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Stolen Page 11

by S L Davies

  “Help me take these pants off, I want you inside me,” she whispered.

  Karney frowned, “it’s not going to hurt you?” he asked.

  Branwen shook her head and started to tug at her pants. She would deal with the pain at a later stage, she wanted Karney inside her, that was her only thought. Karney helped slide her pants down over her hips and down her legs, careful not to tug too hard on the cast. Once Branwen was completely naked, Karney made quick work of his own clothes, before settling between Branwen’s thighs. She wrapped her unbroken leg around Karney’s waist, hooking her ankle across his hip, and pulling him towards her.

  Karney slid slowly deep inside her, causing Branwen’s eyes to roll back. No matter how many times she made love to her men, it always was amazing. She didn’t think that she would ever tire of having sex. Karney started to thrust in and out of her slowly, his cock sliding along every sensitive area inside her, heightening her pleasure. She looked up at him, Karney was watching her, his brows puckered in concentration.

  “Little Raven, I’m not going to last long,” he whispered with a hitch.

  Branwen smiled and pulled his face down to hers, taking his lips in a deep and passionate kiss. She tangled her tongue with his, as he continued to thrust into her. Branwen reached down and grabbed hold of his ass, encouraging Karney to thrust into her harder as she chased the overwhelming pleasure that was threatening to engulf her.

  “Jesus, Little Raven,” Karney said as his cock crashed deep inside.

  Branwen threw her head back and cried out, calling Karney’s name as her orgasm took over and she went hurtling over the edge of desire. Karney groaned, as his body stiffened. She felt his cock pulse deep inside her as he filled her with cum. Their breathing was pants, as they both came down from their highs. Karney slowly rolled from her body, hissing as his cock fell from Branwen’s pussy. He lay beside her and took her hand in his.

  “I love you Little Raven,” he said looking over at her.

  Branwen smiled, “I love you too, Karney,” she said.

  Every day, she fell a little more in love with her men, they filled her not just with great sex, but she felt safe with them, they protected her and gave her something different. Karney was her joker, he liked to play and have fun, he always made her laugh. Finnbarr was a sensitive soul, they could spend hours speaking about every deep desire that filled them. Kodiak was her stoic and serious protector, he was like a soldier, always making her feel safe. Ever since the day she met him, and Michael and Connor tried to hurt her. The three of them gave her everything she needed. And she just hoped that she could give them everything that they needed in return. It was often her greatest fear that she wouldn’t be enough for them. She was glad that Kodiak and Finnbarr were together as well, Branwen felt no jealousy over their blossoming relationship, not like she had with the flight attendant, but she just hoped that one day they wouldn’t decide they wanted more than she could give them.

  Branwen sighed and closed her eyes. Karney’s breathing had evened out, so she knew that he had fallen back asleep. She listened to the low hum of the plane as she drifted into unconsciousness. It would only be a few more hours and they would be landing in Melbourne, Australia and she would meet the family that she was ripped from. The family who she hoped accepted her and her men.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  The plane landed smoothly, and it didn’t take long for customs to check the passports. Carter had told Branwen that Australia was a country that didn’t support guns. Neither did the U.K, but it wasn’t going to prevent her from having one. As it turned out the customs officers in Australia were as easily paid off as the garda of Northern Ireland. Their arsenal of weapons was left alone, and they were soon disembarking and moving slowly, because Branwen being on crutches, off the plane.

  At the top of the stairs, the flight attendant stood, when she saw Branwen, her smile dipped, and she paled slightly. “I will make sure that you have a flight back to Northern Ireland, however, you will not be on our return flight. I never want to see you again,” Branwen growled.

  “I. I am employed by the Isakov family,” the flight attendant stammered.

  Branwen raised an eyebrow and turned pointing at Kodiak, “and I’m fucking the head of that family, so I suggest you do as I say, but it’s your funeral,” Branwen said with a shrug of her shoulder.

  The flight attendants’ eyes widened, and she shook her head, “I will leave,” she said quietly.

  “Good choice,” Branwen replied with a broad smile as she went through the door of the plane and started to slowly make her way down the steps.

  When she got to the bottom of the steps, Karney was standing with his arms folded across his chest and a raised eyebrow. “What was that?” he asked with a smirk.

  “I was just reinforcing the knowledge of what is mine and what women can’t touch,” Branwen replied, causing Karney to chuckle and lean forward nuzzling her neck.

  “I think I like it when you’re jealous,” he said quietly into her neck.

  Branwen smiled, she looked towards the doors of the private hangar that the plane was pulled into. The sky was overcast and the weather drizzling, not much different to Northern Ireland. It was winter in Australia, compared to the summer it had been back home. Branwen noticed a woman and man standing in the doorway and instantly recognised them to be Audrey and Benjamin Tomlinson. When Audrey noticed Branwen standing watching her, Audrey’s mouth dropped open and a scream escaped her lips as she ran towards Branwen.

  Karney spun, stepping in front of Branwen, as she heard heavy footsteps thud down the stairs of the plane. She was soon flanked by Kodiak and Finnbarr, both with their guns drawn and pointed at the woman running towards them. Around Karney’s arm, Branwen watched as Audrey came to a halt, her eyes wide and wild as she took in the men that surrounded her, two with their guns drawn in her direction. Benjamin jogged to Audrey and pulled her into his chest.

  “What the fucking hell?” he said, his frown deep.

  Carter stepped around them and reached out to Audrey and Benjamin. “Hello, I apologise for the overreaction, the men are slightly jumpy around Branwen now after the attack. I am Detective Carter McConnell,” he said reaching out a hand towards the couple that looked a lot more terrified at the reaction they had been greeted with.

  “Detective,” Benjamin said, reaching forward and taking Carter’s hand in a firm handshake, “what attack?”.

  “Unfortunately, before the Murphy family left for Australia, there was an incident involving Branwen, resulting her broken leg,” Carter said, glancing over the details.

  Kodiak and Finnbarr put their guns back in the holsters and stepped aside allowing Branwen to make her way around Karney towards the couple. “My name is Branwen, I believe you are my biological parents,” she said with a small smile.

  Audrey frowned, but then smiled softly before nodding. “Branwen, yes, may I hug you?” she asked.

  Branwen nodded her head and moved forward into Audrey’s open arms. Her hug wasn’t as warm and all-encompassing as Mam’s had been, but it felt nice to have a motherly hug again. “It’s been a long time, we never stopped looking for you,” Audrey said into Branwen’s hair.

  Branwen stepped out of Audrey’s embrace and gave her a smile. “These are my partners, Karney, Finnbarr and Kodiak,” Branwen introduced, her men had managed to relax and look a little less intimidating.

  “Partners? Like business partners?” Audrey asked.

  Branwen shook her head, “no they are my lovers, boyfriends, husbands, I’m not sure what to call them, other than mine,” she replied.

  Audrey frowned before nodding, “well I guess you grew up different. I don’t know much about how you grew up.”

  “No, I guess you don’t,” Branwen said, not liking the tone that Audrey was taking. She didn’t know what was going to happen. She didn’t think that they would automatically agree with the life that Branwen lived, however the response was still somewhat jarring.
/>   “Alright, well how about we go home first, introduce you to your siblings, and then we can get to know one another? I imagine your exhausted,” Benjamin said with a smile, that felt fake.

  Branwen nodded her head, “yes, I’m not too tired as I slept on the way here, but I imagine the men are tired, and I wouldn’t mind freshening up a bit,” she replied.

  “Very well, let’s get going,” Benjamin said, clapping his hands, and turning towards where the waiting cars were. Andre had organised cars and drivers, so that the family would have protection.

  Branwen imagined that this could be slightly unsettling to the Tomlinson’s, especially considering they didn’t know where Branwen came from and what kind of family she grew up in.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Karney told Audrey and Benjamin that they would meet them at their home once they had booked into the motel. It had been decided to keep it a secret where they were staying. Branwen didn’t know the Tomlinson’s, she didn’t trust them. There was something in her gut that still told her that Benjamin was shady and until she had irrefutable proof that he was all above board she wasn’t going to give him an ounce of credit.

  Audrey looked like she wanted to argue about them going to a motel but a look from Benjamin had her staying quiet. The look didn’t go unnoticed by Carter who growled quietly enough that only Branwen heard. Once they were in the car and one of the Isakov men were driving them towards the motel that they would be staying in did anyone speak.

  “Something doesn’t feel right about these people,” Carter said as he sat back against the plush leather seats of the dark limousine.

  “I agree. I did as much research on them as I could, nothing out of the ordinary showed up, but there is more to the story, I can feel it,” Kodiak said.

  “It has to do with Benjamin,” Branwen said quietly, “he is shady and into something that sets my radar off.”

  Everyone fell into silence as the car travelled along the freeway, it didn’t take long before they were passing by Melbourne city and out towards the suburbs. The tall dank buildings were replaced by tree lined streets and large houses. It was so much different to Northern Ireland. Branwen always considered herself lucky as the Murphy family owned a large plot of land, surrounded by open fields. They weren’t in boxed houses that were smacked together, where you could hear the neighbour’s televisions and arguments. There didn’t appear to be any houses like that here.

  Finally, the driver slowed in front of a large motel, he drove down a ramp leading to an underground carpark before stopping at the entrance of what appeared to be a very grand motel. Andre had assured Branwen that they would have privacy and safety.

  Branwen looked around the grand entrance of the motel as she hobbled her way in through the large glass doors. A woman at a desk, with her hair tightly woven into a bun at the back of her head greeted them as Branwen slowly hopped her way towards the desk.

  “Hello, welcome to the Regent,” the receptionist said, her smile broadening.

  “Thank you. I have a booking under Murphy,” Branwen replied.

  The woman typed into the computer in front of her and nodded her head, before reaching under the desk and pulling out several key cards. “Right, you have the penthouse suite which is the entire tenth floor. If you leave all your luggage here, I will have it delivered up to you. These are your key cards, if you head towards the elevators there, they will take you directly to your suite.”

  The woman handed Branwen the key cards and smiled again, “if you have any issues, or need anything, just dial zero on the phone in your room, that will put you directly through to the reception. I am here during the day but there will be someone else here of a night-time. My name is Gabrielle. I hope you enjoy your stay.”

  Branwen’s mouth dropped open as she nodded her head, Gabrielle was very robotic in the way she spoke, as if she said the same words one hundred times a day. Branwen turned, to where Kodiak was standing behind her and handed him the key cards, before leading their party over to the elevators.

  As the elevators opened to the suite Kodiak walked into the rooms, his gun in his hand, as he swept through each room. “Okay we are all good,” he said with a smile.

  Branwen nodded her head and hopped into what looked like a giant master bedroom. She sat down on the edge of the bed and sighed. She was weary, not just tired, but deep in her bones exhausted. It felt like ever since her mam died, it had been drama after drama and Branwen didn’t want to deal with anymore. She had hoped that she was wrong about the Tomlinson’s. But as she took in Benjamin and the way he interacted with Audrey - her gut feeling was getting stronger. There was something wrong with the family, something she couldn’t put her finger on.

  “What did Benjamin do for work?” Branwen asked suddenly.

  Kodiak looked over his shoulder where he was standing in the grand bathroom, “he is an engineer,” he said.

  Branwen frowned, “and he isn’t involved in any groups, like no bike gangs, no underworld, nothing like that?”

  “Nothing that we could find,” Kodiak said, “why, what are you thinking?”

  Branwen shrugged her shoulders, “I don’t know what it is, but something is just off. I can’t put my finger on it, I can’t explain what I’m feeling, just that something doesn’t feel right about him.”

  “Just him? Or Audrey as well?” Kodiak asked as he came and sat on the bed beside her.

  “No just him, whatever is going on with him, she seems to be clueless to it. But you saw the way he shut her down, maybe he is just an abusive cunt, but even then, I don’t think it’s that. It felt like he was hiding something, and he was afraid that Audrey would accidentally spill. He wasn’t even that shocked to see you and Finnbarr with guns. Audrey was stunned and I could see the fear, but it was like he was expecting it.”

  “Like he already knew who we were?” Kodiak asked.

  Branwen bit her lip and nodded her head. She didn’t know how he would know about the Murphy family. She supposed it wasn’t hard to find out, a small search could possibly uncover the information. But why would he be looking and from what Carter had said, Audrey and Benjamin hadn’t been told her name was now Branwen, no one had told them anything.

  “How would he have known?” Kodiak asked, giving voice to her thoughts.

  Branwen shook her head, “I don’t know. Audrey looked stunned that my name was Branwen, like she had never been told my name, in her mind she was still calling me Chloe.”

  “Yeah, I noticed that, I’ll talk to Carter, I’ll find out what the Tomlinson’s have been told, but in the meantime, do you want a bath?” Kodiak asked.

  Branwen nodded her head and smiled, as she began to strip from her clothes and Kodiak prepped the bags that would cover her cast so it wouldn’t get wet in the water.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Audrey was waiting on the doorstep of the house when they arrived. She was wringing her hands together nervously. Branwen couldn’t work out whether Audrey’s nerves were because Kodiak and Finnbarr had pulled guns on her earlier, or that was her normal setting.

  “Audrey,” Branwen greeted.

  “Oh Chloe,” she said, before she shook her head, “sorry, Branwen, it’s hard for me to get used to calling you something else. For twenty-three years, you’ve been Chloe in my mind.”

  “My name is Branwen, or you will hear the guys call me Little Raven, which is what Da and Uncle Dyfed called me,” Branwen said, “however, if you are more comfortable calling me Chloe you can do that, I can’t guarantee I will answer, but if it makes you happy.”

  Audrey nodded her head and gave Branwen a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. There was something going on here. Something wasn’t right and it caused nerves to build in Branwen’s gut.

  “Well come in, I’d like to introduce you to the kids, your um, brothers and sister,” Audrey said nodding, and waving her hand towards the open house.

  Branwen found it strange that Benjamin wasn’t there to greet
them, and put that in the back of her mind, to keep note of it. They followed Audrey into the house, it wasn’t a huge house, it was nothing like Branwen’s home. But it was kept clean and tidy, it was homely, there were photos dotted along the wall, which Branwen recognised as her siblings. There was one photo however, that stood out, it was bigger than all the other photos, in fact it was so large it took up the entire wall that it was hung on, and it was the only picture of a newborn baby. The other pictures that were dotted along the wall were pictures of children aged around four and upwards, there were no newborn shots of any of her siblings. Branwen went to the photo and looked at the newborn baby with almost black hair, the baby’s dark eyes glared into the camera.

  “That is, you, it was taken only a few hours before you went missing,” Benjamin said from behind her.

  Branwen looked over her shoulder and nodded. She looked at Benjamin who was staring at the photo. “What is going on here?” Branwen asked.

  “What do you mean?” he asked, looking down at her. He was a tall man, like Karney, but not built, he was skinny, like he was underfed.

  “You don’t seem happy to have me back in your life, Audrey seems terrified of me, what is going on?” she asked.

  Benjamin looked down at the floor and sighed, “Audrey has held hope for twenty-three years that she would find you, I didn’t think we ever would.”

  “So why does that make you unhappy?” Branwen asked.

  “I’m not unhappy, I’m concerned. I’m worried about who you are. I mean shit, you have three men that you are screwing, two of them pointed guns at us. I know nothing about you, there is nothing online about you. No one told us anything, you could be anyone and I have a family to protect.”

  Branwen nodded her head, “I understand that. I understand the need to protect your family. And you are correct that you know nothing about me. I am happy to explain about who I am, where I have been and who raised me, and hopefully put your mind at ease.”


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