Jacob's Sweet Temptation

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Jacob's Sweet Temptation Page 12

by Angela Franklin

  “What are you doing in my bed?” Chasity asked him.

  “I was sleeping with an angel, so get back over here and go back to sleep.” Jacob said reaching for her.

  “You aren’t supposed to be here. I don’t even remember coming to bed last night. Where is Tray?” Chasity asked him.

  “He left after the movie. You were already asleep, so I brought you to bed.” Jacob told her with a shrug.

  “Do you not have a home to go back to?” Chasity asked annoyed he was still here.

  “I have an apartment, but I’m not going anywhere.” Jacob told her nodding.

  Chasity shook her head and headed to her bathroom. She brushed her teeth and hair, then looked out the window. It was still dark. She stood there confused for a moment they went back to her bedroom to look at her alarm clock, it said four thirty am. Why was she awake at this ungodly hour?

  “I told you, come back to bed.” Jacob said as he yawned.

  “I’m not getting back in bed with you.” Chasity said glaring at him.

  “Come on, get in bed or I will come get you.” Jacob told her.

  “You wouldn’t dare.” She gasped, but he just raised any eyebrow at her. “Fine, you would.”

  “Yep, so come on. I need a few more hours and I’m sure you do too.” Jacob said and held the covers back for her.

  Chasity sighed but went back to the bed. She laid down carefully on one edge of the bed trying to keep her distance from him. She barely had the covers pulled up before he jerked her back and pulled her half on top of him. She really was way to big for him to be able to move her so easily.

  “Go to sleep, sweetness.” Jacob told her when she started wiggling to get away.

  “I can lay on my own side, Jacob.” She huffed.

  “Sure you can, but I want you to lay here.” Jacob whispered against her ear.

  “I don’t want to be here.” Chasity told him.

  “Fine, get comfortable.” Jacob told her as he released her. She wiggled to the edge of the bed happy she had finally won a fight. It didn’t last long, when she stopped wiggling he moved over and threw a leg over hers and an arm around her.

  “Um, I’m not comfortable.” She told him trying to move his arm.

  “Okay, what do you need to be comfortable?” Jacob grumbled.

  “You not to touch me.” Chasity said sternly.

  “Not happening. How will you be most comfortable with me touching you, and make no mistake I will be.” Jacob told her quickly.

  “Fine. Lay back down, that was the most comfortable.” Chasity said with a huff.

  Jacob laid back and jerked her back across him. She really didn’t want to get comfortable with him being here. When he got whatever he wanted he would be gone, she just wish she knew what it was so she could give it to him and make him leave. She drifted off to thoughts of him not being with her, they weren’t as happy as she was trying to make him think.

  When Chasity woke again it was to Jacob rubbing her hair and telling her it was just a dream. She could feel herself shaking, but couldn’t remember why. She felt tears rolling down her cheeks and rubbed her face against his chest. She thought really hard about what she was dreaming about. She had been dreaming he had left her, she felt lost and alone without him.

  “It’s okay Chassy. I’m right here, just breath baby.” Jacob murmured in her ear as he rubbed her back. When the shaking calmed, he spoke again. “What happened? Why were you crying?”

  “I-I-I don’t know.” Chasity hiccupped. It was part truth, part lie. She knew what the dream was, but she had no idea why it had affected her so much.

  “Please tell me what you were dreaming about.” Jacob said as he kissed the top of her head.

  “I don’t remember.” Chasity told him quietly.

  “I know you are lying to me, but I don’t know why. Does this happen often?” Jacob asked her softly.

  “No, this was the first time.” She told him honestly.

  “Is there anything I can do?” Jacob asked her.

  “No.” Never leave, she thought to herself. Now she was being pathetic.

  “Just lay here and relax, catch your breath.” Jacob said when she tried to pull away.

  “I’m fine now really. I need to get up and take a shower.” Chasity told him.

  She jumped up and made a quick escape into the bathroom. She stripped down and took a long hot shower. The heated water washed away the last of her nightmare, and she relaxed. When she got out, she dried her hair and dressed slowly. She walked into the kitchen and found Jacob standing there in tight jeans and a flannel shirt unbuttoned. His hair was dripping wet.

  “When did you have time to take a shower?” Chasity asked him.

  “I took mine when I heard the water cut off in your room.” Jacob told her as he made her a cup of coffee.

  “Okay, then when did you go get clothes?” Chasity asked him.

  “Friday night, I grabbed a few things before I came back here.” Jacob said with a shrug. “Let’s go to Susie’s for breakfast.” He said when she took her first sip.

  “Why would we do that? I can make my own, but you are welcome to go by yourself.” Chasity told him.

  “No, we need to go. You cooked last night, come on.” Jacob said grabbing her hand as he walked to the door.

  “Jacob, you don’t even have your shirt buttoned and we don’t have shoes on.” Chasity said with a laugh.

  “Oh, yeah, I guess that would help.” Jacob smiled back.

  Shaking her head Chasity sat down on the couch and watched him put on his shoes and button his shirt wrong before bringing her shoe to her. Instead of giving them to her, he bent down and put them on her. When he was finished, he stood up and pulled her up taking her hand and moving for the door again.

  “Jacob, wait.” Chasity told him before he opened the door.

  “No Chasity, you are going to breakfast.” Jacob told her firmly.

  “That’s fine, but how about we fix your shirt first.” Chasity said with a smile as she reached up for the buttons.

  Jacob looked down and laughed when she pointed out he had it buttoned wrong. With a smile, she unbuttoned it and fixed it back right. She could feel his muscles tighten every time her fingers grazed his chest. She hadn’t meant it to be erotic, but it was starting to feel that way to her, so she quickly finished and turned to the door. Jacob spun her around and backed her against the door kissing her hard and quick before releasing her.

  He put her in the truck and buckled her in before going to his side and sliding in. When he had the truck pointed in the right direction he took her hand lacing it with his and placing it on his thigh again. She could feel the muscle under her hand every time he worked the petal. She really needed to focus on something else or breakfast would be very uncomfortable. She turned and looked out the window at everything as the town passed by. When they pulled in, he ran to her side and opened the door letting her slide down his body as she got out. Before he let her go he kissed her and then shut the door and walked to the diner.

  “Chasity, you seem to be good at getting the hot guys in here lately.” Susie said as she met them at the door. Jacob looked down at her with a raised eyebrow, but she shook her head.

  “Hi Susie, how are you?” Chasity asked hoping to distract her, it would have worked too if Jacob hadn’t wrapped both arms around her pulling her close.

  “Not as good as you this morning.” Susie said with a grin then took them to a table. “What can I get ya’ll to drink?” She asked them.

  “Coffee please.” Chasity said and Jacob nodded that he wanted one too. With a wink Susie walked away to get it for them. “What do you think you are doing?” She hissed at Jacob when they were alone.

  “What do you mean?” Jacob asked reaching for her hand.

  “No, stop it. Half the town is here and the other half is sure to hear about your little performance.” Chasity said fuming. Jacob got up and slid in the booth beside her as close as he could get.

  “First of all, this isn’t a performance, and second I want everyone to know your mine.” He whispered in her ear through gritted teeth. She cut her eyes at him, but he appeared very serious.

  “Here you go. What can I get you for breakfast?” Kara said as she gave Chasity a knowing look.

  “Just give us both the breakfast sampler.” Jacob said as he began rubbing her neck. Chasity looked up and Kara gave her a questioning look, so she nodded.

  “So this is the way you wanna play it?” Chasity said when Kara was out of ear shot.

  “I have no idea what you are talking about, I told you I’m not playing.” Jacob told her quietly.

  “You want people to think we’re together fine, but remember you asked for it.” Chasity said. She was really tired of his game, so she would play one of her own. Maybe if she gave him what he thought he wanted, be would quit. It wouldn’t be hard, she would just have to act the way she wanted to and that should do it, maybe just a little more clingy then she would normally be.

  “Thank you for spending the weekend with me, baby.” Chasity said as she looked up batting her lashes at him. She had never done it before, but this was her show now. “I don’t know what I’ll do when you go home. I’ll be so lonely.” Jacob narrowed his eyes at her.

  “This isn’t a game, sweetness.” Jacob growled at her.

  “Of course not, love.” Chasity said getting as close as she could in the booth before laying her head on his shoulder and snuggling her face into his neck. Unfortunately, this part was something she really wish was real. Instead of pulling away, he wrapped his arm around her so that his hand rested on her hip.

  “Alright, here’s your breakfast.” Kara said loudly setting their food down.

  Chasity scooted away so that she had enough room to eat, but pushed her thigh against him. She took her bacon and dipped it in her gravy and moaned at the flavor. She felt Jacob’s hand drop to her thigh and looked up. She might have been trying to act sexy and clingy before, but that time she hadn’t meant to do anything. He slowly took her bacon and dipped it into the gravy before feeding it to her. The diner disappeared as she locked eyes with him and took the bite he offered, her tongue barely touching the pad of his fingers.

  “More coffee?” Kara asked getting their attention. Chasity nodded quickly. “Ya’ll might want to cool it before you burn down the diner.” She said giving Jacob a dirty look.

  “Sorry.” Chasity mumbled and went back to her breakfast refusing to look up until she was done. When she looked up, she noticed several eyes still on them and dropped her head back down. Her eyes wondered to where her thigh touched his, his looked so hard compared to her thick soft thigh. Without her permission, her hand dropped to rub her thigh, then his as if she had to feel the difference. Jacob grabbed her hand and she looked up.

  “Not a good idea, sweetness.” Jacob whispered to her.

  “Sorry.” She said biting her lip.

  “Damn, it’s worse than when we came in.” Jacob muttered.

  “What do you mean?” She asked him confused.

  “When we first sat down you were trying to put on a show, but without even trying you have me in knots.” He said rubbing the back of her hand.

  “I really don’t mean to.” She told him honestly.

  “I know, sweetness, I know.” Jacob said and kissed her forehead before going back to his breakfast.

  Chasity was trying to be good really. She sat still and didn’t try to move the hand he was still holding. She didn’t even wiggle her legs so that they wouldn’t rub against him. She saw his hand move out of the corner of her eye and turned her head to watch him. His strong jaw chewed gracefully before he swallowed making his Adams apple bob with each bite. She became entranced with his movements and couldn’t look away.

  “Stop.” He said softly.

  “I’m not doing anything.” Chasity replied.

  “I can feel you touch everywhere you are looking.” Jacob said turning to look at her. Slowly she ran her finger down his neck and he swallowed reflexively. He reached up and pulled her hand back down shaking his head he kissed her knuckles.

  “Okay, are ya’ll ready for the check? I think you have put on enough of a show today.” Kara told them quietly. Chasity gave her a questioning look. “Just look around.”

  “Oops.” Chasity said biting her lip, and Jacob groaned. Everyone was watching them. She wasn’t even trying to do anything. Normally, no one even knew she was around unless they came to her bakery. “Sorry.” She mumbled.

  “Come on sweetness. I think we have given them enough of a show.” Jacob said and kissed her lips quickly. It was a good thing he had more self-control, because she wanted more than that quick kiss.

  She followed him to the register and waited quietly while he paid. He was still capable of making conversation, but she wasn’t. Obviously, she didn’t affect him like he did her. When he finished, he walked her toward the door, but he was stopped a few times to talk. He always kept a hand on her either holding hers, or on her back. When they made it outside, he opened her door, but turned her for a kiss before buckling her in. This kiss wasn’t as sweet and definitely not as quick. When he shut her door, she looked up to see people staring at them, some from the diner and others on the street. Crap.

  “Where to sweetness?” Jacob asked when he got in.

  “The morgue.” She said only half kidding.

  “Why?” Jacob asked turning to her.

  “So that when I die of embarrassment it will save them a trip.” Chasity said calmly, but he laughed.

  “You are one of a kind, sweetness.” Jacob said kissing her one more time before starting the truck. “Home or Callie’s?” Jacob asked her as her phone rang.

  “Callie’s.” She said as she answered it. “Hello.”

  “So I hear you are trying to burn down the diner.” Callie said instead of a greeting.

  “Oh crap. How did you hear? We just pulled out.” Chasity said looking at Jacob.

  “Oh, I didn’t just hear, I have pictures.” Callie informed her.

  “Pictures? How the hell did you get pictures?” Chasity said and Jacob squeezed her hand.

  “Well, Susie sent some, then Kara sent some, then Luke sent some.” Callie said as if that was perfectly normal.

  “I didn’t even know he was there.” Chasity told her. “Did you know Luke was there?” She asked Jacob, but he shook his head.

  “So, want to ‘splain this to me Lucy?” Callie asked her. She really wasn’t liking the reference right about now.

  “Not really.” Chasity said hoping it would work.

  “Nope, not working.” Callie told her.

  “We are almost there, okay?” Chasity told her.

  “Fine, I want all the details when you get here.” Callie said and hung up.

  “This is so not good.” Chasity said as she looked at Jacob.

  “What were you talking about pictures for?” Jacob asked confused.

  “Apparently, people took pictures of us and some of them were sent to Callie.” Chasity said quietly.

  “Why would anyone take pictures of us?” Jacob asked her.

  “I have no idea; I didn’t even know it was happening.” Chasity said shaking her head. “Crap, this is bad.”

  “Why?” Jacob asked her.

  “What do you mean why? We aren’t together Jacob, but everyone thinks we are.” Chasity told him. He slammed on the brakes and pulled to the side of the road. “What the hell, Jacob?”

  “Let’s get one thing straight, we are together. I have been letting you live in your own little world and ignore us long enough, but I’m done.” Jacob told her sternly.

  “Jacob, it was just a game.” Chasity told him, she was still trying to protect herself from the broken heart she knew was coming.

  “I already told you, I wasn’t playing a game. It’s time you stop running.” Jacob said and kissed her hand before putting the truck back in gear and taking off.

  When they got to
the ranch Jacob waited for her at the front of the truck and took her hand before walking to the house. Instead of staying down stairs like he always did, he walked up with her. He knocked on the door, then opened it to let them both in. He sat in a chair by the bed and kept a hand on her.

  “Hey.” Chasity said.

  “Wow.” Was all Callie said.

  “What?” Chasity asked her.

  “I see.” Callie said cryptically.

  “What, you see what?” Chasity asked getting annoyed.

  “Look for yourself.” Callie said and handed her phone to Chasity to look through the pictures.

  Jacob stood beside her as she scrolled through the pictures. It was like she could feel the heat coming off of them. They were all different. When he fed her, when she was playing, and some she couldn’t even remember. Someone had even taken one of them in his truck. She couldn’t help but stare at the pictures. She always hated pictures of herself, but these were different. She could feel Jacob’s hand on her back, that only added to the heat.

  “Does that look like a game to you?” Jacob asked at a picture of them looking at each other. She shook her head. It looked almost like love, when she flipped to the one of him kissing her forehead it was more than she could take. She handed him the phone. Jacob scrolled through the rest and handed it back to Callie. He sat back down quietly and watched her.

  “How are you feeling today?” She asked Callie trying to change the subject.

  “Like I’m gonna pop, but you’re not changing the subject.” Callie told her.

  “We weren’t talking, so your right I’m not, I’m starting the conversation.” Chasity told her and heard Jacob laugh. “No comments from the peanut gallery.” She told him, but he just smiled at her.

  “So, are ya’ll gonna spontaneously combust and burn down the town?” Callie asked them.

  “What?” Chasity asked her shocked.

  “I’m pregnant not stupid. I saw the pictures too; I’m surprised there’s a diner left.” Callie told her, and Jacob chuckled.

  “This is all your fault.” Chasity glared at Jacob.

  “Okay, how?” He asked calmly.

  “I didn’t want to go to breakfast. I told you to leave.” She huffed at him.


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