Jacob's Sweet Temptation

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Jacob's Sweet Temptation Page 9

by Angela Franklin

  Jacob got into his truck and drove toward her house. Where could she have gone? What had he done to make her so upset? Would she ever love him as much as he loved her? Wow, where had that come from? He really liked her, but was he in love with her? He could be in time, maybe that’s what he was thinking. He could love her, he was already thinking of marrying her, so it made sense. But it didn’t feel right. He was truly in love with her no matter how crazy it sounded. He had to find her. He had no clue what had gone wrong, but he had to fix it.

  Chapter 8

  Chasity made it to her car just before sun down. As she started the car she heard her phone beep and looked at it. She had ten missed calls. Six from Callie and four from Luke. Oh no, Callie must have went into labor. Chasity called Callie and prayed she was okay. She shouldn’t have run off, but she hadn’t thought about needing to tell anyone she was going away for a while.

  “Hello, Chasity, are you okay?” Callie answered and it sounded like she was crying.

  “I’m fine, are you in labor?” Chasity asked her.

  “No, I was so worried about you.” Callie said sniffling.

  “Why would you be worried? I am fine.” Chasity reassured her.

  “Jacob came by looking for you. He said he had went to your house and the bakery but couldn’t find you.” Callie told her.

  “I have no idea why he was looking for me, but I’m fine. I went to Linville Falls and took a little hike. It was soothing.” Chasity told her. She could hear Callie say she was fine in the back ground. “Who all has been looking for me?”

  “Everyone. Jacob was worried to death when he came here and you weren’t here. He has Susie watching for you, and him and Luke are both driving around keeping a watch at your house.” Callie told her.

  “There was no reason for that. I just needed to get away for a while.” Chasity said. She was feeling awful for worrying her sister and Luke so much.

  “You never do anything like this. Of course, there was reason.” Callie told her.

  “Look, call off the hounds. I’m going home, but don’t tell Jacob. I want him to just leave me alone. I’m gonna keep the bakery closed tomorrow. I haven’t done that before, but I need a day. I will call you later, and won’t run off again, I just need a little space. I will keep my phone on if you go into labor you need to call me, but calm down or you’re gonna make it happen now.” Chasity told her.

  “Fine. Go home and rest, but if you need anything call Luke, he can get to you easier.” Callie told her.

  “I promise I will. Now call everyone off.” Chasity said. “Love you.”

  “Love you too.” Callie said and hung up.

  It took Chasity about an hour to drive home. She really shouldn’t have worried Callie like that. It wasn’t like her to run off. On the way, she called Tina and asked her to put up a sign saying the bakery would be closed tomorrow. She would take her two days to lick her wounds and start again.

  When she got home she went inside locking the door behind her and went to the shower. The hike wasn’t extremely hard, but she did work up a sweat. She got in thinking of how different tonight was than this morning. She had been thinking of touching and licking his abs, but now she just hoped he stayed away. When she got out, she put on a tank and her panties. She was going to watch TV and eat leftover lasagna, or that’s what she thought till she walked into the living room and screamed.

  “What the hell are you doing here? Did you break in?” Chasity asked as she saw him.

  “I was given a key actually.” Jacob told her not looking very happy.

  “Fine, leave the key and go.” Chasity said as she walked through to the kitchen acting like he didn’t matter one bit. She deserved an Oscar for this performance.

  “I am not leaving.” Jacob said as he grabbed her and spun her around.

  “We are through here, you should go.” Chasity told him coldly.

  “We are far from through.” Jacob said trying to pull her closer.

  “I am hungry and I do not require your presence.” Chasity said as she tried to pull away.

  “We need to work this out, but I can wait for you to eat. If you hadn’t pulled a Houdini act I wouldn’t have had to resort to this.” Jacob told her as he ushered her into the kitchen.

  “Hands off. I’m a grown woman and I don’t answer to you.” Chasity jerked away and went to the fridge to bring out her dinner and put it in the microwave.

  “You need to tell someone where you are. You never know when something may happen. What if you had been hurt?” Jacob asked her, he was starting to get mad.

  “I am fine and what I do is none of your concern.” Chasity told him. She was really tired of him.

  “Everything you do is my concern. Why didn’t you give me your phone number?” Jacob said. He sounded close.

  “You never asked, and now you don’t need it.” Chasity shrugged.

  “That’s where you’re wrong.” Jacob told her and spun her around. Chasity was ready for it, and used her right fist to hit him just like he had taught her.

  “Damn, Luke was right.” Jacob said as he rubbed his jaw. “You did use that move against me.”

  “I said we are through.” Chasity said shaking her hand.

  “Oh Chassy, did you hurt yourself?” Jacob said and took her hand for inspection.

  “I’m fine, and like I said before I am none of your business.” Chasity said as the microwave dinged.

  “Sit down sweetness, I will bring it to you.” Jacob said kissing her nose.

  “I’m going to kill you. Just go away.” Chasity told him shaking her head.

  “I will get your food, then go sit in the living room so you can eat in peace.” Jacob told her. “But don’t think you can escape, we still have to talk.”

  “I am done talking to you.” Chasity said, but he had already walked out. She picked up her phone and called her sister.

  “Chasity, why are you calling?” Callie asked when she answered.

  “I need a place to stay. Can I spend the weekend there?” Chasity said swallowing her pride.

  “No.” Callie said immediately.

  “What do you mean no?” Chasity fumed at her.

  “I mean it’s my turn to tell you to stop hiding and talk to him. I know what you think, but I was wrong about Chase only wanting me for the baby, and you may be wrong too. Just give him a chance.” Callie said then hung up on her.

  “Well damn.” Chasity murmured then ate her dinner.

  Chasity ate slowly. She wasn’t in a hurry for the conversation to come. Jacob was waiting and she knew if she did run it would only upset her sister. Callie could go into labor any day now. The doctor said the babies would be fine, but they were still trying to hold off as long as possible. After she ate she slowly washed her dishes, she was drying her plate when strong arms wrapped around her from behind.

  “No more procrastinating sweetness. It’s time for our talk.” Jacob said as he pulled her into the living room.

  “I thought women were supposed to be the ones always talking and having ‘come to Jesus’ meetings.” She huffed as she flopped down in the corner of the couch.

  “With you it’s more like run away and never talk” Jacob said sitting down to face her. Unfortunately, he was right.

  “True, so let’s go with that.” Chasity said and tried to stand up.

  “Not a chance.” Jacob said as he pulled her legs into his lap so she couldn’t leave.

  “Fine, I’ll just take a nap while you talk. When your finished, please lock the door behind you.” Chasity said as she closed her eyes. She felt him wiggling so she opened her eyes. “What the hell do you think your doing?” She gasped.

  “You said you needed a nap. We will take a nap, then get up and talk.” He said as he pulled his shirt over his head.

  “I’m not taking a nap with you.” She said as she crossed her arms over her chest.

  “I’m not talking till I have your undivided attention.” He replied as he pulled off his

  “You aren’t staying so stop it.” Chasity said annoyed.

  “Since you’re ready for bed, I might as well be too.” Jacob told her reaching for his zipper.

  “No.” She said and stopped him. “You talk and I will listen, but it won’t change anything.” Chasity told him.

  “We’ll see about that. Now, why did you run off?” Jacob asked her pulling her legs back into his lap when he saw her tense.

  “I just wanted to be alone, kinda like I do now.” She glowered at him.

  “Not gonna happen, now answer the question.” Jacob said locking her gaze with his.

  “I’m not the one who wanted to talk. I don’t have to say anything.” She told him turning her head to stare at the TV screen even though it was off. It would be better if he disappeared. It didn’t hurt as much when he wasn’t with her.

  “I do want to talk, but I need to know what happened today. When you left you were annoyed, but I assumed that was just the frustration. Then you take off and don’t tell anyone where you are going or when you will be back. We were worried about you. Callie was a mess.” Jacob told her firmly.

  “If you hadn’t gone to Callie she wouldn’t have known, so that’s your fault.” She snarled back. “How dare you go over there and upset her. You know she isn’t supposed to be stressed.”

  “I assumed you were there since you weren’t here or at the bakery. You never even gave me your cell number.” Jacob said rubbing her foot. “Don’t.” He commanded when she tried to pull away.

  “Just go away.” She yelled at him. She felt like she was going to explode if he stayed.

  “I already told you, not gonna happen.” He said in a calm steady voice as if everything was fine and they were talking about the weather. “I will ask you again, why did you take off?”

  “I needed to take the edge off. There are plenty of guys who are happy to help.” She told him in the same tone he used, only to find herself pinned to the couch.

  “Don’t go there. I know you went for a hike. Don’t even joke about other guys.” Jacob snarled down at her.

  “Yeah, I did go for a hike, but who said I was alone. And who said that was all I did.” She snapped back. This was the only way she could think to make him leave. “Did you really think I was so pitiful I would have to wait forever for you?” She said trying for a condescending smile.

  “Chasity, I’m warning you it’s not a good idea to play this game.” Jacob said turning her face to look at him. Looking him in the eye was only going to make it harder. “I don’t share.”

  “We weren’t together so it isn’t sharing.” She snorted at him.

  “The hell we aren’t. Look me in the eye and tell me the truth.” He demanded placing a palm on each side of her face so she couldn’t turn away.

  “I went out and had a great time.” She smiled sweetly up at him, but she could see the rage in his eyes.

  “Were you alone?” He asked through gritted teeth.

  “Oh no, there was others there.” She told him honestly.

  “Stop it Chasity. Were you with another man?” He was losing patience.

  “Yeah.” She squeaked, but a tear slipped from her eye giving her away.

  “There is no reason to lie to me, ever.” Jacob said kissing the tear away, but that only made more fall.

  He rolled them so that she was against the back of the couch and he was laying in front of her. He held her tight as she cried. She knew once she stopped he would want to talk again, and she didn’t think she could make up another story like that. She was surprised by how upset he had been about the idea of her being with someone. She knew it was childish, but she was trying to make him leave. Her heart was already broken. She had no idea how long they laid there and he let her cry, but he never tried to stop her or move away from her.

  “Are you feeling better?” Jacob asked as he wiped the last few tears away with his thumbs.

  “Yeah. You can go now.” She told him and tried to sit up.

  “You are turning me into a broken record. I’m not going anywhere.” He said putting one of his legs over her hips so she couldn’t move.

  “Please, Jacob. It will be easier if you just leave. I won’t bother you again.” Chasity whimpered.

  “I want you to bother me every day. Please don’t ask me to leave. I don’t think I could even if I tried. I would probably sleep in my truck in your drive way.” He said kissing her forehead.

  “Why, why are you making it so hard?” Chasity pleaded with her eyes hoping he would get the message.

  “It could be simple if you would just talk to me. We could sort this out and spend a great weekend together.” Jacob told her.

  “That’s what you want, one weekend, great then let’s get it over with.” Chasity said as she rubbed against him. It would kill her when he left, but at least she would have something to remember him by.

  “No, you know that’s not all I want.” Jacob whispered to her.

  “I know, you want to be ‘friends’, but I already have Tray for that.” Chasity told him honestly.

  “What are you talking about?” Jacob asked his eyebrows making a v in his confusion.

  “You want someone to talk to and cuddle up with. I have Tray for that.” Chasity didn’t see what he would be confused about.

  “Do you really think that is all I want you for?” Jacob asked her quietly.

  “Yeah of course. Anyone you want to sleep with you do that immediately. I am the cook and friend.” Chasity told him nodding.

  “Why would you ever think that?” Jacob asked shaking his head.

  “Everyone knows when you want a girl you sleep with her and move on. I’m not totally sure what you’re doing here, but it seems like you want a cuddle buddy and friend. I have that already. Granted I don’t spend the night almost naked with Tray, but we cuddle up and watch TV.” She was being as honest as she could.

  “Would you rather be with Tray?” Jacob asked her, but she could see hurt in his eyes and that confused her.

  “Look I have plenty of people to hang out with, and Tray is included, but I’m not interested in him as anything other than a friend. He’s a nicer version of Luke, well sometimes he’s nicer.” She said rolling her eyes. Why was he asking about Tray?

  “Chasity, what’s going on in that pretty head of yours? I have no idea how we went from a great night with you in my arms to you wishing me away. Help me out here sweetness.” Jacob pleaded rubbing up and down her arm with one hand and propping his head up with the other.

  “Great night for you maybe.” She mumbled, but she knew he heard her because his hand stilled.

  “You didn’t like falling asleep in my arms?” She could tell this was important to him.

  “It’s not that.” She told him placing her hand on his cheek but jerking it back quickly. He wasn’t having it, he picked her hand up and held it against his cheek.

  “Then please tell me what it is like.” Jacob whispered to her. “Why did you run away?”

  “This morning you said I have all of you, do you remember that?” She asked him then bit her lip.

  “Yes, and it’s the truth.” He said and kissed her palm before setting it back on his face, but she pulled it away.

  “No Jacob, it’s not true.” Chasity told him as another tear slipped down her cheek. She never cried like this.

  “It is. Why do you think it’s not?” She could hear the crack in his voice.

  “We had a great evening yesterday and talking to you was great, but you held something back.” Chasity told him as she took a deep breath trying to hold the rest of the tears at bay.

  “I didn’t hold anything back. I opened up to you more than I ever have with anyone else.” Jacob told her, she could see how tense his jaw was.

  “You held back what I asked for.” She said as she looked down at his chest.

  “This is about sex? You only want sex from me?” She could hear anger in his voice as he pushed away from her.

sp; “You said I have everything, but in reality you held back the most intimate thing you could ever give me.” Chasity whispered as she kept her head down. “It’s not about sex exactly, it’s about something you shared freely with others but not me.”

  “To me there is nothing intimate about sex. It is just something the body wants. Holding you was the most intimate experience of my life so far.” She could hear the honesty in his voice, but it didn’t change how she felt.

  “Look, we are too different. It’s time for you to go.” Chasity said as she got up to go to the kitchen.

  “No, I can’t accept that. Get mad and yell at me, but don’t give up.” Jacob said spinning her around.

  “There is nothing to get mad and yell about. We don’t have the same views on anything.” She told him shaking her head. She was kinda sad for him really.

  “I don’t understand.” He confessed.

  “I know you don’t, and you probably never will.” She sighed.

  “Please explain it to me.” He must have seen the doubt in her eyes. “At least try.” He pleaded.

  “I haven’t been in a lot of relationships, and haven’t slept with a lot of people.” She started but put her hand up when he tried to talk. “Just listen, I’m not criticizing you. That being said, the few that I have been with meant something. I may not have been madly in love with them, but I did care deeply for them and that made a big difference. The kind of act that you are talking about I could get from B.O.B or my hand, sex is absolutely nothing if there is no emotion. The talking and cuddling do count, and can be intimate, but with someone you care about there is a connection so deep I can’t even describe it. I hope someday you can find the difference.” Chasity told him as the tears began to fall. It broke her heart that he didn’t know what it was like.

  “I can learn. You can teach me.” Jacob pleaded with her.

  “Sweetie, it’s not something anyone can teach you. You seem to think holding it back will prove something, but it really doesn’t. The proof is in the difference it can make. The difference in sex and making love is that sex is based on lust and a basic need. Making love is a connection of mind, body, and soul with someone you can’t imagine walking away from.” Chasity told him trying to wipe the tears, but they were only replaced by more.


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