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My Way to You: A Second Chance Romance (Love in Everton Book 7)

Page 11

by Fabiola Francisco

  “I’m going to eat your taco.” Thinking I misheard, I look up and find him frozen.

  “Oh, my God,” I burst out laughing, my entire body shaking.

  “Did I just ruin the moment? I can’t believe I said that out loud. Not the time to be joking.” He looks up at me from between my legs with wide eyes, causing me to laugh even harder.

  “Faith…” Easton tries to calm me down, but I’m too far gone.

  “Bathroom,” I gasp and jump off the bed, kicking off my jeans and closing the bathroom door behind me. Talk about terrible timing to tell a joke. That totally eased my embarrassment, though. I guess we can call it even now.

  When I walk out of the bathroom, Easton is sitting on the edge of the bed, head in his hands. I stand before him, lift his head, and smile.

  “You’re funny,” I say, straddling his legs. “Sexy.” I kiss the corner of his lips. “Not good at timing jokes,” I smirk.

  “Sorry,” he cringes, running a hand through his hair.

  “It makes me like you more.” His eyebrows shoot up. “Don’t look so surprised. Besides, it helped ease my humiliation about wearing the unsexiest pair of underwear.”

  “I ruined the mood.”

  “Are you sure about that?” I move my hips against his, certain he can feel my wetness through my underwear and the soft material of his sweats.

  A deep roar escapes Easton’s chest, and he holds my hips. I lean into his ear and whisper, “I’m still in the mood.” When his mouth wraps around my nipple, I throw my head back on a loud moan and thrust my hips against his again, feeling his hard cock hidden in his pants. Those need to go right now.

  I reach into the waistband, lifting my hips and lowering his joggers and underwear as much as I can until he reaches down to help me blindly, his lips sucking my other nipple. How we’re currently multitasking is beyond me, but I hold on to his shoulders and raise my hips higher until his pants are past his knees and he’s kicking them off.

  After, Easton removes my underwear, and I shiver at the sensation of his dick right where I want him and rub against him, blinded by my need. Chills cover my body as my clit creates friction against his length.

  “Babe,” he murmurs against my skin, kissing up to my neck. “I can’t hold off.”

  I look down at Easton, touching his cheeks and feeling his stubble tickle my fingertips. Wrapping my hand around the tip of his cock and squeezing, I move my pussy against him a few more times, feeling him grow harder and jerk against me.

  “I want to taste you,” I stare into his eyes.

  “Not now. Right now, I need to be inside of you, feel you again, and see if it’s as good as I remember or better.”

  I whimper and close my eyes, dropping my forehead to his. “Let me make you feel good,” his voice is husky and filled with need.

  I nod against him, all embarrassment and joking dissipating. Before I can straighten, I’m flipped onto my back, and Easton is reaching for a condom.

  I cry out when he thrusts into me, wrapping my legs around his hips. We stay like this for a beat, the sensation of him filling me more than I can bear. I thrust up, urging him to move, add to the friction and heat burning in my veins.

  I need so much more. Lifting my head up, I whisper in his ear, “Fuck me.”

  He roars like a possessive lion and rears his body back before he thrusts into me with purpose and drive. His hands squeeze my hips as his mouth finds mine. Our bodies move together, hard and fast, as we get to know each other again, as we remember what drove the other wild. Learn new things about one another.

  My heels press into his ass, urging him on, as a thin sheen of sweat covers our bodies. A combination of sensations thrills me. From the way he’s making my body feel to being with him again like this, intimate and close.

  “I need you with me,” he says gruffly. His thumb rubs circles over my clit, causing my body to shudder and pussy to clench around him.

  “That’s it, babe. Come with me.” His voice is tight, words lost in his desire as he groans. His hips screw into mine as his dick hits my sensitive nerve-endings.

  “Easton…” I hold him to me, seeking his lips and kissing him full of passion as my body shudders and trembles. A wave of pleasure crashes over me, drowning me into an abyss of euphoria. My heart slams in my chest, my core pulsing as Easton continues to thrust into me, mumbling words I can’t make out as my ears fill with the drumming of my heartbeat. The only thing that matters in this moment is Easton holding me and my body falling apart at his mercy.

  No matter what I remembered from the past and how good I thought we were, nothing beats the way Easton makes me feel right now. This moment is intensified by a million because for the first time in years, I feel as if Easton and I have a future that no one can tear away from us.


  I sift through the documents that I need to read over before the week is done. I’ve been distracted these past three days, thinking about Faith and the way her body felt against mine. She’s everything I’ve always wanted, and no amount of years changed that.

  “Knock, knock.” I lift my head to find Mr. Powell, Everton’s mayor, and Poppy’s dad, standing by my door.

  “Hey, Mr. Powell,” I stand. “Come in.” I motion to one of the chairs across from me.

  “Thank you. I won’t take too much of your time. I wanted to see how you were adjusting.” He takes a seat and crosses his ankle over his knee. I smile, seeing his casual attire and cowboy boots. He removes the ivory Stetson that sits on his head.

  Everything here is a stark contrast to working at a firm in Richmond. Being one of the two lawyers in town means that I have the opportunity to work with cases I wouldn’t have before. I’m the only lawyer other than Mr. Jacobson, who is almost ready to retire. He’s had his own firm for years, but from what I hear, no one will take over once he does.

  “Great, sir,” I nod. “I’m going over the documents Dawn delivered.” Even the work is different—more laid-back than working in the city, with more work-life balance, and at the same time, it’s non-stop since I’m working for Town Hall. What I love most is that I’m serving my community.

  “I wanted to talk to you about that.” Mr. Powell straightens in his seat, and his blue eyes stare at me intently.

  “What’s going on?” My eyebrows pull together as I look at him.

  “You know we’re working on getting the organic fertilizer approved by the state so that we can offer a healthier alternative to farmers.” I nod. “We need to prove that the fertilizer is, indeed, beneficial and not at all harmful, show that it’s free of chemicals. The Department of Agriculture is tough, but I do believe in this product.”

  “I agree. I think being organic and closely monitored by farmers who understand the way the land works is a big plus. Any product that will somehow affect the food we eat is always a tricky sale because people are skeptical, but I have all the papers, compounds of the fertilizer, and detailed reporting.” Everton has been working on developing an all-natural fertilizer for locals to use on their crops, as well as to sell commercially. However, getting it approved isn’t as easy as it seems, and a few farmers have been testing it for a few years on a small piece of land.

  “Thank you, Easton.” Mr. Powell nods.

  “Of course.”

  “I hear the town is happy you’re working here.” His shoulders roll back, visibly relaxing.

  “It’s been great getting reacquainted with everyone,” I tell him.

  Every small town has gossip and drama, but Everton is community-based before anything. While people have differences, when it comes down to it, everyone will support each other.

  When they heard about my dad’s passing, they all shared their condolences, asked about my mom and sister, and even asked for my mom’s phone number to call her. We haven’t lived here for years, and we’re still one of them. No amount of money can replace that.

  No matter where I go, someone stops to talk to me, asks how I feel about being
back here, and some even ask for legal advice. I talk to them all, knowing that as a lawyer in this town, I’m someone people believe they can trust. And that trust is hard-earned, not given.

  “I’m happy to hear that. I’ll let you get back to work. If you have any questions about the document, let me know.” Mr. Powell stands, tipping his hat.

  “I will, thanks.” I stand as I watch him leave my office.

  Sighing, I get back to work, combing through the file to make sure everything is in order for our registration application to the Department of Agriculture. This fertilizer will be great for the town. Not only financially, but it will put us on the map as a top agricultural community, something that the local farmers and ranchers will benefit from. If I can do something to help them find success, I’ll work my damnedest to make it possible. Lord knows how difficult it is for people in agriculture to make a living and the amount of strenuous work put into it.

  After a couple of hours of work, I rub my eyes and stretch my arms over my head. I stand and grab my wallet from the draw in my desk and head to lunch, needing a break. Fortunately, the weather isn’t as frigid as when I moved a few weeks ago as we prepare for spring. The sun is even out, and the snow is melting away.

  Walking into Cowboy’s Place, the diner near Town Hall, I smile at people as I find a table to sit at. I open my text messages to the last one I sent Faith this morning, writing to her.

  Easton: Hey beautiful. Hope you’re having a good day. I miss you. Dinner tonight when I get back from seeing the horse?

  I place my phone on the table and scan the menu while I wait for Faith to reply. I’m meeting with the horse vendor at five, which gives me enough time to make my payment, schedule a delivery for the weekend, and spend time with Faith.

  I’m craving to see her again, kiss her perfect lips, and feel her warm hands on my skin. I smile when my phone buzzes on the table, her name popping up on the screen.

  Faith: Hey, yes I could use a night out. Work is crazy

  Faith: And I miss you too

  I read her words again, feeling this sense of pride swell in my chest, knowing that I’m the man occupying her thoughts and hopefully claiming her body again. When the waitress stops by my table to take my order, she asks how I’m doing, hinting at my relationship with Faith.

  “We’ll all have to wait and see what happens, won’t we?” I wink at the older woman, who chuckles.

  Pointing her pen at me, she says, “Easton Locke, you’ve turned out to be quite the charmer.” Shaking her head, she writes my order and heads to the kitchen.

  I lean back, placing my arms on the table, and look around the space. I think about my dad and how much I wish he were here with me. Maybe I can have my mom visit during her spring break. It’d be nice for her to see old friends and come home for a while. I hate that she’s alone in Virginia.

  “Easton, I’m glad I ran into you.” I stare up at Mr. Jacobson and stand, shaking his hand.

  “How are you?” I greet him.

  “I’m great. Mind if I sit a second, it won’t take long.” He points to the chair across from me, taking off his hat and running a hand through this thinning hair.

  “Not at all, please sit.” I follow suit, waiting to hear what he has to say.

  “I hear people have been happy to work with you so far,” he says.

  “It’s been great to be back and serve this community. You know what it’s like.” He’s been the lawyer in town for as long as I can remember, so he knows how important it is to work with the people here.

  “I sure do. That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. I have had people reach out to me, but I’ve been cutting back on clients, preparing for my retirement. I was wondering if you’d mind if I referred them to you?” His question lingers between us, my eyebrows lifting on my forehead.

  “Not at all. I’ll be happy to help as much as I can. I’ve got work to do at Town Hall, but I can take on a few clients if need be.”

  “Excellent. I was hoping you’d say that. I’m glad there’s someone here who can still provide help and support to the people of Everton once I stop working. I was concerned I’d leave the town high and dry. Your arrival was perfect timing.” He smiles genuinely, clasping his hands together on the table.

  “Thank you, that means a lot to me.”

  “We sure miss your dad around here.”

  I nod, smiling sadly. “We all do.”

  “Great man, hard-working as the best of us. How’s your mom?” Mr. Jacobson sits back as we catch up.

  “She’s good, as good as can be considering she lost her husband a year ago, but she’s still working and going strong.”

  “I’m happy to hear that.” When he asks about Allyson, I tell him how she’s helping her company start up a foreign branch in Spain, which he marvels at.

  “Maybe I’ll visit Europe once I retire. Can you imagine this old cowboy walking those ancient streets?” he chuckles.

  “Cowboys are all over the world.”

  “And we’re needed, too.” He smiles and slaps the table. “Well, I better go. Thanks for taking the time to talk, and I’ll make sure to pass your information along.”

  “I appreciate it,” I smile, shaking his hand. Extra clients will be good, especially financially. The cost of living is lower here than on the east coast, but any extra income helps to pay off my student loans quicker.

  Realizing I never replied to Faith, I grab my phone.

  Easton: You, me, and a romantic dinner tonight.

  After I hit send, I wonder where in town I can take Faith. I may have to do some research for a romantic restaurant.


  I meet Gavin outside of the ranch and slap his shoulder. “Thanks for coming with me.”

  “Anytime. I’m glad you decided on the quarter horse. I think it’s the best offer, especially for someone out of practice,” he mocks me.

  “Hey, now.” I lift my hands and shake my head. “It may have been a while since I’ve been back here, but cowboy blood runs through my veins,” I defend.

  Gavin chuckles and nods. “Let’s go get you a horse.”

  We round the property, coming up to the barn where Mr. Langston, the ranch owner, is waiting for us.

  “Good to see you again, gentlemen,” he says as he shakes our hands and smiles. “Glad you’re going to take this boy.” He runs a hand down the side of the horse’s body.

  “Me too,” I smile, reaching out so the horse can smell my hand before petting him. “He’s a great horse, strong,” I comment, looking at him with a careful eye.

  “He sure is. He’s got winner’s blood, too.” I nod, remembering he mentioned his father was a champion racehorse. After handing Mr. Langston the check with the agreed-upon amount, I ask him about delivering the horse since I don’t own a trailer.

  “I can come with you on Saturday with the trailer to pick him up,” Gavin offers.

  “Really?” I look at him.

  “Sure. I’ve got some free time.”

  I shift and look at him. “That’d be great, thanks.” Then, I turn to Mr. Jacobson. “Well, I guess that’s settled. Does Saturday morning work for you?”

  “That’s perfect. See you then.” We say goodbye and walk back to our trucks.

  I thank Gavin and then hesitate before asking, “Hey, are there any romantic restaurants in town? Somewhere that isn’t Clarke’s or Cowboy’s Place?”

  A slow smile creeps on his face. “Got a date?” He crosses his arms.

  “You can say that.”

  “Good to see things with Faith are working out,” he comments before scratching his chin.

  “I’m doing my best, but I definitely want her in my life.”

  “That’s good. As far as romantic dates, I’d take her to a place in Wellington. Get away from the people here a bit if you want privacy. There’s Madison on Main Street that I like. They’ve got great cocktails Sutton loves. It’s fancy without being over the top, and their food is great.

hanks, I’ll look it up when I get home. I wanted to take her somewhere different, so that might be perfect.”

  “Good luck,” Gavin claps my back. “I’m heading home to Sutton and Penny.”

  “She’s great,” I comment before he can climb in his truck. “I’m happy for you.” I wasn’t around when Hadley left Gavin or here to be a friend when he was going through such a difficult time.

  “Thanks, man. She’s the kind of perfect I never knew I needed.”

  Waving him off, I climb in my truck and head home to shower. After looking at the website for Madison, I decided to go there. I want tonight to be special. We don’t need to be celebrating anything in particular for me to want to take Faith somewhere nice, but I hope tonight we can agree that this is more than a few dates. I want to label what we have, make sure she’s feeling the same way I am.

  I won’t take no for an answer, and I won’t allow the past to create a shaky foundation for what we could have now. I loved Faith back then, but I know that the move destroyed her trust. She’s weary if I’ll stick around, and I’m ready to prove her wrong.


  I take a deep breath, running my hands down my tan suede miniskirt when Easton knocks on my door. He said he was taking me somewhere romantic, so I wanted to dress up more than usual, especially after his comment about my outfit for the bachelorette party.

  I paired the skirt with a fitted, black turtleneck that I tucked in and my black thigh-high boots. Although not the exact outfit, I’m sure Easton will love it.

  I open the door, smiling. “Hey,” I pause, the rest of my greeting caught in my throat as I raise my eyebrows and look at Easton. Wearing navy blue tapered chinos and a baby blue Oxford shirt tucked into his pants with a brown belt completing his look, he’s the definition of sexy and a contrast from the jeans and flannel look I’m so used to seeing, even on him. When I see the sleeves of his shirt rolled up, I bite down a moan. The muscles on his forearms are taut as his hands rest in his pockets.

  “You look stunning.” He breaks the silence, stepping into my apartment and closing the door behind him. Easton wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me flush to his chest, bowing his head with a smile before kissing me softly. I sigh, placing my hands on his arms and lean into the kiss.


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