by Savitri Devi
Quoted in Revue de la Presse Rhénane et Allemande, vol. 3, no. 52.
Tägliche Rundschau (Berlin), 23 December 1948.
Handelsblatt (Düsseldorf), 2nd week of January 1949.
Quoted in Revue de la Presse Rhénane et Allemande, vol. 4, no. 2.
Allgemeine Zeitung (Mainz), 17 January 1949.
Impeachment of Man, ch. 9, “The Rights of Plants.” The book is still unpublished. [Impeachment was written in 1945-46 and finally published in 1959: Impeachment of Man (Calcutta: Savitri Devi Mukherji, 1959).—Ed.].
“The Turks have passed through; all is ruin and mourning” (From “L’Enfant” [“The Child”] in Victor Hugo’s collection of poems entitled Les Orientales [Paris, 1829]) [Trans. by Ed.].
Woe to the conquered.—Ed.
Journal de Genève, 1st week of January, 1949, quoted in Revue de la Presse Rhénane et Allemande, vol. 4, no. 1.
Le Monde, 1st week of January 1949, quoted in Revue de la Presse Rhénane et Allemande, vol. 4, no. 1.
Bulletin de la Semaine, Revue de la Presse Rhénane et Allemande, vol. 4, no. 1.
Professor Ludwig Erhard, Der Spiegel (Hanover), 8 January 1949.
Der Spiegel (Hanover), 8 January 1949.
It is interesting to note here what Der Abend, a Berlin paper licensed by the Americans, says in this connection, in the 1st week of January 1949: “One always speaks of French security, but one forgets that, within the last three hundred years, the French frontiers have advanced more and more towards the east. And who speaks of the security of Germany? Growing generations and generations not yet born are sacrificed to the French Security complex.”
Quoted in Revue de la Presse Rhénane et Allemande, vol. 4, no. 2.
Westdeutsche Zeitung (Düsseldorf), quoted in Revue de la Presse Rhénane et Allemande, vol. 4, no. 1.
Quoted in Revue de la Presse Rhénane et Allemande, vol. 4, no. 1.
A milliard is one thousand million, in American terms, one billion.—Ed.
Wirtschaftszeitung (Stuttgart), 8 January 1949, quoted in Revue de la Presse Rhénane et Allemande, vol. 4, no. 2.
For instance, the French military government has denied having confiscated more than 300,000 tons of ships on the Upper Rhine (Allgemeine Zeitung [Mainz], 30 December 1948).
Also General Bishop has denied the figures quoted by Dr. Weitz regarding the Occupation expenses in the British Zone. Still he admits that the Occupation expenses amount to one fifth of the total expenses in the budget for the year 1 April 1947 to 31 March 1948, and that excludes all expenses in connection with reparations, compensation, disarmament, prisoners of war, and displaced persons (Rheinische Zeitung, 3 January 1949, quoted in Revue de la Presse Rhénane et Allemande, vol. 4, no. 1). [The French official’s name is Rudolf Grassot. See Chapter 8, pp. 130-36.—Ed.]
Hertha Ehlert—Ed.
Catholic Herald, 29 October 1948.
I say “according to official figures,” for in reality nearly 500,000 German civilians were killed in that abominable air raid.
Now—in 1952, three years after this book was written—a Commission is investigating on behalf of the “free Democratic nations” into the Katyn case, in order to prove that “the Russians did it” (now that they would like us to join them against them, against their former “gallant allies” the Russians).
This—and the rest of the book—was written in Werl after my trial in 1949. The beginning of the chapter and chapters 4-6 were written there during the time I was “on remand.”
Gerhard Waßner—Ed.
“Every half-measure is a visible sign of inner decay which must and will be followed sooner or later by outward collapse” (Mein Kampf, I, x, pp. 268-69; cf. Mannheim, p. 246) [Trans. by Ed.].
Bugger off!—Ed.
Jacques and Georgette Soustelle—Ed.
Safe conduct—Ed.
Identification papers—Ed.
Dirty Krauts—Ed.
Rudolf Grassot—Ed.
Mein Kampf, I, x, p. 247; cf. Mannheim, pp. 226-27.
At the University of Lyons from 1924 to 1927.
“Une logique effroyable,” are the exact words of Monsieur G.
In Chapter 7, p. 109.
Literally a thick and intricate wood in Corsica to which men pursued by the regular police fled for safety. During the 1939-45 war, another name for the French anti-Nazi underground organisation.
This letter to the editor is entitled “Cromwell’s religion.”
In Chapter 7, pp. 90-95.
Except if—like Buddhism—they be aimed exclusively at drawing man out of the bondage of time.
Mein Kampf, I, xii, p. 385; cf. Mannheim, p. 351.
Savitri seems to be (mis)using the English word “quack” as a synonym for the German word “Quackelei,” i.e., silly talk, nonsense, prattle.—Ed.
“The stronger must prevail over and not merge with the weaker and thus sacrifice his own greatness. Only the born weakling can feel aversion to this, but after all he is a weak and limited man; for if this law did not prevail, any conceivable higher development of all organic life forms would be inconceivable” (Mein Kampf, I, xi, p. 312; cf. Mannheim, 285) [Trans. by Ed.].
Die Stimme der Ahnen, a small book of only 37 pages.
Mein Kampf, II, i, p. 409; cf. Mannheim, p. 373.
“. . . la hache a mutilé les bois,
L’esclave rampe et prie, où chantaient les épées,
Et tous les Dieux d’Erinn sont parties á la fois.”
—Leconte de Lisle, “Le Barde de Temrah,” Poèmes Barbares [Barbaric Poems] (Paris: Alphonse Lemerre, n.d.), p. 70.
It is remarkable that, while most of the first converts to Christianity were slaves or Jews—the non-Aryan, and the least Aryan elements of the Roman world—the first and best converts to Buddhism were Indians of the Brahmin or Kshatriya castes—Aryans.
The Sanskrit words for “caste” are varna (colour) and jati (race).
Properly speaking, there are no Negroid aborigines in India, but there are Australoids who look “Negroid” in a looser sense of the term.—Ed.
Such as the Veddas of Ceylon, the Santals of Chota Nagpur, the Nagas, Kashias, Kukis, Mishmis, Abors, and other hill tribes of Assam.
See the aforementioned The Arctic Home in the Vedas, by Lokamanya Tilak.
Defence Regulation 18B was an “emergency decree” in England sanctioning from the beginning of the war onwards the arrest and internment of anyone suspected of sympathy for N
ational Socialism or “Fascism.” [The internee is probably Elwyn Wright.—Ed.]
In Beyond Good and Evil, §168.
Local group leader—Ed.
Friedrich Horn—Ed.
In Chapter 4, pp. 81-85.
Bhagavad-Gita, 2:47.
Ibid, 3:19.
Ibid, 3:25.
“. . . unser Denken und Handeln soll keineswegs von Beifall oder Ablehnung unserer Zeit bestimmt werden, sondern von der Verpflichtung an eine Wahrheit, die wir erkannten” (Mein Kampf, II, ii, p. 435; cf. Mannheim, p. 394).
The pendant was later discovered and destroyed while Savitri was imprisoned at Werl (Defiance, p. 548).—Ed.
The Longer Hymn to the Sun by Pharaoh Akhnaton of Egypt, circa 1,400 BC.
“Imagine Pyrrhus, with his flashing eyes
Bright in the blazing of our royal halls,
Hacking his way over my brother’s bodies,
Bloody himself, cheering bloodshed on;
Imagine all the clamour—victor’s cries
And cries of those that died, by flame, by sword.”
(Jean Racine, Andromaque, Act III, Scene 8, in Four Greek Plays: Andromanche, Iphigenia, Phaedra, Athaliah, trans. R.C. Knight [Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982], p. 34.)
“There followed terrible days and even worse nights—I knew that all was lost. Only consummate fools could manage to hope for the mercy of the enemy—or liars and criminals. In these nights hatred grew in me, hatred for the perpetrators of this deed.” (Mein Kampf, I, vii, p. 225; cf. Mannheim, p. 206) [Trans. by Ed.].
Durga, one of the names of the Nature Goddess, both creative and destructive, means in Sanskrit “inaccessible.”
“For what had to be proclaimed here was a new worldview, not a new election slogan” (Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, I, ix, p. 243; cf. Mannheim, p. 223).
“National Socialism is a worldview that stands in sharpest opposition to the present- day world of capitalism and its Marxist and bourgeois satellites” (Gottfried Feder, Das Programm der NSDAP und seine weltanschaulichen Grundgedanken (Munich: Franz Eher, 1932), p. 64) [Trans. by Ed.].
Mein Kampf, II, ii, p. 428 ff; cf. Mannheim, p. 389.
“Staatsbürger kann nur sein, wer Volksgenosse ist. Volksgenosse kann nur sein, wer deutschen Blutes ist, ohne Rücksichtnahme auf Konfession. Kein Jude kann daher Volksgenosse sein” (Das Programm der NSDAP, Point 4).
“Ihre Mission liegt nicht in der Begründung einer Monarchie oder der Festigung einer Republik, sondern in der Schaffung eines germanischen Staates” (Mein Kampf, I, xii, p. 380; cf. Mannheim, p. 346).
Comprising, if not only people of unmixed Germanic or Nordic stock, at least Aryans only.
Page 14.
King Akhnaton’s Longer Hymn to the Sun (circa 1400 BC).
“. . . die Menschen . . . ihr höheres Dasein nicht den Ideen einiger verrückter Ideologen, sondern der Erkenntnis und rücksichtslosen Anwendung eherner Naturgesetze verdanken”—“men . . . owe their higher existence, not to the ideas of a few crazy ideologues, but to the knowledge and ruthless application of Nature’s stern and rigid laws” (Mein Kampf, I, xi, p. 316; cf. Mannheim, p. 288), and “. . . unsere neue Auffassung, die ganz dem Ursinn der Dinge entspricht”—“. . . our new conception which corresponds wholly to the primal meaning of things” (Mein Kampf, II, ii, p. 440; cf. Mannheim, 399) [Trans. by Ed.].
An article of mine on Shintoism—unfortunately much abridged, and thereby robbed of a great part of its consistency by the editor—has appeared in the magazine New Asia in 1940.
This is not an allusion to Subhas Chandra Bose, who was not a Brahmin, but to Savitri’s husband A.K. Mukherji.—Ed.
“Unser deutsches Volkstum beruht leider nicht mehr auf einem einheitlichen rassischen Kern” (Mein Kampf, II, ii, pp. 436-437; cf. Mannheim, pp. 395-96).
According to the Cambridge Ancient History, vol. 1 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1924) the whole North of Germany was covered with ice up till about 15000 BC, South Scandinavia up till 10000 BC, and North Scandinavia up till 5000 BC.
Such men as Vidkun Quisling, Knut Hamsun, Sven Hedin, and a few others.
In the midst of the fourteenth century, Prussia was still to a very great extent Heathen.
“Das Deutsche Reich soll als Staat alle Deutschen umschließen mit der Aufgabe, aus diesen Volke die wertvollsten Bestände an rassischen Urelementen nicht nur zu sammeln und zu erhalten, sondern langsam und sicher zur beherrschenden Stellung emporzuführen” (Mein Kampf, II, ii, p. 439; cf. Mannheim, p. 398).
“Jegliche Rassenkreuzung führt zwangsläufig früher oder später zum Untergang des Mischproduktes, solange der höherstehende Teil dieser Kreuzung selbst noch in einer reinen irgendwie rassenmäßigen Einheit vorhanden ist. Die Gefahr für das Mischprodukt ist erst beseitigt im Augenblick der Bastardierung des letzten höherstehenden Rassereinen.
“Darin liegt ein, wenn auch langsamer natürlicher Regenerationsprozeß begründet, der rassische Vergiftungen allmählich wieder ausscheidet, solange noch ein Grundstock rassisch reiner Elemente vorhanden ist und eine weitere Bastardierung nicht mehr stattfindet” (Mein Kampf, II, ii, p. 443; cf. Mannheim, p. 401).
“Sicher aber geht diese Welt einer großen Umwälzung entgegen. Und es kann nur die eine Frage sein, ob sie zum Heil der arischen Menschheit oder zum Nutzen des ewigen Juden ausschlägt” (Mein Kampf, II, ii, p. 475; cf. Mannheim, p. 427).
“Für die Zukunft der Erde liegt aber die Bedeutung nicht darin, ob die Protestanten die Katholiken oder die Katholiken die Protestanten besiegen, sondern darin, ob der arische Mensch ihr erhalten bleibt oder ausstirbt” (Mein Kampf, II, x, p. 630; cf. Mannheim, p. 562).
“Es gibt keine Freiheit, auf Kosten der Nachwelt und damit der Rasse zu sündigen”—“There is no freedom to sin at the expense of future generations and thus of the race” (Mein Kampf, I, x, p. 278; cf. Mannheim, p. 254) [Trans. by Ed.].
“. . . so muß auch im einzelnen die Erziehung zuallererst die körperliche Gesundheit ins Auge fassen und fördern . . .” (Mein Kampf, II, ii, pp. 451; cf. Mannheim, p. 408).
“Der Staat hat für die Hebung der Volksgesundheit zu sorgen durch den Schutz der Mutter und des Kindes, durch Verbot der Jugendarbeit, durch Herbeiführung der körperlichen Ertüchtigung mittels gesetzlicher Festlegung einer Turn- und Sportpflicht, durch größte Unterstützung aller sich mit körperlicher Jugend-Ausbildung beschäftigenden Vereine” (Das Programm der NSDAP, Point 21).
“Der völkische Staat muß dabei von der Voraussetzung ausgehen, daß ein zwar wissenschaftlich wenig gebildeter, aber körperlich gesunder Mensch mit gutem, festem Charakter, erfüllt von Entschlußfreudigkeit und Willenskraft, für die Volksgemeinschaft wertvoller ist als ein geistreicher Schwächling” (Mein Kampf, II, ii, p. 452; cf. Mannheim, p. 408).
In modern English literature, no author has exposed the feminist fallacy more brilliantly than D.H. Lawrence, in nearly all his works.
Cambridge Ancient History, vol. 1.
of Kuyuk, son of Ogodai, son of Genghis Khan.
Harold Lamb, The March of the Barbarians (London: Robert Hale Ltd., 1941), p. 244.
“Das Ziel der weiblichen Erziehung hat unverrückbar die kommende Mutter zu sein” (Mein Kampf, II, ii, p. 460; cf. Mannheim, p. 414).
The whole text of Point Twenty is as follows: “Um jedem fähigen und fleißigen Deutschen das Erreichen höherer Bildung und damit das Einrücken in führende Stellung zu ermöglichen, hat der Staat für einen gründlichen Ausbau unseres gesamten Volksbildungswesens Sorge zu tragen. Die Lehrpläne aller Bildungsanstalten sind den Erfordernissen des praktischen Lebens anzupassen. Das Erfassen des Staatsgedankens muß bereits mit dem Beginn des Verständnisses durch die Schule (Staatsbürgerkunde) erzielt werden. Wir fordern die Ausbildung besonders veranlagter Kinder armer Eltern ohne Rücksicht auf deren Stand oder Beruf auf Staatskosten”—“In order to make possible higher education and thus advancement to leadership positions for each capable and industrious German, the state must undertake a fundamental reconstruction of our entire system of public education. The curricula of all educational institutions must accord with the requirements of practical life. The understanding of the spirit of the state (civics) must be aimed at by the schools from the first awakening of intelligence. We demand the training at state expense of specially gifted children of poor parents regardless of their class or occupation” (Das Programm der NSDAP, p. 21) [Trans. by Ed.].