlin’,” Dad says, kissing her hand.

  “Eww gross, guys,” Charlotte moans.

  The rest of us just chuckle, my parents are looking forward to this holiday. They have always wanted to visit Australia. I’ve organized for them to have an extra month here after the wedding so they can explore the rest of the country, snorkel the Great Barrier Reef, sunset drinks beside Uluru, visit the little penguins on Phillip Island. So many things they can tick off their bucket lists.

  Sienna's knees start jiggling; I can feel her whole body vibrating the closer we get to her home.

  “Are you okay, sweetheart?” I ask, placing my hand on her trembling thigh.

  “I’m just excited to see Mum and Dad.”

  I guess her life has changed dramatically since she left them over a year ago, and now with her adorable baby bump I'm guessing she needs her parents more than ever.



  We are finally here, home. I can’t wait to see my parents again. The chauffeur opens my door and there they are waiting for me. I slowly make my way out and run into their arms.

  “Sweetie you’re home,” Dad greets, kissing my head.

  “Oh look at you,” Mum says in awe, touching my stomach.

  We are all crying as they feel their grandchild kicking for the first time. It seems like he is having a long stretch after all this traveling.

  “You must be Evan,” Mum says looking up to my handsome fiancé.

  “Yes ma’am, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” His Texan accent really coming through since being around his family. It’s sexy.

  “Come here.” Mum pulls Evan into her arms. “You’re part of the family now,” she says through her tears. Dad waits patiently to shake Evan’s hand. Evan introduces his family to my parents. I can see staff running around getting our bags from the cars.

  “Come, come, let's get you all settled, you must be exhausted after your flights.” Mum ushers us toward the fleet of golf carts, where staff are waiting to take us to our cabins.

  “Welcome to Tanderra. It means resting place. Which sums up perfectly what we have tried to accomplish here at the resort,” Dad proudly tells everyone.

  “This place is so beautiful.” Carol stares in amazement as we follow the rainforest track to their rooms which overlook the ocean and river. Pulling up to the first cabin we all jump out to have a look. The cabin is built over two levels on a steep slope set into the hill, nothing but green rainforest surrounds the cabin, the only sounds around us is coming from the Whip Birds. The cabin is made of mostly glass, with two large decks on each level. The top level has a small kitchen, living and dining area that opens out to the large deck which juts out into the rainforest. Downstairs is a bedroom, bathroom with sunken bath tub built into the lower deck, so you have the choice of either opening up the doors letting nature in or leaving them closed. Built beside that is your own personal plunge pool where you can sit, relax and look out to the ocean in the distance through the rainforest. Everyone is silent as they take in their surrounds. It is pretty spectacular seeing it all for the first time.

  “Oh my God, what’s that?” Carol screams, pointing to movement on the rainforest floor.

  “That’s just a bush turkey. He won’t hurt ya,” Dad says.

  But I can see the Texan’s aren’t convinced.

  “Do they attack?” Greg asks.

  “Nah not really they are pretty skittish. More scared of you than you are of them,” Dad
reassures them.

  “Can you eat it?” Greg wonders.

  “Yeah I’m sure in some indigenous communities you can.”

  They watch as it darts away back into the forest.

  We continue on to the next cabin where we leave Charlotte and Jake to get settled in. Dad promising Jake he’ll take him surfing in the morning.

  “We have saved the best cabin for the soon-to-be newlyweds.” Mum sounds excited and I know why because this cabin has some of the best views on the property. Set in a private area away from all the other cabins, on a point that looks out directly to the ocean. This cabin, no house, has its own swimming pool, spa, sauna, massage room, gym, kitchen, games room, bar, three bedrooms, large decks that wrap around the home, with a large outdoor kitchen and living area.

  “Sienna!” Evan marvels looking at the view set out before us.

  “I think he’s impressed darl.” Mum squeezes my hand.

  I follow Evan out on to the balcony where all you can see is blue. Blue sky and blue ocean. Evan pulls me into his arms, cupping my face.

  “I can’t wait to marry the fuck out of you,” he growls, then kisses me passionately.

  We hear throats clearing and Evan realizes where he is as he turns looking at Mum and Dad standing in the doorway watching us both.

  “I’m sorry, sir I just…”

  My dad bursts out laughing. “You’re right, mate, you make my daughter happy so it’s all good.”

  “We will leave you both alone. Sienna’s probably exhausted from the long flight.” Mum adds.

  Now that she mentions it, I am exhausted. Mum walks over to give me a kiss on my cheek. “I’m so happy you’re home, sweetheart.” I can see Mum’s eyes getting watery. She better not cry, I’m all emotional at the moment.

  “I’m glad to be home as well.”

  Dad gives me a kiss and shakes Evan’s hand. “Dinner's at seven tonight in the restaurant. One of the staff will pick you up in the buggy, if you like, or there is a spare in the garage.”


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