Disorder in the House

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Disorder in the House Page 4

by Tymber Dalton

  Wade nodded, now seriously thinking about it. Glen was overdue to take time off, too.

  And his own schedule at work was flexible enough right now that he could shoehorn in a week off.

  “Can you take…time off soon?”

  Justin ran a hand through his brown hair as he looked at his calendar. “Not right this minute, no. Three weeks would be the soonest I could plan for something. What are you thinking?”

  He took a sip of his coffee before tipping his head in the direction of the hallway leading to their bedroom. “Vacation. Real vacation. Not just…long weekend.”


  He nodded.

  “Where did you want to go, Dub?”

  Good, he was happy to see Justin automatically flip into equals mode with this. “Where…would you like to go?”

  He snorted. “Not South Dakota.”

  Wade softly laughed. “No.”

  Justin settled back against the couch. They were both naked, and the protective sheets he’d put out last night before their play were still in place. “I mean, we live in paradise. Probably not a beach destination.”

  “You pick.”


  Wade nodded. “Really.”

  Justin cupped both hands around his mug and now wore a serious expression as he considered it. “I don’t know,” he finally said. “I don’t have a passport, so has to be in the US.”


  He chewed on his lower lip. “Anywhere?”

  Wade nodded. He loved that he didn’t have to be chatty with either man. They knew him, could read his facial expressions, understood his economy of speech.

  He loved even more that he’d be spending the rest of his life with them.

  * * * *

  This was…this was huge.

  Justin had never traveled before. Other than a trip when he and Rachel were kids, and driving down from South Dakota when he moved to Sarasota, and some visits to Minnesota to see relatives, or driving over to Rapid City for a weekend, traveling hadn’t been a thing for him to do due to lack of funds.

  The trip he’d taken with his parents returned to mind. “Maybe we could fly to Washington state?”

  Wade looked confused. “Asking?”

  “Sorry. I meant that was a suggestion.”

  “You pick.” Wade’s brown gaze intently focused on him, the green and amber flecks in his eyes picking up the morning light and fascinating Justin to the point he had to force his mind back to the question at hand.

  “When Rache and I were kids, we flew out to Seattle with Mom and Dad once for a work trip for Dad. I don’t remember a lot of it. I remember how beautiful it was, the mountains especially. I wouldn’t mind going there. Maybe sightsee along the whole coast.”

  Wade reached out and brushed his fingers through Justin’s hair. “Okay.”

  That was Wade’s the decision is made tone, a quiet firmness that hardened Justin’s cock inside the chastity cage…reminding him what was happening that day and making him swallow back the moan trying to escape him over the erotic ache now consuming him.

  The corner of Wade’s mouth quirked in a sexy smirk, his gaze dropping to Justin’s crotch before meeting his gaze again.

  Justin rolled his eyes. “Yes, I’m fucking trying to get hard again, dammit.”

  Wade took Justin’s mug from him and leaned forward, setting both mugs on the coffee table. Then he sat back, spread his thighs, and patted the inside of his right one. “Don’t…make me come.”

  As if all the bones in his body except for the one trapped in the chastity cage had suddenly turned to jelly, Justin felt himself slither off the couch and turn, where he knelt between Wade’s thighs.

  His mouth actually watered.

  I am soooo fucking owned by these guys.

  And he loved every second of it, and them.

  “Hands behind back.”

  He complied.

  Wade’s right hand circled the base of his cock and he gave it a quick stroke, which finished hardening it. Then he held it by the base and grabbed Justin’s hair, pulling him onto it.

  Justin’s mouth was already wide open and ready for him. He deep-throated him, breathing through his nose and swallowing against his gag reflex wanting to trigger. He’d come a long way with this, too. The men had patiently worked on him being able to take them to the root on the first try, and Justin had proudly and eagerly perfected his technique.

  Wade let out a low hiss and started moving Justin up and down his cock with the grip he had in Justin’s hair. “Fucking…perfect,” he whispered. “My…perfect boy.”

  Justin felt himself spinning back down into subspace. When it came to time with his guys, he didn’t honestly care where they went on vacation.

  All he cared about was some uninterrupted time alone with them like this, being theirs.

  Being loved.

  Feeling like he was the center of their universe, because they damn sure were the center of his.

  Chapter Five

  Glen was immersed in a really sexy dream. The three of them at night, in their pool, him and Dub tag-teaming Justin. With their boy’s firm, sexy body sandwiched between them, they were both fucking him. Glen sat on the steps and Justin had knelt over him, with Dub standing behind him.

  A permutation that had happened several times in real-life.

  But when a sudden, painful ache hit his cock he winced, jerked out of the dream—

  Just to find himself alone in bed.


  It only took a second for his brain to orient him and remind him he was now locked in the wickedest chastity cage they owned, and his ass was stuffed, too.


  He breathed through the last vestiges of sleep holding on to his system, all while trying to will his cock to soften.

  Which wasn’t as easy as one might imagine, because while he wasn’t a masochist per se, the whole fucking sexy situation had his brain and body at war with each other.


  He rolled onto his back and took another deep breath. Even that much movement stirred more sensations that threatened to harden him again.

  It took him a moment to carefully climb out of bed. Then he had to head to the bathroom, where sitting down was his only option if he didn’t want to create a damn mess he’d have to clean up. It’d been a while since he’d worn a cage for any length of time.

  I have a greater appreciation for how patient Justin is with us two sadists.

  He didn’t see the butt plug’s remote on the bathroom counter, then remembered Wade had taken it out to the bedroom.

  But when he finally emerged into the bedroom, he didn’t see it in there, either.


  It finally registered he was smelling coffee.

  Justin was already on his way down the hall toward him with a mug when Glen emerged from the bedroom. Glen took it from him and sipped.

  “Good morning, Daddy.” But Justin couldn’t contain his amused smirk.

  “Yeah, you’d better remember just because I’m his toy today doesn’t mean you’re not mine, too.” He spun Justin around and delivered a stinging slap to his ass. “What time is it?”

  “Almost nine, Sir.”


  “We were waiting on you.”

  “Okay.” Glen hadn’t bothered putting on clothes but spotted that while Justin was naked, at some point Wade had pulled on a pair of loose shorts. Now he sat at the kitchen table.

  Wade’s beaming grin when Glen appeared made Glen’s cock twitch.

  “Good morning…Sunshine.”

  “Fuck y—AIGH!” Glen’s coffee slopped all over the tile floor. Justin laughed as he grabbed the mug from Glen’s hand and set it on the counter.

  Wade wore a perfectly evil smile as he held up the butt plug’s remote in his left hand. In his right, he sipped coffee from his mug.

  In Glen’s ass, the butt plug had sprung to life, rimming him and rotating and v

  Worse, it’d made his cock scream to life again, and it was now straining against the confines of the chastity cage.

  “All right! All right!” Glen yelled as he held on to the counter for support. “I’m sorry!”

  Wade thumbed the control and the evil damn thing settled into a low, humming vibration while it rimmed him. But the tip, which had been pressing against his prostate, had stopped wiggling. Wade set the controller on the table.

  Glen sucked in a shaky breath. “I forgot how evil this motherfucker is.”

  The corners of Wade’s eyes were crinkled in amusement as he took another sip of coffee and watched him. Meanwhile, Justin, still snickering, set about wiping up Glen’s spilled coffee from the floor.

  “You come…before I say,” Wade told him, “you get caned.”

  “What do I have to do to renegotiate this?” Glen asked.

  Wade looked thoughtful, smiled, and finally shrugged.



  “I’m not safewording, and you fucking well know it.”

  Wade’s smile widened. He shrugged again before taking another sip of coffee.

  Then settle in and get used to it, is what that expression said.

  Glen sighed. Motherfucker.

  * * * *

  Justin was having a damned hard time not cackling in evil glee over Glen’s plight. He totally got what Wade was doing, too. Glen was the most loving, devoted, attentive partner any two guys could ask for. He put everyone before himself in this relationship. Sure, for sadistic fun, he could be downright evil. Outside that, he was an amazing husband, and a terrifyingly fun Top. He was a brilliant lover and a playful partner.

  But overall, he neglected himself emotionally to a disturbing amount when everything was tallied.

  That was something else the two of them had talked about out in the living room, once Wade pulled Justin back up on the couch after about twenty minutes of worshipping Wade’s cock.

  Talked as equals. Comparing notes on their guy.

  No, Justin wouldn’t “top” Glen.

  But this wasn’t topping him. Glen wasn’t safewording to Wade asserting Top role on him today. That meant he was submitting to Wade for the duration.

  This was following Wade’s instructions to help him shut down Glen’s brain for the day so their guy could focus on just existing and enjoying life. Relaxing. De-stressing.

  That, Justin could do. Easily.

  Because he totally got where Wade was coming from. In his time with the two men, Justin easily saw the pattern. Considering Wade had far more years with Glen, he’d been mapping the pattern over the past several weeks, well before Justin had spotted it.

  Thus, disorder in the house today. A full downtime day for Glen, courtesy of Wade.

  Wade set his coffee down and scooted his chair back, turning in it and spreading his thighs. Looking directly at Glen, he patted the inside of his thigh.

  That was the same command Wade gave Justin when he wanted him on his knees for cock worship.

  The battle of wills taking place between them was nearly visible as they stared at each other.

  Finally, Wade sighed, slowly shaking his head and tsking as he started to reach for the remote again.

  “No! Wait, fine! Fuck.” Glen grumbled not-so-under his breath all the way across the kitchen.

  Something else Justin had learned about Glen during their time together was that Glen didn’t like to admit when he needed downtime like this. He liked to think he was practically invulnerable, a rock everyone else could count on.

  He didn’t like “sucking resources” emotionally from his two partners.

  He wanted to be the caretaker, the strong one.

  Wade shoved down the elastic waistband of his shorts and pulled out his cock, holding it at the base the way he had for Justin.

  Glen needed a moment to slowly lower himself to his knees between Wade’s thighs without the butt plug jabbing him in a painful way—or in a way that would make him come too soon.

  Justin’s pulse skipped and ran at Wade’s suddenly dark, sexy intensity as he watched Glen kneeling in front of him. Then Glen leaned in and licked the head, drawing a soft moan from Wade.

  Wade’s gaze fell on Justin, and he crooked a finger from his other hand at him, motioning him in.

  Justin walked over and Wade pointed at the floor.

  He didn’t need any further hints. He sank to his knees next to Glen, and then the two of them started working on Wade’s cock together, one on each side, mouthing it all the way to the root and up again, taking turns swallowing the head and teasing him with their tongues.

  “Yeeeeaaahhh,” Wade whispered as he settled in. “Easy.”

  Glen’s arm settled around Justin’s shoulders. Pretty soon, the two of them were kissing at the head of Wade’s cock, tongues dueling as they licked the head, Glen’s blue gaze now looking soft, unfocused, nothing like the strict Dom or sexy, primal Daddy.

  He looked…needy.

  Wade’s other hand settled first on Justin’s head, then to Glen’s, back again. Stroking their hair, caressing their faces. Justin could have done this for as long as his knees held out, but after what was too short a time for Justin’s liking, Wade drew in a shuddering breath and patted them on the heads before tucking his cock back inside his shorts.

  Glen grabbed Justin and kissed him hard, tongue-fucking his mouth. Soft, greedy sounds rolled from him as he kissed him.

  They heard a soft jingling sound and looked up to see Wade smiling, holding a set of tiny keys.

  Glen sat back and reached for them. “Thank fucking Christ. I was not going to survive doing this all day.”

  But Wade smiled and drew them back, shaking his head. “For Jus, not…you.”

  The literal shock on Glen’s face made Justin laugh. He couldn’t help it.


  Wade held the keys out to Glen. “Unlock him. Now.”

  Justin watched Glen, the dark scowl that furrowed his brow, the almost murderous intent that flashed through his blue gaze. “What if I say no?”

  Wade smiled and shrugged. “Red. All you…have to say.”

  Another silent battle of wills ensued. Justin was seriously thinking Glen was about to safeword when he snatched the keys from Wade’s hand. “Fine.”

  “Jus.” Wade motioned for him to stand.

  Justin had to bite back a needy moan as Glen unfastened the lock and freed him from the cage, his cock inflating, fully hard without the restraint. But when Glen started to stand, Wade stopped him with a noise and took the cage, lock, and keys from him.

  He pointed at Justin’s cock. “Now.”

  Glen huffed, but he leaned in and swallowed Justin’s cock.

  Justin whined, struggling not to come against the onslaught of Glen’s hot, skilled mouth.

  Wade set the items on the table and stood, kissing Justin. “Fuck his face, boy.” But he wore an evil smirk. “Fuck him…hard. You may…come.”

  So Justin did what all good boys do. “Yes, Master. Thank you.” He grabbed Glen’s head, buried his fingers in his hair, and didn’t hold back as he deeply fucked Glen’s mouth.

  Wade picked up the butt plug’s remote and must have turned it off from the disappointed moan that rolled from Glen through Justin’s cock. That actually helped drive Justin closer to the edge.

  Then Wade set the remote down and crowded in close enough to kiss Justin. He reached up and lightly tugged on the rings in Justin’s nipples, knowing damn well what that did to him.

  Between Glen’s mouth engulfing his cock and what Wade was doing to him, Justin’s balls tightened and this time, not a damn thing was ruined about his orgasm. He made Glen deep-throat him, burying his cock all the way in Glen’s mouth and holding it there until he’d sucked every last hot drop of cum right from Justin’s balls and the sweet pleasure had crossed that razor’s edge from beautiful to a little too intense and bordering on the bad kind of pain.

tin pulled out and leaned against Wade, letting him hold him for a moment.

  On his knees, Glen cleared his throat.

  Wade snapped his fingers at him, a clear warning not to push his luck and to remain where he was.

  Justin smiled. “Thank you, Master.”

  Another kiss. “You thank me…now.” He waggled his eyebrows at Justin and his words prompted a threatening giggle from Glen.

  Oh, fuck.

  Chapter Six

  Wade took the keys and chastity cage back to their bathroom to wash it and leave it sitting out on the counter to dry while Glen and Justin started fixing breakfast. Before returning to the kitchen, he popped into their playroom and grabbed a spare leather collar and matching set of wrist and ankle cuffs.

  He wanted to see exactly how far Glen would let him push him today. He wanted to do more than simply fuck his guy’s ass tonight.

  Glen just didn’t know it yet.

  He loved messing with Glen’s mind and keeping him mentally off-balance. It meant his guy wasn’t focused on anything but what was being done to him right here at home.

  Forced him to leave work at work.

  Something Glen damn sure wasn’t having an easy time doing lately.

  When Wade returned to the kitchen, Glen did a double-take when he saw what Wade was carrying.

  “What are those for?”

  “What do you…think?”

  Glen crossed his arms over his chest. “Let me rephrase that, Dub. Who are those for?”

  Wade waited him out.

  It took a full minute before Glen broke with a seismic eyeroll. “Okay, fine. Fuck.” He walked over and started to take them from Wade, but Wade stopped him with that sound again.

  “Oh, come on.”

  Wade arched an eyebrow at him. Glen huffed, but held his wrists out for Wade to buckle them on. Then Wade knelt to buckle the ankle cuffs on, and, finally, had Glen kneel so he could buckle the collar on him.

  Then he smiled down at him as he stroked Glen’s hair. “Good boy,” Wade whispered.


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