Demon King Daimaou: Volume 12

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Demon King Daimaou: Volume 12 Page 6

by Shoutarou Mizuki

  “This is why you never really mattered...”

  Blood ran down Kei’s arm. He pulled Kento’s body forward, and kissed him on the lips. Kento spat blood, staining Kei’s mouth pure red. Kei ripped out the arm, still dripping with blood, and quickly reached into Kento’s pocket, pulling out a small control device and flipping the switch.

  Brave’s suit shut down. Brave fell. Kento’s body fell.

  “Farewell...” Kei whispered.

  Marine accelerated toward the two falling bodies. Then, he grabbed Kento’s body and pulled it close, and turned around and began to climb.

  “...!” Kei was caught completely off guard, just like Marine had expected.

  Marine flew toward Kei, using Kento’s corpse as a shield.

  “What are you doing?!” Kei howled. He fired a mana blast at the corpse, one powerful enough to vaporize it in an instant. The body was turned to dust, scattering beautifully in the wind. Marine got closer to Kei, using the dust to blind him.

  Kei managed to dodge at the last minute, but Marine was never after him to begin with.


  The control device slipped from Kei’s hand. Marine had knocked it from his grasp. Marine spun in mid-air and grabbed it.

  “Defiling the dead isn’t my style... but I saw your obsession with beauty. You wanted him to have a beautiful death, right?”

  Marine flipped the switch on the control device. A light appeared from below the waves. Brave’s power had returned to him.

  “You bastard!” Kei had gone totally pale.

  He began firing mana balls in a haphazard spray toward Marine. But Marine’s power was just as strong. At least, he was able to block them.

  “Uwaaah!” But Kei ignored that and kept attacking Marine. There was no way he could fight against Brave, who was rapidly rising out of the ocean, in that state.

  “Repent your sins of slaughter!” Brave was now in anti-Demon-King Mode.

  “I’ll never regret anything, even if I die!” Kei clutched his hands tightly.

  He still intended to resist. Of course, the mana within his hands faded as Brave approached. But still, Kei refused to run.

  “Are you ready to die, Kei?!” Brave surrounded himself with a high-temperature plasma ball.

  “I’m not, no!” Kei spread his arms wide. “But I’d rather fight and die beautifully than flee in an ugly way!”

  As Brave approached, Kei struck him with an open palm. Of course, this was pointless. The mana was gone, and Kei’s strength was less than normal. But even so, to Brave, to Hiroshi, it felt like a heavy strike. In the next instant, the high-temperature plasma vaporized Kei’s body. There was absolutely nothing left of him.

  “It feels... like he’s the one who won.”

  The plasma disappeared. There was nothing left in Brave’s hands. All he could see was the quiet, terribly cold air. He heard cheers, and turned around. The Republic soldiers were leaning off the bows of their ships, clapping and cheering. Only then had he realized what he’d done.

  He’d led the Republic to victory. It didn’t matter what was right and what was wrong. All that mattered was that the tide of battle had now turned against the Empire.

  “All I did was defeat a murderer... that was all, but...”

  “There’s nothing wrong with fighting for a bad reason... it just makes you a victim of fate.”

  Marine stood next to Brave.

  “There are people and things in the Empire I want to protect.”

  “I’ll find a way to stop the battle. We should be able to come to peace with the Empire on good terms,” Marine said.


  “A war and a brawl are different!” Lily Shiraishi said, annoyed.

  She was preparing the airship that was moored in her yard to launch, while complaining to the Student Council trio. The airship was a small one for personal use, not much bigger than a small yacht. Lily was in the engine room, checking the fuel levels.

  “But it feels like the Empire’s gonna lose, gyah,” Kanna Kamiyama said while watching the mana screen.

  “What happens if we lose?”


  Both Michie Otake and Arnoul looked worried. But they were sitting in the airship’s seats, and doing nothing. Lily was annoyed that they weren’t doing anything to help, but since there was nothing for them to do, she couldn’t get too angry.

  “If it was a brawl, I’d be out there fighting. But sometimes there are times when you shouldn’t fight as a soldier.”

  “But if we lose, we’re screwed,” Michie said.

  “I know that. That’s why I’m loading up the airship.”

  “To go to war, gya?”

  “Nope. We’ve got information on that dog thing. Data from Yoshie Kita. So we’re going to get sneaky.”


  “That Faceless Power crap is probably stored in the ship that travels to the stars. So all we have to do is cut the source of its energy,” Lily said, and closed the lid of the engine.

  “So we’re heading toward the Marlay village?”

  Lily nodded, sat down at the controls, and took off. Then Kanna, who’d been watching the mana screen, shouted.

  “P-President, something crazy just happened!”

  “It’s a war. Crazy stuff happens. Don’t bug me now, I need to focus on piloting.” Lily said, without even glancing back.

  “Then at least listen to the audio!” Kanna said, and turned up the volume.

  “We still have the Demon King!”

  “Down with Brave!”

  “Don’t hide the Empress! She’s with the Demon King, right?”

  “Hurry! Have the government send out the Demon King!”

  It was the sound of countless voices shouting. Lily made the ship climb, then leveled it out and turned around.

  “A protest?!”

  It was footage of people gathered outside the palace, screaming at the government.

  “I remember the last protest when they were protesting against the Demon King...” Lily sighed, irritated.

  “So, why is this important?” she asked Kanna.

  “Well, don’t you think that a certain someone might come to save them, since they’re all asking for him?”

  “Knowing that idiot, probably not. He’s not concerned with what people think. He’s only concerned with what he thinks is right. But if somebody tries to take advantage of that, we might have a problem.”

  “A problem?”

  “If it were me, I’d try to have Akuto fight the Republic Prince. They’re both hungry for it.

  It’s possible.” Lily grinned.

  “You’re a nasty lady, President.” Kanna laughed innocently. Lily reached out an arm to slap her.

  “Quiet. If a nice girl like me can come up with the idea, then somebody really nasty can probably think of it as well.”

  “A nice girl... W-Well, never mind. We don’t want that to happen, gya.”

  “That’s true. It’s no fun trying to predict things that nobody wants to happen.”

  Lily whispered, as if remembering an event from the past.

  4 - A Wonderful World

  He knew it was a setup. But Akuto had come anyway, simply because he wanted to fight.

  Marine also knew it was a setup. But he’d come because he needed to remain true to the things he believed in.

  The bait was the Jeweled Branch. The One had gone ahead and left it there. A golden branch, shining on top of an ordinary rock on top of the tallest mountain in the Empire, as if it had grown there naturally. Akuto and Marine were on either side of it, facing off. Both were close enough that they could grab it if they wanted.

  “So I was right,” Akuto said with a sigh.

  “I certainly didn’t expect him to just drop the Jeweled Branch here, and then just run.”

  Marine’s voice was a low sigh, as well.

  “He even made sure we’d get here at the same time.”

  “But... what shall we do, then? I
plan on using this to stop the asteroid,” Marine said, softly but in a voice filled with resolve.

  “Me too,” Akuto answered.

  “Then our immediate objectives are the same. I don’t suppose you can just let me handle this, then?”

  “I’m afraid I have to say the same thing to you. You’re not planning on handing it over when you’re done with it, are you?”

  Akuto grinned. Marine smiled back.

  “Of course not. This treasure is important to my people. I can’t give it to anyone.”

  “Then that leaves us one option, doesn’t it?”

  “...But I’d like to avoid that as much as possible.”


  “Because what we’re doing is a war in its own right. You can see all those cameras, can’t you?”

  Marine gestured around them. He was right. The sky was filled with automata machines.

  “So depending on the result of our battle, the war could get worse, huh? True. That’s not what I want,” Akuto, despite his words, wasn’t agreeing with Marine. “But I’d still like to resolve this myself.”

  “Is that because you lost someone you care about? I sympathize. But I don’t think taking that out on me is an appropriate answer.”

  Despite everything, Marine refused to fight. Akuto shook his head.

  “That’s not it. It’s the same as the way you carry your people’s burdens.”

  “I see. You’re right. I’m only being stubborn for the sake of my people. In the end, I could never be anything greater than that.” Marine laughed self-derisively.

  Then his smile vanished from his face, and he took a step toward the Jeweled Branch. Akuto followed after.

  “...Hah!” Marine let out a sharp breath.

  “...Ha!” Akuto howled.

  They both threw a punch at the same time. There was a violent sound of clashing flesh.

  Marine’s left hand deflected Akuto’s right fist, and Akuto’s left elbow knocked away Marine’s own punch.

  “Tch...” Akuto dropped a step back and put a hand up to his elbow. Marine must’ve taken some damage too, because he dropped back and wrapped his left fingers around his right hand. For now, they seemed evenly matched.

  “Have you ever actually wondered what the Faceless Power is?” Akuto suddenly asked.

  Marine frowned.

  “You’re asking this now, after everything that’s happened?”

  Akuto’s face was contorted with guilt.

  “I... I know I was wrong about something. The One dropped the Jeweled Branch and fled. Something doesn’t make sense.”

  “That’s... quite true. With my people watching, I couldn’t just leave it and chase him, but...”

  “Yeah. I think he doesn’t need the Jeweled Branch anymore,” Akuto nodded.

  Marine smirked.

  “I see... I should’ve noticed earlier. The One’s goal was to summon the asteroid. He used the Jeweled Branch to do that.”

  “Probably, yeah. That’s why I want you to answer me. What is the Faceless Power?”

  Marine answered Akuto’s question.

  “That’s something I’ve thought a lot about. It’s a manifestation of the people’s will.”

  “That much is clear. But doesn’t that fail to explain some things?”

  “Like what?”

  “Your Faceless Power seems to me like it’s controlling mana to manifest energy...”

  “Correct. That’s how I was taught to use it. Our culture descends from a mana-based civilization, after all.”

  “But the power that your people used to destroy the Empire seemed like something different...”

  “Hmm...” Marine thought for a moment.

  “So what if there were two Faceless Powers...?” Akuto suggested. Marine froze for a moment.

  “Yes, that would make sense... One would be the power that awakened due to the Jeweled Branch, and the other would be the one sealed in the capsule in the Marlay village... The one I’m using would be the latter.”

  “So I’ll ask again. Why did The One give us back the Jeweled Branch?”

  Akuto continued talking, but even as he did so, he readied himself for a fight again. Marine instinctively prepared himself as well. But he didn’t seem to understand why Akuto wanted to fight.

  “He wanted to drop the asteroid on the planet, right? But I don’t understand why this is so important to you. If the Jeweled Branch allows us to control the same Faceless Power as the Republic, then we can deal with the asteroid.”

  “That’s right. But there’s one thing you don’t understand...!”

  “What?” Marine frowned.

  “The Jeweled Branch can’t control your people’s will!” Akuto shouted, and threw a punch. Marine blocked with his arms, but was blown backward.

  “Gah...! S-So that’s it... The Jeweled Branch can release the Faceless Power, but it can’t control it...” Marine whispered bitterly, but then shook his head. “...No! But even if that’s the case, my people have mastered the Faceless Power!”

  Marine charged at Akuto, and punched. Akuto blocked, and now he was the one blown backward.

  “Gah...! That arrogance is the mistake you’re making! The One knew that what you’re saying is impossible!”

  Akuto charged again, and attacked once more. Marine punched back at the same time. Their fists collided, giving off an incredible blast of light and sound


  “Yeah. I think it’s impossible, too.”

  Marine and Akuto glared at one another as they fought.

  “What do you mean?”

  “The Faceless Power can’t just belong to the Republic. It must reflect the will of all of humanity. Both you and Keena were able to use the Jeweled Branch. And you were both originally just humans!”

  Both Akuto and Marine grinned at the same time.

  “I was a fool. I should’ve realized.”

  “You noticed because we talked about it. Talking is important.”

  “So are you telling me we need to take each other in our arms and pray for world peace?”

  “That might work... But you know what your answer is, right?”

  The two of them nodded at one another. In the next moment Marine’s fist flew toward Akuto.

  “For now, we have to fight!”

  Akuto blocked the punch with his forehead. A dull impact echoed throughout the mountain. Akuto’s forehead was bleeding.

  “I’m saying the winner needs to show mercy to the loser!”

  He hit back. Marine couldn’t dodge in time, and took a punch to the cheek. The impact twisted his neck, and he had to stop himself from being blown away. He forcibly held his ground, before punching Akuto’s own cheek.

  “In the end... it’s the only thing we can do!”

  The blow hit home. Akuto gritted his teeth, refusing to let his neck twist, his gaze unwavering.

  “But you and I both know... in the end, the will of mankind will long for destruction!”

  Now Akuto threw a left at Marine.

  “Yes... It’s likely just a question of where the asteroid falls!”

  Marine threw a left of his own.

  Their fists struck each other in the face simultaneously. There was the sound of creaking bone. Sprays of blood. Shattered teeth. The shockwave blew through their bodies and traveled out the back of their heads. For a moment, they both froze.

  “Hah... there’s no point just beating each other up like this, but it still hurts.”

  “We’re both just being stubborn. If you’ll give it to me, I won’t hurt you anymore...” Marine said, tauntingly. Akuto laughed.

  “You’re joking. Let’s see this through to the end.” As he spoke, he healed his wounds with mana. Marine did the same thing. The “end” Akuto spoke of wouldn’t come until one of them succumbed to exhaustion.

  Akuto took a step forward.

  Marine took a step forward.

  Their heavy strides left craters in the stone of the mountaint

  The two of them faced off, less than a meter apart.

  “Let’s do it, then...”

  “I was just thinking the same thing.”

  It was impossible to tell who moved first. But their fists flashed out at incredible speed, striking each other in the head again and again.


  “Maybe being a strong man also means being a stupid one,” Yoshie said, watching Akuto and Yoshie on her monitor.

  “That’s certainly true for these two,” Korone answered.

  “Why are they fighting, though?” Yuko asked, timidly.

  “Because they’re stupid. That’s the conclusion we reached,” Korone said coldly.

  Keena and Korone had met up with Yoshie in the command room just under an hour ago. Akuto had dropped them off before heading off to answer The One’s call. Keena had wanted to go with him, but Korone had, for once, strongly opposed this.

  “After seeing what happened to Fujiko Eto... I need you to be careful,” Korone said. This was how Yoshie learned what had happened to Fujiko, but Yoshie was calm enough to avoid letting it distract her. While everyone else was lost in silent sadness, she’d decided to give her all to analyzing the materials that Fujiko had left her. As a result, she’d learned something that backed up what Akuto and Marine were debating. It was time to explain to everyone the meaning of what Akuto and Marine were saying.

  “I think... I need to start at the beginning,” Yoshie said, and then opened a connection. She’d contacted Brave, and Lily in her yacht. It was necessary for them to understand the situation too.

  “I’m listening,” Lily said. For some reason Brave wasn’t speaking, but she could hear his breathing. Yoshie continued.

  “Listen to me. The Faceless Power is a supernatural power that has existed since before the dawn of mana civilization.”

  “And the Imperial Line’s maintained their power by controlling it,” Lily answered.

  “That’s right. And that’s when the Jeweled Branch and Swallow’s Cowry Shell were created. At the same time, they were also concerned about the dangers of the Faceless Power. They used the rather vague phrasing of ‘It could destroy humanity.’”

  “Sounds like they weren’t kidding, huh?” Lily’s words sounded like a joke, but her tone was completely serious.


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