The Dirty Texas Rockstar Box Set (Books 1 - 5)

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The Dirty Texas Rockstar Box Set (Books 1 - 5) Page 132

by JA Low

  “We’re not done with you yet, little one.” Oscar looks down at me grinning. They can do whatever they want to me now. I’m all theirs.

  Oscar dresses me as exhaustion hits me, after I don’t know how many orgasms and sex positions. My muscles ache; it was a full body workout.

  “Thank you for a beautiful night, Stacey.” Axel kisses me. “I look forward to more fun-filled evenings.” My head nods in agreement. He chuckles, shakes Oscar’s hand and leaves.

  “Let’s get you home, little one.” Oscar picks me up, I close my eyes and I don’t open them again until Oscar is placing me in my own bed.

  “Hey.” I open my eyes.

  “Shh. Go back to sleep. We’ll catch up another day.” I reach out to him.

  “You can stay. I know that’s not our thing. But we can have breakfast here and talk about tonight.” He kisses my forehead and I fall asleep again.

  The smell of bacon wakes me up. Where the hell am I? Rubbing my eyes I glare at the sun coming in through my blinds. I go to stand up and my whole body moans with exhaustion. What the hell did I do last night? Then I remember. Wow. That was just. Wow. I giggle to myself. A male voice humming grabs my attention. Kicking back the covers, I am still dressed in the same dress I was in last night. I quickly throw it off and grab a t-shirt from out of the draws. I step out into the living space and I see Oscar moving around my kitchen with such ease it’s as if he lives here.

  “Morning,” I call out surprising him.

  “Morning.” He smiles. He walks over to me and kisses me. This surprises me.

  “I’ve made bacon and eggs this morning.” He plates the delicious smelling food.

  “Thanks so much.” I dig into the gourmet feast. First time a guy has ever cooked for me and it feels pretty good. We eat in relative silence until the first wave of hunger has subsided.

  “So, last night, huh.” I start the conversation because I don’t want it to be awkward this morning.

  “Last night was….” Oscar lets the words hang.

  “Fun. Dirty. Amazing. Liberating.” This makes him chuckle.

  “I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

  “Did you? I mean, you know, because Axel was there.”

  “Watching you lose control before my very eyes was the biggest turn on.”

  “And you weren’t jealous?” I ask the question I know he would ask if the roles were reversed.

  “No. I trust him.” Good enough answer. We continue eating our breakfast. “So, do you think it is something you would like to do again?”

  “Yeah, it is actually. I’m a little worried you have ruined me for all other guys, but not in a white picket fence way.” I see Oscar’s face pale. “In a, how can I go back to missionary after that, kind of way.” Oscar reaches out and links his fingers with mine.

  “I’d love to show you more.”

  “I’d love to see more.”

  “So you want to do this?”

  “If by this you mean we can go back to that magic sex club, then yes.” He smiles while his fingers lazily trace mine.

  “And you are okay with sharing me? Next time it could be with a woman.” My eyes widen.

  “That would be a new experience, but something I am not adverse to.”



  Oscar and I have been spending more and more time together at The Paradise Club. I’ve been able to experience things that I have only ever fantasized of. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would get to do them, but Oscar has opened a whole new world to me. We still agree that we can see other people. I caught up with Adam the other day when he was in town, and I know Oscar is hooking up with other girls because Isla has found a couple that have wandered into her room lost. She was not happy. We both have agreed to not tell anyone in the group about us, even though there isn’t an ‘us’. Of course Axel knows the extent of what is happening between us because well, he’s been included in it. I don’t think the others would understand our dynamic. Watching the person you are kind of seeing fuck another girl in front of you isn’t for everyone. They wouldn’t get it. Most people probably don’t understand it, but they don’t need to because it doesn’t affect them. So it remains our dirty little secret. But tonight it might all come crashing down.

  Derrick has just been accepted into The Paradise Club. He is one of the latest members and on his first night at the club he is allowed to bring some guests to experience it. I tried to get out of it but all the girls were eager to go because they know the Dirty Texas guys go there and they are all keen to check it out. Especially Vanessa and Isla. Ness and Christian called a truce between each other at Ryder’s christening, but she’s still living with Derrick. Time will tell if they ever get back to what they used to be. At least we can all hang out together again.

  The limousine pulls up out the front of what looks like an abandoned building. Nerves tickle my stomach as I walk the familiar path toward the concealed entry. None of the girls know I have been coming here with Oscar. I’m not ashamed about the sexual awaking Oscar has been giving me but I still don’t think they would understand. I see how jealous they get over the guys. Maybe there’s something wrong with me, you know, because I don’t get jealous. Even when I’ve been in the same room watching Oscar screw another woman, all I thought was it was hot. Isla links her arm with mine nervously as we walk toward the building.

  “Where’s the door?” Vanessa stares at the solid brick wall. Derrick pulls out his phone and checks the details.

  “There should be a pin code box somewhere.” I know exactly where it is but I stay quiet. “Here.” Derrick points to the red flashing light. He punches in his personal code and the door slides open and we walk in.

  “Welcome, Mr. Jones,” a tuxedo dressed doorman greets us, welcoming us into the foyer. “Congratulations on becoming the newest member of The Paradise Club, here is your card.” He hands over what looks like a gold credit card. “Swipe this when you want to move through the different floors. Each level has a security door and you will need this to get to the next level. Miss Roberts, Miss Ferguson, Miss Eriksen, here are your temporary cards. It has the same access as Mr. Jones’ but only for one night.” Thankfully, Luke the doorman, is going along with my ruse as if it’s the first time I have been there. He hands out the multicolored bands for our wrists and explains how the colors work for play inside. I look over at my friends who all look a little freaked out. Luke then explains the rules of the club just as Lucy joins us. She’s our guide for the evening.

  Walking through the golden doors into the club is still as impressive as the first time I came here. It has a cool 1920s vibe, very Gatsby-esque, old Hollywood style. We are standing in the downstairs area where there are many people milling around. Black leather booths line the walls of the room, large ornate gold chandeliers hang from the ceilings, walls painted black with gold art deco designs swirling across them, and soft jazz music is playing. Lucy guides us toward the studded leather bar. The model looking bar staff hand over a couple of glasses of champagne to us. Lucy explains how the club works and my friends silently listen. Isla squeezes my hand as we follow Lucy up to the first level.

  “This is exciting,” I whisper to Isla. Because she looks really nerves.

  “This level is for voyeurs and exhibitionists.” Lucy points to a large glass cube in the middle of the area. Inside of it are two women and a man. He’s lying on his back with one girl riding him and the other girl riding his face, the two girls kissing. I turn to see how my friends are faring with what they are seeing. Derrick isn’t that interested, he’s busy looking around at the people in the crowd, but I can see Vanessa and Isla’s cheeks have a faint pink color to them. They are both absorbed in what is happening.

  “That’s hot,” I mumble. Isla and Vanessa nod in agreement.

  “I will be leaving you on this level, you have your map,” Lucy tells us. “Please know that at any time you can use the club’s safeword, Paradise. When it is used everything stops
, if it doesn’t then one of the bouncers will make sure it does.” Lucy points to the many men dressed in black dotted around the club then she leaves us to our own devices.

  “Okay, I’m trying to not freak out, but we just watched people having sex,” Isla giggles.

  “I know. It’s kind of hot.” The group laughs nervously at my comment.

  “Maybe we should go back down to the safe room, have some drinks and then work up the courage to continue our journey,” Derrick suggests. We follow his lead and head back downstairs and straight toward the bar. “Tequila shots, kind sir,” Derrick flirtatiously asks the handsome barman.

  “Coming right up, sir,” he flirts back at him.

  “Not yet, but maybe later I will be,” Derrick fires right back.

  “Sounds like something I would like to be a part of,” the barman states, showing off his multicolored bands on his wrist. Derrick’s in luck as he sees the blue bracelet dangling from the barman's wrist. Our tequila shots arrive and we all slam them down quickly, nerves getting the better of us.

  “Is it going to be weird if…you know, we see each other doing something?” Isla asks.

  “Maybe, I don’t know, just as long as you don’t ask to join me, we should be fine.” The words come out like a lie, because if I was like them it’s what I should say.

  “Well, I wouldn’t mind watching Derrick and the hot barman later on.” Vanessa elbows D in the ribs.

  “I know you want all up on this, Miss V, but check the bands girl, no pink on this wrist.” He shakes his bands in front of Vanessa’s face.

  “Ew, I don’t want to join in, but I wouldn’t mind watching,” Ness giggles.

  “You’re only human.” Derrick grins at Ness, they turn and whisper something between each other.

  “I am so nervous,” Isla confesses to me.

  “Me too. I’ve never been somewhere so…sexual.” I hate that I’m lying to my friend. I take another shot of tequila.

  “Oh shit,” Derrick curses under his breath. We follow his line of sight and see Axel, Christian, Oscar and Finn walking into the club. Shit, Oscar got my text message.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” Oscar doesn’t look happy at all. His ice blue eyes fall on me for a couple of beats then back to his sister.

  “I’m here having fun.” Isla straightens, the couple of tequilas giving her strength.

  “I don’t want you here,” Oscar tells her. I stiffen beside her. He’s being a dick. I shoot daggers at him from behind Isla’s back.

  “Too fucking bad. Derrick invited me and I’m determined to have fun, so you can fuck off.” Isla crosses her arms in defiance. Silence falls all around us as we watch Oscar and Isla stare each other down.

  “Sorry, Ragnar,” Derrick interrupts, using his nickname for Oscar. “Little sis is here to have fun. You need to let the leash go, or maybe not, depends on if we make it to the BDSM level.” Derrick bursts out laughing at his joke, which Oscar doesn’t find funny at all.

  “Isla, it’s a little awkward for us to be in a sex club with you.” What the hell is Finn doing? Dickhead.

  “Then you can leave, you’re a member, you both can come anytime you want. But for me this is my one and only night. So you either stay and see something you might not like or you can both fuck off.” I mentally high five my girl, because the boys are being jerks. I knew Oscar wouldn’t be happy but I really underestimated his protectiveness. Oscar looks over at me; I nod and let him know that he’s not going to win this round. He lets out a heavy sigh.

  “Fine, I’ll go,” Oscar tells his sister. He turns to his friend. “Finn, stay, keep an eye on her. Make sure no fuckers mess with her, okay?” I shake my head, he just couldn’t do it. Of course Finn is going to look after his little sister. He is going to make sure Isla doesn’t get lucky at all. I watch as Oscar leaves the club with slumped shoulders looking deflated.

  “Okay, now that matter is over with, let’s get our freak on,” Derrick cheers. I pull out my phone and text Oscar.

  Stacey: Wait for me. I’ll be out in ten.

  Oscar: Fine.

  “Hey, you coming?” Isla asks as the group makes their way back up to the first level.

  “I’ll be up soon.”

  “I can’t leave you here.”

  “I’m fine. My sister just texted me about something going on at home so I better call her. Go. Finn is waiting.” She turns and looks at Finn chatting to the bouncers.

  “Nothing is going to happen. Tonight is about me.” Isla tells me.

  “Good. Go have fun.”

  Isla frowns at me.

  “I’d say I’d come find you later but I don’t really want to see you in a compromising position.” This makes her laugh.

  “Text me then. And if I am not compromised we can catch up.” She gives me a nervous hug. I watch as she reluctantly moves away. I wait until they all disappear upstairs and walk straight out the golden doors and into the cool night. Oscar’s limousine is waiting outside. I open the door and see he is brooding in the corner, angrily texting. He looks up at me and his face softens just a little. I get in and sit across from him.

  “That didn’t go as planned,” Oscar states.

  “Of course not. You came in all guns blazing. You know how much that gets Isla’s back up.”

  “I just…” He rakes his large hand through his hair. “I…” I move and sit beside him, taking his hand in mine.

  “I get that she’s your sister and you are protective.” His fingers link with mine. “But she’s not twelve anymore. She’s a woman and can look after herself.”

  “I know. I know. I just can’t. I…you know why.” He turns and looks over at me. I rest my head on his solid shoulder, snuggling into him.

  “I know.” Oscar told me early on about how he saved Isla from one of his friends who was a predator. All these years and he still harbors so much guilt. We sit in silence for a couple of minutes.

  “You didn’t want to stay?” he asks.

  “Nah. I don’t think I would relax with them being there.” I feel his lips hit my scalp. “Plus, we kind of had a deal, remember no playing in the club without each other.”

  “Yeah, but this is an extraordinary circumstance.” I just shrug. And silence falls between us again.

  “I’ve been.” My stomach sinks. Of course he has. Why would I think the agreement we had between each other would extend to him. He just doesn’t want me to go to the club without him. Especially now that I have been given membership due to how frequently Oscar takes me, and from Axel also vouching for me. Apparently they are friends with the owner. “I’m sorry.”

  “You have nothing to apologize for.” I look up at him.

  “But I’m the one who suggested it and I’m the one who broke it.”

  “It is what it is.”

  “I’ve hurt you.” I sit up straight.

  “No you haven’t. Oscar we aren’t together. I know we’ve been spending a lot of time together but we both agreed we are not monogamous. That we don’t date. We are only having fun. I’m slightly disappointed only because we had an agreement.”

  “I should have texted, like you did tonight. It was a last minute thing and I didn’t think. I’m not use to thinking of other people.”

  “Oscar, seriously you don’t have to think of me. That’s the point.” He frowns, looking down at me.

  “But I do think about you. Much more than I ever thought I would.” His confession surprises me. “For the first time I feel guilty about my actions.”

  “I’m okay.”

  “I know all this.” He rakes his hand through his hair again. “But I like you, Stacey.” Wow, was not expecting that. “And not only in a sexual way either. You have become one of my closest female friends.” Aww, that is so sweet. I like this side of him. “Actually, my only female friend. And I guess most of all I don’t want to lose that.” I give his hand a squeeze.

  “You won’t lose me, Oscar. Just communicate with me, that’s all. I
may not be monogamous but that doesn’t mean I’m not loyal.” He leans down and kisses my lips ever so softly.

  “Thank you. So we’re non-monogamously loyal.” That perfectly sums us up.

  My phone vibrates with a text, looking down I see Isla’s name. I pick up my phone.

  Isla: OMG. You need to get up here it’s insane.

  Oscar stiffens beside me as he reads over my shoulder. I push him away.

  Stacey: I’ve met someone at the bar.

  I’m such a bad friend. So much lying.

  Isla: Go girl. Okay. Have fun. Text me if you leave with them.

  Stacey: Okay. Have fun. Don’t behave.

  Isla: I’m planning on it.

  I can feel Oscar fuming beside me.

  “Calm down.” I turn to him, throwing my phone back onto the seat. Tension is radiating off of him thinking about his little sister in such a debaucherous place. He needs a distraction and I have the perfect cure. Straddling him, I get his attention. “You don’t have to worry about her tonight. Finn is there totally cock blocking her or is that pussy blocking?” He doesn’t need to know the real reason Finn doesn’t want to see Isla with anyone else. Oscar grunts and grumbles some bullshit that I ignore.

  “You look awfully tense, Mr. Eriksen.” I raise a brow at him. “Can I help you with anything?” My flirting brings him back around to me.

  “Yes. I want you on your knees with my cock in your mouth.”


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