Breaking Sin: A kidnap abduction story (Addicted to Sin Book 1)

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Breaking Sin: A kidnap abduction story (Addicted to Sin Book 1) Page 10

by Emily Stormbrook

  He grinned again, and she couldn’t help thinking he was enjoying the fact she was different to his normal level of clientele. From the time she had spent in the company of the elite, one thing she had learnt is they tended to be entitled, brazen, or just plain rude. Rarely would they think to treat the so-called help as a friend, let alone have fun with them. “All done and accepted.” Like flipping a switch, he was back in professional mode, scribbling a reference number on the hotel stationary and placing it in her hand as he showed her the acceptance screen so she could double check the number. “Are your items okay?” he asked, gesturing towards the boxes.

  “They’ll be fine, thanks for bringing them up.”

  “It’s my job. Is this your first time with a Personal Concierge service?”

  “Is it that obvious?” She blushed.

  “Most guests have us order for them. We handle payments and it goes on the room account. That way the hotel can track the business they give their third party interests.” Ivy nodded, it made sense. The hotel probably got commission or a bonus from the business they directed to these companies.

  “Are you going to get in trouble?” Her stomach dropped with the realisation she’d circumvented him by calling herself.

  “Not if I don’t say anything. Most people come here because they don’t want to leave a paper trail. Billing through the hotel is handled through a discrete invoice service. If you need anything else, let me know. Shall I set you up with a new phone and sim?”

  Ivy bit her lip, mulling over his question for a moment before shaking her head. She really didn’t need one, it wasn’t like she remembered anyone’s number. Besides, Becca would be back late tomorrow night and she’d left a letter, and Miles knew where she was. It wasn’t as if anyone else would notice her absence. She’d be back home before she knew it and could sort out her phone insurance claim then. She’d already placed a call to the network to report it stolen so there was really nothing else for her to do.

  She didn’t mention her case since she’d called the airline this morning. It seemed it had been misplaced during loading. They’d said they could forward it to her with the next flight, but she’d asked if they could have it delivered to Becca’s house instead since she would returning. They’d even agreed to pay for the courier charge themselves in apology for the inconvenience.

  “Do you want any activities booking today? There are some stunning diving locations. We also offer water sports, shooting, golf, tennis, shopping trips,” he listed, grabbing a catalogue from the table detailing all the activities.

  “I think I’m just going to spend today by the pool, catch up on some reading.” She bit her lip, wondering if she should ask him. No, there was no need to trouble him when she could just stop in on the way past.

  “Yes?” he prompted, sensing her discomfort.

  “Well, I’d like to get my hair done for lunch at one, would that be possible?”

  “I’ll book you in with Toni.” He pulled out his phone again, his fingers skimming the screen at lightning speed. “She’s one of the top stylist and I know for a fact she has a few vacancies today.” He glanced to her after opening whatever app he was using to manage her request. “How’s twelve?”

  “Amazing, thank you so much.”

  “You’re welcome, Ivy. Between us, it’s nice to be handling someone who appreciates what we do. I don’t remember the last time someone said thank you. Or even shook my hand. I knew we were going to get along. You really are a breath of fresh air.” He gave her another of his genuine smiles that caused her to blush. Another blush, it seemed she’d been doing nothing but lately. “You know, I can arrange for someone to collect your passport when it’s ready, it’ll save you a trip.”

  “To be honest, they said it would be ready by tomorrow and I’m looking forward to seeing the other island.” She had already found out she could take one of the chartered hotel flights with Shane to the airport free of charge, so as soon as her new passport was ready she’d head over and spend the day looking around.

  “Okay, well if you need a tour guide let me know and I’ll get one arranged.”

  “Thank you.” He beamed as he heard that word again.

  “Well, I will see you later. Speed dial one if you need anything, or just ask a member of staff to put a call through to me if you’re not near a phone or your room. Yes, yes, I know, thank you,” he teased as she opened her mouth to speak.

  Despite saying she was going to go the pool, by the time she had changed into her new bikini it seemed a shame not to take advantage of the beach. It was everything every brochure of the Bahamas had promised, soft white sand, crystal clear waters, and the morning sun was warm enough to be enjoyed without being too hot.

  She spent an hour in the sea, just floating and watching shoals of fish glide through the water, some of them brave enough to be curious about her floating body only to dart away the second she moved. The waves were calm, and the waters so clear that even as she swam she could see the crabs and wildlife scurrying below. Everything here felt so alive. So free. It almost completely removed the hollow pit in her stomach as her mind drifted back to Miles, wondering what he was doing right now.

  She’d been floating on her back, watching the scant few wisps of clouds make their slow journey across the blue sky while her hair drifted on the ocean currents to tickle her skin, when the vibration on her wrist warned her of her approaching appointment. She lay for a few more moments, stroking her arms through the warm waters before finally surrendering.

  She had a five more days to enjoy this wonder. By the time she got home she was going to be relaxed, and ready to begin the fight anew. The first thing she was going to do was contact her father’s old work colleagues and see if there was anything they could do about the life insurance.

  Swimming to the shore she collected her towel, drying off enough not to drip on the beautiful floors. She returned to her room for a quick shower before changing into her new dress. It fit her perfectly, in fact, it hugged her so well it was almost as if it had been made to measure.

  She couldn’t help but admire herself in the mirror. The low neckline revealed enough of her breasts to be seductive without being slutty, and the soft fabric of the sleeves whispered against her arms each time she moved. Pairing the dress with her strappy sandals she looked at herself approvingly, appreciating the way the white fabric and her sun-kissed cheeks made her blue eyes more noticeable.

  If wet hair had been a problem the gorgeous brunette stylist hadn’t so much as blinked, she’d washed Ivy’s hair, trimmed it, and pinned it up into a beautiful up-style that allowed small dark strands to fall around her face and neck. When she stepped from the salon she saw Lex appraising at her. He walked around her, studying her every curve before lifting the bag containing her kindle from her fingers, gesturing for a gentleman to approach.

  The dark-haired man regarded her with a cool and critical eye as he took a few quick photographs, barking orders on how to pose and making comments that had her in stitches ensuring every smile he captured was genuine, before he disappeared to the next guests in need of his services.

  “You look like a million dollars,” Lex complimented, offering her his arm. She resisted the urge to say she actually looked about four hundred dollars, and simply answered with a blush. “I thought you’d appreciate some pictures of your time here. The photographers tend to float around, but I didn’t want you to miss this opportunity. You look incredible.”

  She knew he was just placating her, boosting her confidence, but she’d be damned if it didn’t make her feel nice. “I’ll be able to access the photos on the main server, so if you let me know where you want them forwarding I’ll make sure you get them.” She gave him her email address. At least that was one thing she remembered without the need for her phone. “Now, may I escort you to lunch? Mister Carter asked if it would be acceptable to dine in his room today as he has some last-minute business to attend to.”

  “I—” she paused mul
ling over her answer, sure she knew the man, but dining in his room seemed far too intimate. “I think maybe I will let him finish his work and meet him in the Ocean Daydream room for supper instead?” Her statement came out as a question looking for approval. She didn’t want to offend him, but going up to his room, even if they were old friends, didn’t seem appropriate.

  “Smart girl.” She swore that was what Lex had whispered under his breath. “Of course, I’ll relay your message.” Lex stopped by one of the enormous columns, speaking softly into the phone there. “Mr Carter says he will be finished with his work in thirty minutes, if you don’t mind waiting he will meet you for lunch then.” Lex had muted the phone, but still placed his hand over the mouthpiece as he spoke.

  “That would be wonderful, please tell him not to rush.” Lex relayed the message and led Ivy towards the foyer, glancing in her direction as if he needed to say something. “Is everything okay?”

  “Might I take you for a quick stroll along the beach, there are some sights I’d like to show you before you dine.”

  “Are you not too busy?” She glanced down at her footwear sceptically, but a walk sounded nice.

  “You’re my responsibility while here, your every wish is my command, my only duty is to serve you.” He took the small bag containing the kindle from her again, seeming to smile as she pouted. She wasn’t used to people doing so much for her, and besides, her kindle went everywhere with her, she found its light, reassuring weight comforting.

  “Then I would very much like a stroll.” Something about Lex put her at ease. He was like the friend everyone wanted, playful and funny. He kept her arm resting on his, keeping the pace leisurely as he pointed out areas she may be interested in visiting, highlighting the vistas with the best views of the ocean and islands, while explaining where the pickup points for various activities were.

  When they reached a small cairn he stopped, placing a stone he had picked up during their walk onto it, making sure it balanced before pulling away his hand. “Be careful today with Mister Carter, he has something of a reputation here. The NDA means I can’t give you any specifics, I shouldn’t even be telling you this much, but I thought you should know.”

  “A reputation?” she asked. He nodded, extending his arm again.

  “I should get you back. Just remember what I said. You seem nice, and people like him eat nice for breakfast.” She squeezed his arm gently as they began walking back, touched by his concern.

  As they reached the Ocean Daydream room Lex lifted her hand from the crook of his arm, placing it smoothly in Perry’s hand before Ivy even realised he had been standing outside waiting for her.

  “I am sorry to have made you wait.” The warmth of his lips on the back of her hand caused heat to chase through her. She’d always thought the gesture had died along with chivalry. There was an edge to his smile that somehow made the gesture not as relaxed as it appeared, but it faded the moment he placed her hand on the crook of his arm in a well-practised motion, to escort her into the dining area.

  The Ocean Daydream room was a seafood themed restaurant. The entire room was a cacophony of blues. Dark wooden beams were decorated with ancient lanterns to give the impression the room was tastefully contained within a sunken ship beneath the waves. Perry leaned in, whispering that the walls were nothing more than large monitors, linked to carefully positioned cameras in the nearby ocean. The fish they could see surrounding them weren’t for show or recordings, they were getting on with their lives, unaware people sat beneath them eating their brethren.

  It was a breathtaking room, and several other diners were spaced throughout, talking with the other members of their table in hushed tones, enjoying their delicious smelling meals. Perry pulled a seat out for her beneath one of the lanterns and a server, dressed in the standard bronze and gold suit and waistcoat, immediately lit the candles, pouring ice-water into the glasses on the table.

  When he returned moments later with a bottle of wine, Perry shook his head, returning with him to the wall filled with wines all mounted in a floor to ceiling wine rack carved from stone to take on the appearance of an underwater grotto. Perry returned with two glasses in hand, placing one before her to sample, explaining, in his experience, this Pinot Grigio would complement the sea bass better.

  She closed her eyes, savouring the taste. The spritzy crisp flavour was both dry and refreshing with its citrus notes and subtle undertones. She wasn’t much of a wine drinker, in fact, the only times she drank wine was when she and her father used to share meals, this flavour reminded her of the one he would often choose.

  Her cheeks flushed as she noticed Perry watching her intently, realising he was still awaiting her approval. Taking another sip, she nodded, causing the waiter to appear with the bottle in a bucket of ice held at table height by its decorative stand. She glanced at the label, confirming it was indeed the same one her father always served.

  A dull ache spread in her chest, and it took all her effort to force a smile as Perry’s hand reached across the table to touch hers. She finished her wine quickly, as if trying to drown the emotion that threatened to ruin the pleasant mood, and fortunately, the waiter returned at that moment with their food, and took the opportunity to refill her glass.

  The fish was perfectly seasoned and just seemed to melt away in her mouth, flooding her palate with flavours she’d never before experienced in a dish so simple yet extravagant. Her stomach gratefully accepted the meal, purring its pleasure and reminding her she had missed breakfast to talk with the embassy.

  As she enjoyed the easy conversation, Ivy felt herself growing warm, her skin flushing as a reminding her why she rarely drank and, much to her frustration, she found herself a little too slow placing her hand over her glass as the waiter returned, pouring another glass as she finished the steamed vegetables, emptying her plate.

  “You know, I had the biggest crush on you in school,” Perry admitted as their friendly conversation hit a slight lull. Ivy had picked up the dessert menu, fanning herself with it lightly. “Did I mention how stunning you look this afternoon?”

  “You’re making me blush, and I’m already red enough from the sun and the wine.” She glanced towards her glass coyly, feeling self-conscious under the weight of his gaze. She licked her lips, taking a sip of water, not trusting herself with any more of the nostalgic wine. The slight tingling of her nose warned her she had already drank too much.

  “I often think about our dance at prom together. Would you do me the honours?” Extending his hand across the table, he stood, giving her the slightest bow. “Humour me, let me recapture a moment of my youth.” She didn’t know if it was because of the wine, or the fact she’d had such an amazing morning and felt incredibly relaxed, but she agreed, slipping her hand into his.

  He led her towards the back of the room where a small dance area stood empty and the soft tones of the slow music could be heard a little louder than anywhere else in the room.

  His arm slipped around her waist as she stumbled and he used it as an excuse to hold her closer, using his fingers to brush one of the loose strands behind her ear as he turned her to face him, pulling her body so close to his she could feel his warmth through the thin fabric of her dress. The world around her swayed as she stood in his arms, his hand firmly upon the small of her back, holding her in place. Music washed over her, the tones becoming coarse and unintelligible.

  “I’m not feeling too well,” she whispered as his hand slid down a little, causing her to shudder as his nails scratched through the thin material before his hand cupped her ass. Lifting her arms, she tried to place a bit of space between them as claustrophobia closed in around her, stealing her breath. A feeling heightened by her awareness of his erection pushing against her as he gripped her tightly.

  “You smell amazing,” he whispered lifting her chin, so she was looking at him. He brushed his lips against hers. She heard herself gasp as his lips trailed down her neck causing a spark of electricity across the sensit
ive nerve endings. What was she doing? She didn’t want this.

  She lifted her hands, trying to push him away again, amazed by the weight of her arms and her own weakness. “I’m so hard for you.” As if oblivious to her struggle, he captured her hand, guiding it down towards his trousers until he pressed it against his erection, crushing her lips with his own. She tried to protest, to find her balance as her knees buckled. Leaning her backward, he attempted to deepen the kiss. “Let’s go back to my room,” he whispered huskily, his breath against her ear causing heat to well in her stomach.

  She wasn’t sure what she was doing any more. The world around her tilted, losing focus for seconds at a time. She didn’t remember leaving the dining room, only the elevator doors opening as she was lifted into his arms, her body strangely heavy, unresponsive to her commands for it to move.

  Lights flashed overhead, blurring in and out of focus nauseatingly. She tried to speak, but her words seemed to fade in her throat, becoming nothing more than the slightest whimper. She wanted to panic, nothing had clarity and world around her felt so out of focus and disjointed. “You don’t know how long I’ve waited for this,” he growled.

  She felt the cold bite of something against her wrists as he dropped her on the bed. “But we’ll have to wait a little longer, pet.” She heard something unbuckling nearby, and she was being lifted again. Why couldn’t she move her arms, why couldn’t she call for help? He moved her with ease, bending her arms and legs as he placed her inside something.

  Fear welled as she recognised enough through her blurring sight to see it was a travelling case. Her breathing quickened as she tried to force the word no through her tingling lips, tried to beg him not to do this.

  The last thing she saw was his amused smile as he closed the case. Darkness surrounded her, the loud thumping of her heart screamed in the place of her words as her breathing quickened until her consciousness faded.


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