The Crystal Dragon Series Collection

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The Crystal Dragon Series Collection Page 6

by Katie Cherry

  He fidgets a little, not looking me in the eye. “Um… well, I was watching you three because I wondered where you were going, and… well, I don’t have many friends, even though I’ve been here the longest. I got here a week ago. You three just met, but you all seem pretty tight. And that- bunny, you called it?- is a Sietta. It’s a creature that lives on Ponorama and Zilferia. Everyone on Ponorama, even the small children- and probably everyone here as well- knows that it puts people to sleep and drags them off to their dens. The thing is, the people they put to sleep don’t usually wake up. That’s why it was such a relief that you did. As for Nathan and Sierra, I brought them to the hospital. I would have brought you first, but they seemed to be in even worse condition than you were. I had just come back for you when you woke up.”

  I try to nod in acknowledgment, but this sends waves of shooting pain through my skull. Groaning, I hold my head. “Don’t worry, the after-effects are temporary,” Ham assures me. “Left alone, the pain would be gone by tomorrow morning, as well as any weaknesses you feel in your body. But if you can get something from the doctors here, it should fade within an hour or so.”

  “Alright, then let’s go,” I say, slowly standing up. I stagger to the door, realizing as I go that I am in a hut similar to the one I was staying in- it’s probably Ham’s place.

  “Um… are you sure you can get there yourself?” Ham asks nervously. “I mean, I can probably get some nurses to come here and get you instead.”

  “I’ll be fine!” I insist. A few steps later though, and I’m no longer so certain. “Maybe… you should be ready to catch me, just in case.” He nods and moves a little closer to me.

  We make it to the medical building, but only just. As I walk in the door, my legs finally give out and I collapse. Luckily, the nurse at the door catches me just in time. Embarrassed, I try to pull myself up, but the nurse won’t allow it. Calling two other nurses, she tells them to get a stretcher. Once I’m settled into it, they take me up to a room and help me into a bed before leaving to get a doctor. Ham comes up to the side of the bed.

  “They act like I can’t do anything for myself!” I exclaim in frustration, still feeling a little confused over the nurses’ swift and controlling actions. “I feel fine, except for this massive headache and my body doesn’t seem to want to cooperate. They act like I shouldn’t be moving around at all!”

  Ham chuckles a little, looking at the floor and shuffling his feet. “Um… honestly, you probably shouldn’t be. Especially after being that close to a Sietta. I probably should have just taken some nurses back with me to get you in the first place.”

  “I would have walked here anyways,” I state. “I can’t stand not being able to move around. I wouldn’t be able to just lay around in bed all day- I think that would drive me insane!”

  He nods. “That’s what I thought. I figured it should be fine, but I guess the nurses think otherwise.”

  At that, the doctor enters the room. Before I can say anything, he looks me up and down and says, “Well, well, well. Already we have three contestants in the hospital, and the Games haven’t even begun yet! For you to have the nerve to pick up a Sietta… well, you’re lucky you’re still breathing, girl.”

  “Yeah, well do you have anything to get rid of the side-effects? This headache and a weakened body are starting to bother me,” I say. The doctor nods expectantly and reaches into his pocket, pulling out a needle. I shrink away from it as he shows it to me.

  “This has the medicine you need in it. Now, please roll up your sleeve.” At my hesitation, he smiles kindly. “Trust me; this will help you.”

  Still eyeing the needle unhappily, I cautiously roll up my sleeve, then turn my head away and close my eyes. Just after feeling it pierce my skin, I instantly feel tired again. “You… you didn’t tell me it would put me to sleep again!” I accuse him with a yawn. “I- I don’t want… to sleep…” The last thing I see before I fall asleep once more is Ham standing guard over me. The sight comforts me as I slip into unconsciousness.

  Chapter Five

  The Teams and Advisors

  “Hey, Crystal…” The voice pierces through my foggy thoughts, causing them to clear and gradually focus, seeming to come out of darkness. It drags me back to alertness, although not fully. “Crystal, you need to wake up! The Games start tonight, and you still need to be put into a team! …Come on; they’re drawing for the teams in less than an hour!”

  “…Ham?” I murmur, still drowsy.

  “Yes,” comes the reply. “Nathan and Sierra are here too. We can all go together if you get up in time. Do you think you can?”

  “Of course!” I hurriedly assure him, opening my eyes. It takes a few seconds for them to focus, but eventually my three friends’ faces swim into view. “Let’s… go…” I slur. They all look at me disbelievingly.

  “Are… are you sure you can?” Nathan asks, concern in his voice. “I mean, you need to be there… at least, you usually do. But we might be able to get them to make an exception for you this time…” he starts as I unexpectedly jump out of bed. I land just fine, but then sway and fall. Luckily, Nathan catches me. “…and we just might need to,” he continues, letting out the breath he had been holding. “Just look at the state you’re in!”

  “I’m fine… let’s just go,” I insist, carefully standing again. I make it to the door on my own, although I’m frustrated with my weakness. Leaning on the door frame, I look back and see the three of them quietly conversing with each other. Talking, I suppose, about me and all the problems I seem to be causing already. Sighing, I humble myself and say, “We need to go now, but I am- unfortunately- not quite strong enough at the moment to go anywhere on my own. Will two of you help me?”

  Sierra and Nathan quickly come up to me, and I put an arm around each of their shoulders. In this way, the four of us travel to the center of the town in the bright sunlight of mid-afternoon. By the time we get there, I can walk by myself. I can tell instantly that we are the last to arrive. The contestants are all lined up in one straight line, facing the five adults in front, on a small stage. I recognize Vlad, Thaddeus, Y’vette, and Zelda- the advisors. The last person I’ve never seen before, even in passing. Everyone there seems to be waiting- a little impatiently- for someone. Us.

  We quickly take our place in the line as the person I don’t recognize takes a step closer to us. I’m surprised she doesn’t even wobble in such towering stiletto high-heels. Behind her, Thaddeus and Y’vette also step up and stand on either side of her, each holding a small black container. I quickly deduce that they contain our names- girls in one, boys in the other. Everyone around me suddenly becomes agitated, although they try to hide it. Swallowing a lump that suddenly forms in my throat, I wipe my palms on my pants to dry them.

  Clearing her throat, the mystery lady addresses us. “Welcome, one and all! My name is Nehru, and I am this year’s announcer for the Games! But before they can begin, we need to have the teams! Each team will be assigned a color, which I will announce as I pull the names.” She pauses, smiling and letting us feel nervous for a little longer. Looking down the row, I can see the anxiety written on almost everyone’s faces, even the cocky Jake Elwood, although he hides it well by promptly grinning and giving me a thumb’s up. I don’t smile back, instead turning to look back at Nehru. I understand why everyone is so nervous- whoever is on their team will pretty much decide if they will win or not. It may even determine if we survive in this realm or not.

  Gulping, I return my attention to what’s going on- just in time to hear, “The red team will be… Sierra Davis, sixteen years old, from Second Earth.” Looking over at her, I see her trembling. Walking dramatically to Thaddeus to draw the boy that will be Sierra’s partner, Nehru draws out a slip of paper, looks at it, then at us. The suspense is building- and I think one of the boys is about ready to yank the paper out of her hands if she waited any longer. But, after a seemingly long time, she clears her throat and clearly says, “and Sierra’s partner
is… Ham Jacobson, seventeen years old, from Ponorama!”

  The two immediately lock eyes, their relief evident. They already know each other and know that they will get along well. They are told to stand apart from the rest and are led to stand to the side of the advisors. Nathan and I are abruptly left alone, not knowing anyone else. I suddenly regret not making more friends when I had the chance.

  Nehru then pulls out another girl’s name. “The blue team will be… Roxane Hernandez, eighteen, from First Earth.” Looking down the line, I see a thin girl wearing all black chewing gum, looking completely unconcerned. Her partner, Lloyd Jewkes from Lii, catches my eye. He’s… beautiful. He’s close enough to me in the line that I can clearly see his shining blue eyes, which seem to accent his blond hair, which is a more vibrant color than Ham’s, whose hair is almost white it’s so lightly colored. He smiles a little out of exasperation of his partner choice. I don’t blame him. They seem to be total opposites, not to mention she doesn’t seem to care much so she probably won’t be of much help. They join Sierra and Ham at the other side of the square.

  “Green team! Star Hansen, seventeen, from Lii.” Star also has an otherworldly sort of beauty to her. She has short, blonde hair and is about six foot four. “Drake Kingston, eighteen, from Quagon.” The match seems to be perfect. They are both not only attractive, but confident as well.

  Next is the yellow team- Odette Hansen, seventeen, from Lii. She’s obviously Star’s twin sister as they look the same, except Odette has longer hair and green eyes rather than blue. They are both very intimidating. Her partner is Frazer Hill, sixteen, from Zelon. He is about six feet tall with short, spiky black hair and dark brown eyes. He looks stout and fearless.

  I’m starting to feel a little hopeless. There was no way I could beat either of those teams so I can go home. I’ve been trying to remember each person, but there are too many, so I give up on it. There are only six of us left. I can feel Jake trying to catch my eye, but I don’t respond. So, I could either be paired up with Nathan, Jake, or the other guy. The last one is about five foot nine with brown hair and green eyes. I don’t remember seeing him talk to others much, but thinking back I think someone may have called him Felix.

  Nehru smiles at the six of us. “Well, we’re almost done! Only three more teams to go! And next up is the black team… Norachai Young! She’s sixteen, from Zelon, and I’m sure, a great competitor!” Norachai looks Chinese with shoulder-length black hair. She seems friendly, although a little shy.

  “And her partner is… Felix Evergreen, who is seventeen and from Ponorama!”

  I feel the tension building. There are only two guys left. Which one will be my partner? Secretly, I’m hoping for Nathan, but I try not to get my hopes up.

  “Purple team… Crystal Shay, sixteen, from Second Earth!” I wait impatiently, my hands clenched, as Nehru snatches a paper from the boys’ bowl.

  “…Nathan Anderson, sixteen, from First Earth!” Yes! I rejoice. I’m not entirely sure why, but I really didn’t want to be with Mr. Flirty over there. Looking back at him, though, I feel bad at the thought as I can see he’s disappointed. Until he sees who his partner is, at least.

  “Finally, the orange team! Kat Pierson, seventeen, from Quagon!” Kat is about five foot two. She is also very charming. Jake takes to her immediately.

  “And, last but certainly not least… Jake Elwood, eighteen, from Ponorama! Congratulations, all of you! You have five minutes to get acquainted with your partner before we assign team advisors. Have fun!” she says, then leaves and stands in a group with Vladimir, Thaddeus, Zelda, and Y’vette. They begin talking in lowered voices. Vlad seems to be speaking the most, and I catch the others glancing at me now and again.

  Nathan and I look at each other with relief. “Well, that was close,” I say. “I almost got stuck with Jake!”

  “So, what? I’m nothing but a better option than Mr. Flirt? I’m just not as bad as it could get? Is that it?” Nathan teases.

  I laugh. “You know what I mean. I was hoping for you the whole time!”

  “Oh, really. Well, that’s just because Ham got chosen first, and I was the only other person you knew- besides Jake, of course.”

  “No!” I protest. “…Well, okay. That was part of it. But I truly think we can make a great team.”

  “Really?” he says, cocking an eyebrow at me, disbelieving.

  “Really. Although, while we may be great, there are other great teams- and I’m afraid I don’t have what it takes. But if it means securing my return home, then I will do everything I can to get out of this messed up world,” I vow.

  “Yeah, I know how you feel. My little sister Anna will be missing me. I’m not quite sure I buy Vlad’s story of stopping time. Although he did get us here… I also need to help my parents take care of my grandma Beryl. So, what do you say we try our hardest to win this thing?”

  “I say let’s do it!” I respond, high fiving him.

  “How touching,” a voice says behind me. Spinning around, I see Vlad.

  Sneering, I say, “I hope you’re here to apologize.” Nathan gasps, looking at me like I’m crazy. Maybe I am, but I’m frustrated with this whole stupid thing- especially Vlad, who dragged us here; so I take it out on him, not considering the consequences.

  I’m astonished, however, when he clears his throat, looking embarrassed. I notice him shooting a quick glance at Thaddeus, who gives him a heavy nod. His face red, sounding strained, he says, “Y- yes. I am.”

  “And…” I say, urging him on. He glares at me before pressing on.

  “And… I’m… sorry for behaving so rashly. I will still be your personal advisor… if you will have me,” he says, gritting his teeth and acting like every word hurt coming out of him. I glance over at Nathan. It’s his turn to nod me forward. Now this is the hard part for me. I really don’t want Vlad to be my advisor, but it’s apparent that I need one, plus I promised Nathan I would try my best to win and get us home. Unfortunately, that means I need Vlad.

  Sighing, I turn back to him. “It will be your pleasure,” I say, rubbing it in his face. This could be dangerous for me, but I don’t care, as swept away as I am by all the emotions I had cooped up inside me for a couple of days.

  Glaring at me, he spits out, “Good,” then stalks away. I can tell he’s going to have a few angry words with Thaddeus. I glance at Thaddeus gratefully. He nods back with a smile.

  “What were you thinking?” Nathan explodes the instant Vlad is out of earshot.

  “What?” I say, surprised. I thought I had done the right thing accepting his help.

  “What do you mean, what?! You just made yourself a powerful enemy! And that won’t affect just you anymore! Don’t you get it? Now that we’re partners, it affects me too!”

  I gulp, suddenly feeling remorse for what I had done. “Sorry,” I say weakly. But Nathan continues his tirade. I can see he’s carried away by the stress of the day as well, or else he wouldn’t be acting like this. …Would he?

  “No, you’re not sorry. You just don’t get it! Look!” he says, gesturing over at Vlad, who is talking avidly to the rest of the advisors. “Look at him! You know what he’s doing? No, I don’t think you do. He’s trying to get the advisors not to help us! He may have to teach us individually, but that doesn’t mean he’ll teach us what we need to know to survive! And that means we need another advisor! But now we can’t even have that!”

  I shrink back, weakly repeating, “I’m sorry… I didn’t think…”

  “No, you didn’t. That’s the problem.” He shakes his head wearily. “Never mind. What’s done is done, and there’s nothing we can do about it now.”

  I’m about to respond, try to apologize somehow, but I’m interrupted by Nehru.

  “…And, welcome back! The advisors have chosen whom they will mentor. Now, there are seven teams, and only four advisors, so, of course, that means that three of them will mentor two teams. The team that gets one advisor all to themselves should count
themselves very lucky! Now, I’ll let them tell you whom they have chosen. We will first go to… Vladimir!”

  Vlad steps up, scowling, and quickly gets to the point. “I will advise the yellow and blue teams- Odette, Frazer, Roxane, and Lloyd.”

  He steps back, and Zelda takes his place. She starts with, “As much as I would love to advise all of you great contestants, I am limited to only two teams. It was a hard choice, but I decided on the orange and red teams- Kat, Jake, Sierra, and Ham!” She steps back, smiling.

  Thaddeus steps forward, winking at me. Before I can figure out what he means by it, he announces, “I have chosen to advise only the purple team- Crystal and Nathan.” He then steps back. It takes a moment before I realize what just happened. Whoa… not only did we manage to still have an advisor- but we also get Thaddeus all to ourselves! And that sets us at an advantage! The turn of events is incredible and wonderful, but I must share this unexpected relief with someone else. My new partner, Nathan.

  Turning to him, I can tell by the look on his face that he’s shocked. He thought we were done for. He had just given up when suddenly the tables turned for us. “W- what? Thaddeus? We get Thaddeus? …All to ourselves?!”

  I chuckle. “I guess my stunt didn’t hurt, but helped,” I say, grinning at him and winking.

  “Wow… I’m sorry for getting so mad at you,” he replies. “I let my emotions get the best of me. Can you forgive me?”

  “Of course,” I say with a smile. “After all, we need to be a team. We can’t be if we hold grudges.”

  “So… friends?”

  “Friends,” I agree. Our exchange made us miss the last group, but it’s obvious anyway since there were only two more teams to assign. Norachai and Felix, as well as Star and Drake, were assigned to Y’vette- the green and black teams.

  “I will leave you now to get back with your advisors and arrange training schedules,” Nehru says, beaming at us. “During your training tomorrow, your advisor will inform you about your first task and the rules as well. Good luck, and remember- have fun discovering and growing into your Gifts! It may be grueling, but I know that you can all do it!” With that, Nehru steps back and leaves the square, leaving us alone with our advisors.


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