Magic Lies

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Magic Lies Page 23

by C C Sommerly

  At some point, I dreamt about Lochlan and Miles.

  In it I heard, “For the sake of all that’s holy, how long has she been like this?” asked Lochlan.

  “Since shortly after we brought her in,” said Miles.

  “What’s wrong with her and why hasn’t a healer been brought in?” asked Lochlan.

  “We had one come and she said it’s withdrawals.”

  “She’s wrong. Marty doesn’t do drugs,” said Lochlan.

  “Go smell her,” suggested Miles.

  He made a small sound of surprise. “What’s the smell? It’s sickening sweat.”

  “It’s the drugs leaving her body,” said Miles.

  I woke up to Miles standing outside my cell.

  “What did you do to me?” I asked.

  “Saved your life, not that I expect you to acknowledge it or thank me,” he said.

  “I’m in prison and feel more dead than alive. Forgive me if thanks isn’t what instantly comes to my mind.”

  “And you stink. Someone will be by to clean you up.”

  “Screw you.”

  “I’ll pass.”

  Miles walked off and a guard came down. The guard ignored me. He opened a panel in the wall and uncoiled a hose. Oh no, he isn’t going to do what I think he is.

  The full force of the water knocked me off my feet. Every place the spray hit me, turned red. Once I was completely soaked through, he stopped.

  “That’ll do,” he said before putting the hose away and left me shivering on the floor.

  My jaw hurt from my teeth chattering. I mustered enough energy to wrap my arms around my legs and curl into a ball to conserve warmth. My stomach was eating itself and I was cold and miserable. I was exhausted, but too wet and cold to sleep.

  “You are beyond pathetic,” said Miles.

  I didn’t bother looking up. I didn’t want to see him gloating. A warmth spread over me, loosening my cramped muscles. My clothes started drying out and I nearly sobbed. He stopped before my clothes were fully dry and while I wanted to complain, him doing anything to help was a mercy.

  “I wouldn’t say you owe me your life, but at least the stench is gone.”

  “Go away.”

  “Withdrawal sucks. Never took you for a junkie, but I also never thought you’d be a mass murderer,” he said.

  Memories of smoke, screams, and blood hit me hard – all of those people were dead. If my stomach had anything in it, I’d have spilled it on the floor. Dry heaves wracked my body and left me shaking on the cell floor.

  “Death is too good for you. The public is comparing you to the Crimson Fiend. Personally, you haven’t managed to achieve that level of evil, but you’re well on your way.”

  “I didn’t do it. And where’s my phone call.”

  Sterling would believe me. He didn’t think I was a monster. I wasn’t capable of the carnage that occurred in the Mid Line. I messed up. I didn’t predict that Jarl would do this. I thought he was really freeing the Jamisons. His words were, “I will let them go onward to their future.” I’d thought the words were odd at the time, but I was so relieved to be away from the cult that I didn’t question his words. So stupid. I’d believed that my threat to expose them and the Rare Herbs and Medicinals Company was enough to ensure their cooperation.

  Footsteps warned me of my visitor, but I didn’t want to see Miles.

  “You have five minutes, use them wisely,” said Miles, who walked off, leaving left us alone.

  Lochlan came into view and hope welled up inside me. He stopped in front of my cell and his appearance was a shock. Black circles bruised his eyes and emphasized the sad look on his face. Seeing it ripped my heart in two. He believed that I killed those people.

  “Why Marty?”

  “I didn’t do it. You have to believe me. I might be many things. I’ve killed before, but I’d never do this.”

  “Miles said your magic was uncontrollable. We all thought he was wrong. But he wasn’t, was he?”

  “I didn’t do this. You have to stop them. The cult is still out there and they have blood magic. And the Rare Herbs and Medicinals Company is in cahoots with them.”

  “A lot of people have blood magic. And you’re accusing both the Institute of Reawakening and the Rare Herbs and Medicinals company of doing this?”

  “Not like this. Please, I’ll never ask anything of you again and will never bother you. Just look into them. Or, ask Miles to send in a squad of enforcers. At the Institute, they take blood from their disciples every day. Mine was taken as well. They are working with the Rare Herbs and Medicinals Company to make edible incense. This stuff is bad. It does something to your blood and is highly addictive. That’s why Xavier’s blood donors tasted bad. It was the herbs contaminating their blood.”

  I was rambling and probably made no sense to him.

  “You’re unbelievable. You aren’t even sorry. I never thought I’d be drawn to a monster. It says something about me that I was.”

  Our time was up and he didn’t spare me another look. He left and I didn’t even bother to stop my tears from falling. Let the guards and whoever else was watching me see and hear me cry. They already thought the worst of me.

  Time dragged on. I was brought tasteless food three times a day by the prison guards. No one spoke to me and they never let me near anyone, not even the prisoners.

  On the fifth day, Miles came to see me.

  “I heard what you said to Lochlan. We sent enforcers to the Institute. It was empty. There wasn’t so much a speck of dust in that place. It’s a sudden move given the timing and your accusation. The Rare Herbs and Medicinals Company let us search their building and we found nothing. Not the incense or even herbs you described. There is no apparent connection to the followers of The True One. And, while I’d like to say that indicates your guilt, something about the sudden mass evacuation is suspicious. However, all evidence points to you.”

  “You investigated what I said? Does this mean you believe me?”

  “I’m not sure what to believe. For now, the safest place for you is here. Someone leaked to the press that you were to blame for the blast. The citizens are braying for your execution. I’ve stalled them until I can finish the investigation. I make no promises that I’ll find anything other than confirmation of your guilt. I don’t think I need to tell you that it doesn’t look good for you.”

  “Thank you.”

  He walked off, shaking his head in disgust.


  The concrete floor didn’t muffle the approaching footsteps or perhaps I was hyper sensitive to my surroundings. So far, I hadn’t been given a cell mate, but I wasn’t naïve enough to think that wouldn’t change. And once my future cell mate found out I was the one responsible for the devastation of Germanna, then my life would be forfeit.

  “What do you want now? Do you enjoy seeing me like this?” I asked Miles.

  “I’m sure you think that is the case. I don’t take any pleasure or enjoyment from your imprisonment. It’s the outcome of what I’ve feared all along.”

  I needed to ask him the questions I’d been dreading to speak, but I was scared to hear the answers.

  “How bad is the damage? How many were killed?”

  “They are still pulling bodies out.”

  I swore.

  “Yeah, that’s how most of us feel.”

  “Are you going to tell me?”

  “If you insist. We lost 589 people, another 430 are missing.”

  Tears spilled down my face. That was because of me – all of those deaths.

  “You didn’t mention injured. How many?”

  “So far, over a thousand. We lost most of the Mid Line and part of Uptown. It could have been far worse had you not sent your devil dog.”

  “Are you done?”

  “No, I’m not. I have a deal for you.”

  “I don’t want to hear it. I’m right where I belong. Those people would still be alive if not for me.”

  “Are y
ou done with your pity party. I’m going to offer you a chance at redemption.”

  “Oh? Are you now a god? Did you gain the ability to time travel or bring back the dead?.”

  “I have a case for you. If you agree to take it on, then you will be in the company of a trusted agent. Your freedom is dependent on solving the case.”

  “You’re joking?”

  “Actually, he’s not. I demanded your assistance,” said Julia Huntington.

  I hadn’t noticed her arrival until she was right in front of my cell, but she wasn’t alone. Seeing her was like rubbing salt on a wound. I ignored her comment and planned on giving her the silent treatment until I saw who was with her.

  “Frank! You brought him?”

  “Of course I did. One doesn’t enter a den of criminals without protection.”

  The bone man was silent at her side, but he did spare me a glance and even nodded his head at me. That was a positive and cheery greeting from a creature like a bone man, but Frank was more than that to me. I had grown fond of him after our adventure together in the Nether Realm. He’d saved my life and I’d saved his in return. I owed him a life debt.

  All three stared at me, waiting and I realized that I hadn’t responded to Julia.

  “Why me Julia?”

  “Because you are the only one who can help.”

  The End

  Read on for a sneak peak of the third book in the Croft and Sterling Paranormal PI Agency series – Magic Wants

  It was a sick joke. I stared at his smug face from the other side of my jail cell. Miles was a bastard for dangling my freedom in front of me. Even though I deserved it, it was the principle of the matter. I was a murderer a few hundred times over and this was where I belonged. Offering me a chance to get out was just cruel.

  “Do you not want your freedom?” asked Julia Huntington.

  “I somehow doubt that you’re letting me out so easily.”

  “Your belief in yourself isn’t required. Although, this self-condemnation is beneath you. I have something for you,” she said.

  She whistled and a black blur raced past her before launching itself at my jail cell.

  “Muffin!” I shouted.

  He tore at the bars, which was utterly useless. They were reinforced with magic. I was surprised he could even touch them without being shocked. Muffin whined when he couldn’t get to me and I felt a stabbing in my chest. He missed me as much as I missed him.

  “If you can settle the beast down, I can get you out,” said Miles.

  “I’ll settle him. Marty certainly can’t do it when she’s behind by bars, silly man.”

  Miles mouth dropped open. And he thought I was the only one that would mouth off to him. Think again, buddy. She was a steamroller that flattened anyone in her way and being Julia, she usually got her way.

  To me she said, “When I gave him to you, I expected a change in social status, this was not what I meant. You need to do better to not lose him. I’m very vexed with you. Please try not to lose him again.”

  Miles finally got the cell open, when in reality it had probably been seconds, it felt like an eternity. Muffin launched himself at me, bowling me over and licking my face. I happily accepted the saliva bath. I never thought I’d see him again. Once he let me up, I hugged him hard, putting my face against him, so no one would see my tears.

  “If you can pull yourself away, then we can get you on the case.”

  “I didn’t agree.”

  “Didn’t you?” said Julia.

  “I guess there’s not really a choice.”

  “There never was,” said Miles.

  “I want the tag removed and can I get these off?”

  “You’ve got to be kidding. No, both stay on or this deal is off,” said Miles.

  “You expect me to stay magicless.”

  I was a hypocrite. I’d spent most of the past five years without magic and now I was insisting on having the very thing back that destroyed our city.

  “I take it back. You’re right. I don’t need magic to crack a case.”

  “I hope you’re ready,” said a sexy voice that I longed to hear and dreaded at the same time. My stomach knotted up, seeing Lochlan’s beautiful face.

  “Don’t tell me that you’re my partner?”

  “Who else would work with the most deadly mage since the Crimson Fiend?”

  I flinched. It was true. I was a pariah and as deadly as he suggested I was.

  “Okay, so where do we start.”

  “I’ll brief you on the way. We’re going to Corbana. They have several cases of animal mutilation.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me? You’re letting me out to investigate some torn up animals.”

  “I wish I was. There’s been other activity at this location, but the locals are unusually tight lipped. I’m assured that your brand of motivating witnesses will get them talking,” said Miles.

  “All right. Let’s get going then.”

  “Before we go, can I?” asked Lochlan.

  Miles nodded.

  Lochlan approached me and ran his hands along my arms. I felt his magic dance across my skin and my view blurred. Nothing was clear and it was like seeing through muddy water.

  “You’ve been glamored and your voice will be different. It’s for your protection.”

  I looked down and saw caramel colored skin and long nails. My feet were smaller. What other changes had he wrought?

  We walked out of the jail and into the dreary day. Even the sky was crying at the travesty of my early release.

  To be continued


  It was a sick joke. I stared at his smug face from the other side of my jail cell. Miles was a bastard for dangling my freedom in front of me. Even though I deserved it, it was the principle of the matter. I was a murderer a few hundred times over and this was where I belonged. Offering me a chance to get out was just cruel.

  “Do you not want your freedom?” asked Julia Huntington.

  “I somehow doubt that you’re letting me out so easily.”

  “Your belief in yourself isn’t required. Although, this self-condemnation is beneath you. I have something for you,” she said.

  She whistled and a black blur raced past her before launching itself at my jail cell.

  “Muffin!” I shouted.

  He tore at the bars, which was utterly useless. They were reinforced with magic. I was surprised he could even touch them without being shocked. Muffin whined when he couldn’t get to me and I felt a stabbing in my chest. He missed me as much as I missed him.

  “If you can settle the beast down, I can get you out,” said Miles.

  “I’ll settle him. Marty certainly can’t do it when she’s behind by bars, silly man.”

  Miles mouth dropped open. And he thought I was the only one that would mouth off to him. Think again, buddy. She was a steamroller that flattened anyone in her way and being Julia, she usually got her way.

  To me she said, “When I gave him to you, I expected a change in social status, this was not what I meant. You need to do better to not lose him. I’m very vexed with you. Please try not to lose him again.”

  Miles finally got the cell open, when in reality it had probably been seconds, it felt like an eternity. Muffin launched himself at me, bowling me over and licking my face. I happily accepted the saliva bath. I never thought I’d see him again. Once he let me up, I hugged him hard, putting my face against him, so no one would see my tears.

  “If you can pull yourself away, then we can get you on the case.”

  “I didn’t agree.”

  “Didn’t you?” said Julia.

  “I guess there’s not really a choice.”

  “There never was,” said Miles.

  “I want the tag removed and can I get these off?”

  “You’ve got to be kidding. No, both stay on or this deal is off,” said Miles.

  “You expect me to stay magicless.”

  I was a hypocrite. I’d spent mos
t of the past five years without magic and now I was insisting on having the very thing back that destroyed our city.

  “I take it back. You’re right. I don’t need magic to crack a case.”

  “I hope you’re ready,” said a sexy voice that I longed to hear and dreaded at the same time. My stomach knotted up, seeing Lochlan’s beautiful face.

  “Don’t tell me that you’re my partner?”

  “Who else would work with the most deadly mage since the Crimson Fiend?”

  I flinched. It was true. I was a pariah and as deadly as he suggested I was.

  “Okay, so where do we start.”

  “I’ll brief you on the way. We’re going to Corbana. They have several cases of animal mutilation.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me? You’re letting me out to investigate some torn up animals.”

  “I wish I was. There’s been other activity at this location, but the locals are unusually tight lipped. I’m assured that your brand of motivating witnesses will get them talking,” said Miles.

  “All right. Let’s get going then.”

  “Before we go, can I?” asked Lochlan.

  Miles nodded.

  Lochlan approached me and ran his hands along my arms. I felt his magic dance across my skin and my view blurred. Nothing was clear and it was like seeing through muddy water.

  “You’ve been glamored and your voice will be different. It’s for your protection.”

  I looked down and saw caramel colored skin and long nails. My feet were smaller. What other changes had he wrought?

  We walked out of the jail and into the dreary day. Even the sky was crying at the travesty of my early release.

  To be continued

  Also By The Author

  The Hybrid Series

  The Hidden – Book 1

  The Betrayed – Book 2


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