Rise of the Mage (Resurrecting Magic Book 1)

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Rise of the Mage (Resurrecting Magic Book 1) Page 16

by Keary Taylor

The kiss may have appeared chaste, for my father’s sake. But it reached down into my stomach, all the way to my toes. It ignited every spark of desire in me.

  “You look incredible, Margot,” Nathaniel said as he pulled away and rested his forehead to mine.

  “I’m not sure how I’m going to make it through the night with you looking like that,” I whispered to him, knowing he could read the hunger in my eyes.

  “I’m going to be a grandpa by next Halloween,” I heard my dad mutter from behind us.

  Nathaniel stepped away from me and I just fixed Dad with a look and shook my head. I really debated telling him right then and there that we still hadn’t even had sex yet. But I didn’t want either of us blushing that hard.

  “How about you just take the picture so we can be on our way?” I asked.

  He nodded and grabbed the camera from the kitchen counter.

  It really was like high school again. Nathaniel and I posed in front of the bay window, his arm around my waist, my hand on his chest. Dad snapped half a dozen pictures and finally we stepped outside on our own.

  I was really thankful the snow had stopped falling. I didn’t need it ruining my hair.

  “That dress is going to be a problem tonight,” Nathaniel said once we were out of earshot of the house.

  “What?” I asked in offense. “This dress is amazing.”

  Nathaniel looked down at me and there was a playful smirk on his face. “I know. And I can’t decide if it’s better on or if I’m going to be able to keep myself from ripping it off of you.”

  “Nathaniel Nightingale,” I said in a chiding tone. “I had pegged you for a gentleman. And here you are, talking about ripping my clothes off.”

  He pulled me to a stop and wrapped me into a kiss right there. His hand came to the back of my head, his fingers lacing into my hair. His other hand came low on my hip, pulling our bodies together. His kiss was soul entangling. I breathed him in, and he sucked my soul in and out of me. I felt us converging into one.

  “Stars, I never knew I could be this happy,” Nathaniel breathed into my mouth. He looked into my eyes between desperate gasps for air. And I felt every word he said.

  I didn’t want to ever untangle from him.

  I was ready to start the rest of our lives, right here. Today.

  I wanted our forever. Our story.

  I looked up at Nathaniel as he pulled away slightly. I felt full. I felt complex and exceptionally simple all at the same time.

  “I love you,” I confessed right there.

  My chest felt ready to explode from how big and true the words were. I felt like I could destroy the whole world with the entirety of the words.

  The look in Nathaniel’s eyes softened as he looked down at me. He pulled me closer, if that was even possible. Once more, he lowered his lips to mine, but he didn’t quite kiss me. They lingered there, so that I could only feel their warmth, not their touch.

  “I love you with everything in me, Margot,” he said, filling me so full, I could die at any second. “It’s kind of painful sometimes how much I love you.”

  I smiled, because I knew exactly how he felt. But I just wrapped my arms behind his neck and pulled his lips to mine so I could kiss the man I loved.

  We were drawing looks, because there were half a dozen other couples headed to the school for the ball. So, with a deliriously happy grin, I grabbed Nathaniel’s hand and pulled him toward the doors, taking off at a run.

  I was out of breath when we got to the front doors, but I didn’t even mind. We stepped through and Nathaniel handed over our tickets. And we followed the crowd of well-dressed students to the common area.

  Dad was right. Mom would have loved this. I couldn’t stop looking around in wonder.

  Somehow the council had transformed the common room into a golden castle of twinkling wonder. There were plants everywhere, and lights were strung back and forth across the ceiling. Golden decorations were set up throughout the space. There were tables set up all around the perimeter of the room, and there were white and gold tablecloths on them with matching candlesticks and candles set up on them.

  It was elegant and beautiful and classy.

  I took a moment to look at all the other couples around us. It was a fashion show of expensive dresses and elegant hair. Pinks and whites and blue. Twists and curls and pearls. Each dress was unique and elegant.

  And I realized that most of the guys cleaned up nicer than expected. I’d never seen them look so dapper and sophisticated. Tuxedos went a long way.

  None of them could live up to Nathaniel, though.

  He was getting looks. A lot of them. Other women were looking him up and down, lust and desire in their eyes, regardless if they had another man on their arm.

  And I didn’t miss the lingering stares in my direction. I was aware how much of my cleavage showed, how touchable my waist looked.

  And I loved how Nathaniel’s hands hadn’t left it since we left the house.

  “This way,” Nathaniel said as he led us toward the back of the space. He aimed us toward another woman I recognized from the library, Amy. She was nice, if not a little timid. But I smiled as I sat beside her and her date, a man I didn’t recognize.

  Nathaniel sat beside me and automatically, I found his hand. He leaned in close to me, our bodies angled together, and he tucked a lock of hair behind my ear, his eyes lingering…everywhere.

  I felt on fire with love. Nathaniel had been a song I couldn’t get out of my head for months, and now he was mine and I was his. The way he looked into my eyes, I just felt it.

  Me and him, we were the forever kind of love. The kind of love people wrote stories about, the kind of love others envied and longed for.

  And we were here, together.

  This was real.

  I stood and moved into his lap. I cupped my hands behind his head. There was a peaceful happiness in his eyes as he looked up into my face. I could feel his heart beating without even touching him, because it was the same beat that was in my own chest.

  I tipped forward, and I kissed him.

  I could spend the rest of my life doing this. I planned to do exactly that.

  But the room got nosier and then quieter. I looked up to see everyone had taken their seats.

  There, standing at the head table, was David Sinclair.

  I’d forgotten where this event originated from. It had been hosted and put on by the Society Boys for over a century.

  And as the head of the Society Boys, David Sinclair was in charge.

  He wore a tuxedo that was black, but the lapels were trimmed with a gold, shimmery material. I could see it was lined with the same. His bowtie was also ostentatious. And of course, he wore a masquerade mask.

  Each of the Society Boys was dressed over the top, showing everyone else up, though not quite to the extent of David. They each looked powerful and supernatural in their masks. They looked like they could conquer the world.

  Each of them was accompanied by a beautiful woman. From their dresses to their hair and their makeup, they were perfect. I didn’t want to judge a fellow woman, but I wondered if they really thought about the kind of men they were going out with.

  I felt a little bit sorry for the woman sitting beside David in her golden dress like a prize won, because even from across the room, David’s eyes were fixed on me.

  I gave him a little smile and a wink as I slid off of Nathaniel’s lap and back into my own seat.

  He stood and actually clanged his knife into the side of his glass. The crowd grew quiet, and all eyes turned to him.

  “What an evening,” he said, plastering on his power sleek smile as he looked around the room filled with over one hundred of our classmates. “I think our decorating committee deserves a round of applause.”

  He didn’t give the specific individuals credit, so as we clapped, we had no idea who we were clapping for, but I appreciated their efforts, regardless.

  “Your dinner was prepared by the finest chef
s in the state of Massachusetts,” David continued. “I hope you’ll enjoy it. And when we’re done, I hope you’ll welcome the Dark Side of Boston.”

  I had no idea what the Dark Side of Boston was, my only guess was a band. But David took a seat, and instantly, an army of servers appeared out of nowhere, carrying trays with covered plates.

  A delighted smile crossed my face as my plate was set in front of me and uncovered.

  There was oven roasted chicken and braised carrots, garlic and rosemary potatoes, and heavenly smelling rolls.

  Only, when I went to take my first bite, the food was cold.

  I looked over at Nathaniel, and as he slowed in chewing his food, I knew that his was the same.

  I looked up and around to be sure that no one was looking. When I confirmed that they weren’t, I reached up and rubbed my hands together. I snapped my fingers, and touched the tip of my plate.

  There was a quick, small flash.

  And when I took another bite, my food was piping hot.

  Nathaniel smiled knowingly as he did the exact same.

  It was a lovely meal, but the real excitement came when the band came in. As couples finished, they made their way into the middle of the room and things got a little crazy as the dancing started.

  I swallowed my last bite just as Nathaniel stood and extended a hand out for mine. With a smile, I took it, and followed him out into the middle of the room.

  The music was…exciting. Music wasn’t a big part of our house at home, and I only occasionally listened to the radio. But the lead singer’s voice was epic. His pitch was phenomenal. The guitars, the drums. It was all spectacular.

  As a slower song came on, I looped one hand behind Nathaniel’s neck, and he tilted his forehead down to touch mine. He put his hands on either side of my waist, and I swear with this dress, his fingertips nearly touched together. I let my other hand rest against his chest.

  We swayed back and forth together, and I relished in the moment. This was the happiest day of my life.

  I’d told Nathaniel that I loved him, and he’d returned those words. We were infinite in this moment and it felt like the future would be absolutely perfect.

  “Did I tell you, you look incredible?” Nathaniel whispered against my cheek. Softly, his hands trailed up the backs of my arms, sending a wave of goosebumps flashing over my skin.

  “You might have mentioned it,” I said softly.

  He gently kissed my jaw, trailing his lips along my skin. “I think I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Margot Bell. You and those five to twelve children. Together, in Asteria House.”

  I looked up into his eyes. I felt his words. I felt them all the way down into my heart.

  He meant what he said. It wasn’t exactly a proposal. It was too soon, we were too young, and we still had too much to accomplish. But I could tell his statement was real.

  “Then stick around, forever,” I said.

  He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine, and it was sealed with a kiss.

  I lay my head on his chest, and slowly, we swayed to the music.

  I was entirely happy and content.

  Until we turned, and I met eye to eye with David.

  He danced with his woman who clung to him like she was a child and he her prize. But he stared at me and glared at Nathaniel with a heat that was almost frightening.

  I didn’t glare. I didn’t make faces. I just held his gaze. I let him look at me. I let him see how happy I was.

  I hoped he understood. He was never going to buy my affection or sway me to his side with offers of power.

  I turned my head to the other side, and I looked away.

  Twenty minutes later, we’d worked our way to one corner of the room. “I’ll be right back,” Nathaniel said as he handed me a glass of cider. “I’m just going to use the restroom.”

  I nodded and sat at a table, letting my feet have a break. I was glad I’d worn flats, but still, they squeezed my feet in an uncomfortable way.

  There were a few serious couples at Alderidge. Two of them were even officially engaged, all seniors. But most of these people were just here on singular dates. A few of these people might move into a relationship after this night. But most would go their separate ways after the ball. Nothing would come of this night.

  The stories I’d tell about this night someday…

  I smiled as I watched one couple dance, doing a dramatic rendition of the Lindy. They looked like they were having fun and didn’t care that they were getting strange looks and their dance absolutely didn’t fit the music.

  “Margot.” A voice from the side drew my attention away. It was Nathaniel’s friend from the library, Amy. She slipped into the chair beside me and looked around nervously. “Something really bad is about to happen. I just saw Nathaniel walking out of the restroom and…”

  She looked around again, nervous as a squirrel in the middle of a dog park.

  “Amy,” I said, sitting up straight, alarmed at her nervousness. “What happened?”

  Once more, she looked around. “He was coming out of the bathroom and then the Society Boys grabbed him.”

  I shot to my feet. “All of them?” I questioned.

  She nodded, her face stark white.

  “Did you see where they took him?”

  “They were headed down to the trail to the beach,” she said.

  My heart was in my throat. All of my insides were white hot.

  Without another word, I turned, and sprinted out the door, drawing eyes, and not caring.

  Chapter Eighteen

  The hallway was quiet and empty. My feet slapped against the tile beneath them as I sprinted down the hallway, holding my dress up so I didn’t trip on it.

  I slammed into the door that led out the back of the school. My hands and hips barked in pain from the impact, but I didn’t care. I bolted outside into the freezing cold.

  Snow had started falling again. It landed on my bare shoulders and instantly started melting. But I sprinted across the back lawn of the school, down the path to the archway that led down to the beach.

  I heard a yell as I got closer. But it was drowned with the sound of crashing waves.

  There they were. All six of them, standing out in the surf, soaking their suits.

  And there was Nathaniel in the middle of them. He had his hands held up, and I couldn’t hear his words, but I could tell he was trying to talk some sense into them.

  But Borden grabbed him from one side, James from the other. And then David stepped forward and took a swing.

  A demented scream ripped from me the moment David’s fist connected with Nathaniel’s jaw.

  I went sprinting across the beach.

  And watched in horror as David jumped on Nathaniel, taking him down into the water. The next second, Donald and Howard were on him, too.

  I screamed in panic as I watched them push Nathaniel’s face under the waves. As they pinned him down while he struggled to save himself from drowning.

  I watched blood seep into the water.

  Another fist flew. Someone kicked Nathaniel.

  My vision went red.

  I felt darkness gather in my chest.

  My hands grew ice cold.

  As I watched David push Nathaniel beneath the waves again, I reached my hands forward, and let loose a savage scream.

  Everything blasted back out into the ocean. Sand. Water. And bodies.

  David launched into the ocean, as did Borden and James. Donald, Gerald, and Howard went spiraling back out into the ocean with a force that left their bodies limp like rag dolls.

  But I hardly even noticed.

  I sprinted out into the water, and barely managed to keep my balance as I grabbed Nathaniel, trying to pull him up before the next wave could fill back in.

  He gasped and coughed and looked around with wild, blood-red eyes. Already, his right eye was swelling shut and there was a cut on his left cheek. His lip was split again. And the way he was clutching his left s
ide, I had to wonder if his ribs were broken.

  “We need to get you to a hospital,” I said, nearly shouting to be heard above the noise of the waves and the storm.

  “What…where are they?” Nathaniel breathed out.

  But he stumbled. He nearly went down in the water again.

  “Nathaniel!” I said, fear spiking in the back of my brain again.

  He staggered in the surf.

  I looped his arm around my shoulders and dragged him up onto the beach as quick as I could.

  And as soon as we were out of harm’s way, Nathaniel collapsed.

  “No, no, no!” I cried as I tried to position us better. I knelt in the wet sand and pulled Nathaniel’s head into my lap. I shook him, I cried his name, but he wouldn’t wake up.

  The sound of coughing drew my eyes back to the ocean.

  Donald walked up the beach, coughing mass amounts of sea water from his lungs.

  He was followed by Borden. And then David.

  They could hardly walk. They nearly crawled as they trudged out of the sea.

  I wasn’t even sure if Nathaniel was still alive.

  And they’d done this to him.

  I felt something dark coiling inside of me. It was hot and cold at the same time. It came from a dark, deep place inside of my body, my soul.

  The world shifted. It twitched.

  My palms felt icy.

  James came sloshing out of the ocean, and then was followed by Howard.

  They tried to kill Nathaniel, who wouldn’t fight back, because he knew what he was capable of.

  David met my eyes. And I’d never hated anyone in my life. Not truly. But I hated David then.

  I wanted him to suffer. I wanted him to pay.

  They were halfway up the beach. They looked exhausted. They looked half drowned.

  But I didn’t care.

  David took one more step toward me.

  I raised a hand.

  And something that looked like embers from a fire shot out from it. Like a ripple across the water, it fanned out.

  And the second it hit them, they each collapsed to the ground.

  For just a moment, I sat there stunned and frozen. Until I watched David’s chest, and it rose and fell. Each of them were still breathing.


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