Ashley Crane Cozy Mystery Boxed Set

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Ashley Crane Cozy Mystery Boxed Set Page 38

by Laurie Anne Marie

  He was filled with questions. “What is going on in this quiet neighborhood? I can’t believe it. Are you okay?”

  With all that had gone on, Ashley hadn’t even given a thought about making dinner. She gave Sean a fierce hug then walked to the kitchen to start preparing something.

  Sean followed her, more concerned about her emotional state than food. “Ash? What’s up? Can you talk to me please?”

  “I was on the street when it happened,” she said.

  “What do you mean? Are you crazy?”

  “Sean, I talked to a guy with a big pit bull when I was out walking Charlie. He seemed friendly, but he lived at the Guardian Apartments, and I couldn’t figure out what he was doing in our neighborhood. Later, I saw him arrest a guy a few streets over. Then I found out he was a detective after talking to Thompson today. I saw him on our street again when I got home from catering. He said he couldn’t chat with me, then he ran down to the corner of Mercer. All of a sudden, a guy in a car screeched by and fired a shot out the window at him. I immediately called 9-1-1.”

  Ashley was breathless after relating the story.

  Sean stared at her, his mouth open.

  Ashley felt the need to explain herself even more. “Look, I didn’t put myself in danger. I was just there, and it happened.”

  She stared back at him.

  Sean’s worried face quickly turned to anger. “Wait a minute, why were you following this guy to talk to him anyway, especially when you found out he was a detective? That already spells trouble. Yes, you are putting yourself in danger! You are snooping again, and you promised me you would leave the detective stuff to Thompson. Can you just stop now? Please? This is too much for me.”

  Sean was so angry that he was shaking.

  Ashley had never seen him like this.

  “I’m sorry, I was just curious and concerned and—”

  He cut her off. “If you’re really sorry, you’ll stop trying to investigate. I understand what happened before with you getting involved, but we weren’t living together then. I didn’t sign up for this, Ash. Enough is enough.”

  Sean stormed into the bedroom.

  She figured she’d give him time to cool off and went into the kitchen to make dinner.

  Chapter Eleven

  Ashley sliced some pieces of cold chicken and put them in a pan to quickly sauté with lemon and garlic. Then she sliced and layered some cooked potatoes next to the chicken and let the dish warm up. She tossed a nice salad and poured two glasses of red wine and set the table. It was a nice, simple meal, and she thought it would calm both of them down to sit and eat together.

  She walked to the bedroom and opened the door. Sean was asleep and snoring softly, with Charlie and Susie Q on the bed. Charlie raised his head and looked at her as if to say, “Too late, Mom, he’s done for the night.”

  Ashley quietly closed the door.

  I’ll keep it warm in the pan for him in case he wakes up, she thought.

  As she sat there eating alone, she thought of what he had said. She didn’t mean to worry him. She didn’t mean to worry her parents. But wasn’t her help in solving the last two cases important? Or was it worth it?

  Sean’s words rang in her ears. Enough is enough.

  Suddenly, there was a loud knock at the front door.

  It was followed by the sound of Detective Thompson’s voice. “Ashley Crane? This is the police.”

  Ashley opened the door, revealing Detective Thompson and another policeman standing outside.

  “We need to talk to you,” Thompson said.

  “Come in,” she replied.

  Thompson glared at her as he walked in. “This is Officer Cromwell. I received your voice message and understand you were on the street when the shots were fired. Please explain to us what you saw.”

  Ashley motioned for them to sit down and explained how she had been talking to Detective Jackson before he ran down the street. Then she saw a car drive by Jackson, and someone fired out the window.

  Thompson and Cromwell asked her if she had gotten a good look at the suspect. Ashley admitted that she hadn’t, nor had she seen where Detective Jackson had gone after the shots were fired.

  Officer Cromwell had news on that front. “Detective Jackson got hit in the shoulder, but they dug the bullet out and treated him. He will be fine. It could’ve been a lot worse.”

  Detective Thompson had an angry tone in his voice as he added his thoughts on the matter. “You were lucky that the suspect drove off in the other direction instead of turning their car around and coming down the street toward you. You might have been shot if they thought you were a witness.”

  Just then, Sean emerged from the bedroom and added his own commentary. “That’s what I was thinking, too. Can you talk some sense into her please?”

  Thompson swallowed hard before he addressed Ashley again. “Look, you’ve helped the department out twice already, and we are very grateful for it. But, each time, it gets more and more dangerous. Crime is on the rise, and the players are getting bolder.”

  Ashley tried to get a word in, but Detective Thompson was determined to finish his point.

  “In this instance, Detective Jackson is trying to solve a decades-old murder case. And obviously someone doesn’t want to get caught for it. You really have to stay out of this one. That’s not a request. I’m afraid if you don’t stop pursuing this, I’ll charge you with obstruction of justice,” Thompson added.

  The detective stared her down long and hard.

  Ashley sat very still. Her usual banter with Thompson wasn’t going to happen. In addition, Officer Cromwell had a grim look on his face.

  Even Sean stood with his arms crossed.

  Ashley replied quietly. “Okay. I’m sorry.”

  “Thank you for your time. If we have any more questions, we’ll contact you,” Thompson said. “Good night.”

  “Stay safe,” Cromwell added.

  Thompson and Cromwell got up and left.

  Sean shut the door behind them and turned to Ashley. The anger was gone from his face. That was one of the great things about him—he was never one to rub it in.

  “I’m hungry,” he said. Something smells good.”

  After the tongue-lashing from Thompson, Ashley did not object to a change of subject. “I have some food for you on the stove. Sit down. I’ll bring it in.”


  They sat quietly together as he ate. When he finished, he thanked her and gave her a long hug. There was really nothing else to say.

  With the meal finished, Ashley got ready for bed and said good night.

  “Are you coming in?” she asked.

  “No. After that nap, I’m going to start on my baking list for next week. Go to sleep. Love you,” he said.

  “Love you, too,” she said. “Night.”

  Ashley got into bed and stared at Charlie. Even he was giving her a worried look. She sighed in resolution. “They’re right. I have to stop now. I can’t risk my safety anymore.”

  Almost out of instinct, a Shakespeare quote from Henry IV, Part 1, sprang to her mind.

  “Now out of this nettle, danger, I will pluck the flower of safety.”

  Charlie gazed at her and blinked. He put his paw on her arm, as if to say, “That’s okay, Mom, you tried. Henry IV says go to sleep. We can’t stand any more excitement.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Sean gave her a quick kiss in the morning before he ran off to the bakery.

  He whispered in her ear, “I’ll be back early tonight. How about we go to a movie then grab some dinner at that new pizza place?”

  Ashley smiled. “Sure.”

  After Sean left, Ashley started prepping her food for tomorrow’s catering gig at the Rotary Club. She was making two different lasagnas—a vegetarian and a meat one. She would make fresh bread and a large salad and serve iced tea and lemonade. It wasn’t a big, fancy order by any means, but as always, she wanted to impress the customers and hopefully get some more ref

  The food had to be really fresh and made with the best ingredients. She started to chop bunches of parsley and basil. From there, she sliced zucchini and yellow squash, sautéed mushrooms and onions, grated the cheeses, and blanched lasagna noodles.

  After that, she gently cooked the meat in a mix of olive oil and butter. She moved quickly as she took each ingredient off the stove and plated it to be layered into the lasagna. The music was on, and she was singing loudly when she heard her doorbell ring. Before she opened the door, she peered warily through the peephole.

  “Nancy!” Ashley exclaimed.

  She opened the door, and her new friend from the neighborhood stood there with a basket that had delightful smells coming from it. In addition, Nancy was holding a pitcher of some interesting-looking drink.

  “Hi. I saw your car in the driveway and figured you’d be here. I was baking this morning and thought you’d like to taste my fresh blueberry scones. Plus, I made lemon mint iced tea.”

  Ashley smiled. “Oh, wow, they smell wonderful. Sit down. I’m in the middle of cooking, but I’d love a scone break.”

  Nancy split open two scones and poured the tea into the glasses that Ashley gave her.

  “Wait, have to have butter,” Ashley said as she opened the fridge.

  Nancy agreed. “Of course.”

  They bit into the scones, and Ashley sighed with satisfaction. “These are amazing.”

  “Thanks,” Nancy said. I’m not a caterer like you, but I love to bake, and all the ingredients are fresh. I got the blueberries at the farmer’s market and picked the mint from my little herb garden.”

  “You can taste how well made they are. Wonderful,” Ashley said.

  Nancy wasted no time delving into the events of yesterday. “I heard you were on the street and saw a man shoot at another guy.”

  Ashley paused before she took her next sip of tea. “Where did you hear that?”

  “I didn’t really hear it—I saw it.”

  “You saw it? Where were you yesterday?”

  “At work,” Nancy said nonchalantly.

  “Wait, how did you…?”

  “I told you before, I can sense things. Like Mary could. When I heard about it on the news, I immediately saw a picture in my mind of you standing in the street.”

  Ashley stared at her. She didn’t think Nancy was weird, but like her old neighbor Mary at her other apartment, she was a bit unnerved by this uncanny ability to “see” things.

  “Well?” Nancy replied.

  “I don’t…know what to say,” Ashley stammered.

  “If it makes you feel any better, I also got confirmation from Sean when I saw him this morning. But that just proved that I was right when I saw the scene in my mind’s eye,” Nancy stated.

  “Did you see anything else?” Ashley queried. After all, maybe Nancy had an insight into the suspect.

  “Yes, I did.” Nancy looked intensely into Ashley’s eyes. “And you’re not going to like it. Which is why I am here.”

  Ashley jumped up to check on her lasagna ingredients. She felt a cold wave come over her. Her stomach had tightened, and she felt nauseous.

  “What did you see?’ she asked, her throat tightening.

  “I see you with a man. You’re struggling with him. He has driven you somewhere far away from here. Sean is talking to the police. They’re asking him questions.” Nancy paused and frowned. “That’s all I can see at the moment.”

  Ashley turned around and looked at her. “Why are you telling me this?”

  “To help you. I can’t say all my visions are always right, but I felt a strong need to come and tell you about this. Please take care of yourself.”

  “Thank you, but I’ll be fine. I’m not involved. I’m just a caterer. But again, thank you.” Somehow she knew Nancy knew that she had been involved.

  Nancy got up and walked over and gave Ashley a small hug. She stepped back and peered at her face.

  “Thank you for sitting with me and tasting my scones. Keep the rest to eat with Sean.” She stepped back and peered into Ashley’s nervous face. “I didn’t mean to frighten you. Just remember that I can’t control what I see, and if I think it can help someone, I have to tell them. Take care.”

  Nancy smiled at Charlie and gave him a quick pat then went to the door.

  “I’ll let myself out. Lock the door after me. Good luck with your catering job tomorrow,” Nancy said.

  Ashley paused at the door. Had she even mentioned to Nancy that she was catering tomorrow? She couldn’t remember, but she didn’t think so.

  How strange.

  Ashley shook her head then went back in the kitchen and started layering the lasagna noodles with the ingredients, carefully sprinkling the cheese between each layer. She would store it in the fridge and bake it tomorrow. She would also make the bread tonight and let it rise and par bake it in the oven tomorrow morning then finish it at the event.

  Everything would be okay. Her stomach started to calm down, and she breathed in and out slowly to quiet her racing heart.

  Her cell phone rang.

  Ashley took the call and heard her mom’s voice on the other end of the line.

  “Hi, honey. Your dad and I were thinking, would you and Sean like to come to dinner tonight?” April asked.

  “Thanks, Mom, but he mentioned going out for pizza and then to a movie. Can we shoot for another day?” Ashley replied.

  “Well, why don’t you save your money and come here to eat first then go to your movie? I’m making chicken scaloppini and buttered noodles. If I remember well, that’s one of Sean’s favorites.”

  Ashley sighed. Of course it was one of his favorites. One of hers too. “Okay, I’ll talk to him and get back to you.”

  “Okay, but don’t wait too long. I have to know how much to cook. Bye!” April said.

  When Ashley got off the phone with her mother, she called Sean and left a message about going to her parents’ for dinner.

  She then decided to go out for a run. After all her lasagna tasting and Nancy’s scones, she needed to burn some calories. She changed quickly into her running shoes and bounded out the door to escape Charlie’s accusatory look for not taking him for another walk.

  Ashley laughed. “Wow, I have seriously spoiled that cat. He’s an entitled prince.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Ashley set off down the street at a good pace and waved to a neighbor at the end of the block. As she rounded the corner, she thought about how the peaceful scene was a far cry from the havoc that had occurred the day before.

  The weather was so lovely. As she kept jogging, her mind began to clear. She felt good working out, so she decided to push it for a bit longer. Before she knew it, she was approaching the Guardian Apartments.

  There was a group of men hanging out in front, so she decided to cut down a side street before she hit the big intersection where the apartment complex loomed up high. Ashley heard catcalls and whistles as she rounded the corner. That was followed by some shouting. She made a note of the street name that she decided to jog down—Huxley Street.

  It didn’t look bad, but once she got to the end of the road, she would turn around and head back home.

  Near the end of Huxley Street, she saw two little kids walking together. They were too young to be alone. Her head swiveled as she looked for a parent nearby.


  “Hi, kids. Where are your mom or dad?” she asked.

  The children didn’t reply. They just kept walking.

  “Hi. Are your parents or a babysitter with you?” Ashley asked.

  As she looked around, she didn’t see anyone else on the street. The children glanced back at her quickly then darted into a yard.

  Ashley stared after them and was going to say something else, but the older child opened the door to a small house. The children then ran into the house and slammed the door behind them.

  The little house had overgrown weeds in the yard and patches of paint miss
ing on the left side.

  Ashley turned and started to jog back toward her apartment.

  A man shouted lewd comments at her from a porch as she rounded the corner.

  Ashley mumbled to herself under her breath. “The neighborhood really is changing.”

  She was almost back to her street when a car pulled up beside her.

  As the car’s driver’s-side window rolled down, she heard a man’s voice yelling from inside the car.


  Still shell-shocked from what had occurred the day before, Ashley instinctively looked away from the car and sped up.

  The car accelerated to match her new pace.

  “Hey! Ashley!”

  Without slowing down, Ashley glanced at the car. She saw Detective Josh Jackson in the driver’s seat. The detective had a large bandage and sling on his left arm.

  Ashley breathed a small sigh of relief and slowed down.

  “You owe me an explanation,” Jackson said. “How did you know I was a detective?”

  Ashley stopped and glared at him through the car window.

  “I’m sorry that you got shot, but please leave me alone. I can’t give you an explanation—I shouldn’t even be talking to you,” she said.

  “Of course you can talk to me. Don’t listen to Thompson. I could really use your help in this investigation,” he said.

  “I’m sorry. I can’t get involved.”

  Jackson was insistent. “Oh yes, you can. And you should.”

  Ashley was visibly annoyed now and started to walk away. But first, she addressed the detective.

  “Look, I know you’ve got a tough job to do with this old case, and I respect what you’re doing, but I’ve been given a warning by Thompson that I shouldn’t—”

  Josh cut her off. “Shouldn’t what? Help me solve a murder that involved your uncle?”

  Ashley stopped in her tracks. “What did you say?” She walked over to his car window again and stared at him. “Repeat that, please.”

  “You heard me right. Your uncle was involved,” the detective said.


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